over 1 year ago - /u/Dan_Felder - Direct link

Otherwise all I have is a 400 page book on how to play the card Gush in mtg. I’m a captive audience. :)

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over 1 year ago - /u/Dan_Felder - Direct link

Otherwise all I have is a 400 page book on how to play the card Gush in mtg. I’m a captive audience. :)

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over 1 year ago - /u/Dan_Felder - Direct link

Originally posted by LemonznLimez

Oh damn, where you headed? I'm only enduring a minor delay to Lisbon at the moment.

I've been having a lot of fun playing Ashe+Senna with quietus/rimefang/spell dupe landmark

I’m headed to visit family in Portland Oregon. :)

That’s sounds like a fun deck. Cold, dark victory.

over 1 year ago - /u/Dan_Felder - Direct link

Originally posted by NikeDanny

card Gush in mtg

Since when do you need a book to gush about new cards? ;) (/s, I have 0 clue what card gush is).

Mhmmm, for feedback: it is my passion project to play Ekko, since I was a pretty big Ekko nut on League on his release, so much that I still havent caught up with my other champs in mastery. However, I feel like playing him is fighting an uphill battle at every step. His decks are feeling always fairly unrefined, like he has no concrete game plan beyond "predict". For me, this feels like that because he has no finisher. Even a while back, the version with Voices, I felt like the game plan was for the opponent to not have a board, rather than me being able to further my gameplan. Almost all other "wincons" feel the same, Kahiri feels too slow when you play him (youre defenseless), and overwhelm does feel like youre playin Sivir or Renekton decks, but in worse.

It also feels like Ekko himself has a pretty weak identity, while modern engines like Sera, Varus and Vayne stick to the board more consistently; and finishers have the big Oomph, I feel like Ekko has none of that. Most games I do get to have Ekko in hand, he is hardlocked to post-level-up due to his frailty (2 health ;_;), and even then, he is fairly easy to remove and it just feels bad to have this one unit, thats literally the center of your gameplan just get annihilated without ever gnerating said value or furthering your gameplan (or, as for me, just getting to enjoy Ekko for a bit). I never get to PLAY Ekko, I just spent 4 mana to get a reaction from the opponent and my card is gone.

I also feel like the PnZ support is on the weaker side for him, where you have basically no deckbuilding ability IN PnZ for him, besides the standard PnZ cards every deck wants to include. Even his own spells outside of time trick feel out of place for him. He basically is tied to Shurima so heavily that branching out feels impossible, but he also does not feel at home in shurima either. I remember that I spent almost all new sets after his release to look for new predict/synergy cards in PnZ, which never came, sadly.

I sometimes wish hed gotten the Taliyah/Malph treatment, which was a horrible deck to play in the start, but got so much support and buffs that it was able to be an enjoyable, but not OP deck, that usually brought satisfaction as an avid Taliyah enjoyer (and of course, Chip and Daddy Malphy, theyre the cutest). You could really play Taliyah and Malph, super unique, you were not playing worse Sivir/Renek, and would use the champions as centerstones of your deck, with huge impact and board presence. I do love that deck, and would wish something that would just allow Ekko to have something that would feel akin.

I apologize if that Feedback hasnt been what you wanted. I do struggle to write about it, since it has been a pretty emotionally charged experience for me, and Im quite frankly not that good at objective feedback writing. Lemme know if you have tips for bettering my feedback.

Have a safe flight, Dan!

Thanks! This is great and useful feedback, telling us exactly how it feels to play with your Champion’s deck, what you’re looking to do, and when it’s hard to pull off. I’ll do my best to keep the flight safe too. :)

over 1 year ago - /u/Dan_Felder - Direct link

Originally posted by LanoomR

DM me proof "Vlad 2.0" is on the drawing board or else I'll be sad.

But for serious, in regards to Vlad, I've always felt like his "signature ability" is Sanguine Pool more than anything else, and I'd like to see the advent of certain new champ spells being completely unique to their dupes (e.g.: Evelynn, Kayne) see Sanguine Pool represented.

I love unique champ spells, when I first played the game I assumed all champ spells would be only usable by having a second copy of the champion and thought that was such a cool idea. Making new unique champ spells for some old champs could be an interesting way to buff or alter them