Original Post — Direct link
over 1 year ago - Legends of Runeterra - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s The jungle is my home, and I am its guardian.
9s This will be a good hunt.
14s Blood on the wind.
21s I have their scent.
30s (Nidalee laughs)
37s Who needs wings when you've got balloons?!
41s (Nidalee chuckles)
47s You were warned.
52s Threaten my pack, die by my claws!
59s I am Packmother! You are mere prey!
66s You humans are all the same.
69s (Balloon Poacher exclaims)
72s Stay back or I'll shoot, beast woman.
76s You can not hurt me in a way that matters.
81s Mangle them!
96s Swift, silent--
98s Here I am.
99s (Nidalee exclaims)
103s You'll fetch a high price!
106s Grab them by the scruff.
110s Gouge them!
112s (Poacher Captain exclaims)
113s Clever... girl...
115s Mm, quiet again.
118s As it should be.
over 1 year ago - /u/Dan_Felder - Direct link

Originally posted by Wiil23_

If "You cannot hurt me in a way that matters" is an deliberate reference to this, that is my favorite VO line in this game going foward

Decay is an extant form of life.