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I've been playing on and off so I've missed a bunch of stuff, following the "big update" (whale update) I decided to come back to play, got the welcome bundle for some extra shards and cosmic blessings and decided to grind the last week 10 mana 3.5 week and got a bunch of chars to 25+!!!

I didn't own many epics, never cared on full build, got secret technique from legend leveling I believe and I had enough stardust to get a reliquary and got beast withing, unfortunately I never stocked pile on forges so they were very limited, used them on jax, yi, kaisa, aatrox and leblanc.

These are some chars Im missing, I don't wanna flood but most champs are 2 stars with about 10-15 being 3 star and about 20ish lv1 champs that are stucked on either 0 star or 1 star.

I had some fun highlights, like challange 47



and 43




Lil props to my jax and my kayn, carried me on those 1/1 challanges, I was about to dump my wild shards on yumii.

External link →
18 days ago - /u/Dan_Felder - Direct link
