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Enemy (AI) had a Daring Poro out, played a Shady Character, which targeted the Daring Poro to become a copy of, in response I played Purify, Purify removed all text and abilities from Shady Character, and then Shady Character became a copy of the Daring Poro anyway.

Shouldn't the Purify have stopped the Shady Character from becoming a copy of the Daring Poro?

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about 5 years ago - /u/Broxxar - Direct link

Nope, not a bug. When Shady Character was played, it created the spell pog for Impersonate on the stack (see the second card on that link). Your purify removed the text and keywords, but the Play text on the card had already done its effect of creating the pog. You could have however, used a Deny to remove Impersonate from the stack, which would have Shady Character as his lowly 1-1 self instead of becoming a cuddly poro.