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Hi everyone! I'm sorry if this has been asked before, I haven't read any posts in the past few hours. The game doesn't let me play with the new champions in lab of legends. The older ones work as before, but I just can't begin a run with Azir or Taliyah. Have you encountered this bug as well? If yes, did you find a solution? I'm currently on mobile, haven't tried it on PC yet.

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about 3 years ago - /u/RiotExis - Direct link

We've seen a few players in this state. They were fixed by selecting one of the older champions (not Azir and not Taliyah) and starting a run, then Retiring it.

It sounds like you've already attempted that though?

about 3 years ago - /u/RiotExis - Direct link

Originally posted by Gabriel9603

Hello Riot Exis,

I was able to select Azir and start a run using this trick but the matchmaker fails once I start the battle. Saying the opponent timed out.

Any ideas?

I'm glad to hear that! Are you able to play other modes at the moment?

There's a platform-wide service issue that you may be caught in, if it's not specific to Labs.

about 3 years ago - /u/RiotExis - Direct link

Originally posted by Gabriel9603

Thanks for the quick reply!

Sadly I am unable to play on any other mode for now. Is there a ETA on when the fix will be rolled out?

Not yet; we're just starting to investigate after hearing from folks like you, so thank you for saying something!

about 3 years ago - /u/RiotExis - Direct link

Originally posted by Gabriel9603

All good! I'll try again in a few hours then, thanks Exis for the update!

We believe this was a Cloudflare issue impacting multiple games, which should be resolving itself currently. When you get a chance give it another shot!