over 1 year
ago -
Legends of Runeterra
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Transcript (by Youtube)
2s | Uh, can I have an iced cold brew with... |
8s | Thank you so much. |
10s | I am Dani Kruse and I am the art director on Legends of Runeterra. |
13s | And I'm Meaghan Bowe, I'm the creative lead on Legends of Runeterra, |
15s | and we're here to talk about Nidalee. |
21s | Nidalee is coming to Legends of Runeterra, |
23s | and we are looking at a version of Nidalee that we have not seen before. |
27s | We are. |
28s | We're doing a little bit of a visual update and along with telling |
31s | a little bit more about her backstory. |
35s | With some of our visual updates, we did a breakdown of her character first. |
39s | So what makes Nidalee, Nidalee? |
41s | We wanted to make sure we kept her shape language, |
44s | everything that was important to her, most notably her very high ponytail. |
48s | - Has to be particularly very high. - Particularly high! |
51s | We decided that what's really unique about Nidalee is that she is |
54s | fiercely independent, she's very intelligent. |
57s | She lives in a fairly isolated zone. |
61s | She has very few relationships with other characters, which means she's very wary. |
64s | She's very cautious. |
65s | But at the same time, |
66s | despite the fact that she may be distrustful, |
68s | she is fiercely loyal to anybody who comes into her inner circle. |
72s | Obviously, we cannot tell Nidalee’s story without Neeko. |
75s | They are kind of...two peas in a pod? |
77s | - Two peas in a pod! - Two peas in a pod. |
79s | We know that Nidalee, for whatever reason, seems to trust Neeko and care |
83s | for Neeko in ways that she doesn't really care |
85s | for anybody else that passes through her jungle. |
87s | So we thought it was really important to highlight |
89s | the uniqueness of their relationship, |
91s | where Neeko gets to bring out a little bit more of a playful, |
93s | a little bit more of a loving side in Nidalee |
94s | that she hasn't had the chance to express before. |
97s | And Nidalee, being a bit more experienced can tell Neeko, |
101s | you know, hey, maybe you shouldn't trust everybody that comes into your life. |
104s | Maybe you should question when people tell you like, hey, get into this cage. |
108s | There's food in this cage. Maybe don't go in there. |
111s | In this story, we see a bit about what happens when Piltover |
114s | poachers hit this jungle that Neeko and Nidalee are in right now. |
118s | They're there to, you know, just get some nice little exotic creatures. |
122s | Maybe Neeko gets caught in the fray. |
124s | But don't worry. |
125s | Nidalee will be there to save the day. |
127s | - We're going to mess up these poachers up. -We're going to frick 'em up. |
130s | We’re going to we're going to put the hurt on these poachers. |
135s | Legends of Runeterra is a great place for us to explore champions and champion updates |
139s | since we have so many cards that need illustrations. |
143s | We get to do a lot of world building, and that type of work already |
146s | takes a lot of thoughtfulness in our approach. |
150s | That's a highly vetted process that we have to make sure |
152s | that we are creating a character that has longevity, that has legs |
155s | for the future that people will be excited about. |
159s | Neeko missed Nidalee so, so much! |
163s | My den was quiet without you, lizard girl. |
168s | It's hard when you see something change that you love. |
170s | And so whenever we do make changes to a champion, we do our best to maintain |
173s | the core, to maintain the essence of what a champion is. |
177s | So when we do make those changes, we are adding to that champion. |
179s | We're not subtracting. You don't want to take anything away. |
182s | We want to keep all of the things that players love, and just make them better. |
186s | Nidalee in League is still Nidalee. |
189s | We're not getting rid of her in any way, shape or form. |
192s | This is just Nidalee a little bit later down the road. |
196s | Yeah, exactly. |
196s | - So we hope players will love her as much as we do. - Yeah. |
200s | ♪ When darkness falls ♪ |
203s | ♪ You are my light ♪ |
207s | ♪ You take my hand ♪ |
210s | ♪ And hold it tight ♪ |
213s | ♪ You are my home ♪ |