over 2 years ago - Legends of Runeterra - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s [Music]
1s fix my stage first or my lyrics so much
5s to do
7s [Music]
9s only a few days till the show I got this
13s [Music]
20s come on there's room for everyone all
23s right center stage
28s [Music]
30s oh I think I got a Beat
35s let's keep that beat going
40s how about a duet
43s [Music]
47s sing it with me now
53s that was great now let's really bring it
60s [Music]
65s let's try this tempo
71s [Music]
76s I feel broken
80s [Music]
86s [Music]
99s [Music]
107s you need to be strong
110s every single day
113s hi therapy I'm Millie I'm your biggest
116s fan okay bye hi Millie I'm your biggest
118s fan okay bye
120s you put on a real show Songbird you too
124s scratch just think what we sound like
125s together
135s foreign
138s [Music]
140s what a show
143s come on plenty of time for an encore
150s [Music]