Riot brought a lot of life and storytelling with LoR. Being immersed with Stories, Animations, and more characters.
However I noticed after every expansions, Riot brings in new animations and immediately withdraws some of them on the next patch. It pretty much imo takes out the life of the game. Are these just temporary cosmetics? What's the point of taking them out? Does it add too much memory that it could crash the game?
Don't get me wrong that animations were enhanced in the game from the spell stack. Spells in beta resolved from left to right one by one. But now, spells resolved faster and computes proactively when the units are involved in the spell or not. Just that why do some of them are taken out instead.
ie. Barrel Animations - remember when barrels were at the center of the screen and flew towards your board space? Now the barrels just add count to the number of barrels you have
Zoe Nexus Strike - on the release day, a star flew across screen and creating supercool starchart. If you had one, it would still swing by. Now its just an ordinary create card animation.
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