about 1 year ago - Legends of Runeterra - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

3s [Music]
5s welcome to the glory in noori braw
10s please please dear God please give me
12s the 1 two
14s three yes okay Chad God is real nothing
18s in my deck can stop
21s me it's beautiful oo wait that's the
26s wrong card what what what what what what
28s what what I grabbed the wrong
32s [Music]
53s Card wait is that you oh my God that
56s looks so sick I am P mother you are m
68s pray
72s from above
74s [Music]
75s the as we watch the
79s star
82s [Music]
88s be we don't deserve this
91s n goes up colar come
97s [Music]
106s down upon the driving
109s [Music]
111s Gale yo what is up with Chana I'm sorry
115s what just happened that's a neat design
118s let us turn this t
122s red okay that's badass that level up is
126s actually at the same level as aelian
128s soul I think I'm peaked I don't think I
130s could play this deck anymore want say
132s mil cat exactly which would be the best
135s thing
142s okay
143s holy
146s [Music]
149s holy
151s [Music]
157s thank you so much for supporting Legends
159s of R thank
162s you thank you thank you thank you thank
164s you thank you thank
167s you thank
170s you thank
172s you thank you thank you for playing big
175s thank you to our lore players for an
177s awesome year we love you so much and me
180s thank you thank you to all of our
187s players
190s player
203s [Music]
209s say
211s f