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over 5 years ago - /u/RyscG - Direct link

Originally posted by Pvpal1221

While I'm a huge fan of the idea that you can obtain the whole set without paying anything, I hope they've given a lot of thought to catch up mechanics to players that don't start day 1. One of the biggest issues cards games have after a few sets is barrier to entry. Normally this can at a minimum be overcome by throwing money in to the game. If you can't do that to make up for the time you missed, it's going to be really hard for newer players that come in after two or three sets are released.

We're definitely thinking about catch up mechanics.

We're still deciding exactly what we want to do, and I'm sure it will evolve over time as well, but we want players to be able to join at any point and feel like they can fully enjoy the game.

over 5 years ago - /u/RyscG - Direct link

Originally posted by sp0otnik

I wonder how we are supposed to get epic cards ? If I'm reading that correctly finishing one region gives 7 epic cards/wildcards which seems to be a low source. And you cannot have epics with a chest (only if the reward "upgrades") ? I dont know how many epics cards are in the game but it seems impossible to unlock all of them without paying / luck. They didn't announce the rewards for the "expeditions", that might be the best way to complete the collection.

At least you can have a guaranteed champion card each week.

I wonder if they will be adding Twitch drops for chests/capsules. Or will they only do that for cosmetics ?

A lot of Epics do come from upgrades, and they can also be crafted with Shards.

We'll be carefully watching the breakdown of rarities players are getting, from what sources, and lining that up with rarity usage in decks. It'll never be perfect because there's variance in how many of each rarity a deck needs, how players choose to spend Shards etc, but we'll do our best to make sure that rarity feels liked you'd expect. Commons shouldn't really be a problem, Rares should come pretty easy, Epics you probably have to chase a bit, and Champions should be pretty special.

over 5 years ago - /u/RyscG - Direct link

Originally posted by congealed

I understand that; is 3 extra rares and a little extra dust each week enough of a difference to make up 25% of a collection?

Fair question...I could have been clearer.

Hitting a Level 13 Vault gets you the increased rewards you're pointing out, but it's also a useful benchmark for how much XP got poured into region rewards each week. A lot of the delta is coming from so much more progress on region rewards each week, rather than the Vault directly.

over 5 years ago - /u/RyscG - Direct link

Originally posted by Steelkenny

WHY OH WHY is the level 4 vault Bronze Silver Gold and not Silver Silver Silver. The pattern is PERFECT except for level 4. Rito pls.

You have no idea how much this bugs me...but in terms of actual value break down this is the better way. Sigh.

over 5 years ago - /u/RyscG - Direct link

Originally posted by Orconem

I don't know if Riot is reading this or not but one of the things I didn't like was that some of the quests required you to own certain cards, such as "Win a game with Lucian and Senna in your deck". Even though they can be rerolled requiring people to own certain card(s) in order to complete quests feels really bad if you get one and don't own that particular card. You should be rerolling because you don't want to do the quest, not because you can't do them with the cards you have.

Each of our quests has prerequisite criteria that check against your collection before you can be granted that quest.

For examples liked the one you've pointed out, if you get that quest and don't own one or both of the cards it's a bug and we'll fix them as we find them. For more nuanced cases like a quest to do Overwhelm damage, it may just be a tuning problem since it's debatable where the bar should be there.