I have no comment on balancing issues - I’ve only been playing for a few days, and coming from a physical card game background I’m grateful for patch/faq this early and look forward to regular patches not waiting months/years.
However, I’m hoping for some quality of life updates - does anyone have any insight into future plans etc, or how often the plan to roll out new content. A few things that I’d like to see;
-Deckbuilding needs a bit of an overhaul (on mobile) IMO - a quick look at cards when browsing decks, some smarter filtering/view when sorting cards.
-The game lacks draw - for me, not sure if this is a wider issue. But I can’t see many tutoring effects or reliable draw.
-Again with Mana - could do with some 0 cost cards, some cards that increase mana (I imagine there are some, but haven’t seen every card yet) Turn 1 seems a little prescribed in too many games - I would like to seem some possibilities for rush decks/real attrition. This and the above, for me, both seem to limit deck-building a bit. I’d like to see most stuff that could win turn 3, but also stuff that could win turn 20. Most of my games end turn 9-12 when whoever gets more big guys out first.
A ‘neutral’ pool would be good - with some strong flexible cards that don’t count to faction limit. But maybe that’s the background I come from.
Newly cards acquired need to either flag as new in the card collection or go somewhere else before joining the pool. I often totally miss what I just got.
A discard pile and ability to look at what’s left in the deck. I spent about 15 minutes looking for the discard pile button before I had to look it up. I get the game tracker on the left side acts a little like this - but in longer games I’d like to see what’s gone/what’s left to get a better idea of likeliness of drawing it.
A player stats page. I have no idea what my record is like at the moment - which is fine and slightly informed by my ranking, but knowing how decks are performing would be amazing.
Sorry for the rant - kind of turned into one. Loving the game and got high hopes for it. Remember I haven’t played too much so it’s likely some of these things might be gone with more play.