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over 4 years ago - /u/riotstrokke - Direct link

Originally posted by mateuslimao

I'm sure Swain is one of those marked as SPOILER.

Geez, Swain's level up animation will be so absurd...

Well crap now the expectations are too high. All the level-ups you haven't seen are going to be TERRIBLE and you should expect to be disapointed.

(See what I did there?)

over 4 years ago - /u/riotstrokke - Direct link

Originally posted by kamuimephisto

as an artist in training, studying hard every waking hour, this is the stuff that motivates me. Barely have time to play the game, or any game for that matter, but I tune in to see all the animations, card arts, UI and get a glimpse of my dream every time. Keep it up you guys, please continue to make me want to be a part of it

I've been lucky enough to spend a lot of time with Riot artists and SMV, and the number one thing I've learned is that art is mostly a skill, not a talent. So keep it up and you'll get there!

When I met the SMV folk I had just assumed they were all born art prodigies, but the reality is each person has their own story and started at different times in their lives. They all sucked at drawing at one point in their lives! The one thing they had in common was their dedication and hunger to constantly get better.

That's a lesson I've tried to take with me to different parts of my life. I still can't draw, but I'm getting better at some other things :)

over 4 years ago - /u/riotstrokke - Direct link

Originally posted by Jenslen

Excellent on the level up I agree, but are they going to continue effecting the timer because that’s an issue I had with the game, make all the cool level ups you want so long as I don’t rope because of it

That's something very top-of-mind for us, and the good news is that turn timers should already be extending based on the duration of the level-up. So a 4 second level-up is already adding 4 seconds to your timer.