over 1 year ago - Legends of Runeterra - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s hey all and welcome back to another Dev
2s snapshot I'm Dave guskin game director
5s for Legends burntera it's been a few
6s months since our last snapshot and we
8s can't believe how the year has just
10s flown by I don't have any one big update
12s to share with you this time around but
14s instead wanted to share a few things
15s that are on our minds for 2023 in all
17s the ways you as a player can weigh in
19s and affect the outcome think of this as
21s a prequel to the next Dev video coming
22s out early next year where we'll discuss
24s things in more depth so as of this
27s moment I'm deputizing all of you as our
29s Dev Partners on this lore Journey Deputy
31s Dave's evening officer the theme of 2023
34s is going to be exploring and creating
35s new content for you and your friends to
37s enjoy
38s this marks the start of a new chapter
40s for Laura and we want you to have a part
41s in helping us write that story we've
43s already started this hard work by asking
45s you to weigh in on the ever important
46s topic of rotation for example we know
48s you're interested in reworked versions
49s of rotated Champions and you want more
51s frequent competitive outlets for Eternal
53s a blog post is coming soon discussing
55s that feedback and how we're responding
57s to it the possibilities ahead are
58s endless and we're excited to explore
60s them with you gauntlets and tournaments
61s for example or something else we're
63s interested in iterating on we want to
65s make them more satisfying and more
67s meaningful for players and we're honing
69s in on exactly how we want to do it
71s but that's why we want to hear from you
72s what do you love about them what do you
74s want to see us do differently now is the
76s best time to leave comments tag us
78s record reviews and reactions stream and
81s Shout from the hilltops we're here and
82s we're listening specifically in a new
84s thread on the legendary subreddit made
86s for the occasion post your thoughts
88s there starting today and make your voice
89s heard one of the last big things on our
92s distant radar is to find ways for you
94s all to experiment and play with new
95s cards in a limited mode shortly before
97s the full release more info on that is
100s coming next year before I sign off
101s there's one more thing I want to tell
103s you the legend of rontera world
104s championship is starting soon Laura's
106s best are facing off and the hype has
108s nowhere to go but up we aim to keep you
110s on the edge of your seats and we're
111s eager for this and more events going
113s forward I hope you have a wonderful end
115s to your year thanks for joining me for
117s another Dev snapshot we can't wait to
119s hear from you all in the comments tweets
121s and smoke signals you share with us
125s [Music]