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Transcript (by Youtube)

0s 嗨,各位
1s 歡迎來到新一集的《開發閃電看》!
3s 錄製的這天是8月1號, 所以今天之後的事情
6s 我們還不知道
6s 得由你們在評論中告訴我們
8s 今天我們要與 資深遊戲設計師Brian Kopleck
10s 來聊聊夢魘……
12s ……並且和執行監製Eric Shen 談談愉悅人心的一些驚喜
15s 有哪些驚喜呢?
16s 有些新的冒險
18s 新英雄的最新消息 還有我們即將新增至《符文大地傳說》的內容
21s 包括戰鬥通行證回歸
22s 加速播放動畫
24s 最後,
25s 提高英雄的等級上限 以及你的傳奇等級上限
28s 首先是每週夢魘
29s 我們上個月推出每週夢魘 考驗你的陣容和能力
33s 平衡恐懼與愉悅 並不是件容易的事情
35s 所以在做修改之前 我們還想蒐集更多資料
37s 不過很高興看到玩家們 對每週夢魘反應熱烈
40s 我們認為這對玩家而言 能當作很棒的最終遊戲目標
43s 總體而言
43s 我們喜歡這些新的變化 在新冒險中相互激盪
46s 當然,我們最感興趣的仍是你的想法 所以歡迎隨時提供回饋
49s 下一場新冒險即將推出 這次將有兩個不同的難度等級
52s 讓大家都能享受到遊戲的樂趣
54s 新冒險的獎勵還能幫助你 建立英雄收藏陣容
56s 既然說到我們要推出的東西:
58s 我們也即將發布 首位英雄之路獨家英雄
62s 這位英雄將於下個月登場
63s 也就是說,我們會遇到 先前沒有在《符文大地傳說》露面的英雄
66s 他們是特別為英雄之路而設計
68s 我們也很高興地宣布 你將能夠透過戰鬥通行證
71s 推進解鎖這位英雄的進度
73s 沒錯,戰鬥通行證要回來了!
74s 大家說要戰鬥通行證回歸 已經好一段時間
76s 它也是我們過去發布的主要內容中 想重新帶回《符文大地傳說》的特色之一
80s 我們傾注心力於做出核心變化 也已經努力了一陣子
83s 為的就是確保我們有能力 持續推出通行證
86s 我們也將獎勵轉變為 更著重在英雄之路
89s 而不是像以前一樣 以PvP混合PvE的內容為主
93s 我們將 以戰鬥通行證獎勵為主
95s 釋出的內容也會配合戰鬥通行證獎勵
98s 你能透過免費進度拿到 足夠將新英雄升至2星的碎片
100s 再加上該英雄所在地區的10顆星晶
103s 當然,還有其他好康
104s 尊爵進度的獎勵太多了 無法一一列出,但重點包括
108s 80個萬用碎片
109s 多個星星容器
111s 一個大型寶石容器
112s 以及數個聖物箱和寶庫, 其中也包括鑽石寶庫。
115s 入手尊爵通行證所需要的金幣
116s 與舊活動通行證一樣
119s 最後,我們正在調整新的戰鬥通行證 讓玩家更容易完成
122s 先前的通行證 平均完成率約為60%
125s 這比我們預期的還要低
127s 我們希望確保更多的玩家 充分享受通行證的全部價值
130s 同時仍保持每張通行證 都能提供一系列令人愉快的活動
133s 現在,來談談一件 你們也講了一段時間的事情:
135s 加快遊戲中的動畫速度
137s 我們很高興地報告 我們已經通過原型階段
140s 並計劃於即將推出的版本更新中 發布測試版
144s 加速功能 僅在《英雄之路》中有效
147s 但你可以選擇 四種不同的速度等級。
150s 請記得,遊戲最初在製作時 並沒有這項功能
152s 所以你可能會看到 畫面上有一些粗糙的邊緣
155s 在這項功能上線後 也請讓我們知道你的想法
157s 我們希望你喜歡它
158s 最後,達成傳奇等級或英雄等級上限的玩家 如果你想要更多獎勵
161s 回報你所付出的的時間 那接下來是給你的好消息!
164s 我們很快會 提升這兩種等級的上限
166s 並製作更多冒險
168s 更多聖物
169s 還有……更多功能
170s 還有更多……戰鬥通行證!
171s 啊還有……更多聖物!
173s 還有更更更多聖物?
175s 還有更多英雄?
177s 絕對有更多英雄
178s 更多新英雄
180s 今年又有四位新英雄!
181s 等等、等等,今年嗎?
183s 沒錯,就是今年
184s 我們會在下一集的《開發新訊》中 完整討論
186s 感謝你的參與!
187s 祝你好運
188s 玩得開心
196s 感謝大家的參與, 祝各位好運
198s [螢幕外] 「好,我們再來一次……」
6 months ago - /u/TinyEric - Direct link

Originally posted by Sspifffyman

4 new I believe means new to Path. One of those will be new to LoR overall but likely the other will be existing ones that aren't in Path yet

Nope, we mean 4 brand new to LOR entirely, not just Path.

Edit for clarity since I'm seeing other convos where people are mis-reading this: These will all be Path-exclusive champions.

6 months ago - /u/TinyEric - Direct link

Originally posted by keiv777

Really good news!! 4 new champions confirmed for this year. Wonder if a dev can answer the following questions:

Would you release like a champion road map for the upcoming champions? To have a rough idea of the cadence between new champions to LoR, champions in LoR not in PoC and champions in PoC without constellations.

An estimate on which patch will extend the caps to legend and champion levels?

Overall, such amazing changes and updates to the game!!

EDIT: for clarity

A roadmap is a good idea, but while we have a strong sense of roughly which champs we want during certain periods, a lot of things change rapidly and we often have to juggle things - so any roadmap we released would quickly get outdated. Anything more than a quarter out gets subject to the realities of live ops.

The cap extensions are coming up real fast - in fact, they were intended for this release, but life happened and they were pushed back.

6 months ago - /u/TinyEric - Direct link

Originally posted by matthieuC

Path exclusive champions. PvP won't even get the scraps :(

I would really like an explanation on why it would take a significant amount of ressources to have this champs in PvP. All the previous ones work in both: levels, decks, items and constellations are a lot of design space to change the power level

There are a lot of reasons but the biggest one is balance.

PvP design used to take 18 months for 5 champs, with an entire initiative behind it. We got that down to 12 months for 3 champs. Now, we are designing a new champ in less than 3 months with a smaller team.

A huge amount of that time and bandwidth was for balance in Standard. We see the worst outcomes for PvP in imbalanced formats. So we don’t want to release a new champ that’s not been balanced for PvP. And it takes a long time, because you’re not just balancing one card. You’re balancing the entire format (remember Azirelia?). And we don’t have the bandwidth to balance an entire format while also making our champs as fun as possible for our focus, which is Path of champions.

6 months ago - /u/TinyEric - Direct link

Originally posted by maroq_35

Hi, could you think about adding gold relic item to battlepass? it's hard to get a new relic with 1 month cooldown in Emporium. Also is possible to put old battlepass rewards such as guardians, skins or emotes in new battlepasses? I'm going to buy new battlepass to see how it feel i got all battlepass just not spirit blossom(first one ever) and i dont mind if i get duplicate changed into wild shards or other POC currency but other players who joined to LOR thanks to POC would have a chance to get old content.

This is all great feedback - we were just talking yesterday about the possibility of gold reliquaries on the pass. Old rewards are a good idea too - we will need to find a suitable way to cover the situation when someone already owns those rewards, we don't want someone to avoid buying a pass because they already own some of the rewards, and there may be people who would rather have the wild fragments instead of the PvP reward.

6 months ago - /u/TinyEric - Direct link

Originally posted by FiloTG

What about making them available in Eternal only, or in a format we can play with friends? It may be technically inviable, but if possible I think it could be huge for grassroot tournaments, or just for fun 

I will say we are investigating methods where you can play against friends or in other "free play" modes with all cards, including path cards. We'll update you if these explorations prove successful.