over 1 year ago - Legends of Runeterra - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

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508s oh
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538s oh
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658s sh
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741s is that all you got to
746s sayz this is not another day
752s you
759s to by
762s by
770s [Music]
778s your
793s is that all you got to
808s say
811s step step
838s step
865s it's that all you got to say
894s [Applause]
898s he
899s [Applause]
928s watch
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958s la
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1047s e
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1077s you
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1377s hating
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1383s [Applause]
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1407s in
1410s your will
1412s beft
1414s in
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1437s you
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1467s my
1468s in my
1470s power will
1472s be now
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1497s in
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1557s now
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1677s this
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2066s yeah
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2159s hello everybody and welcome to the world
2161s championship last chance qualifier this
2164s is the absolute last time that players
2166s can qualify for the World Championship
2167s my name is Boulevard joining me today is
2169s spids spids how are you doing I'm doing
2172s pretty well I'm really excited for this
2174s tournament this is the last opportunity
2175s and not only does one player get in two
2177s so there's a lot of stakes here that I'm
2178s very excited to see I'm very excited to
2181s see how the finals play out I hope the
2182s finals play out because they're they're
2184s we're going to try and show them but you
2185s know it once players are kind of qual
2187s for the thing sometimes they don't
2188s always do it that's totally up to them
2189s but hopefully we'll have a final match
2190s for you today because obviously we just
2192s want to watch as much Legends of rra as
2194s possible now if you're tuning in for the
2195s first time you don't really know how the
2197s last chance qualifier works I have great
2198s news if you've touched run Tera at all
2200s in the last 12 months it's basically the
2202s same as all of our other Rune Tera opens
2204s and World qualifiers and things like
2206s that 64 players have made it out of the
2208s pool of players that were going for
2210s better than an X3 record they're still
2212s bringing three different decks with no
2213s duplicated Champions no duplicated
2215s region combination and no more than one
2216s deck without any Champions at all
2218s they're going to ban one of their
2219s opponent's decks before the matches
2220s begin cannot win with a they cannot use
2222s a deck again after winning a game with
2223s it in each tournament round last for 65
2225s minutes and again we are playing in the
2227s standard format I know we just got out
2229s of Eternal we are back to standard spids
2231s let's talk about the prize pool today
2233s though the prize pool has no cash
2236s prizing it's got no R Points you might
2238s be thinking what are we even playing for
2239s what's the point but not only does first
2241s get a direct qualification just like a
2242s regular WQ in the lcq both players first
2245s and second get in and the prize pull for
2248s worlds is definitely no no mean feate no
2250s mean Fe somewhere something like the
2252s last place at Worlds is still the same
2254s as first in aun Tera open so it's it's
2256s not like you're losing out on money in
2258s something like this it' be wild though
2259s just like yeah here's here's a paycheck
2261s now go to Worlds here's another paycheck
2262s so you know this is just sort of it's
2264s it's a little different than a a regular
2266s world's qualifier or a run Terra open of
2268s sorts but you know we do want to get we
2270s got to fill out those last six spots
2272s there wasn't really a clean way to do it
2273s so we are going to be the first to Crown
2274s the two apack Champions tonight well I
2277s guess today for apack I know it's night
2279s for me but um yeah so we are going to be
2282s taking a look at the bracket here in a
2283s second give you an idea of the 64
2285s players that actually did make it
2286s through you should recognize a lot of
2288s these names because there's a lot of
2289s players that haven't been able to make
2290s it through just yet a lot of kdf players
2293s in this uh particular
2296s bracket there's also a lot of EV plays
2298s we see one here I think there's one or
2300s two more further on teams are quite
2302s important in L getting a lot of practice
2303s in together and I think uh this is just
2305s an example and more proof of all that
2307s happening right kdf EV we have tons of
2310s teams in uh America and EMA as well so I
2313s think that's a big part of L in the
2315s modern world absolutely and it always
2317s seemed more relevant to me in APAC you
2319s see a lot of like APAC specific teams
2321s whereas you'll usually cross the border
2323s if you've got am and EMA and of course
2324s ABG is a global team though I don't
2327s think we've actually seen any ABG
2328s members just yet in the bracket so far
2330s but they're still plenty more to come
2331s we're only halfway through recognizing a
2333s couple of names out here like
2336s Royston
2337s yeah I mean we also see Torah there as
2339s well and on this part I think I remember
2341s Alpha King getting top four in a
2343s tournament earlier this year and SE
2344s chicken from memory doing quite well as
2346s well ping pingho very famous name
2348s qualified for the First World tournament
2350s fighting
2351s Eevee yeah Eevee one day ping pingho
2353s probably going to be our future match
2354s Eevee uh one day actually did get top
2356s four earlier this year as well it was
2358s the second Eternal open that we had so
2360s we'll see if they can compete in the
2361s standard format as well as we get into
2364s the last part of the bracket here just
2365s going to see a lot more names a lot of
2367s end D on this one kdf atg ABG THC lot of
2371s lot of clan tags getting thrown around
2373s here spits I love the
2375s camaraderie getting the whole alphabet
2377s three we saw Mega goofball AKA Nessie on
2379s the previous page as well as Zen only
2381s two abgs is actually kind of few for
2384s typical Apex standards normally there's
2386s about five or six there so definitely a
2387s lot of you know familiar names and new
2389s names I'm sure ABG would have you
2391s believe it's because most of their
2392s players from the apack region already
2394s qualified and therefore can't be in this
2396s last chance qualifier but I haven't seen
2398s an official roster sheet so I don't
2400s really know how true that is but we're
2402s going to take a look now at the decks of
2404s the players of our feature match as we
2406s mentioned in the bracket it's going to
2407s be pin pingho versus ev1 day starting
2409s off with E1 day and we've got uh War
2411s mothers call with Senna rather then
2413s shenir volar going a little bit lower to
2415s the ground honestly I like this a little
2416s bit something that this lacks in
2418s standard that it has in Eternal is that
2420s five Mana Champion to stall worth the
2422s mid game their trundle here
2424s Senna yeah I think five Mana Champions
2426s are really important in ramp decks being
2428s able to ramp on turn three into a five
2430s Mane Champion we saw that with trundle
2431s previously Center not as strong as
2433s trundle but you know trundle is no
2435s longer in the game in standard so Center
2436s really fills in that slot that's quite
2438s hard to find also like three Gras of the
2440s undying kind of a cute card okay I'm
2442s seeing a patter looking at the region
2443s combinations down here at the bottom
2444s spits I feel like we're looking at a 9x
2446s War mothers call lineup how do we how do
2449s you feel about
2450s that I think 9x decks are like really
2453s really cute I think these lineups can
2454s get there in sort of really interesting
2456s ways and one SC I don't think is on
2457s anyone's radar as a 9x maybe as like a
2459s 3X sometimes but this this could hit
2462s stuff it hits mid-range Deasia quite
2464s well sh who wanders was a dominating
2467s force in the Eternal format really one
2469s of the defining cards of a deck like
2470s this and I'm not surprised to see two sh
2472s who wanders in every copy of this bod
2473s deer the black and dice it's really nice
2475s to see the uh uh what do you call it
2477s variety patch cards coming through and
2478s even veiled protector making an
2479s appearance in this Sani aelan
2482s Soul also say wings of the cryo Phoenix
2485s which is a card that we only ever saw in
2486s like Karma set fard for like three weeks
2489s but that's very interesting I'm so
2491s curious to see I wonder if they brought
2492s this to the open rounds and it just was
2494s successful to them or if they did a
2495s pivot because I can't tell what you
2497s would do if you had this lineup in your
2498s M me neither and now we're going to take
2501s a look at what pin pingho has brought
2502s starting off with Yumi Pantheon this is
2504s an old classic male's blessing even
2507s making it into the main
2509s deck it's very it'll counter freezes and
2512s we're fighting a triple frostbite lineup
2514s so Mel's blessing will definitely come
2515s in handy here blinded Mystic as well
2517s probably going to miss
2519s against know what you blinded Mystic
2521s outside of veil protector in the ton if
2525s I mean so when you're a Deasia deck like
2527s this mid-range style deck and it seems
2529s to be like a full mid-range lineup here
2530s for pimp pingho taking the Regeneration
2532s off the sh who wanders might be
2534s something that you need to do if you're
2535s ever going to conquer that
2537s Titan yeah now we got Kane atrx another
2539s sort of old Titan of like you know big
2542s beefy mid-range curious to see if this
2544s third deck's big beefy rrange I wouldn't
2546s expect unless has got dedicate of the
2547s challenge but this deck is I think it it
2550s makes sense with Yumi they both do the
2552s same thing they both have like a big you
2553s know late game on about turn eight turn
2555s nine trying to pressure them down I do
2557s like the two decks here together I would
2559s imagine this last one's Nyla Jana it is
2560s going to be Nyla Jana took a couple of
2562s hits in the balance patch but it looks
2563s like uh no Temple three tide dancers so
2566s sort of sticking more to that and it's I
2568s mean it's not quite mid-range but you do
2570s get a wide High attack board if you're
2573s going for the Triple tide dancer
2575s build yeah it's definitely has some
2577s powerful hands that can do really insane
2579s things you know I think everyone's seen
2581s some instance of three windborn Mariners
2583s on turn two and I don't know how Ario de
2585s going to do deal with that at outad of
2586s like Avalanche but that's still nine
2588s damage they're taking on that turn
2590s really interesting lineup stuff that I
2591s wasn't really expecting to see Kane
2594s atrox was not really on my radar but I
2596s was watching some of the America's
2597s players a little bit earlier they were
2598s playing it as well it like it wasn't
2600s doing anything stats wise in Grassroots
2602s tournaments but looking at the actual
2604s head-to-head between these two player
2605s spits I'm very conc about Jan Nyla even
2608s in the Eternal format something I
2609s noticed with Jan Nyla is like she who
2610s wanders is specif like every single card
2613s in the Jan nla deck is getting hit by sh
2616s who wanders and now you're up against a
2617s triple sh who wanders
2620s lineup is that to be considered but my
2622s instinct was to ban janilla I feel like
2625s as Eevee you're trying to just play like
2627s harsh winds and counter all of the big
2629s beefy stuff that Pingping H trying to do
2630s and Jilla I think has the highest
2632s potential of having a blowout except
2634s maybe Pantheon with spell shield my
2636s instinct is that while janilla just gets
2637s destroyed by Shu wonders they can still
2640s win before turn before turn
2642s six that's true although that I when I I
2645s didn't get to take a really good look at
2647s ev1 day Dex but the board wipes that
2649s you're I'm assuming there's a lot of
2650s avalanche wings of the cryo Phoenix not
2653s super effective against these mid-range
2654s decks they're a lot more effective
2656s against the janen niil it's the only
2657s thing that's like low to the ground
2658s enough where you can actually get just
2660s like a near Game ending board wipe off
2661s the first one but with these midrangey
2663s champions in all of these the Senna the
2665s set the s to play the mid game maybe you
2668s do have a better mid-range matchup than
2670s the more traditional warmothers call
2672s build that we're seeing now that is just
2674s trundle Vol
2676s bear I wonder what pin pingho is
2678s thinking about banning and Eevee you've
2679s got three Decks that all look the same
2681s but there are differences between them
2682s you can't bring duplicate region
2683s combination so there are like staunch
2685s differences here my instinct is the
2687s Ionia deck set is just such a powerful
2690s card getting constant showstoppers is
2692s really really scary but typically it
2694s would have been a ban SI I think back
2696s back before rotation I think it depends
2698s on the specific list and again I don't
2700s have it in front of me like I don't know
2701s how many recalls and stuns are in the
2702s Ionia version obviously vengeance is
2704s something you have to take into account
2705s with the shadow a version but I do agree
2707s set probably the most threatening
2709s champion of the three when we're talking
2710s Sani s a set I think set far and way the
2712s best one uh as long as we all agree that
2714s like targon is probably staying open
2716s that definitely looks like the weakest
2718s build the one that you're going to most
2719s easily be able to
2721s exploit yeah I mean I think ton is
2725s always going to be the odd one out in
2726s this like with with war mothers decks
2727s and Fu the rush decks it has always been
2729s SI first Ionia second and then the third
2731s one has it's felt like it had to be
2733s Taron but I think bandal may have also
2735s been able to do things and trying to get
2737s lower to the ground but you obviously
2739s just make sure the weakest one is still
2740s up there and I imagine Pingping is going
2742s to be trying to tour that in what must
2744s be
2746s unfavored oh wow so something that I
2748s just noticed actually is that the shadow
2750s a version does not run Avalanche so pin
2754s pingho I don't I don't know if that was
2755s a consider obviously like Vengeance
2757s ruination eradication these are things
2759s that are probably more likely on the
2760s mind of pin pingho but spids we're now
2762s into the first round of the 64 here ev1
2765s day up against pin pingho both these
2767s players finding a good amount of success
2769s this year but now only one will be able
2770s to move on closer and closer to that
2772s final stage and that last chance invite
2774s to the world
2776s championship I really like this fracture
2778s in one day's deck against janilla being
2781s able to just play Fracture against a
2783s board of Windor Mariners is going to be
2785s such a blowout if that ends up happening
2786s it was Mig maybe that wasn't something
2788s they decided to keep but getting an
2789s avalanche in response doesn't seem like
2791s that bad of a side grade yeah two board
2793s wipes in the opening hand of course Nyla
2795s not going to be hurt by an avalanche
2797s it's going to take a little bit more
2798s than that the wings of the cryo Phoenix
2799s but again this is what I was a little
2800s worried about as the Jan Nyla player is
2802s just I don't know if you can get on
2804s board fast enough and especially with
2805s one of the few Nerfs that you took being
2807s the burn aspect of the deck just are you
2811s actually fast enough to outpace
2814s this you got to try right and with
2817s Pingping hose de you can always end up
2818s drawing into the cards like you're going
2820s to cycle through at least 20 of your
2821s cards by the time this game is ended and
2823s you're going to try and find your tient
2824s to try and find your Jenna and neither
2826s of those cards can be easily answered
2827s these like four health things or five
2829s health things just can't be answered
2830s easily from E's deck they don't have
2832s Vengeance their only hard removal is
2834s seismic Shard which they don't have in
2835s hand
2836s yet going for the ramp here instead of
2840s waiting for the combat to come through
2841s giving pin Pingo sort of a green light
2843s to develop further if there is an
2844s avalanche but when your opponent hasn't
2846s drawn three cards in a turn and the
2847s windborn Mariners aren't down to zero
2848s Mana it's not as much of a concern and
2850s this will still give E1 day Mana for the
2853s wings of the cryofix on the fing turn
2855s get that actual three damage board wipe
2856s take out the Nyla and whatever else
2858s comes down so six damage
2860s honestly it's not great right like you
2862s would have loved to not take six damage
2864s on turn three but it's uh there's not
2866s much that could have been done about
2868s it let's see Aftershock drawn we've got
2871s Aftershock and haling Gale major bricks
2873s in this match up haling Gale doesn't
2875s even kill sichani so Ping's probably
2877s going to look to M these away being able
2879s to use the updraft keyword releas in
2881s this expansion and trying to like fish
2883s for anything else getting the slipstream
2885s right now is quite nice though you
2887s really want to I mean as the tech you
2889s just want to cycle as much as possible
2890s and getting that as soon as you draw is
2892s quite nice still sitting on a priority
2894s sequence for ev1 day though and I'm
2896s curious like ev1 day is aware that pin
2899s pingho has that fleeing card right for
2901s just pass the turn you're the ramp deck
2903s you the only card you could play right
2905s now be like avalanch maybe just go for
2907s the proactive wings of the cry Phoenix
2909s but when your opponent has that fleeting
2910s card in especially when you've got harsh
2912s WIS available if your opponent does just
2913s pass into an open attack feel like one
2915s day should have just slammed that pass
2917s button
2918s already this feels thinking about their
2921s manner on the future turns I think they
2924s want to make sure they're not just like
2925s locked into doing harsh WIS for an open
2928s and that they're not wanting to like
2929s play Sani as a development Punisher and
2931s their only development Punisher like
2932s sichani is their only play next turn and
2935s so being able to do this now me means
2936s they can sit next turn still deal with
2937s some units I sort of I understand but
2941s imagine if this was responded to with AA
2943s right like I think this may have been I
2945s can see this being
2947s premature I don't hate it I don't hate
2950s it I I'll I'll put it that way but oo
2953s that's a lot of whoa no wasted cards
2956s here I imagine the double mariam's going
2957s to come through Shuffle away the fleeing
2959s cards maybe one for a draw one for spell
2961s man we'll see how pin pingho is
2963s feeling I oh windborn Mariner is
2967s discounted that's a very nice draw to
2969s get from ping pingho side and with this
2972s open they're going to have to play harsh
2973s wins which will me you're never playing
2975s har winds at any other time but it does
2976s slow them down a little bit and allows
2978s ping pingho to just develop more readily
2980s over the next couple of turns I don't
2981s think Mar was a bad draw at all I think
2982s it's quite good for them I think it's
2984s one of the best possible draws that pimp
2985s Pingo could have had sort of punishing
2987s that early potentially wings of the cryo
2989s Phoenix here and we can see over on the
2991s side thanks to our lovely production
2992s team that Nyla is at nine out of 16
2995s cards drawn
2998s but end around
3000s here this is where things start to get
3002s awkward spits because you know your
3003s harsh WIS here next turn you can Sani
3007s it's not bad but this is sort of pin
3009s pinho's pop off turn not as much in
3011s terms of damage but in terms of oh this
3014s is where I get to throw out a bunch of
3015s cards but with two three HP units
3018s already on the board and Eevee one day
3020s tapped below the Mana for wings of the
3022s cryo Phoenix pin ping how has to be
3024s cognizant of a in plus fracture but
3027s outside of that I think they're actually
3029s safe to develop just a little bit
3031s here yeah I really like the idea of
3034s playing the May right now it doesn't
3035s lose to Avalanche and you're able to if
3037s you take spell Mana try and play the eye
3040s of the storm then develop things like
3042s Master Lookout if they decide to develop
3044s stuff going for master Lookout first
3045s seems a little bit weird to me but I
3047s guess it just tells them that you know
3048s you don't know what I'm going to have in
3049s my hand it's the least committal thing
3050s you could do that's true and pimp pingho
3053s even if the Avalanche comes out here
3054s pimp pingho still has the the eye of the
3056s storm can still push through at most six
3058s damage get ev1 day down to eight which
3061s again the burn was the aspect of this
3063s deck that was hurt and because pin
3065s pingho is not running any copies of the
3067s temple not going to have as much refuel
3069s as those versions but the Avalanche does
3072s come through this more or less Taps out
3074s Eevee one day for the turn pin Pingo is
3075s still going to be aware of fracture
3076s might play around that and I wouldn't be
3078s surprised to see no further development
3079s based on that information right if you
3081s do then lose your miams before you
3082s actually go to combat to the fracture
3083s because it's slow speed spell you're
3085s going to be kicking yourself but pin
3086s pingho goes for
3087s it I think it's four damage either way
3090s you're always playing either storm
3091s aggressively when you're able to get it
3092s through especially the turn before you
3094s play exalted Cloud Winder I think like
3095s being able to have the extra look for
3097s then looking for more things to Discount
3098s Cloud Winder on a future turn but it's
3101s going to be hard to decide what to
3102s discard do you want this five Mana 22 or
3103s do you want the burn and we're going to
3105s get rid of the cloud Winder to get the
3106s tide
3108s dancer I mean it is going to be a pretty
3110s big reward and actually yeah went for
3112s the draw rather than the Mana so not
3114s going to get the ey storm this turn at
3116s least but now Cloud Winder gets to come
3118s down and only one unit can be taken out
3121s by the Sani if that's what one day
3123s decides to develop they do still have
3124s the harsh
3126s winds looks like it's going to be a SK
3128s skolly Pioneer you just keep open that
3130s Avalanche
3132s Mana taking the heal makes sense you're
3135s not really trying to get rid of brash as
3136s a keyword it's cute but except this two
3138s three nothing's really blocking Brash or
3140s it's big enough for it not to really
3142s matter at that point I think that we're
3144s probably going to see the tide come down
3146s to try and start looking for something
3147s on a future turn but you can't develop
3149s next turn because of this Buri to ice
3151s and so you really want to make sure that
3152s you're able to proc the tie dancer on
3154s your open which is possible with eye of
3156s the storm but it's not it's not
3159s guaranteed and I'm concerned if pin
3162s pingho tries to pass back here I think
3164s Eevee one day would slam the end turn
3166s button at that point just floating eight
3167s man out of your opponent feels
3168s absolutely great from a position like
3169s this yeah you lose out on you know your
3171s sort of free trade with your Explorer
3173s but I think that's a little bit better
3175s than passing it over but pin Pingo not
3177s going to fall for it plays out the tide
3178s dancer and now things are looking a
3180s little bit bad for Eevee one day though
3181s that next turn turn seven is or turn
3184s eight rather no turn seven yeah I looked
3186s at the Mana of one day to try and tell
3188s me what turn it was big mistake on my
3190s part so yeah turn seven really going to
3192s be the the deciding turn of this game it
3194s feels
3195s like it does seem like it would be
3197s deciding but even if that doesn't happen
3199s if you look at uh one day's hand there
3202s actually isn't much of a a powerful
3204s presence over the next couple of turns
3205s Bo takes two turns to get the landmarks
3207s to count down Sani isn't that much
3209s overwhelm damage aso's rather slow
3211s there's no war mothers call so while
3213s ping pingho definitely wants to put as
3215s much damage in on the turn seven it's
3217s not impossible for them to wait until
3218s turn n and develop two threats one on
3220s turn seven one on turn
3223s n nice setup for the Avalanche going to
3225s take out the entire board really take
3227s the wind out of the sails of this ship
3229s here but Nyla going to be able to come
3231s down next turn and if my math is correct
3232s will be able to level off of the eye of
3234s the storm that's where things start to
3235s get a little dicey the harsh Winds of
3237s course still available for one day but
3239s it's a question of okay yeah I survived
3241s the Nyla I survived the boat I developed
3244s my bod deer the black and ice but then
3245s you've still got one more turn before
3247s the thrs actually get to come out one
3249s more attack token turn for your opponent
3251s maybe you're able to find the perfect
3253s window for the buried nice but if not
3255s Victory might be able to slip
3258s through going to see presumably vanilla
3261s come down next turn I think this draw
3263s from Pingping who is going to be really
3264s important what get off eye of the storm
3266s and what they get from this top deck is
3267s going to be really important for trying
3268s to work out what the next couple of
3270s turns will look like if they get a Jenna
3271s they're able to play for like that turn
3272s n aggression or if they get a bunch of
3274s units they're able to develop and beat
3276s this bar ice that Eevee one day has just
3279s tapped
3280s under
3281s iand I'm not running the same
3284s calculations as one day here spits I
3285s didn't think it was necessary to use the
3287s heal there I understand that it's Focus
3289s speed not burst speed so you know maybe
3292s you're you'd have to be worried about an
3294s open attack at that point and I just
3296s don't think an open attack was something
3299s Eevee one day had to respect as much as
3301s they just
3303s did yeah this is definitely given the
3305s green light for Ping pingho to be able
3306s to develop fully like the cry Phoenix
3309s could come down but if ping pingho sees
3310s that they're able to play ey the storm
3311s on n and push seven damage right from
3314s that alone plus the Mystic shot plus
3316s whatever they end up drawing so I I
3319s really don't understand and Eevee one
3321s day has to figure out what they're going
3322s to do are they're going to play Sani to
3324s free something TI dancer will buff it up
3326s afterwards are they going to play harsh
3327s winds to not do anything else on this
3329s turn feels like a very slow line that
3332s they've taken by playing this two Mana
3333s card very innocuous but ends up being
3336s rather a big issue okay gets the precom
3339s into the eye of the storm that's
3340s actually really good like really really
3343s good for Eevee one
3346s day you get two burst damage on the
3349s Nexus which is like the one thing that
3350s ping pingho is trying to look for but
3352s being able to stop 10 damage with just a
3353s harsh winds is it's what you wanted most
3356s out of this turn I think outside of
3357s maybe doing buried and ice but we know
3360s Mystic shots in the deck and we know
3362s Eevee one day has no more healing in
3364s hand another Mystic shot top deck will
3366s be
3367s lethal and it's almost certainly going
3369s to happen right there's so much draw in
3371s pin ping hosand available right now
3372s there's not actually that much healing
3374s that one day has available you know top
3376s deck of the Explorer is going to give
3378s them something but with a second boat in
3380s hand for pin pingho with the Janna with
3383s the slipstream there's just a little bit
3385s too much draw to assume that e one day
3387s is going to be able to slowly claw their
3389s way back into this
3391s one I mean this is the issue of the
3393s Taron version you want to be killing ner
3395s and you want to be killing the tide
3397s dancer in order to prevent these like
3399s plus two strength for everything plus
3400s two damage to the Dome without any
3402s interaction and their only interaction
3403s is seismic Shard and buried I which are
3405s slow they're overcosted a lot of the
3407s time or need a bunch of conditions in
3409s order to make them work we're just
3411s seeing that this deck the weakest of the
3413s war mothers Co decks just isn't going to
3414s be enough against Jenna that level two
3417s Nila is going to keep doing just so much
3420s work against one day's resources at this
3422s point even if she who wanders were able
3423s to come down this turn pin Pingo would
3425s have that Nyla on backup because it's
3427s currently hiding as a champion spell
3429s which would be enough for lethal in
3430s combination with the Mystic shot but
3433s it's not quite how things are going to
3434s work out and I I just don't think this
3435s Explorer is going to be enough to get it
3437s done all this is really done is leave
3438s Sani open as well but with the second
3440s boat in the hand for pin pingho it feels
3443s like it's going to be too easy to fire
3445s off a slur of spells next turn and get
3447s that plus four buff across everything if
3450s both tide callers do make it into the
3451s following
3452s turn this tide Dancer come down does
3455s give Eevee one day some leniency here
3458s some capacity of doing interesting
3460s things they can play Buri to nice if
3462s pink pingho then responds with the Nila
3464s they do have the capacity of finding
3465s something like a harsh winds in order to
3468s survive and then heal up right after it
3472s actually wouldn't survive because pin
3474s pingho can attack with the Nyla and put
3477s Mystic shot on the stack which would be
3478s the four damage because bar nice is
3479s going to be all of Eevee one day's Mana
3482s here yeah this is looking like lethal
3484s unless e Mana has first speed healing
3486s which looking at the deck doesn't seem
3488s to be the case this should be a safe
3490s lethal from pin pingho to kick things
3495s off just trying to make sure I check the
3497s deck list I don't think there's anything
3498s that can apply there's no burst healing
3500s is that Catalyst double check no I think
3502s Catalyst rotated
3504s actually
3505s did Catalyst rotate okay it's not like
3507s it's only been eight months for me to
3509s learn this look I I made a promise at
3512s the very beginning that I was never
3513s going to fully digest rotation you can't
3514s expect that out of us but yeah this
3515s looks like it should be a very safe open
3517s attack
3518s lethal but you have to put the Mystic
3520s shot on the stack that is an important
3523s part of this otherwise one day gets a
3525s chance to
3527s heal well they still need a I guess yeah
3530s you can do it post freeze but that is
3533s the first game to Ping Pingo against
3534s this triple
3536s line and like you said spids maybe that
3538s Jano was just a little bit too quick I
3540s mean Eevee one day might have gotten a
3542s little jumpy with some of the board
3543s wives might have expected to top deck a
3545s few more but just wasn't as clean with
3548s the Mana as they needed to be in a
3549s matchup like this and now we're going
3550s into Pantheon Yumi a deck where the
3553s frostbite is going to be a lot more
3554s effective but the sweepers are going to
3555s be a lot less effective and one day just
3557s us to hope to draw the right portion of
3559s their
3560s deck I think this match Up's going to be
3562s much better for one day I think this is
3563s what they were trying to beat with this
3564s line like beat these sort of single unit
3567s wions like Pantheon like whatever Yumi
3569s ends up buffing so this is definitely
3571s not over I think there could be a
3572s reverse sweep from one day on the Yumi
3574s Pantheon here absolutely I mean the
3576s targon version still has seismic Shard
3579s right and for those of you at home that
3580s haven't seen this card before if you
3582s behold a Titanic unit which will
3583s probably be very easy for one day four
3585s Mana slow speed deals seven to a unit if
3588s you keep looking at these increasingly
3590s growing mid-range uh faded units and
3592s you're like oh man how am I ever going
3593s to deal with that just shoot it with a
3595s seismic
3598s Shard fracture being able to destroy
3600s weapons actually might be quite relevant
3602s this thing that is normally a sweeper
3603s that you say will be not as valuable
3605s against a single unit deck like Yumi
3608s Pantheon can be instead converted into
3610s destroying weapons we've seen uh
3613s explorers as well in one day's deck so
3615s things like this Jal and presumably
3617s wandering Shepherd will be easily
3620s destroyed by these weapon
3621s REM I don't even think there's I I guess
3624s it's question of like do you just kill
3626s the first weapon that you see are you
3628s holding this for a specific weapon and I
3631s guess we're going to get our answer
3632s right now there's really not much else
3633s for one day to do and if they do want to
3635s fracture this turn then they will still
3637s have ramp Mana following it's just a
3639s matter of not getting the two two in
3641s that
3642s case oh actually no it's only a single
3645s dark and agis in this deck so that's the
3647s that's the only weapon you could kill it
3649s now another thing that I think is quite
3652s see the war mother skull finally being
3653s drawn I think another thing that's
3654s important is that this boader will be
3656s really good into ping pingho deck 88s
3658s are really hard to get through even for
3659s a Pantheon Pantheon will have to be
3661s proed with faded like about four times
3663s before it's able to do things to this
3665s Boer of black and dce so being able to
3668s ramp into that on what will end up being
3670s turn six with two ramp cards in hand
3672s seems very very powerful for one day
3674s they've got the ramp they've got the top
3675s end they've got everything they want
3677s yeah the defensive capabilities of
3678s pening host deck pretty much start and
3680s stop with that Cosmic youngling that we
3682s see in hand which is in no shape or form
3684s going to outpace some THS I am
3690s ready the attack come in I think we
3693s missed a fader trigger this turn which
3695s means that Pantheon should currently be
3696s at one in four turns time that's still
3698s the attack token so missing on one
3700s Pantheon level up trigger is not too bad
3702s yet but we still don't see Pantheon in
3704s hand and we also don't see Yumi or any
3707s other big units outside of these two
3708s Saga Seekers we also don't see a lot of
3711s pressure in pin ping Ho's hand and with
3713s one day having all this ramp available
3714s in the warm mother's call already
3715s available I think it's actually going to
3716s be on one day's next attack token that
3720s the war mothers call gets to come down
3721s and resolve and in the meantime pimp
3723s Pingo is threatening not much might even
3726s have to start proactively using these
3728s form UPS to proc faded and try to push a
3730s little bit more damage maybe get a harsh
3731s winds or some other frostbite effect out
3733s of one day there's a faded proc for the
3734s turn but it's just going to find another
3736s Cosmic young
3737s L I really like this Explorer Choice by
3740s the way Boulevard being able to pick the
3742s only explorer that self targets well
3744s besides the your own weapon is really
3746s really cool getting rid of keywords
3748s doesn't matter against E's deck unless
3750s you want to get rid of like overwhelm
3751s from thr or spell shield from asol if
3753s you're at that point you've lost so
3755s being able to self Target just like
3757s guiding touch used to or still does uh
3759s on your faded units is it's definitely a
3761s good pick I really like that choice of
3763s Explorer spell I do as well and Yumi off
3767s the top I think is exactly what pin
3769s pingho needed in a situation like this
3772s you need some sort of consistent damage
3774s buff that's also going to proc faded for
3776s you on this turn and you can even cycle
3777s through and get multiple faded faded
3779s procs here by having Yumi equip over the
3781s weapon then attaching the weapon to the
3782s other unit and it seems that pin pingho
3785s says hey I have the Mana for it that's
3787s might as well be what I do for those of
3789s you that have never seen this before you
3790s cannot have an attach unit and an
3791s equipment on the same unit that' be a
3793s little bit too
3795s much K ping has also done a very
3797s specific play here of not caring about
3800s bared Den I saying if you had bared and
3802s I I'm losing this game so I'm going to
3803s develop into it anyway which is the
3805s important thing that you need to do when
3806s you're playing these decks especially if
3808s You' got a really bad hand and one day's
3810s got a really good hand you just have to
3811s make that choice say I'm losing to bued
3813s in ice so be it I'm going to try and
3814s play to win and that was a play that we
3816s can't see it in the hand cuz it's not in
3817s the hand but that's what Ping Pingo was
3819s thinking about and deciding I'm not
3820s going to play around yeah you've got to
3822s be able to identify situations where you
3823s don't actually get to play around a card
3825s and still win and unfortunately it
3827s doesn't look like it matters much for
3828s pimp pingho I imagine the harsh winds is
3829s going to come out here as ramp is no
3831s longer necessary with spell Mana Bank
3833s War mother's call will be on line next
3835s turn I believe that all of these decks
3837s have been built that well there's a
3838s scholarly Pioneer in all of them so
3841s maybe there is a little bit of a weak
3842s pull off of the war mothers but there's
3844s only so many of those in the deck and
3846s even so a blocker is a blocker at this
3848s point it doesn't matter much and guiding
3850s touch not a good enough draw for pin
3852s pingho maybe it can find a Pantheon but
3854s this should more or less be the
3856s beginning of the
3858s end first unit summoned is sichani one
3861s of the lower rols but still big enough
3863s to trade into most of these units it
3864s will be ched away so there will be one
3866s more attack coming in and not an
3867s insignificant attack either I mean
3870s unless they top de a harsh wins from one
3872s day it doesn't they're not going to be
3873s able to deal with this too much we're
3875s going to see the single combat come down
3877s that's very cool getting rid of one of
3879s the units there will be another unit on
3880s the field from one day's side next turn
3882s that will be pulled to the side but it's
3884s a very good use of single combat proing
3885s faded being able to deal with the bo
3888s quite good use spids if one day doesn't
3891s draw Frost fight pen pingho can just
3894s kill them next turn with the double form
3897s up I don't know if they'll go for it but
3901s they've already kind of spot checked for
3902s a couple of board wipes it's it's really
3904s hard to get a read on your opponent's
3905s hand but and especially with triple
3907s harsh winds being in there but you've
3909s already seen one harsh winds come out
3910s and that's the only frostbite left is
3911s double harsh winds maybe pin pingho just
3913s sends it and we see the development that
3915s might be gearing towards
3918s it a low roll not that it matters it
3920s will be challenged to the side anyway
3921s but definitely important no freeze if
3924s ping ping H goes for it and it's you
3926s only have to commit one form up you
3928s might as
3929s well okay that's not quite it
3933s interesting didn't have to heal in the
3934s first place just a little bit of an
3936s overcommitment there on the side of pin
3937s Pingo but that's going to do it one day
3939s it doesn't matter that the low RS can
3940s through that single combat off the top
3942s being able to deal with the Sani
3943s clearing up the board space still having
3944s the Challenger available means that EV
3946s one day will be eliminated here from the
3949s top 64 and world's 2021 player pin
3952s pingho will be moving on to the top 32
3955s this was not one day's day they didn't
3957s this lineup didn't end up getting
3959s against what needed to be their like
3961s their target right I can't I wouldn't
3963s imagine that a deck like this wasn't
3964s their target so just this wasn't the day
3966s for them didn't get the right draws
3968s didn't find the freezers a bit bricky if
3970s you look at their hand now I was saying
3971s earlier that it looked really nice you
3972s had a bunch of ramp and a bunch of top
3974s end that you could go to but this top
3975s end doesn't matter when you don't have
3976s the time to play it and if you're
3977s pressure down enough these two aols
3979s aren't going to do anything no and I was
3982s you I was sitting there looking at the
3984s boat deer in hand and going oh this is
3985s really cool with one ASO in hand if one
3988s day hits an ASO off of the warmothers
3991s call then they can actually play out the
3992s bod deer the black and ice and then
3994s they've got a reduced cost Descent of
3995s the Stars the aurelan soul board wi
3997s spell in hand and that'll just be the
3999s end of the game but unfortunately just
4002s not and it it does come a little bit
4005s down to the Sani coming off of the first
4008s proc of the warmothers call something
4010s that was small enough to be taken out by
4012s a single combat if that was a you know
4014s something like Shi wanders or an AO or a
4016s Bo a deer then pin
4018s pingho it would have been a lot more
4021s rough and we're just going to see ev1
4022s day you know think about their options
4024s try to figure out is there anything that
4026s I can do here the answer is no and that
4027s is going to be pin pingho as we
4028s mentioned moving on to the top
4032s 32 they're only I think four wins away
4035s from making it into Worlds for Ping
4036s pingho I think it's four as I'm aware
4039s goes 32 to 16 to 8 to 4 to should be
4042s four wins for pinking to make it it's
4044s it's very close for Ping pingho to get a
4047s a come
4048s back I'm glad that you did that because
4050s I was sitting here counting on my
4051s fingers as you were saying the words I'm
4052s like yeah this all sounds right to me
4054s but we're going to get you all into
4055s another match here unfortunately one day
4057s uh getting twoed on the targon version
4059s of the war mothers SK and I think that's
4061s why we don't really see players going
4063s for 9x lineups and 9x lineups are really
4065s have a really interesting history in
4066s legends of her intera in that usually
4068s it's not right usually you want to go 6X
4071s and then something else and when you go
4073s for the full
4074s it's worked before we've had triple
4076s timelines when Eternal opens we've had
4078s triple bandal tree win seasonals before
4080s but a lot of times you just want to stop
4082s at the 6X you don't want to be going 9x
4084s for the sake of going 9x you want to
4086s make sure that this is really something
4087s that you believe in something that's
4089s going to shake the Meta Even when you're
4090s playing your tertiary option that's just
4092s not how it worked out for one day
4096s today no it did not that there was the
4098s call from the new patch that you would
4100s try and play these new cards you know it
4102s got recently buffed but sometimes it's
4104s just not enough the call isn't
4106s there no it is not I believe production
4108s is trying to say something okay there we
4110s go I heard something about a match but I
4111s wasn't sure if it's no match we're
4112s getting ready for the next match but
4114s we've got a cam dong freaks I believe is
4116s the name of this team a mirror match
4118s here in Peta versus camong and it looks
4120s like we've got poros up against a more
4123s traditional warmothers
4125s call see eradication in hand I I hope
4128s this comes down I hope all of these
4129s pores get slaughtered by the you know
4131s the fear of the Shadow is
4135s kdf doesn't really have a lot to respond
4137s with they've got the par King and one
4139s par but that's not
4141s enough no that is it at the very least I
4144s mean that is plus eight plus eight into
4146s the zani the blood Weaver a second copy
4148s is not really what you wanted to see
4149s here need to be getting on board a
4151s little bit harder but Bok King coming
4153s down with Peta tapping below any sort of
4155s removal for it does look nice for camong
4157s so going be able and I believe that was
4160s four out of six on the poro King there
4162s so not looking too sh happy there's
4165s still a lot of board wipes in peta's
4167s hand but historically the place in The
4169s Meta of poros is sort of as an
4171s anti-control
4173s tool por King comes down and asks where
4175s did all my citizens go they've all left
4177s me only sees this por that's coming out
4180s of a cannon to try and come back into
4182s this game but going to see the war
4183s mother spull come down summoning
4185s necrotic arachnoid blocking every single
4188s thing that hamong could be doing and the
4191s board has changed so much from just two
4193s turns ago with the the eradication I was
4195s going to say cam Dong's actually only a
4198s little bit of Mana off of lethal here
4200s because of the poro snacks plus a
4202s Moonlight Affliction onto the two
4204s blockers but instead three units come
4206s out of the war mother's call not
4208s something that I expected and a recently
4210s buffed card as well those the main body
4212s here the arachnoid actually gaining
4214s fearsome because didn't really make
4215s sense to summon a couple of fearsome
4217s spiderlings and not have fearsome
4218s yourself but more snacks going to come
4220s out now and these special snacks can
4222s really do a lot to turn the tide of the
4223s game
4224s I really like this play from camong
4226s trying to get this uh pale Cascade if
4229s there was a colorful snack from the POR
4230s King it could have been lethal with
4232s elusive given to the POR King not what
4234s we see said we see espresso snacks which
4236s gives Challenger to two units so you
4238s could challenge some of these arachnoids
4240s you could challenge the feral Mystic
4241s before it gets the stats but I think you
4243s want to save it for a later turn to try
4245s and be aggressive and try and get
4246s something interesting going on maybe
4247s combine it with some keywords you get
4249s from the fabled horor so I like just
4251s going for the damage right now but now
4252s we see Vol bear
4254s and this is where things get interesting
4256s we've hit the zani the blood Weaver
4257s portion of the game but we've also hit
4259s the turn two of the warmothers call
4261s coming down so now we're just going to
4263s have oppressively large units coming in
4264s from each player camong could even go
4267s for a double block here it's a little a
4269s little questionable how they want to
4270s play this do you really want to all in
4271s on this zani I don't think they're quite
4273s leveled up yet but if you double block
4275s they will be unless it's 16 is it 14 or
4279s 16 for zani to ascend 16 okay so I
4283s believe currently a 10 10 so double
4285s block just puts you just shy of that but
4287s even then P actually has so many Tools
4288s in hand to deal with this mostly just
4290s harsh winds ruination if things get to
4292s out of hand because Peta does have that
4294s warmothers call still going will
4295s theoretically be able to refill their
4297s board with
4299s something if C plays zani I think
4303s Peter's even able to just respond with
4304s ration losing their entire board but
4306s saying I'm going to get a unit next turn
4307s I've still got all of these premium
4309s interaction pieces such as harsh winds
4311s to be able to deal with a second zani or
4312s so forth I I could see that happening as
4315s the line we going to see the desent
4316s porro die you know they finally got what
4318s they wanted in life and gets hit by this
4322s massive storm Lord uh and the POR King
4325s trying to block a spider dealing with
4328s the fear that the previous por di to the
4330s king actually going into combat and
4331s dealing with all the fear that they had
4332s earlier but it's hard for Kong to try
4336s and get back from
4337s this there is still hope though still an
4340s elusive unit and while the tools of PETA
4342s to deal with the board currently as well
4344s as the zanis are there they are not
4346s infinite they will eventually run out
4347s and usually I've only seen pors running
4349s two copies of the zani so this is
4351s everything that camong has but even then
4352s you know we still got the Moonlight
4354s Affliction to try and push something
4355s through a blessing of targon onto the
4357s elusive for certainly options available
4360s still but okay just going to be a big
4363s pass from both players nine and seven
4365s Mana floated respectively and Yumi comes
4368s through but there's still that harsh
4369s winds to deal with the daring por which
4371s I I guess cam Dong's best option here is
4373s to force that harsh winds through
4376s now I think they also want to play
4378s fabled par not only does it give them
4379s the par snack but trying to get spell
4381s shield on either these can really be
4382s good at forking Peter's Mana if you can
4385s get spell shield on this daring par
4386s you're able to deal with harsh winds
4388s plus ruination cuz they don't have
4390s enough Mana for it you can deal with
4391s soul Harvest plus harsh winds because
4393s you can just buff the POR up we don't
4395s see spell shield instead we see quick
4396s and orament not what you want to see and
4399s more espresso snacks is definitely what
4401s not what you want to see you wanted to
4402s see impact you want
4404s spell Shield or keywords this is not
4406s what you wanted no and I'm actually now
4408s it's kind of catching up to Peter that
4410s they didn't go in with the arach noids
4412s on the previous turn their board is full
4413s I imagine cam Dong's just going in with
4415s the daring poro and sort of invalidating
4418s the warmothers call for the time being
4420s by having these two two stick around on
4422s the board and just sort of overdrawing
4424s the unit that would flip into play you
4426s know it's going to you're not going to
4427s run your opponent out of units in deck
4429s anytime soon but for the time being at
4431s least you're a lot more resilient to
4433s dying
4435s you're also allowed if you really want
4437s to create some board space from Peter's
4439s perspective Soul Harvest your own
4440s necrotic nestling it heals you one cuz
4442s of necrotic arachnoid and it gets you
4444s more board space to try and find like a
4446s second volley bear for example maybe not
4449s the the flashiest of lines but
4451s definitely something you're able to do
4452s cuz nothing can be Soul harvested from
4454s Kong's deck anymore there's not a single
4455s unit except playing Yumi no attach that
4458s can be Soul harvested so if you're going
4460s to Soul Harvest anything may as well
4461s make it your own netic I feel like we're
4464s going to see one of them get used here
4465s harsh wind's probably going to come down
4467s I mean kind of has to come down
4468s otherwise he is going to die and we're
4470s going to move on to the top 32 because
4472s this is game three uh so Soul Harvest
4474s plus a freeze still available but it's a
4476s little narrow quietus completely off the
4478s table at this stage of the game
4479s everything's going to have too much
4480s health to even go for that we're going
4481s to see the necrotic survive we're going
4484s to see Zero damage pushed into the Nexus
4486s unless camong yeah not quite enough Mana
4489s could have hushed for one damage but
4490s doesn't feel like the best use of a card
4491s like that and just not enough Mana for
4493s the blessing of
4495s Taron quiet is used on the
4499s king this can be buffed with any augment
4501s you'd have to play your your or you can
4503s self hush I was hoping to see sort of a
4506s a behold the infinite line try and find
4509s like a great beyond as another Al Windon
4511s and it would also proc augment but
4513s that's not what we see Soul Harvest
4514s comes down killing the porro in from the
4516s cannon
4518s uh Peter is in a very good position this
4521s open attack might be good enough to make
4522s leth yeah we what comes off the top if
4524s it's a large enough unit and bow deer
4526s the black and ice is a large enough unit
4528s for this to be a lethal
4531s representation we'll just make sure
4533s confirm all of that for you no life
4535s steal on any of these poros and that is
4537s going to be 19 over 14 and that is going
4539s to be Peta taking down camong in the kdf
4542s Mir match here in the top
4544s 64 looks like we see por King and
4546s immediately it just it doesn't work out
4548s por King is one of the coolest Champions
4550s I think it's a bit of a fan favorite to
4551s see the POR King do well but instead the
4553s war mother skull after losing twice
4555s against ping pingho has finally gotten
4557s some revenge and is still in the top 32
4559s slightly different matchup but still
4561s made it there anyway yeah and that's
4563s really unfortunate for poro players
4564s everywhere you come into this expecting
4566s to be able to do well against the
4567s control decks oh you have a Avalanche it
4570s doesn't matter all my poros are three
4572s threes but that early eradication just
4574s wasn't something that uh camong was
4576s really able to come back from didn't
4578s really have the hand for it just again a
4580s little bit bricky right the hush not
4581s great in a match up like that the
4582s Moonlight Affliction not great a match
4583s up like that we never saw the the targon
4585s tellstone get used because was it going
4587s to get another hush again not great in a
4589s matchup like that the Mana was just a
4591s little bit too constricted and as you
4592s mentioned the espresso snacks not the
4593s ideal snacks was really looking for the
4595s one that's giving keywords over to
4596s Champions but not going to happen now we
4598s still had quite a bit of time left on
4600s the clock about 20 minutes or so maybe
4602s we'll get you into another match we're
4603s checking on it currently but spids how
4605s we feeling about the day so far did you
4607s think War mother's call was going to be
4608s in every lineup that we saw so far no
4611s fot SI wasn't really on my radar as a
4613s deck that would be that popular it
4614s doesn't really fit into a lot of lineups
4616s there's no like second and third deck
4617s that I find that really goes for it
4618s you've got a bunch of these might Decks
4620s that makes a lineup you've got mid-range
4621s Decks that make a line up you got Agro
4622s Decks that make a lineup but you don't
4623s really have this like triple control
4626s shell that typically works but we've
4628s seen two people try and bring it there
4629s seems to be something here that I'm just
4631s not noticing and not seeing I'm curious
4633s what other decks was brought in that not
4634s just the nine times War mother but
4636s because I saw a bandal noxus is that
4640s that would be bandal Gunner's
4642s noxus okay so just running yeah might
4645s and the fire spitter with the bandal
4646s Gunners sort of the the original version
4648s of bandal Gunners even that people were
4650s experimenting with before we found out
4651s oh we can just put Champion strength in
4653s this deck what a what a lovely time but
4655s yeah control does feel like it's kind of
4656s lacking in a third option I think War
4658s mothers and hyur are sort of the
4659s Baseline that a lot of players are going
4661s for but nasis always looks better on
4663s paper than it actually performs in
4665s events like these I wouldn't be
4666s surprised to see two to four NASA
4669s players in the entirety of the top 64
4671s and there's another control option that
4673s is escaping me at the moment I think
4675s it's karma set so not Shadow usually
4677s going for pilt over in Z there but
4679s there's a lot of debate about whether or
4680s not that really fits in control lineup
4681s Karma set you can just kind of play in
4683s anything so again you don't want to
4684s Pigeon yourself into this like 9x lineup
4686s you don't want to be like oh yeah I'm
4687s already running two control decks I have
4689s to run a third control deck no you can
4690s mix and match a little bit sample some
4692s of this sample some of that throw a m
4693s deck in
4697s there yeah the triple control lineups
4699s are also pretty weird because all of
4701s them like they all have different loose
4703s condition right K loses to AG a lot
4705s harder than these other decks lose to AG
4707s right loses to Big beef more than the
4709s other decks lose to Big beef so while
4710s this triple control in the feeling they
4712s lose to different stuff but I think
4713s we're going to go into a game relatively
4714s soon production has told us that we can
4716s make it to
4717s one okay I saw a never mind after that
4720s and I wasn't sure but it looks like we
4721s are getting into ABG Nessie up against
4723s Hyrule and again
4725s another uh Shadow a FR though I don't
4728s think this one as warmothers call this
4729s is looking more like a
4732s Nivea
4733s I don't know what this matchup looks
4735s like I mean I can tell from the field
4736s what I think this matchup will be like
4738s where Nessie has Karma and set flipped
4740s and hyru doesn't have a lot going for
4742s them but harrowing can work if there's
4745s no deny and I'm going to presume at
4747s least two or three ashes would come down
4750s oh yeah that's true this could actually
4751s be the ash deck rather than anivia that
4753s would make a little bit more sense
4756s actually make a lot more sense actually
4759s one thing okay yeah it is Ash yeah look
4761s sometimes people bring a Nivea okay we
4763s we advise against it all the time
4765s there's a lot of disclaimers all over
4766s the Internet don't bring an Nia
4767s especially if it were your last chance
4768s qualifier Ash is something I even talked
4770s about zombie Ash coming into the week
4771s and it's just I completely flew out of
4773s my brain as soon as I see the shadow
4774s wild fa combination but the obliteration
4777s from the set spell huge in a Revival
4780s matchup like
4781s this I really like that obliteration and
4783s we're going to see some attempt at
4786s killing the Champions very cool
4788s eradication dealing with all of these
4790s units that Nessie has that aren't the
4792s Champions but going to see oh I missed
4794s this I I don't know if I am blind I
4796s thought we're going to see a tag out I
4797s didn't see the deny in hand and that
4800s that's such a blowout there is now room
4802s for the harrowing to come down and maybe
4804s that'll be something but I'm sure Ness
4805s has realized that if there's a harrowing
4807s they're probably still able to win block
4809s down enough you can't freeze everything
4810s with these ashes yeah on top of the fact
4813s that like Aftershock plus like Mystic
4815s shot would take out an ash because of
4816s karma so you could even go like at this
4819s point Aftershock plus concussive Plum
4822s plus Mystic shot plus high note all on
4824s the stack at the same time doubling up
4825s on everything just taking out so many of
4827s the ashes that at 19 life you're
4829s probably fine but with highy rule not
4832s immediately snapping off the heroing at
4833s least checking the eye seeing what's
4835s coming out and if we're not seeing it
4836s immediately fired off you have to assume
4837s that they're not too happy with what's
4839s inside or looking at a different option
4841s maybe just going rindler into the soul
4843s Harvest though again not a line that is
4845s guaranteed to work out and with that tag
4846s out in ness's hand we know that it would
4850s not want to bring up a slight thing you
4852s said earlier there is a good reason not
4854s to bring zombie anivia and I know you
4855s don't know the rotated Champions
4857s Boulevard but
4860s anivia sounds about right that's a great
4863s reason not to bring
4866s it uh hro was just thinking are they
4869s going to go for the harrowing deciding
4870s not to thinking I'm going to try this
4872s line again to deal with the Champions
4875s deal with Karma but it's not going to be
4877s enough I don't know if this is something
4879s you're allowed to do as hro you might
4881s just have to hope that it's enough but
4882s maybe they tried maybe they can see on
4884s the de that's not enough and it's going
4885s to be 1 ABG nessi against hyro well that
4889s means we're going into a game three
4890s which is nice because there's still a
4892s lot of time left on the clock we'd love
4893s to see some Legends or inter ter we can
4895s it looks like it was a himer Jace not so
4898s this is such a control oriented lineup
4901s that we've seen so far
4904s spits maybe this is just what the top
4906s cut formula is like you know I thought
4908s open rounds would be all Gwen Riven
4910s maybe that's why all of these decks
4911s probably deal with Gwen Riven it's
4912s probably what everyone was expecting to
4914s be targeting and I think every deck
4916s we've seen probably beats that that deck
4919s that's shut up in the last couple of
4920s days you're going to see zombie Ash
4922s versus the POR King this has to be
4924s zombie Ash favored
4925s surely surely because there like you
4928s don't even really have to worry about
4930s zalani because presumably things are
4933s never dying with increased power and so
4936s that's a huge weight off your shoulders
4938s you still got ruination to deal with the
4940s poros if they're very large but
4943s something we we're not used to seeing I
4944s saw a buried in ice in ness's opening
4946s hand that the Allan away and then main
4948s decked Aurora por
4951s Alis I think I've seen one Aurora P Alis
4954s be pretty common I've brought this in my
4955s por King decks I think it's sort of a
4957s nice card to have to save your hands but
4959s two of them I can't tell if this is good
4961s or bad I can't tell if 66 poros after
4964s turn like 12 is going to be what you
4967s want to be doing or not it's a very this
4969s is a very interesting hand from nessi
4971s I'm curious how they play this out for
4972s is a really nice draw
4974s there it seems it feels like a slower
4977s version and spids I don't mean to alarm
4979s you there are a full three copies of
4981s buried and ice in nessie's
4985s list well I there might be some burying
4989s and Ice then that if that stairs was
4992s rotated so you can't do that that
4993s combination so buried and ice is trying
4995s to hit the the mid-range mirrors and it
4997s hits the mid-range mirrors hard if you
4999s can especially against Hy roll's deck
5001s where they might do harrowing and you
5002s might be able to BU the nice right after
5004s and then go in for lethal on the next I
5006s don't hate it in this match up but
5008s Nessie has a very bricky built deck I'm
5011s I'm curious how this whole deck
5013s looks it it's a poro deck all right I'll
5017s give him that but actually going to fire
5018s off the aora Alis go to nine cards in
5020s hand rather than using a poro snack this
5022s turn is their attack token they're just
5024s going to pass it back over but yeah the
5025s bared knce actually works out great in
5026s this matchup that is so heroing focused
5029s the concern of course is that it's not
5030s just a heroing deck right there's also
5032s rindler there's Soul cleave there's all
5033s these different Revival options and uh
5035s while buried in ice can buy you a turn
5038s or two can you actually finish the game
5040s in that metime and with triple poro
5042s snacks in hand as long as Nessie has the
5044s time to play out all these cards i' say
5045s the answer is yes and seems we're a
5047s little ways away from Ash really taking
5049s over the board and invalidating these
5052s blockers these por flies are also really
5055s really nice it's one of the better poros
5056s you can get from your things like your
5059s jubilant paros and your porro stories
5061s being able to deny an extra interaction
5063s piece is very nice to see I also quite
5065s like seeing patched porro but the stat
5067s line quite matters in being able to deal
5068s with certain things and looking for
5070s brash or overwhelm or elusive is a very
5072s nice thing to sort of cycle through we
5074s going to see shatter on the the POR
5076s herder it's a two three for now but it's
5078s going to be the smallest unit in about
5079s three turns time so it's very
5081s interesting to see that be used so early
5084s one of thing that I want to correct from
5085s earlier is I'm just sort of like now
5087s putting together that this is frelard
5089s poros and not targon poros and so we're
5091s never going to have to worry about that
5093s top in the the blood Weaver it's really
5095s just what you see is what you get with
5096s the poros which I think is more
5099s threatening in this match up especially
5101s just with Aurora pori Alis being in the
5103s main deck just so many of these poros
5104s are going to be very very large very
5107s very soon and Hy roll's hand is not
5109s really lending itself
5111s towards uh putting enough pressure on to
5115s end things in the mid game granted
5116s there's a lot of draws to come through
5117s still there's a sentry in play there's a
5119s glimpse Beyond in hand so maybe that'll
5121s change but hyru has to start getting
5124s Ashes to
5126s die it'd be very funny if they on Triple
5128s berried and ice in the Taron version
5130s that' be just crazy uh we're going
5133s to I'm really curious about this block
5136s deciding to preserve the health as
5137s opposed to use this as a 33 on a future
5140s attack ness's obviously thinking about
5141s it deciding if they want to do it but in
5144s this frod version where you're just
5145s trying to keep having a bunch of stats
5147s and you don't really have other ways of
5148s dealing with top end I don't know if
5150s valuing this five health is really what
5151s you want there's no Kings unless there's
5153s like an avalanche but I doubt that's in
5155s the deck list so I'm curious why we
5158s decided to block there from
5161s Nessie maybe just making can take the
5163s damage and accept it I think it's just
5165s about making board space and trying to
5167s get a good roll off of the poro stories
5169s maybe find some elusiv or some better
5171s poros just really thinking I don't have
5174s like I can always throw away units
5176s because I will just have more it's kind
5178s of the poro mentality and yeah you can
5181s lean a little bit too hard on that and
5182s then sudden oh I actually ran out of
5184s units how could this possibly happen wo
5185s is me I lose the game now not sure
5187s that's going to happen to Nessie here
5188s though especially with that second copy
5189s of Aurora poral so many poros in hand
5193s but they're they're maybe that was the
5195s reason sort of bried behind Mana like
5199s yeah you have a ro P yeah you have poro
5200s stories that's seven Mana worth of cards
5202s you have to play to get access to the
5204s poros before you can start throwing them
5209s down we going to
5211s see this spell come down that I thought
5213s I saw a second AG Soul Harvest probably
5215s trying to
5217s Target this is going to you can see the
5220s the spell in hand they're going to try
5221s and combo this with flash R I don't know
5224s if this is the best line from Hyrule I
5226s feel like you're trying to combo kill
5228s something like a porro king and not even
5232s com yeah I that was a very interesting L
5235s I guess trying to force the the snacks
5237s out preventing maybe the Barce from
5239s coming down but there's nothing you're
5242s really going to be have buried anyway I
5243s guess you're pressuring a lot if bued KN
5245s did come down that's something I had
5246s really thought about but that was a very
5248s interesting deciding not to do the flash
5251s Fe afterwards nessie's bored by the way
5252s going to be able to play the POR King
5255s into Nimble porro or maybe affectionate
5257s porro with only Vengeance being a
5258s concern I wonder if NY goes for
5261s that I don't think you ever get much
5266s safer than this at this stage of the
5267s game your opponent with this few cards
5269s in hand is probably always going to be
5271s representing vengeance Mana unless they
5273s are otherwise trying to push lethal with
5275s like a ruin or not even lethal but like
5277s a ruination or a heroing or a you know
5280s even R Kindler maintains Vengeance Mana
5283s at a certain point in the game so I
5285s think this is a fine time to throw
5287s especially with flash re coming out now
5288s and I think this is going to level the
5290s ash here but again enough blockers are
5293s present that Nessie is not taking a big
5295s hit here my aim is
5299s true that play of Flesh Rays does allow
5303s Nessie to be able to play the poring
5306s being able to block down just deal with
5308s the ash there's no manner for H able to
5310s deal with the POR King so por King into
5312s Nimble por will come down one of the
5313s things we could have considered was not
5314s playing the POR King this turn if
5316s Vengeance was held up because he is not
5317s flipped you can guarantee a special
5318s snacks once he leveled up but now
5321s there's free reain for Nessie to just be
5323s able to play the POR King only
5324s interaction piece would be a third flash
5326s freeze plus a soul Harvest which you
5327s could be fearful of but we're just going
5329s to see it come down hor King joining
5331s their citizen trying to go for lethal in
5334s a couple of
5335s him the affection por comes down it's
5338s going to be a regular por next as well
5340s as a special snacks into nessie's hand
5341s and we get to see just the cutest darn
5343s level up animation you've ever seen in
5345s your life folks the little Crown coming
5346s through all the drawings the horos even
5348s though a little stuffed poro just Rags
5350s the Rich's story here and the poro King
5352s going to level up and give over a uh you
5355s know spits I don't know the snacks names
5357s that's pepper snacks as far as I'm aware
5359s that gives impact to all of the units we
5362s see Crystal Arrow being drawn which is a
5364s development Punisher but nessi doesn't
5367s not need to open attack they've got they
5369s can play all of their por snacks right
5371s now and use it as reup against something
5374s like a freeze and should be lethal yeah
5377s that's lethal the double snacks is going
5378s to do it it's not three poros that are
5380s unblocked so it will take all six Mana
5382s but holl doesn't have an answer and
5385s Glimpse Beyond not going to draw the
5387s burst speed freezes in a timely fashion
5389s it's going to be slow and that is going
5390s to be Nessie taking this one as long
5392s long as they commit the poro snacks that
5395s hasn't happened yet so we'll wait to see
5397s here but got a funny feeling those are
5400s getting
5402s cast you got to you got to make sure you
5404s eat when you play these tournaments you
5405s can't just you know O Okay interesting
5408s deciding not to go for lethal I can see
5412s why you know getting them down to two
5413s Health when you've got two impact on
5415s your your units right well it'll go away
5417s after the next turn um it's still fine
5421s it's very interesting not play the the
5424s poro snacks
5426s because you can play around harsh winds
5429s if you want by not playing the POR snack
5430s but it's going to come down anyway this
5432s hars either in this turn or the next
5433s turn so very interesting not to go for
5434s it but I can see why and it's not like
5438s nessie's in danger of dying with this
5440s game stretching out right even if a
5441s heroine comes down not only is there
5443s just a buried in ice available for
5445s Nessie to counteract that but Hyrule
5446s doesn't have multiple Ash in the death
5449s poool it's one Ash zero rindler nowhere
5452s near being in danger of actually dying
5454s on the crackback of this so taking it a
5455s little bit slower but I think that they
5457s can afford to in a situation like
5459s this yeah you don't want to overfill
5461s yourself on every single meal
5463s opportunity you're allowed to spread
5464s your meals out over the day um eating
5466s one meal a day may not be the healthiest
5468s line for for the POR King and all of
5470s that uh citizens to take so taking the
5474s time is fine but it does give Hyrule
5476s some opportunity to maybe find outs
5479s there are ways they can draw multiple
5480s harsh winds or get an ash into an Ash or
5483s try and threaten something but with that
5487s top deck I don't think you can do it
5488s anymore I think once Nessie open attacks
5490s it'll be
5492s enough yeah there's no no way heroin
5496s comes out here Nessie responds with a
5497s buried nice and I I'm sure Hyrule put
5499s that heroing on the snack checked the
5501s eye looked at nessie's deck list Saw the
5503s triple buried nice and said oh man how
5505s am I going to get out of this
5508s pickle and looking at their thinking
5512s I'm not seeing a way out here spids
5514s probably debating between the ruination
5515s and the harrowing of course it is uh
5517s sort of disgruntling that at least one
5519s poro is going to survive even if you do
5521s throw at the Rin the ruination but at
5523s the moment like there's no hand
5525s information on Nessie you know that they
5526s have one special snacks and that's it
5528s you don't know what else is waiting in
5529s the
5531s wings yeah Hy roll just has to check
5533s through the deck list figure out like
5534s what could nessie's hand possibly be
5536s what sort of hands am I beating I'm
5538s probably beating triple bar dence plus
5542s only porro snacks in the hand that would
5545s be like the only thing that hro could be
5546s trying to go for but it just I don't
5548s think I don't even think that would
5549s honestly make lose they' do they'd
5552s probably have two more cards at that
5553s point and that'd still be enough to win
5555s so definitely just like it's tough I
5558s thought this match up would be favored
5559s for zombie Ash turns out it it's not at
5561s least from this game alone uh just a
5565s poor showing from the from the ash deck
5568s time also not a viable wi condition here
5570s there's still 8 minutes left on the
5571s clock allessie has to do is go to combat
5573s on top of the fact that H roll is down
5575s by about minutes in that so really an
5578s impossible number to try and catch up on
5579s now we just get the open attack yeah
5581s there's harsh winds but there's so many
5582s snacks in the hand of Nessie that it
5583s doesn't matter including another uh
5586s spicy snacks that's going to give impact
5588s over to everything so yeah that is just
5589s going to be lethal it's going to be ABG
5591s Nessie moving on to the top 32 joining I
5593s believe it was Peta and pin
5596s pingho uh that's my that's my memory too
5599s Nessie has qualified for something like
5602s four out of the last five opens I don't
5605s that number I've taken out of complete
5607s nowhere but like I've been following
5608s Nessie Nessie is a decent friend of mine
5610s we I'm I'm very excited to see Nessie
5613s maybe be able to take this it's only as
5614s I've said four wins away now to try and
5616s be able to make it into two worlds make
5619s it with the F final two slots first and
5621s second make it in so there's a lot on
5624s the line for all of these players and
5625s it's going to be very exciting to see
5626s what happens in our next round and our
5628s next round will be coming very soon but
5630s not now we are going to throw it over to
5631s a short break and when we do we will
5633s return with the top 32 here of the World
5635s Championship last last chance
5642s [Music]
5648s [Music]
5658s [Music]
5660s qualifier
5664s [Music]
5677s [Music]
5689s [Music]
5702s [Music]
5725s is that all you got
5750s to
5754s [Music]
5777s is that all you've got to
5780s say
5783s this is not
5810s another
5816s step by step step by
5840s step
5847s [Music]
5850s it's all you got to
5870s say
5879s [Applause]
5900s stand
5918s [Music]
5938s [Music]
5953s [Music]
5960s he
5973s [Music]
5981s [Music]
5990s oh
6036s [Music]
6045s [Music]
6058s welcome back everybody to the wclc Q AKA
6061s World Championship last chance qualifier
6063s I am Boulevard joining me is spits we're
6064s going to be here all day with you um I
6066s don't know why I'm going to keep
6067s introducing us I'll probably stop that
6068s at some point but if I don't don't
6069s correct me we're going to get into our
6071s next matchup very shortly though got a
6073s nice one for you here we've got rosidin
6075s up against what we translated to please
6076s play your cards
6079s quickly which I hope we see being played
6081s quickly cuz that means we get to see
6083s more matches and more L over the course
6085s of our day we're going to go through the
6087s bracket once more just to keep you
6088s updated on what's been happening around
6091s this tournament we're in the top 32 now
6093s uh we saw Peter win when we were going
6095s through this
6097s earlier and nnn3 is a player that I
6100s recognize from a couple of these top 64s
6102s across the year I'm kind of rooting for
6104s them just like if a name sticks out to
6105s me if it's a player that I've seen do
6106s consistently well over the year yeah I
6108s want them to come through and make a
6110s Deep Run maybe take it all all the way
6111s so nnn3 someone that I'm rooting for on
6114s this side of the bracket we're going to
6116s move on to the next one in just a second
6117s here remind you of just everyone that's
6119s still in it we've got our featured match
6121s there up at the top pakaru still in THC
6126s Tor this I think has got the most
6128s players that I recognize on it I
6129s recognized rosan I recognize P of car I
6131s recognize a marine when watching Bandit
6133s Keith do their open rounds earlier uh
6137s Mar Noom is translated to RC I'm going
6139s to flex my ladder knowledge it's the
6141s only time it'll ever be useful so make
6143s sure to cram that in before we go into
6145s the third part of the bracket with sea
6146s chicken ping pingho ABG Nessie lots of
6149s other good players here as well sea
6152s chicken is someone that I recognized
6153s from way back in 2021 when I was still
6155s doing when we had a week in between top
6157s 32 and the finals I would try and guess
6159s the winner of each region and I usually
6162s had a pretty good rate of getting
6163s someone in the top four sea chicken
6165s randomly saved me one time in the APAC
6167s region so shout out c chicken for
6168s getting top four way back in the days of
6170s seasonals and then over here lot of end
6174s a little bit of kdf a little bit of
6177s ABG lots of teams again as we were
6180s saying doing quite well in this I think
6183s every single time we saw a team they're
6184s able to win there was a team kill as
6186s well but I think when we get to the top
6189s four or the top eight we're probably
6190s going to see more team players than not
6192s team players and that's just sort of
6194s what happens in L in the modern day yeah
6196s especially in APAC where in not everyone
6199s outside of APAC is putting their team
6201s name in their name but in APAC they wear
6203s that with a badge of Pride and you
6205s absolutely love to see it especially uh
6207s just how how many big names there are
6209s coming into this like kdf EV these are
6211s teams that we've seen doing consistently
6213s well across the year so excited to see
6215s them continue with that but for now
6216s we've got a couple of teamless players
6218s that we're going to take a look at the
6219s deck list of and I promise the days of
6220s warmothers call are over I know that we
6222s said oh man we've been seeing a lot of
6223s warmothers there weren't that many we
6225s just happen to see all of them already
6226s so you don't got to worry about that
6228s from here on out instead we're getting a
6229s mirror match of our most played champion
6231s this event which is Gwen coming in at 24
6233s out of 64 not a huge representation but
6235s it is also split between Zed Gwen and z
6238s z Gwen riin Zed is stuck on my mind but
6242s ephemerals is actually something that we
6243s don't see too often in events like these
6246s it's more of a latter specific deck but
6248s it's finally making it to the big
6250s stage this deck's really interesting and
6253s has way more pressure than you would
6254s ever think in a deck Gren clay do and
6256s Shadow a Apprentice go way higher than
6258s you think and dragon Ambush for surprise
6260s lethals on your defensive tokens makes
6262s this very scary and death Mark is a
6264s great way to blow out certain opponents
6265s that aren't expecting it this is
6267s combined with Scouts a deck that I don't
6269s think we've seen for a while there have
6270s been better Champion strength piles in
6273s the last couple of opens I think we saw
6274s scouts at least one open that was quite
6276s big but typically we're seeing from MBL
6277s in recent times but this is a lower to
6279s the ground lineup in this mid-range and
6281s it's a very interesting list I I could
6283s see Scouts coming out again as
6285s formidable players are getting kind of
6286s spooked by all of the eradication that's
6288s running around especially in these
6289s warmother lists so it's just like ah
6290s there's really nothing my deck can do
6292s about that I'd rather have some units
6294s especially with inspiring light that I
6295s can have survive something along those
6297s lines and then Darius Nar it's never
6299s really at the top of the meta but it's
6301s come close on ladder a couple of times
6303s and it's just good oldfashioned
6306s overwhelm I love these two pets all of
6309s these decks are looking for crazy Tempo
6312s plays that are able to blow out the game
6313s the ephemerals deck will find something
6315s random when you don't expect it Scouts
6317s tries to play for these combo cards like
6320s Champion strength and and Foria pette is
6322s this deck's version of that card same
6324s with decisive maneuver and whirling
6326s death very very cool lists to have
6328s brought russet on the other hand is on
6330s Jinx Cannon a bit of a mecha themed
6332s version with two Arena promoters and no
6334s eye of the storms uh we've seen this
6336s quite a little bit in a lot of these uh
6339s at least I've seen a lot of pro players
6340s trying to bring this very interesting
6342s list yeah not it's it's sort of the more
6345s traditional aggro that you're going to
6347s get out of a metal like this I know when
6348s we talk about aggro especially in L
6350s there's a lot of like okay this isn't
6351s really aggro this is leaning more
6353s mid-range this is probably as close as
6354s you're going to get to like a pure aggro
6355s deck right now and then jaor everybody's
6358s absolutely favorite deck right SP this
6360s is the deck of 2023 everybody loves to
6362s see it we're always so excited for
6363s jackon or to come back and join us and
6365s grace us with their presence once
6368s again you definitely do not speak for me
6370s I know you were being sarcastic I I'm
6372s tired of seeing JAX on a little three
6374s entrancing really cool this list is
6376s built in an interesting way with only
6378s one wild CL I've seen people go to two
6379s and there's no buried it's slightly
6381s lower to the ground there's also a catch
6383s which some decks cut but I I'm done with
6387s seeing Jackson well what about Riven
6389s Gwen spids are you sick of Riven Gwen or
6391s is this something new for you so red
6394s Gwen is my favorite competitive deck of
6396s all time I love this deck and we've seen
6398s over the past year and a half this deck
6399s change over time it started as a
6401s harrowing deck it went into a might and
6403s Katarina deck and this is the third
6405s version using fire spitter that has
6407s recently come into the tournament and
6409s came from the variety set absolutely
6411s demolishing uh a lot of these uh
6414s pre-existing ways of building aggro
6416s right now it's going into these might
6417s versions now it's going into all of
6418s these sorts of things it's a very
6419s interesting way of building it it now
6421s plays for a a foring combo uh where
6424s you've got a a Gwen attacking you've got
6426s a Riven attacking and you have to deal
6428s with both of them you can't just deal
6429s with one it's a very interesting list
6431s that I'm I'm happy that it's doing quite
6432s well you know it's not even enraged fire
6435s spitter for me that card's whatever man
6437s but I'm just so happy that KO the arm is
6439s finally getting his oberved spot in the
6441s sunlight I don't think he's been buffed
6443s in like 2 and 1/2 years when he randomly
6445s sort of went from like 3 HP to 4 HP and
6447s at the time it was like okay yeah that's
6449s cool and then it never really amounted
6450s to anything and all of a sudden in
6452s backto back events in backtack weekends
6454s KO the arm and Riven are well not Riven
6457s so much in the other version it was more
6459s like Draven and Vai and Rumble and
6460s things like that but it is kind of nice
6461s to see a new deck pop out of the Eternal
6464s format and then players find a different
6467s version of it that works for
6469s standard
6472s this is an interesting ban I I'm not
6475s sure what either rosan or please play
6477s your cards quickly is going to be trying
6479s to ban from the other I feel like rossan
6482s isn't allowed to ban Gwen Zed two of
6485s their decks probably does quite well
6486s into it in the Gwen Riven and the Jinx
6488s Cannon but outside of that I don't know
6490s what they are most scar of maybe Darius
6493s Nar I'm never really sure how to
6498s evaluate these overwhelmed decks and
6500s it's a similar problem that I've had
6501s with Gwen decks where like we've had a
6503s lot of Gwen decks pop up in the past
6505s it's never really obvious which ones are
6507s going to stick I am actually a little
6508s surprised by the higher presence of Gwen
6510s Riven especially given like the stats on
6512s it over the week but I think it was very
6513s much like a late stage like Thursday
6515s Friday adaptation as far as the Darius
6516s Naro like that's been around for a while
6518s it's been kind of middle of the pack
6520s there are some cool tech cards in there
6522s but I don't know that they necessarily
6523s line up into what rosidin has brought so
6525s I think as far as the deck that they're
6526s most afraid of I trying to remember how
6529s the stats look for a ferals into Jax or
6532s and I think it was like it feels like
6535s it's probably fine for Jax or but I I
6539s just straight up don't
6541s remember I I believe it's ephemeral
6543s favorite and that's why ephemerals were
6544s actually rising to number one on the
6546s ladder at some point so I'm not sure how
6548s it pairs into the Jinx deck or this
6549s other Gwen deck but I think ephemerals
6551s at least from a Jax Orin perspective is
6553s where you'd be looking for that
6556s B I think I think that could make sense
6560s I
6561s this is the this is similar to the
6562s lineup that I brought when playing a
6564s couple of hours ago I wasn't on Jack's
6565s or I was on bandal Jinx and my instinct
6568s would have been to possibly ban Scouts
6571s but I I can't tell all three of these
6574s look auring as bans but also alluring as
6576s Decks that I could possibly 20 we're
6578s going to see JAX on be banned from
6579s please player card quickly and you are
6581s right it is a feral that's going to be
6582s banned um so we're going to see how that
6585s ends up going into our
6589s game
6592s it's an aggressive start for please play
6594s your cards quickly I didn't see what
6595s roson actually ended up with post
6597s Mulligan much lower to the ground curve
6599s so Off to the Races here and actually
6600s going for the omen Hawk rather than the
6603s pigeon with the turn one attack token
6604s paying respects to the fact that Roston
6606s is on a rather High number of One Drops
6609s here yeah this question of which one
6611s drop to play always changes depending on
6613s what uh deck you're fighting you're
6614s fighting something a bunch of two ones
6616s you want to play your one one but if
6617s you're fighting something a bunch of one
6618s twos you want to play your two two
6619s little cute game you can play on turn
6621s one before it starts becoming irrelevant
6622s by the fact by the time turn two comes
6624s around we're going to see redeemed fry
6625s come down and please player clouds
6627s quickly does have an interesting answer
6629s in Crimson pigeon plus
6632s Elixir and it looks like that's going to
6634s be the line we'll see if the Elixir
6635s comes out don't see a lot of reason not
6637s to Ross in is tapped out it's just a
6638s matter of how much do you value the
6639s pigeon with the other card like with the
6641s really only available play or police
6643s player card quickly next turn being that
6645s overwhelmed tough unit it makes sense to
6647s save the pigeon and preserve it here
6648s this Riven though is going to cause some
6652s problems thank you production for this
6654s hollowed counter this will be extremely
6656s important having played a fair bit of
6657s this Gwen Riven deck counting exactly
6660s what you need to do is it it takes like
6662s minutes every single time but eventually
6664s you get there and eventually helps you
6665s win the game uh please play your cards
6667s quickly has one of the better hands they
6669s can have against Gwen Riven though
6671s you've got two answers to these
6672s overwhelm hallowed threats in uh
6675s resisters and in pette well there isn't
6677s a lot of strong cards until that top
6680s deck from please play cards quickly in
6681s their hand um they've definitely got
6684s what they need against russan
6687s deck yeah please play your cards quickly
6690s is they're a little slower than they
6692s need to be in a situation like this the
6693s opulent foyer is going to have a lot of
6696s time to sort of build up that value and
6699s piroet while it's normally a strong card
6701s not something that you want to be forced
6703s to use on these ephemeral units either
6704s for the damage or for the stun and if
6706s double foyer ends up coming out gen Ros
6709s still has that available as a blocker
6710s one of them might get overwritten later
6711s on but also has like hate Spike just so
6713s many of these tools that are nice to
6716s have these foyers available but outside
6718s of that roson doesn't have a lot of
6720s punch left in their hand if this Riven
6722s gets dealt with things are looking a
6723s little
6726s sketchy by riven's next turn they will
6730s have the full blade meaning they're able
6732s to give two pieces of overwhelm to their
6735s board and only one will be able to be
6737s answered in the uh the flash free they
6739s can try and get a a whirling death or a
6742s pette to happen if the board ends up
6744s aligning correctly but R definitely has
6746s the hand that they want as well we're
6748s going to see n come in try and create a
6749s poke stick which does really well into
6751s everything that isn't Ren right now
6753s nothing has a high amount of Health but
6755s we're thinking about hate Spike what do
6757s you think about hate Spike yet I there's
6760s no Skys splitter in please pay your
6762s cards Quickly's list it's just double
6764s elixir of iron when we're looking at
6766s sort of cheap ways to buff up the health
6767s of the unit so I like the hate Spike
6769s here the only way that they're going to
6771s be able to deal with this well they did
6772s go for a safety block so whirling death
6773s now opens up as an option but I think
6775s the more obvious one was going for Fury
6776s of the north but it is going to be the
6778s whirling death saving that three sisters
6780s is an option for the Riven on the
6781s following turn and there's just no
6784s answer for this out Roan so I I liked
6786s the hit Spike line there I think the
6788s lack of Skys spitter is weird but it's a
6789s good call out on their end to try and go
6791s for that and yeah a pokey stick is
6793s developed and we'll see where this takes
6794s them double opul and foyer four hallowed
6797s Stacks this is getting a little out of
6799s control but to keep in mind that those
6802s those opulent units are going to just
6804s get taken down by a poke stick no matter
6805s how large their attack stat
6808s is this is one of this is going to be
6810s one of the hardest turns for both plays
6812s to organize we're going to see the runes
6813s Squire come down being able to use a
6814s keen blade fragment On The Run Squire
6816s means it can try and get a positive
6817s trade but we can see this Pokey stick in
6819s hand that's going to be able to deal
6821s with if you wanted to do ke blade
6822s fragment plus the Run Squire we're going
6825s to see pet come down preventing this
6827s turn from happening which means R is
6828s trying to set up for the turn after that
6830s can be answered with the three sisters
6832s but eventually if please player cards
6834s quickly doesn't end up drawing a winon
6836s at some point because you do still need
6837s a win games uh russan does have the late
6839s game that they might
6841s want what I'm curious about for this
6844s turn is how this Pokey stick is used
6847s obviously killing a 71 very appealing
6849s option however if you pokey stick the
6851s Nexus you give vulnerable over to the
6853s Riven on the following turn and have a
6855s chance to actually take out that
6857s champion uh I think yeah killing the
6859s seven probably just a touch to appealing
6862s of an option though you still have the
6864s three sisters to deal with the ribbon
6865s it's not like a huge deal at this moment
6867s and this is going to let you just
6868s continue to develop your board rather
6869s safely without uh worrying about your
6871s life total on a following turn where
6872s like oh yeah I flash freeze the ribbon
6874s but then they just played like an elixir
6875s of Wrath and uh uh might in response and
6878s I ended up dying anyway the win's stri
6881s Ran's deck doesn't run a lot of units
6884s that are good blockers against how do
6886s you not how do you please play your
6888s cards quickly uh uh strength the right
6891s so like ran draws this Phantom Butler
6893s but that doesn't feel great into what
6894s police player cards quickly is trying to
6896s accomplish and while this attack is not
6897s threatening lethal uh please player
6899s cards quickly probably wins in two turns
6902s time like by their next attack token and
6903s rosan probably can't win unless they
6906s draw something like a KO um next to
6909s attack token so we're going to have to
6911s see what rosan top decking but it's
6912s going to come down to this top deck I'm
6913s pretty
6915s short I'm not even sure if Ko's going to
6917s be enough while that flash freeze is
6919s still a
6921s available 14 life is a lot but I we
6926s we'll see we'll see I I think that
6927s you're right that there are some top
6928s decks there that you know with seven
6930s hallowed Stacks you'd have to assume
6931s that there is and I did want to call out
6932s this might in please play your cards
6934s quickly l i I know that you look at this
6936s you're like oh all these units already
6937s have overwhelm why would you bother with
6938s the might there's obviously units that
6939s don't have overwhelm but I also think
6941s that when you think about the explorers
6942s that are getting played in The Meta the
6944s option that is going to be used against
6945s you most often is likely remove the
6947s keywords from this card for this turn
6949s and the next and giving might back over
6951s to your large units is an undervalued
6954s thing in the deck building process but
6956s does come
6957s up a very interesting card to be running
6960s it it always feels great to have might
6962s just as a one of in your deck to try and
6964s pressure uh if that's the sort of thing
6965s your deck wants to do um so adding it to
6968s any noxus deck that wants to be
6970s aggressive is often quite a good line we
6971s are going to see the full blade come
6973s down on Riven probably trying to make
6976s sure they do an open attack not playing
6977s into pette but it does mean you're not
6979s playing top decks like KO I also do want
6982s to call out here uh please play your
6984s cards quickly technically had lethal if
6987s the might had come through for an
6989s additional three damage then poke stick
6990s Tusk speaker on this next turn would
6992s have done it I assume they were just
6996s trying to keep their poke stick open to
6998s avoid a hate Spike or a noxian fervor so
7001s I don't blame them for not going for it
7004s but just something to keep in mind I
7006s think there's only one unknown card
7008s actually in the hand of Ross at this
7010s point
7012s anyway it can be sometimes hard to hand
7014s track the weapons but uh I think yeah
7017s that would be the case if you're hand
7018s tracking all of this properly uh there
7020s is the overwhelm weapon in Ran's hand it
7023s should be quick attack and overwhelm
7024s that we're seeing um so Gwen will have
7027s overwhelm here meaning there are two
7028s massive attackers Gwen will have 13
7031s strength plus three but not plus two so
7033s only going up to CU we don't have the
7035s plus two fragment in hand going up quite
7037s high but it's not going to be enough
7039s this dual lethal isn't going to get
7041s there as far as I can
7044s tell we'll see the dance of the Tusk
7046s come down and that's actually just
7047s adding a little bit more damage into
7049s both nexuses which is not what you want
7052s to be looking at when there's a Gwen top
7053s deck coming through there's going to be
7054s 16 attack on the Riven uh actually no
7057s even more than that I believe thanks to
7059s the doubling up of the Riven ability but
7062s 24 it doesn't matter under the the
7063s pressure of a flash freeze and in fact
7065s it just kind of eats the elixir of Wrath
7067s buff that could have come out so this
7070s should be no problem surviving on the
7072s side of police player cards quickly 21
7075s of that damage is about to get erased so
7077s eight yeah just shy it was close but
7080s just
7082s shy and this gets us back to the the
7086s blade that they played on Riven that
7087s rust played on Riven last turn uh not
7090s deciding to play for a top deck but if
7092s they decided to play for that and buffed
7094s up the Gwen instead that extra two
7097s damage plus the three would have been
7099s enough to go for lethal this turn being
7101s a little bit too hasty and not thinking
7102s about your top decks ended up making it
7104s so that there was five damage
7108s missed well two damage missed cuz the
7110s Elixir would have come down but just
7113s didn't end up happening instead Elixir
7115s is going to be used to take out the Nar
7117s but I don't think there's anything
7119s rosidin can top deck from here that's
7123s going to get them out of this situation
7125s in fact the Poke stick even going to be
7126s used to preserve the Nar elixir of iron
7128s not going to do anything but with three
7130s units surviving with a might in hand and
7132s with a Tusk speaker left in the wings to
7135s try and take over only one blocker for
7136s the open attack you have to assume that
7138s please play your cards quickly he's
7139s going to be able to take this one on the
7142s open uh there was a very interesting set
7145s of hands uh please player cards quickly
7148s was able to draw two ways of interacting
7150s with Ran's game plan that pette and that
7153s three sisters and that's too many pieces
7155s of interaction for a deck that's such a
7156s high power combo deck that wants to play
7158s for the player not having any
7160s interaction right ran taking the first
7162s loss here but uh Gwen Riven can
7165s definitely get a surprise win later
7167s anyway especially against a deck like
7168s Scouts that actually has no interaction
7171s yeah Scouts versus Jinx I think is how
7173s this match up is going to come down to I
7174s think you're absolutely correct with the
7175s Riven Gwen shouldn't have the red Gwen
7177s 2.0 is uh I've come to call it in the
7179s last 15 minutes or so shouldn't really
7181s have too much of a problem taking down
7182s the Scout the scouts deck like you
7183s mentioned just no interaction and with
7185s the champion strength Nerf happening I
7187s think it's just coming down too late in
7189s the game to even try to use it as as a
7190s defensive tool or like get a surprise
7192s Victory out of your opponent I think by
7193s turn six this Riven Gwen should be up
7195s and running and and starting to threaten
7198s lethal Mulligan very interesting from
7200s rosan deciding to prioritize early units
7204s I get why you're trying to beat Mari and
7206s you're trying to beat uh broadwing and
7208s all these sorts of things that uh pleas
7209s player cards quickly is trying to play
7211s in the deck but if they don't draw awen
7213s or a Riven rosin can't win it's very
7216s hard to win without those cards you do
7218s have might and you do have this Dragon
7220s but that sometimes is not enough it's
7222s only 15 damage it isn't
7224s 20 and you're not really allowed to play
7227s a long game with the opulent foyer
7228s against something like Scouts either so
7230s like you mentioned you just need to find
7232s those Champions if you're going to end
7234s the game because two damage on turn six
7237s really not what you're looking for
7239s against Scouts and a couple of Trades
7241s going to come out here in the early game
7242s but actually we're going to have
7243s hallowed on both sides of the table here
7245s folks as Mari Warden working
7248s overtime
7250s Ran's draws are going to have to be good
7252s and they also have one of the they've
7254s got the worst token right when you want
7255s to play foyer you want to be playing
7256s foyer on your defensive token but you
7258s also want to be playing it on turn three
7259s to get as many Hollow procs as possible
7261s not that it's the most relevant thing I
7262s don't think this token is going to be
7263s the reason why rosan loses I'm ready to
7265s eat my words in three turns time though
7268s but having to instead play run Squire
7270s and um voice this turn doesn't feel
7274s great this blade fragment is not the
7275s quick attack one so there isn't the free
7277s trade that's going to happen right now
7278s you are able to give the extra Hollow
7280s Pro two run s to trade into broadwing
7282s but it's not exactly what you want to be
7284s doing I know you mentioned the attack
7286s token might not be the end of the game
7288s here but I think it's less about rosidin
7289s having it on odds and more about please
7291s play your cards quickly having it on
7292s evens being able to get this geneveve
7294s Elm Hardon curve um the Scout attack on
7297s curve actually going for The Misfortune
7298s instead after that top deck going to
7299s take away this single blocker and we're
7301s going to see roson finally go for that
7303s defensive foyer but again it's not
7304s actually trading back onto any of these
7306s units noxian fervor is available we
7308s might see the death of an MF here
7310s there's no protection in hand but it
7311s seems like a small consolation bonus
7313s prizes please play your cards quickly
7315s still at 20 still not under duress of
7317s anything and we'll see now if there is
7320s going to be the noxian fervor while
7322s there's technically no interaction in
7324s this deck there could be a misfortunes
7326s make it rain in the scouts player hand
7328s that needs to be
7329s considered as well as form up form up
7332s would be an awful thing to be running
7333s into losing one of your best ways of
7335s burning out the Nexus this matchup is
7337s two Decks that are both extremely trying
7340s to do their own thing right rosan trying
7342s to set up multiple threats and then do M
7344s and play card quickly is just trying to
7345s play their Champion strength or in this
7347s hand state the for Maria ran ended up
7350s mulliganing for an early curve that's
7352s always going to be worse than scouts's
7354s early curve and not finding their wind
7357s might make it such that what I thought
7358s would be a really favored match up isn't
7360s going to be the case missing out on the
7361s quick attack blade again 50/50 chance
7364s also hurts
7365s greatly things not looking good for
7368s rosidin right now if anyone at home is
7370s wondering why please play your cards
7371s quickly didn't attack all out last turn
7373s given that there was only a 1 HP blocker
7375s the answer is Mark of the Isle uh I went
7377s to go check as well I'm like what health
7378s buff is are they worried about it's Mark
7379s of the Isle and look there's a shadow a
7381s tellstone guess what's in that it's Mark
7382s of the
7383s Isle but genev elart this might just
7389s be not quite lethal but we're getting
7393s very close it might even just have to be
7395s a defensive enrange fire SP to try to
7396s take out one of the units luckily
7397s inspiring light is a slow speed spell
7400s but it's still going to
7401s be oh man to do
7407s math it's going to be currently it's 11
7410s damage if you add in the inspiring light
7412s it adds three damage which is 14 last
7414s time I checked my calculator so still a
7417s fair bit of damage coming in I I'm
7420s surprised not to see the inspiring light
7422s cuz you can still afford Champion
7424s strength next turn uh but deciding that
7426s the three extra damage just doesn't
7427s really matter you would not not be able
7429s to afford Champion strike next turn
7430s actually You' only have eight Mana it
7432s would be Nerf it is nerfed to n so I
7434s think that's why we didn't see it
7435s opening up for that potential top deck
7437s not getting
7438s it uh yeah I definitely paid attention
7440s to the last patch and knew that that
7442s card was Ned we do see sp sp come down
7444s able to try and control the board and
7446s without Champion strength the lack of
7449s rally means that rosan can defend
7452s slightly we might have to see fur
7453s offensively to beat their sort of hands
7456s but this isn't fully over yet Ran's
7458s going to be able to challenge something
7460s and try and go in or no not not
7463s enough yeah well actually well actually
7467s F further than excess yeah yeah I think
7473s it's Ros done it so currently there's 12
7476s because of the four HED you add three
7478s due to the might and you add two due to
7480s the blade fragment this puts uh fle
7482s player cards quickly down exactly enough
7485s to be lethal now there is a former that
7488s will end up being able to kill the
7491s um the wait yeah form up will prevent
7495s this and we don't have a further Target
7497s anymore so it is an Allin play but I
7500s think rust nearly had to go for it CU
7501s they'll probably lose into into form up
7502s anyway trying to use uh further
7505s defensively and I think if you're like
7508s form UPS I think a card where you can
7509s just go okay if they have it they have
7511s it it's such a narrow line you kind of I
7514s don't think it was checked for earlier
7515s in the game but it was a very it was a
7517s pretty recent top deck unfortunately is
7519s going to go down here and we're actually
7520s just going to see our first showing of
7521s red uh red Gwen 2.0 just getting twoed
7524s here I thought that this was going to be
7526s a fine match up but like we mentioned uh
7528s a little bit of a champion Reliant deck
7530s uh some some decks are very reliant on
7531s their Champion some aren't while I don't
7533s think that this one necessarily is in a
7534s faster matchup like this it's really the
7537s only midgame presence that you
7541s have very very technically rossan if
7545s they didn't go in for that Allin was
7546s able to survive they could have
7548s furthered one of the blockers and could
7549s have done Spirit Journey from the shadow
7551s ales tilstone to prevent the damage
7553s would have survived at a low amount of
7555s health and try and find an overwhelm
7557s thing in future try and find the
7558s overwhelm fragment try and find Gwen or
7561s or Riven for extra damage but it wasn't
7564s there going all in is not the wrong play
7565s even though it led to a loss there you
7567s sometimes just have to and with a hand
7568s like that it happens it happens to the
7571s best of them as we just saw
7573s unfortunately that is going to be rosted
7575s and eliminated from the tournament but
7576s please play your cards quickly moving on
7578s to the top 16 that's right folks we're
7579s already confirming players for the top
7581s 16 and remember while we are playing the
7583s finals the top two get the same prize
7584s they are moving on to the world
7585s championship it Boulevard is their
7587s seating at Worlds I don't know we get we
7590s give points to world's qualifier winners
7592s that's all the information that I have
7593s folks that seems to there might be there
7595s might not be who knows is there a
7596s difference between first and second who
7598s knows not me um but we're going to be
7599s jumping into another match now because
7601s there was plenty of time on the clock
7602s that was a rather quick 2 and 0 uh
7604s before I try and spill more trade
7606s secrets about seeding at Worlds but
7607s again I don't actually know I just just
7609s know that points were given to world's
7610s qualifier winners what do they need 18
7612s Rune Terra points
7614s for I mean you know surely having that
7618s extra 18 points lets you D them out like
7620s candy to all of the other you know
7621s players they're like look at what I've
7622s got look at all these points I have you
7624s know you can't person personally I don't
7626s have any Rune Terra points I have zero
7628s Rune Terra points but I like to think
7630s that at the end of the year Riot games
7632s will physically mail you something for
7634s each point that you had something that
7635s you can hang on your refrigerator so you
7636s can go slap 18 of those suckers up there
7639s like look I won a World Championship
7642s qualifier uh it seems like we're going
7644s to be getting into a game soon I
7645s personally I think I've got five or six
7647s Rune Terra points so I can actually fill
7649s my fridge with a bunch of random tokens
7651s saying I played in this tournament uh
7654s but we can hopefully get into a game
7656s soon yeah it looks like we're going to
7657s be getting into kdf nno versus LCS super
7661s that's an L A lot of consonant and then
7664s a
7665s 69 uh which funny enough like something
7668s about the Apex Tax Scene super blank 69
7671s is a very common name there's even a
7673s player super something 69 that is I
7676s think Super timeline 69 already
7678s qualified yeah I don't know if this is
7680s another team that just uses a separate
7685s tank uh we're in game it is Jax on
7688s versus uh the red Gwen this is a matchup
7691s that I've practiced a little bit and
7693s it's extremely tight it's a tough match
7696s up where uh ja on can't really deal with
7699s red too effectively they do have three
7701s sisters in this list but typically the
7703s linear power of Red's able to go in
7706s there are some traits happening right
7707s now but redw would typically feel fine
7710s in this position although no Champions
7712s once again no Champions Three Sisters in
7715s the hand of the orange Jax player a
7718s couple of weapons but KO the arm that's
7720s a pretty good way to start fall your way
7722s back into this Jax is going to go down
7723s here I'd be very surprised to see a fury
7726s of the north to protect this champion
7728s and LCS super is still able to get down
7730s two cards this turn but the three
7732s sisters is being hovered it might just
7739s be I'm just double-checking the blade
7741s fragments as far as I can tell the one
7744s that is currently in hand is the
7746s overwhelm one meaning that this uh
7750s Elemental Dragon is going to have uh 11
7753s strength plus overwhelm if you pull the
7755s other unit to the side that should be
7757s guaranteed lethal
7761s as long as you get the hollow to proc
7763s prop play and kdf enko misses
7766s it this is a pitfall that players fall
7769s into very often number one is trusting
7771s spitz's math I'm going to trust it
7772s blindly though I believe that was Lethal
7774s uh the other one is just sort of looking
7776s at a situation and going oh yeah like I
7778s can clear the board here and not really
7780s thinking that you have lethal and with a
7782s deck like red Gwen 2o you've got to be
7785s looking for the lethal at every
7787s opportunity
7789s we are going to see the dragon come down
7791s again putting uh super uh super I'm just
7795s going to call them super uh down to one
7797s Health uh but not deciding to play ker I
7800s think I would have liked to see Kar come
7802s down to be able to apply overwhelm I'm
7805s not sure how relevant that is but either
7807s way unless super draws a free spell this
7811s will still be lethal but now there's a
7813s chance when before there was
7815s none taking a look at this Jack or list
7818s because the Pres of yeah there is a one
7819s of buried and ice so the fact that enco
7822s has to develop that KO the arm for
7825s lethal oh never mind super has decided
7827s to tap below the Mana for the potential
7829s barried nice top deck and that is going
7830s to give the green light for Koo to come
7832s through harsh wins off the top only
7835s matters if LCS super can maintain board
7839s parody If even one other unit can get
7842s through it's probably
7845s fine not everyone's got overwhelm right
7847s it's just going to be whoever gives it
7849s to join the hunters they said yeah this
7854s does seem to be fine enko missing out on
7857s that lethal a couple of turns ago but
7859s super doesn't have a great way of coming
7862s back into this game lethal right I think
7864s this is still lethal well KO has to
7866s support something for it to be lethal
7868s but uh yeah I believe oh no no not if
7871s you give over to a six okay yeah pull
7874s the six health I was like okay six six
7876s overwhelming to a six health unit does
7877s not actually give you lethal um but with
7880s that six Health being pulled to the side
7881s then yeah this should just be lethal
7884s well no you right now you block freeze
7887s these two things but you need to give
7888s overwhelm to the thing that's being
7889s challenged that's the way to reduce
7891s parody in this sense this deck is
7892s complicated I know everyone in in you
7894s know chat is going to be like come on
7896s casters work out this math but it can be
7898s hard this deck requires a lot of
7900s thinking
7902s um but this is going to be enough I knew
7905s there was a lethal I just didn't get it
7908s out of my m mou in time thank you spids
7910s for carrying us through that so that is
7911s going to be harsh wins on those units
7913s there is the three attack Phantom Butler
7914s sneaking through and that is going to be
7916s enco actually taking it 20 over LSC
7919s super and moving on to the top 16 again
7923s more clan tags in the top 16 kdf
7927s representing Phantom Butler serving a
7930s win against ja on probably targeted in
7933s this I'm thinking janilla tries to beat
7934s Jax on this deck's probably trying to
7936s beat Jax on Jaxon is our most brought
7938s deck to this tournament so it's a pretty
7939s good idea to try and have that something
7941s as you can Target as opposed to ban and
7943s kdf enko being able to beat Super just
7945s shows that you know we saw uh Gwen Riven
7948s lose twice now we can see it at least
7950s win and continue to show its strength
7953s and while Jack is the most brought deck
7955s in this tournament I do just want to
7957s give the information to the viewers at
7958s home not a very high representation 19
7961s out of 64 players I believe that is the
7963s lowest
7964s represented number one deck that we have
7966s had the entire year
7969s a very open meta here in the Apex
7972s scene yeah and this is a consequence of
7974s having the variety patch two weeks ago
7975s and then having the Eternal open
7977s completely different format just yet
7979s less than a week ago there wasn't enough
7980s time to prep so you're just bringing
7981s what is linearly strong Jackson linearly
7983s strong Riven Gwen linearly strong that's
7985s what we're trying to see but even still
7987s everyone's got different ideas on what's
7989s the strongest deck yeah and we will see
7991s who was actually right and who was wrong
7993s once we get it down to our final two I
7995s don't believe we are hopping into
7997s another match no we are hopping into
7998s another match it's going to be Bruce
8000s 1995 up against nnn3 player that I said
8004s that I was looking out for we'll see the
8005s score as we get into the game here
8006s taking the information it looks like we
8007s got our first formidable of the day up
8010s against Karma set hopefully Karma set
8012s might be sarapen you never really know
8015s for sure but we're going to see tun Noy
8017s and assume
8019s Karma looking at the board right now I
8022s really like uh the way that KET has been
8024s built recently with the addition of
8026s Rocket barrage it's only going to be
8027s killing these one ones but it does hurt
8029s the formidable units a little bit if
8030s they were to come down and hits a lot of
8032s things like janill like renwen we're
8034s going to see if we see more set we're
8035s going to see two ofs or maybe even three
8037s ofs of this rocket barrage because it
8038s does quite well into the meta yeah I've
8041s been constantly seeing triple rocket
8043s barrage coming out we're going to see it
8044s do a pretty good job here of just sort
8046s of cleaning up the board and outside of
8049s that oh you got to do it now though oh
8051s aftershocks going to come through
8052s instead maybe going maybe I can find a
8054s higher priority Target but Garen is
8055s going to protect everything else from
8058s this rocket barrage for the time
8061s being and I mean it's not a super
8064s threatening hand besides right you can
8066s actually take a block onto the gar and
8067s just finish it off with the rocket
8068s barrage next turn it's not like you
8070s really mind the damage from The Omen
8071s Hawks coming in but there's a lot of
8073s Health Buffs in the hand for NTN and3 so
8075s we'll see where all of that comes into
8076s play but instead is actually just going
8077s to be healing up the petricite
8080s charger healing up the pite charger is
8082s very interesting it's one of the pnz and
8084s Ionia has two different ways of
8086s interacting with the BL pnz does direct
8087s damage I does recalls pnz is useless
8091s against a card that says I don't take
8092s damage from spells but can still be
8094s recalled so putting value into this unit
8096s makes sense cycling the weapons healing
8098s it up but it can always be tagged at it
8100s can always be set challenged there are
8102s still ways that it can take damage but
8104s deciding to play gar next turn does make
8105s some sense getting the extra strength to
8107s apply for the Future Turn dealing more
8109s damage that's I think going to be what
8112s uh NN is trying to go for
8116s NN oh gallo top deck this is actually
8119s now a really nice curve for three here
8121s on the side of Bruce just looking at a
8123s lot of the same cards in the hand nopy
8125s not useless in a matchup like this
8127s obviously we see the gentleman's duel in
8129s the hand for nnn3 it's just a matter of
8132s will Bruce actually have Noy Mana when
8135s the gentleman's duel comes down slash is
8138s relevant because Bruce still has a lot
8140s of cards that they have to play here and
8141s unfortunately not able to line up the
8143s rocket barrage once again as the garar
8145s is going to be going at minimum down to
8147s 5 HP
8150s these Omen Hawks still staying on the
8151s board I don't know when these were
8152s played but they probably played before
8154s gar was drawn cuz gar has plus two plus
8156s two it's really funny to see Garin is
8158s just accepting them into his army like
8159s hey you know come on you can be part of
8161s the elite and then G is going to come
8162s down and see them as formidable and try
8163s and buff them up these Omen Hawks are
8165s not going to be insignificant threats
8167s they it's hard to deal with them unless
8168s you want to do your rocket barrage but
8170s they're not going to be around um have
8172s low Health in a future turn uh these
8175s Omen Hawks are definitely being
8176s Consolidated into the Deasia
8180s oh actually I'm a little surprised not
8182s to see nnn go for the gentleman's duel
8185s there being able to level the Garin and
8187s rally going into your Gallo turn seemed
8189s very appealing uh but with two Mana left
8192s probably just a little bit too concerned
8193s about the possibility of a tag out onto
8194s their own unit SL noopy just a few too
8196s many things going on to really want to
8198s use that spell just yet when you think
8200s you can pressure your opponent's Mana a
8201s little bit harder and now we're just
8202s going to see things open with a rocket
8203s barrage to take out those Omen Hawks
8205s before Gallo can come down and buff them
8206s up really take a lot of winds out of the
8208s s that level
8210s up gar will be regening this all back
8213s and not having Aftershock anymore that
8215s we saw used a few turns prior obviously
8216s Gia would have the extra Health if that
8218s was the case but Gia going to be a
8220s consistent threat and Bruce is going to
8222s have to continue recalling it but they
8223s can't recall forever they're going to
8225s have to find set they're going to have
8226s to find Karm to try and win the game and
8229s if gar can stay on the field
8230s consistently through all that it's not
8231s going to be great for Bruce's
8233s chance and that spell shield on the
8235s Gallo is going to make it increasingly
8237s difficult to recall through and through
8239s and as we can see there thanks to
8240s production 25 out of 25 exactly on the
8242s Gallo leads me to believe there's not
8244s going to be a block here or maybe there
8245s is you might as well throw the gar into
8247s combat see what you can do you've still
8248s got the gentleman's duel and the elixir
8249s of iron to try and buff up the health of
8251s this unit in case Bruce's plan was to
8252s take it out with an aftershot for
8254s something after the fact uh but first
8256s going to take away the spell shield from
8257s the Gallia with the Explorer spell and
8258s then just try to pass the turn two Mana
8260s still represented so probably not going
8261s to see a gentleman's duel again there is
8263s the Gallo level up and things are
8265s looking
8267s rough
8268s takes us back to the weapon cycling like
8270s three or four turns ago gallio was
8272s exactly enough to be able to level up
8274s and that is partly because of all the
8276s cycling apparently Karma was upd drafted
8279s earlier and now costs four Mana very
8282s interesting to see what the hand would
8283s have been like such that Karma needed to
8285s be upd drafted May being rather bricky
8286s but Karm is definitely the way that
8288s Bruce is going to try and get back into
8290s this game even though there's a lot
8291s there fting down right now as you can
8293s see there Karma at 8 out of 10 on the
8296s level up uh production showing it a
8298s little early I said I wanted it at 9 out
8300s of 10 but that's okay I don't think
8301s we're actually going to make it to that
8302s stage of the game tagout likely to come
8304s down onto the Gallo but even with that
8306s aside we might be looking at lethal
8308s depending on what comes out of this
8309s anaka there's the Mana for double tagout
8312s so it might not happen this turn but I
8314s don't think you can stop the Garen level
8316s up and even if you pre-commit to a
8319s double tagout uh that gentleman's duel
8321s can proc the Gallo rally in combat
8327s anyway yeah uh this is very much a fork
8330s that three has put into Bruce they don't
8332s have enough development punishes a
8334s concussive Palm would be really nice to
8336s have seen but unfortunately that's just
8337s not what's there and if Bruce Taps out
8340s fully to try and deal with the fact that
8341s they're going to have four units attack
8343s them if they don't do that the does
8346s create a little bit of a situation for
8348s them they decid to let the attack go
8349s through I think you sort of have to hope
8350s that anaka hits like a 02 lucky that
8353s anaka did but gallo and G and
8358s everything's just going to be pressuring
8359s so much and that is just going to be
8361s lethal NTN and three can get the rally
8363s off here thanks to the gentleman's duel
8365s that's going to be a tap out from Bruce
8366s the unit down and then aaka and the
8368s petricite charger free to go into combat
8375s again comes down and that is game you
8377s didn't have to do the second tag out as
8379s far as I can tell there wasn't lethal
8381s being threatened but if you didn't do
8382s the second tag out gar would have
8384s flipped they would have just passed
8385s their turns and Bruce I don't think has
8386s a possible draw that lets them survive
8388s you can't draw and then play three
8390s concussive palms or something that would
8392s have been it we do see the surrender and
8393s three going into our top
8398s 16 and I'm glad to see formidable pop up
8401s oh we actually get to see the entire uh
8403s so Ionia Shadow out I'm going to guess
8407s was ephemerals there's so many different
8410s decks for so many different region
8411s combinations I'm not even sure what FR
8413s word pnz
8415s was uh you are right that it is z um
8419s that was the deck FR OD pnz is traps it
8421s is Caitlyn uh Teo um running presumably
8426s like you know freeze cards and all these
8427s sort of anti- mid-range stuff I guess
8429s that makes sense with
8441s [Music]
8446s formidableness dancing are the ones that
8448s have been finding their marks not to
8449s anyone's surprise really if you hit the
8451s matchups that you were looking for
8452s you're probably going to win them that's
8454s why you built the lineup in the first
8455s place but it's not something that's
8457s likely to work out for the entire
8458s tournament and as we get down to these
8460s sort of other anti- lineups it's going
8462s to be very funny to see if we've got
8464s these players like three that are not
8465s really on any like meta Decks that are
8468s trying to Target something against
8469s someone else who is not really on any
8470s meta decks and looking to Target
8472s something it's always fun to see those
8473s sort of wet noodle fights but believe we
8476s are out of
8478s uh matches to watch which means we are
8480s going to throw it to a short break and
8482s when we come back we will be into that
8483s top 16 cresting into the halfway point
8486s of the tournament don't go anywhere
8488s we'll be right
8490s [Music]
8506s back
8541s [Music]
8618s [Music]
8626s he
8633s [Music]
8656s n
8662s [Music]
8686s he
8687s [Music]
8714s [Music]
8716s he
8718s [Music]
8746s he
8750s [Music]
8778s [Music]
8784s [Music]
8791s [Music]
8797s [Music]
8824s [Music]
8836s oh
8842s [Music]
8848s [Music]
8870s [Music]
8876s [Applause]
8882s [Applause]
8896s oh
8909s [Music]
8924s [Music]
8950s [Music]
8965s [Music]
8971s [Music]
8981s [Music]
8988s [Music]
9000s [Music]
9012s [Music]
9025s [Music]
9048s is that all you got
9075s to
9077s [Music]
9101s that all you've got to
9105s say this got
9111s another you
9131s [Music]
9135s to
9139s step by step step by
9165s step
9174s all you
9195s got
9202s [Applause]
9217s St to
9225s your
9241s [Music]
9261s [Music]
9276s [Music]
9285s oh
9304s [Music]
9315s all
9359s [Music]
9375s you
9398s [Music]
9408s [Music]
9414s [Music]
9419s [Music]
9426s [Music]
9433s [Music]
9459s [Music]
9481s [Music]
9514s [Music]
9525s he
9542s [Music]
9548s [Music]
9562s [Music]
9573s [Music]
9585s come
9587s [Music]
9617s [Music]
9641s [Music]
9661s [Music]
9665s [Applause]
9667s [Music]
9676s fighting
9677s [Music]
9678s Shadows
9690s [Music]
9691s [Applause]
9697s [Music]
9704s inting
9705s [Music]
9716s [Music]
9734s come
9739s [Music]
9752s [Music]
9764s chos
9766s in
9767s [Music]
9774s [Music]
9793s [Music]
9794s the
9800s [Music]
9839s [Music]
9839s [Applause]
9843s [Music]
9854s in
9856s your will
9858s beft now
9860s there
9863s [Applause]
9869s [Music]
9884s you
9901s [Music]
9933s [Music]
9939s [Music]
9944s [Music]
9957s things are heating up here at the apack
9959s last chance qualifier so I've lost the
9960s jacket gotten you know rolled up the
9962s sleeves a little bit because we've only
9963s got a couple more rounds until we're in
9965s the finals which is sort of when the
9967s tournament is functionally over but of
9970s course we are still going to play the
9971s finals someone needs to be able to say
9973s that they won get more fake Rune Terr
9974s points more magn from riot games at the
9976s end of the year not confirmed TM TM TM
9979s um but we are going to be looking a look
9980s at a very special matchup here but first
9983s we're going to take a look at who is
9984s left in the tournament overall our top
9986s 16 we can finally fit it all on one
9988s screen but we're not going to we're
9989s going to be it out into four sections
9991s anyway got nineball versus kdfa
9994s fundamentals versus
9995s nnn3 up on this
9999s side uh these are I I wasn't introduced
10002s you actually you stunlocked me you said
10004s you weren't going to introduce me and
10005s then you were right you actually didn't
10007s uh we saw three beat Bruce on the stream
10010s um fundamentals is a really cool name
10012s like obviously if you know your
10013s fundamentals you're going to do well and
10014s hopefully this player knows what they're
10016s doing going into the next part of the
10017s bracket we see Marine we see please play
10019s your cards quickly as well as Martin
10021s nostro and pisu CaRu who is going to be
10023s our featured match and you'll find out
10026s why in a second here folks but also
10027s please don't expect me to match spitz's
10029s pronunciation on anything Latin it's
10032s just not my forte I took French in high
10034s school instead
10036s forgot all of it at this point um but
10038s we're going to and move on to that last
10040s bit of the bracket or actually the third
10041s bit of the bracket where we got Lee long
10042s red versus Ono my win streak and pin
10044s pingho versus ABG Nessie very good
10046s backup match I hope we can actually
10048s catch a little bit of that one two
10049s Titans yeah ping pingho versus AB is
10052s definitely something I'm interested in I
10054s I can't wait those are some of my
10055s favorite players fighting but pizaro is
10057s also one of my favorite players it's
10058s it's what's so cool all the plays that
10059s we get to see today going into the final
10063s section in a second will show the the
10066s last little bit of the bracket in our
10068s top 16 um two end players fighting at
10071s each other another team kill you hate to
10072s see it but also sometimes you love to
10074s see it yeah I actually did a little
10076s control effing turns out these are the
10077s only two end players left in the
10079s tournament uh actually sorry not left in
10081s the tournament in the tournament
10083s entirely uh so unfortunately did run
10086s into each other in the top 16 not going
10087s to be able to get that team kill in the
10089s finals and then up on the top there we
10090s have kdf eno who we just saw versus
10093s their opponent whose name is no longer
10094s on the screen so I forgotten what it was
10096s I a baby with no object permanence uh so
10098s in order to remind me of what we're
10101s going to be doing here we're going to
10102s get the decks for the players of on
10103s screen you're going to see just why
10105s we're so excited to do pakaru versus
10108s Mari
10111s nostrom oh first deck we see in front of
10113s us is sarapen set you can see maybe
10115s something cool in the bottom right
10117s corner just in a second but we have to
10118s go through sarine set first triple
10120s Temple this is a version that we've seen
10122s somewhat as a side grade to the karma
10124s set it's placed like slightly lower but
10126s sunken Temple can sometimes get you
10128s there it's also on three puff pedler to
10130s break the mirror also nowhere near as
10133s many one ofs as you would expect out of
10135s a seraphine list this is looking like
10137s it's actually going to have a little bit
10138s of a rough time actually leveling that
10141s champion yeah I mean we see Cold Shot we
10143s see IO tail stones which can do things
10145s but we're going to the next deck himman
10147s Nora if you know about this deck you
10148s will know that pukaro was kind of the
10150s person that invented it back when it
10153s first came around it sort of popped up
10154s in the Apex and then all of us sort of
10156s Saw pukaru do well with it and took it
10158s took it for ourselves but a very very
10160s interesting list with two Dawning
10162s shutter and three grave companion never
10164s did I think I would see grave companion
10166s in a list it's always a card that I've
10167s been interested in but you know
10168s definitely not what I expected and five
10170s copies of Vengeance seems like a lot but
10172s I mean hey we're here for it and then
10173s the reason that we're here everybody
10175s Evelyn maai we've seen some maai Mists
10179s in top 64 before and you know what they
10181s all had in common they were dog water
10183s they went 0 and2 in top 64 this is the
10185s deepest that I've ever seen one of these
10187s make it granted I haven't looked very
10188s hard but I'm very excited to see if the
10190s watery grave deck can actually do
10192s something here and these are probably
10193s the only Evelyn and the only maai in the
10195s entire
10196s tournament it's a very very interesting
10199s deck list using like watery grave which
10201s was released I think like during the
10202s expansion very very cool list marrum is
10206s on the echo Jinx you know modern day
10208s version of echo with no zillian only one
10211s quick send and only one R of negation if
10212s you're looking for your tech cards these
10214s are typically the things you're seeing
10215s as well as two mayam and one experiment
10217s May's a very interesting card trying to
10219s scry for your Chrono breaks more and
10221s block quite well early on as well as the
10223s experiment it's not something that you
10224s see in these lists very often even after
10226s the sort of Rise of jinx in popularity
10228s even while Ekko was still standard legal
10230s and of course now no longer but it's not
10232s something you see very often going into
10233s the next list though we've got Darius
10235s Nar Brothers Bond as a two of is quite
10239s the tech Choice here and outside of that
10241s things looking relatively standard for a
10243s list like this all the decks we've seen
10246s so far have all got crazy interesting
10248s cards I'm really excited to see if they
10250s end up coming into play cuz these are
10252s things that we rarely ever see Brothers
10254s W especially in this one being the main
10256s outlier bone Club is sometimes in
10258s sometimes out but I think most versions
10260s are stuck to one at this point uh very
10262s interesting list finally ending up with
10264s zed Gwen which I mean just as a deck is
10267s often a bit weird I got the black flame
10269s you know a bit of a bit of Worlds you
10271s know trying to get into Worlds using the
10272s black flame everyone's favorite world
10274s famous card uh interesting choice to put
10276s it on something like a zed or a shark
10278s Chariot or a moonlit Glen keeper uh just
10280s an overall very interesting L and death
10282s Mark making it into the main as well I
10283s don't think that's standard it might be
10286s though I haven't really looked too
10287s closely at these list to know like what
10288s is standard what is not and then when it
10289s comes to like looking at a pack list
10291s you're still not really sure like what
10292s is standard and what is not but as we
10294s get into the bands here pakaru with a
10296s very unique take on Triple control we
10298s were talking earlier in the day about
10299s war mother's call how it seemed to be
10301s relatively popular for the players that
10302s we were highlighting in the top 64 but
10304s pakaru throwing all of that out the
10306s window instead going for the more
10307s traditional Norah Heimer I believe the
10308s first time we'll see that a little bit
10310s of an odd version of seraphine set and
10312s then this Evelyn
10315s maai this is a very cool lineup from
10317s pyaru but this is not what they want to
10319s be seeing I think they want to be seeing
10321s heavy set control things like you know F
10324s the rush not F the rush sorry War mother
10326s call as you can try and outscale them or
10328s maybe like slow mid-range stuff like
10330s formidable to try to beat but all of
10332s this is like very aggro slanted
10334s mid-range which seraphine set can be too
10336s slow to and uh this watery grave deck is
10339s definitely going to be quite slow into
10340s so I don't think this is the matchup you
10341s wanted to see from PC car absolutely not
10344s and this is what we talked about in the
10346s top 32 right players coming in looking
10348s for a specific Target but because this
10350s is likely to be one of the widest metas
10352s that we've ever seen you can definitely
10353s miss on something like that and it looks
10355s like that might be what's happening to
10357s pakaru now there are still some Avenues
10360s to Victory here Echo Jinx while it's
10363s generally a pretty good anti-control
10364s deck because you have the option to have
10366s your board wiped and then revived still
10368s a lot of combo pieces that kind of need
10370s to come together we've seen Eko be the
10372s hide-and-seek champion of 2023 so far
10374s just not wanting to come to the
10375s Forefront of the meta come into the deck
10377s at the you know a meaningful time get
10379s those Corona break shuffled and actually
10380s get the engines going so there are still
10382s inconsistencies inherently within the
10384s Decks that Mario nostrom has brought
10386s that pakaru can exploit but
10387s unfortunately just not really up to
10389s pisar whether or not these decks do what
10391s they need to do and it's not a good
10393s position to be in but definitely
10394s winnable
10395s I think the slowest deck that marrom has
10398s is the nard Darius and that's going to
10399s be what pizari tries to Target but from
10401s Marin ostrom's perspective they are
10404s going to be in a tough decision I doubt
10405s they were thinking about this lineup
10407s when they were building it are they
10408s going to ban Mill or not probably not
10410s because it's going to be too slow but
10411s then what's your next best ban maybe
10413s sarapin set or hman Nora but they're
10417s also weird yeah it's hard to say with
10419s this build of seraphine set right
10420s because you don't actually expect the
10422s seraphine to level in a timely fashion
10425s in something like this and even if they
10426s do you know how many spells are they
10428s actually going to get to double up on
10429s once sarap is leveled because they
10430s probably played most of them to level
10432s her in the first place it might even
10433s just be about like getting off one face
10435s breaker as the double up spell but more
10437s than that I think the seraphine might
10439s actually just be a little bit more of
10440s like an anti-aggro Tech something that
10441s can come down in the early game block
10443s usually two units and then the temple
10445s just kind of tries to win the game from
10446s there out value your opponent out
10448s resource them through a temple rather
10450s than a Karma it's gotten pis aaru this
10452s far in the event um but sometimes
10454s players do look at something like that
10455s evely and maai and go hey I've never
10457s played against this before I don't
10458s understand it I don't want to try to
10460s play against it now for the first time
10462s there's so many things must be going
10463s through M ostrom's mind they could be
10465s thinking I have to ban him and Nora cuz
10467s this is the person that created it or we
10469s have to ban you know EV and maai cuz I
10471s don't know what's going on or we have to
10472s ban the set deck and it's very
10474s interesting listening to how people talk
10476s about seraphine set recently when Karma
10478s set first became a thing everyone
10479s thought about it as a Karma Deck with
10480s set sort of mid-range and now it's
10482s become you know seen as the set deck
10484s that just happens to have another chion
10486s combined with it we do see the narus
10488s band not what I was expecting but maybe
10490s it's just the strongest most linear deck
10492s that does the thing most consistently I
10495s think it is a consistency issue here for
10496s bisar to take that one off the table and
10498s then Martin nostrom taking out the
10499s sarapin set I guess just looking at that
10501s is the deck with the most early game
10503s access uh the one that is least
10505s exploitable good this like Evelyn deck
10507s does strike me as something that can be
10509s hard to chew through if you're trying to
10511s play aggressively and we're actually
10512s going to get to see no we're going to
10514s get to see it here in game number one
10515s that py TOS means it's bandal City that
10517s means it's himr Nora up against Echo
10520s Jinx these hate spikes are going to be
10523s really important against Echo Jinx
10525s you're going to be able to threaten Ekko
10526s and you're going to be able to prevent
10527s Eko from striking if you want to try and
10529s kill something else such as like aning
10531s chronomancer or put damage on the voice
10532s of the Risen but this may not be enough
10536s cuz you will need to find a way to win
10537s the game and no Nora no himer can spell
10540s concern on the other hand Marin no has
10542s some predicts and does get the drop
10544s border but we'll need to find more
10546s predicts over the course of the game
10547s just the chronomancer and the the
10549s fession is not
10551s enough the first Blood world champion
10553s here in drop order the only way to burst
10555s attack your opponent on turn one well
10557s not the only way but probably the best
10558s way the 1 three developed and now sakaru
10561s not finding much and again like what do
10564s you even take here okay it looks like
10566s it's going to be the removal of the
10567s keywords I was going to ask you know do
10569s you ever go for the landmark destruction
10571s just to like make sure that an ancient
10572s preparations down the line isn't an
10574s issue you just go for the heal obviously
10576s weapon destruction not something you
10577s value but actually valuing the removal
10579s of the keywords oh my goodness that's a
10580s second drop
10581s order removing the keywords is
10583s interesting but what you must realize
10585s about himon nor is that there aren't
10586s that many blockers when you don't have
10588s junk construct in your hand and so you
10590s can remove eka's quick attack but it's
10592s still going to probably survive with
10593s that it's it's very interesting that we
10595s saw explorers blunder be taken thinking
10598s if they want to take voice of the Risen
10600s or Mystic shot both are very good
10602s reasons to be taken Mystic shot can
10603s remove a blocker but voice of the RAS
10605s lets you Pummel in for so much damage
10607s and that's what we're going to see I I
10610s actually obviously looking at the hands
10612s and the double ha spike a triple hate
10613s Spike now to piscar Mystic shot was
10614s looking appealing because it will have
10616s the option to cancel one of those but
10618s the voices is actually highlighting an
10620s issue that I have with this deck which
10621s is it it it's just too many four drops
10625s is kind of what it boils down to uh Jinx
10627s never really feels like she gets to
10628s level in a hand like this and you're not
10631s really maintaining a large enough hand
10633s size to make it worth it all the while
10635s augmented experiment could flip that on
10637s its head but again the problem with
10638s these four drops is that they're all so
10640s high value outside of augmented clocking
10642s right there's so many puzzle pieces that
10643s you need to fit together and they just
10644s come out so slowly that pakaru really is
10647s going to have time to just continue to
10649s dig for this himer
10650s dier you may not remember this but when
10653s I first Top Cut you wrote about me in a
10655s little article and you mentioned that I
10656s was playing I I was playing Echo Jinx
10659s and Echo Jinx into Shadow Isles does
10661s very interesting things where while four
10663s Mana is an issue
10665s on your chions uh and your your wi such
10667s as the voice of the reason Shadow only
10669s really has damage six Mana removal in
10672s the Vengeance they can try and H Spike
10673s and we are going to see that come down
10675s and that has changed it since you know
10676s years ago when you wrote this article um
10679s but you are able to sort of out value
10682s because your wions are cheaper than
10683s their answers and that's what Echo Jinx
10685s is going to try and do
10691s here not finding much off of this
10695s predict I mean another Echo is certainly
10696s something that you're going to want
10698s right I think that all right how is this
10701s the fourth predict or is this the third
10702s predict I never remember if Ekko
10703s actually Waits until the card finishes
10705s resolving and then levels and shuffles
10706s in the Chrono break or like you shuffle
10708s them in as soon as the card is cast
10709s because you're doing a predict never
10711s quite sure I guess we'll find out in a
10712s second here I don't even know if you
10713s remember we've seen feral into aspiring
10716s chronomancer into ancient preparation
10718s this is in fact the fourth
10720s predict okay soly the time trick then
10723s the Chrono breaks go in see this is why
10725s you're the
10727s expert uh I've played too much of this
10729s deck over the past year and a half I
10731s think it's like my third or fourth
10732s highest Mastery just below Sil auan and
10734s redw uh we are going to see pukaru
10737s making the most out of their triple hits
10738s by C and getting a conchologist which we
10740s haven't mentioned yet is quite an
10741s important card for them to be able to
10743s survive longer uh we're going to see
10745s what they try and get here probably
10749s those aren't good options but you're
10750s probably taking
10751s Quicken it's nice to be able to sort of
10755s set up a shadow block with something
10756s like this I don't think that the Quick's
10758s going to get much use out of your
10759s opponent once these once the voice of
10761s the Risen comes down because the echo
10762s did level before dying so now
10763s everything's going to be up to four
10764s attack you're not really looking to
10766s bounce a drop border here but pisar is
10769s still not finding a significant threat
10770s and ectic collection is something that
10772s I'm a little bit down on in a deck like
10775s this because you do just have hands like
10777s this it's such a clunky do nothing card
10779s drawing multiple copies of it can be
10781s such a rough position to be in and third
10782s drop order or Mar nostrom that is
10788s tragic letic collection is always really
10790s interesting I always thought this is a
10791s really powerful card but once you
10793s realize that it only shuffles in at most
10795s 18 puff caps it's not even like
10797s threatening as much as you think it
10798s would right the best part of it is the
10799s portals but if you've got a board full
10801s of things like junk construct and
10802s randomly summon portals you don't need
10804s even more portals at that point this for
10806s second finding the drop Port is quite
10807s nice and we probably going to see that
10808s curved into a voice of the and pizar is
10812s going to have to Vengeance it but then
10814s can just play even more Champions is
10817s true and another issue with that
10818s collector collection is the portals
10819s going into the top 10 rather than the
10821s top four so even if you're just trying
10822s to do it with a couple of units it's not
10824s great a little surprised to see the
10826s Vengeance come out pre combat but maybe
10828s piscard didn't actually think that
10830s marrom was going to go into combat never
10832s mind they just full swing again anyway
10833s so going to get a block with the K just
10835s just bouncing off with drop or to take
10836s advantage of the husk health and next
10839s turn is looking like it might even just
10841s be like naked quick in onto con ol to
10844s try and generate another spell oh never
10846s mind there's another conchologist too a
10849s little bit of backup but things are
10850s still looking rough where Mar a just
10852s continuing to draw champion after
10854s Champion there's a very scary contol
10857s just on the other side and the only
10858s fearsome block is that Mar nostrom has
10861s outside of voices buffing things are
10863s champions which I think is a really
10864s funny way and this chip damage if this
10866s game does go long and pakari is able to
10868s stabilize will be relevant right you do
10870s want to win through puff Caps or you
10871s want to win through six Mana hinger tyrs
10874s so it's quite important to look for that
10875s and Mar Ostrom not really finding their
10878s Chrono breaks not really finding their
10879s wions here they are going to go for May
10881s to try and look even further it's like a
10883s side grade to a a clocking but not
10886s finding what they
10894s need I'm looking I'm heing I'm haing all
10897s of these like bandal tellstones yeah
10899s kind of whatever the other two options
10901s look rather appealing it's more about
10902s like okay what do I think is actually in
10904s my opponent's hand because when your
10905s opponent's this low on cards obviously
10906s the Trixie tentacles feels a lot better
10908s but I think undergrowth is the right
10910s option while you're just kind of getting
10911s chipped down by all these drop
10913s orders definitely like the undergrowth
10915s finding a feral pre we're probably going
10917s to see that come down this turn looking
10918s for the r of negation or looking for the
10920s Chrono break uh pisaro trying to figure
10923s out what they're going to do with the
10924s rest of their turns we are going to see
10926s the undergrowth come down just before uh
10928s a Chrono break could happen and if there
10929s was a Chrono break this isn't the worst
10931s one you can see losing three units can't
10933s feel good I mean you don't lose them
10935s there at the bottom of the deck but now
10936s you know you've got three less units
10938s happening
10939s there I remember when oh man there was a
10941s big debate about
10944s like back in the go hard days and
10947s tossing and it's like oh no you tossed
10949s your go hards and it's like okay well
10950s they were at the bottom of the deck so
10952s it doesn't really matter anyway and then
10954s oh well now your opponent has the
10955s information that you're down go
10956s ultimately I don't think it really
10957s matters what was on the bottom of your
10958s deck yeah you give a little bit of
10960s information over to the opponent but I
10961s think they kind of you know through the
10963s power of reason able deduction Mar
10965s nostrom was probably aware that there
10966s weren't many units in pakaru hand at
10968s this
10970s point Mar nostrom getting a c if you
10973s don't know by the way Mari means C and
10975s nostrom means hour uh our is in the
10978s pronoun us um but in a sea of all of
10981s these four Mana cards eventually going
10983s to be able to play two next turn isn't
10985s that exciting finally two cards in a
10986s turn uh but we're going to see the
10990s perilous pastry come down combined with
10992s is this going to be
10994s I didn't see what it was initially but
10996s it's going to be probably trying to deal
10997s with the oh inter that's not ha Spike
11003s even then I feel like this is accurate I
11005s feel like hate spike is something you
11006s would want to wait on here so that you
11008s can set up the ghost block
11011s but I think that's what we're going to
11013s see I think we're going to see a Beyond
11014s and a hate Spike on the turn uh if
11016s you've been hand tracking I think you're
11018s able to work out that there isn't
11022s a a uh a Chon break I don't know if
11024s that's entirely true but I feel like
11026s we've seen these cards in the hand this
11028s whole time we might be able to work that
11029s out and feel pretty comfy knowing that
11031s there's no uh R of negation Orono break
11034s or at least trying to play for that and
11037s it is going to work out and the wind
11039s just keeps getting taken out of the
11041s sales of marra but these drop orders are
11042s just doing a lot of work regardless
11046s thisaru yeah I think the raw Glimpse
11048s Beyond is just something you've got to
11049s fire off at this point this is your last
11051s unit you can't really afford to wait
11052s around for your opponent to draw a
11053s Mystic shot maybe you'll find something
11054s double grave companion uh which I
11057s believe is probably going to make its
11059s top 16 debut right here right now I
11060s don't think this card has ever made it
11062s this far
11064s before you can play grave companion to
11066s grave companion and then Glimpse Beyond
11068s one of them to draw three cards for that
11070s turn but that's not going to feel great
11072s now Mar nostrom losing two voices
11074s already like if you go through the deck
11076s losing both voices is very hard it's
11078s going to be hard to find that third copy
11079s of voices which means that pukar isn't
11082s actually looking that down in damage
11084s there is going to be the the Jinx
11085s leveling next turn but that can always
11087s be Dawning shadowed
11090s soar somehow has managed to stabilize
11092s after one of the most awkward hands I've
11094s seen with no junk construct and no nor
11096s and even if Mario nostrom does draw a
11099s Chrono break here okay it does matter a
11100s little bit of to go into combat I
11101s imagine gon's going to be used to dodge
11103s the echo but that Dawning Shadow is
11105s actually a great anti Chrono break Tech
11107s in that you're only killing one unit and
11108s then when your opponent goes for the
11110s rally all of their units are
11111s significantly reduced on their attack
11115s it's a very interesting deck list I
11117s doubt pisar was thinking about exactly
11119s Echo Jinx with the way this is built but
11121s it is definitely come into play quite a
11123s bitume you're going to see the Glimpse
11124s beond try and be hover draw three cards
11126s eventually find these cards that you've
11128s been looking for I don't think I can TOS
11130s how much different this game would look
11131s if jump construct was there earlier it
11133s would have blocked like eight damage by
11135s this point and been much much healthier
11137s we're going to see Glimpse and H Spike I
11139s think both come down and if you order
11140s this properly no it doesn't matter how
11142s you order it I don't think
11144s to get an extra
11147s draw is there even a hate Spike left I
11149s thought all of the hate Spikes have been
11151s oh this is double Glimpse
11152s Beyond oh okay okay okay no it's not
11155s it's one Glimpse Beyond and oh man we
11157s don't remember what cards there are we
11158s know it's one glimp Beyond and something
11160s else it's py TOS P
11163s TOS saving one damage trying to draw
11166s three it shouldn't draw four right dog
11168s doesn't proc on itself i' assume not
11170s would be surprised if it
11172s did it
11174s doesn't we do see the himr Dron finally
11176s units can be played pisar has finally
11178s found any way to you know search for
11180s units and Mar nostrom failing to draw
11184s because of the Glimpse beond means they
11185s can't find the Chrono break they can't
11186s find R of negation and can't find a way
11188s of killing on this time no so with
11192s Mystic shot going to the top of the deck
11194s Mystic shot at the Nexus puts pakaru
11196s down to five Super Mega Death rocket
11198s puts them down to two and then that
11200s Mystic shot on top of the deck puts them
11202s down to zero
11205s one thing I want to point out about
11207s himora this is something I was thinking
11208s about talking about earlier uh himora is
11212s really interesting where typically
11214s whenever you fought Shadows you always
11215s be like Health their health doesn't
11216s really matter because they can always
11217s heal they've always have vile piece they
11218s always have these cards Hora doesn't run
11221s healing anymore which means it's
11222s basically like a pnz noxus control there
11225s which is a crazy difference obviously
11227s you can get healing from the Explorer
11229s that's the one like exception to this
11231s rule but you can count down to 20 which
11234s is something you could never do against
11235s si decks
11236s previously I think that's why we've seen
11238s such a big fall off of Si in standard
11240s even if
11241s the lack of healing in si isn't as much
11245s of an issue as people might make it out
11247s to be I think it's just such a play
11249s style difference from what we're used to
11250s out of Shadow a especially the control
11252s Decks that like it it's taken us longer
11255s than we might have liked to adapt to it
11256s but I assume this is going to be the
11258s Mystic shot off the top and that's just
11260s going to be lethal no they went for
11262s something else actually
11265s that's I'm looking at the deck list here
11268s spids I'm not seeing anything that could
11270s have possibly stop that line of
11274s play uh if you're you might be seeing
11276s this Explorer they don't know that it's
11278s explor blunder it could have been the
11281s Explorer healing spell and tried to go
11283s for a longer game I don't hate it it's
11285s like the like aorus snacks that we saw
11287s earlier when AB Nessie was not playing
11289s it earlier it's similar but I think
11291s you're still supposed to go for the
11292s mytic shot there because you're still
11293s reing a lot of damage with your anyway
11295s and getting the clucking doesn't change
11296s that all that much I also feel like
11298s there were I'm not 100% sure on this but
11300s I'm relatively certain that pisar has
11301s passed with a good amount of Mana in the
11303s past to the point where they probably
11305s would have just used the healing to be
11307s Mana
11308s efficient but if they haven't then yeah
11311s maybe Mario nostrum is still cognizant
11313s of the healing going what else would you
11314s even possibly take in this matchup
11315s obviously it's the healing if you even
11317s if you took the keyword one then I've
11319s had a jinx and an echo in play before
11321s surely you would have used it on one of
11323s them and had a more effective block but
11325s that's just not howaru units have lined
11327s up up until this point but I don't think
11329s Mar nostrom is really in danger of dying
11331s before pakaru finishes them
11334s off pakara has to make some decisions
11336s here we are going to see explorers
11338s blunder come down and try and develop
11339s some units probably going to see another
11341s unit come down as well I wonder if you
11344s pop the Chrono break here this is
11345s something that's very difficult to
11346s organize Eko isn't going to die so you
11349s are able to get the free uh attack and
11352s trade into the board a little you don't
11353s revive anything but you're basically
11355s just using this as Relentless p and
11356s trying to pressure a deck that doesn't
11358s respond well to Relentless p man I'm
11360s good now luckily uh pisar can dodge this
11364s with a quick in onto one of their units
11366s and then replay it on the following turn
11368s and just full block everything else and
11370s because the Chona break came out already
11371s you don't have to worry about that so
11372s your units are going to survive it's
11374s just a matter of what do you want to
11375s bounce to your own hand do you want to
11376s reset the health on your dog even though
11378s it's more Mana maybe you reset the Nora
11380s just because it's you know the cheaper
11382s unit and it looks like it is going to be
11383s the
11385s Norah Mar nostrom is going to be ruing
11387s in their seat seeing this they've seen
11389s three hate spikes two glimp Beyond and a
11392s pyos and still their Echo is inable to
11395s trade that's got to feel awful you would
11397s have thought that Echo was guaranteed
11398s here but no this conola just picking
11400s this maybe like 20 turns ago slight
11402s pilation more like six uh could have you
11405s wouldn't have expected it it just it's
11406s got to hurt to see from Marin Ostrom and
11409s now pisar is finally going to get to
11410s take advantage of that ectic collection
11413s so while Mar and asesa sit here and dig
11415s through their deck to try to find and
11416s out they're going to be drawing shrooms
11418s in the process and thanks to production
11419s we see that Nora is now fully leveled
11422s and will be generating four five six
11424s seven Mana units coming out of these
11428s portals game is far from over though
11431s because as we've said before this High
11433s Manor is just like old noxus uh pnz
11436s except slightly different uh there is no
11438s healing outside of an Explorer if Mar
11440s nostrom is able to find that uh Mystic
11442s shot that we saw earlier that wasn't
11443s picked they could still easily lose and
11446s there are so many ways Mar to top deck
11447s what they need yeah I believe there's
11449s still two Mystic shot two Jinx left in
11452s the deck maybe it's only no yeah I think
11454s I think it is two Jinx left in the deck
11455s at this point believe one was like
11457s shuffled Away by a Marium earlier so
11461s minimum H I'm not going to say minimum
11463s maximum Four Points of burn or four burn
11466s cards rather that maram can still draw
11468s into to find the end of this game and
11470s pakaru would have to find an Explorer in
11472s the meantime to get one Health above a
11474s super mega Death rocket two above a
11475s Mystic shot but they're not presenting
11478s lethal on this following turn not
11479s through
11481s quicksand and there are interesting ways
11483s that pisara can try and look for another
11485s Explorer they could shoot their
11487s own uh Flor beone they're able to play
11490s ceaseless entry and try look for but we
11492s see the Mystic shot drawn and this will
11495s dispel lethal as soon as Mar nostrom
11497s gets an
11501s action it was a close one spids for a
11503s second there I thought pakaru might have
11505s been able to like you know it would have
11506s taken a couple of turns but maybe
11508s ultimately in the end they could get
11509s there but sometimes you just draw those
11511s two points of burn that you shuffled
11513s away earlier in the game and that is
11514s going to do it here for game number one
11516s Mari nostrom taking it over
11519s pakaru Kara's got to be thinking I
11521s should have taken the other thing from
11523s the Explorer it was so close I would
11525s have had two Health remaining and I
11526s would have made
11529s it well you know what they say
11531s hindsight's 50/50 and hopefully
11533s now we'll get to see this Evelyn maai
11535s deck going up against ephemerals this is
11537s not a position that you want to be in if
11538s you're pakaru ephemerals back in the day
11542s very very heavily anti-control deck
11544s there was really nothing you could do
11545s unless you ran withering wh but
11547s withering wh wasn't very effective
11548s against the rest of the meta you know
11549s this is a little bit more low to the
11550s ground a little bit more aggressive
11551s there's no like Hecker room top end but
11553s at the end of the day still a little bit
11555s of a nightmare for decks like
11557s these yeah honora is going to have some
11560s better play into it with things like
11561s pyos to shoot shoot down some things and
11564s the fact that they can't really
11565s effectively kill himer or Norah can be
11567s quite relevant and we're going to see
11568s bothos and himer in the opening hand but
11571s at the end of the day Mari nostrom
11573s doesn't sort of fall off cuz every
11575s single attack that they're going to have
11576s will be pressuring 15 damage pretty much
11578s every single time that's just how a fals
11580s work you need to put them on a clock you
11582s can't just be passive and pisar is going
11584s to struggle to find that luckily they do
11586s have a more proactive hand this time
11587s around
11588s and but still shark Chariot in the
11591s opener really highlights the pain point
11592s in the match like this it's something
11594s that you can't interact with in play it
11597s or rather like it's slow speed it
11599s doesn't come in until they're already in
11600s combat and by then it's a little bit too
11601s late for the perilous pastry to come out
11603s and be an answer but you know they're
11606s generally not killing by turn five
11609s pakaru should have the time to get down
11610s a Heimerdinger and establish a board by
11612s then uh I'm a little bit more worried
11614s about this maai
11616s deck Mari nostrom has got the perfect
11619s one two three four they've got the foyer
11621s on the defensive token to get the extra
11623s hollowed they've got Gwen that needs to
11625s be vened but you're going to be facing
11627s down so many things they have to make a
11629s tough decision though shark Chariot or
11631s redeem Prodigy redeem Prodigy does four
11633s damage now and one for every Future Turn
11635s but Shar Char does three damage now and
11636s three for every Future Turn and deciding
11638s that the future game is more
11640s important and no pie toss onto the shark
11643s Chariot to deny that little bit of
11644s damage probably going to have to save
11645s that for once the himer comes down
11647s because I think you're right Vengeance
11648s onto Gwen on turn four is borderline
11650s mandatory so not able to have that big
11653s spell for when the himr Dinger actually
11654s comes down you got to kind of take what
11655s you can get and himer is not really like
11658s the win condition in this deck in the
11660s way that it was in himer Jace you're not
11662s really getting a slurry of big turrets
11664s it's more about like yeah here's just
11666s more bandal City gum up the board
11668s nonsense to level up my
11671s Norah do see Norah get the strike in and
11674s just having enough block is exactly what
11675s you want we are going to see portal Pine
11677s come down and destroy the opulent fo
11679s very important that this happened this
11681s is going to deny probably four or five
11683s stacks of hollow plus 10 damage worth of
11685s these units over the course of the next
11687s couple of turns cuz either this game
11688s goes along or Mar nostrom win so we're
11691s going to see uh this this happen uh it's
11694s a very good take from the portal
11698s Pioneer no oh Soul Harvest is a very
11704s very good top deck for pakaru if this
11706s Gwen actually does come down I think
11707s that's enough of a Tempo stoppage for
11709s pisara to really get back into this game
11711s so Mari nostrom is going to look at that
11712s deck say ah you know if I run out this
11715s GW and I get Soul harvested that's kind
11716s of a rough beat let me throw down the
11718s redeemed Prodigy instead that way I
11719s leave hate Spike open if there is some
11721s kind of removal tool for it and instead
11723s it's just going to be a blocker
11724s developed by pisar but either way a lot
11726s of time bought here and now as a six
11728s Mana spell available while Heimerdinger
11730s comes through getting extra shock
11733s Chariot as well it's going to be
11734s difficult to find a way to proc shock
11735s Chariot on a future turn unless you want
11737s to use the moon Glen keeper we do see
11738s stalking Shadows which can proc shark
11740s Chariot by giving you an ephemeral unit
11743s but pakara is going to have the sort of
11745s hand that allows them to start on the
11747s very slow and not too great feeling
11750s stabilization process with the himer
11751s with the pitas and going to be able to
11754s get another portal pretty much
11755s guaranteed with three draws plus the
11757s draw from the ceaseless entry and this
11760s is where we're really going to start to
11761s see the break point between this and
11762s other ephemeral decks in the past just
11764s the lack of heckum the lack of the big
11766s finish that levels up in your deck and
11768s comes down and gives everything buffed
11770s up for the rest of the game the
11771s overwhelm damage on the unit itself
11773s can't really be understated instead now
11775s we're actually just going to see like a
11776s draw denied Nora taken out with the ha
11778s Spike and got to hope for a decent husk
11781s here to power up that
11784s Gwen yeah tough or spell shield would be
11786s really ideal for trying to go onto this
11788s Gwen you could also hope for regen but
11790s doesn't seem to get too much and we are
11792s going to see uh the quick attack husk
11795s sort of Superfluous with Gwen but who
11797s knows maybe we it'll be surprising and
11798s we'll get two quick
11800s attacks unfortunately the the he buff
11803s not super relevant here as we're still
11804s kind of lining up that Soul Harvest onto
11806s that Gwen it might even happen on the
11808s himer Dinger turn get another portal
11809s down as the portal POA does turn back
11811s into a nor so that's one less spell for
11813s the himer in the future but now is the
11814s Moment of Truth just an open attack
11816s might as well push a little bit of
11817s damage get the portal under the deck for
11818s free it's not like you're attacking with
11820s the Heimerdinger this turn so see how
11823s Marin nostrom wants to open this one
11825s pakaru might just take a pass if Mar
11827s offers
11829s it this does look like pisara has
11832s definitely stabilized quite a bit
11834s they're getting a couple of portals over
11835s the next couple of turns they're
11836s probably going to play himr and they
11837s shouldn't I imagine be any way of
11838s interacting with it I don't think we saw
11840s s har or anything there might be death
11842s Mark which pukara could be thinking
11844s about but that would be about it but
11846s Mario nostrom doesn't have as bad as the
11848s hand might seem being able to stun
11850s something and being able to scry for
11851s something like extra moonl Glen Keepers
11853s or even shark chariots could be really
11855s really good with this stalking
11857s Shadows yeah definitely not out of the
11859s woods I mean even if they take the pass
11862s here stage hand into the Moonlight Glen
11865s keeper with the shark Chariot already in
11867s the death pool offers up a good amount
11868s of damage now with himer coming down I
11870s imagine Gwen is relatively safe to come
11871s down as well it's a matter of you know
11874s probably not going to be an open attack
11875s at a Mari nostrom if if there is it's
11877s going to be disastrous walking into that
11878s Vengeance but with the stage hand in
11880s hand I imagine Mario nostrom is going to
11881s run this one out one thing we should
11883s heavily consider never mind ignore what
11886s I was about to say I was going to say
11887s moonl Glen keeper has fearsome and there
11889s aren't that many good fearsome blockers
11891s from pcar but Noble Rebel is a fearsome
11894s blocker and that changes things a lot
11896s you are able to do stage hand plus moonl
11898s Glen keeper but the actions allow Pyar
11901s to do Vengeance and develop the six one
11903s you can pull it to the side that damage
11904s is still relevant we could see a five
11906s damage fearsome but takes a lot more set
11908s up we'll see what Mario nostrom wants to
11911s open with here three hallowed Stacks
11913s proed up three Mark of the aisle in the
11916s deck something pisar is going to have to
11917s think of when lining up this Soul
11919s Harvest onto the Gwen although I think
11921s you'd be relatively happy to see
11923s ephemeral go down on the Gwen you just
11924s kind of need to deal with that card
11926s especially as Mario nram gets down to
11927s three cards in hand here pisar though
11930s only enough Mana for a couple of spells
11932s if the soul Harvest is used vengeance is
11934s off the
11936s table going to be a tough decision for
11938s pakara you could try and go for soul
11940s Harvest but again it runs into the mark
11941s of the ODS as you were saying and if you
11942s do that you can't afford Vengeance
11944s anymore High TOS you could try and
11946s double up one get a bunch of one ones
11947s and deny what you think might be one of
11949s the few ways they've got a feral access
11951s to you've already destroyed the landmark
11952s you've already seen a couple of these
11953s come down they may not have easy ways of
11955s creating emerals especially if you can
11956s pyos or perilous B them afterwards these
11959s car got a lot they definitely need to
11960s think about uh I wonder what they go for
11963s it's going to be quite tough we are
11964s going to see the soul Harvest hovered
11965s and threaten
11968s the if Mark of the Isle stops it either
11971s way you might as well go after the Gwen
11972s here right I don't think you're really
11974s leaving up too much with that one extra
11975s Mana but no is going to go onto the
11978s redeemed
11981s prodigy Boulevard's pants are on fire
11984s because he is a liar but we are going to
11986s see the moonlet land keeper pry come
11988s down train and pull the Fearsome to the
11990s side and not an easy way for pizari to
11992s answer it there will be five Dam five
11996s yeah three 2 plus three five damage plus
11997s the Gwen extra two we're going to see
11999s pakara go down to probably three Health
12001s here and again a deck that doesn't
12002s really
12011s heal all right there is the Moonlight
12013s Glen keeper here comes I imagine the
12016s turret might be the pie toss instead to
12019s try and stop the challenge onto the
12021s Fearsome
12023s unit and that would just uh take a lot
12026s of the wind out of the sales of Marin
12027s nostrom still get the two damage three
12029s for the Gwen but yeah it does kind of
12031s feel like this might just have to be
12032s pre-combat py toss to preserve your
12034s fearsome
12037s blocker that may have to be the case
12040s again you're going to be running into uh
12042s Mark of the Isles but we have seen that
12044s already been sort of tested for so this
12046s is rather safe as a player uh it does
12049s mean that the moon l l keeper is not
12051s going to push in for the five damage
12052s Gwen will still be able to trade into
12053s something probably just the draw to be
12055s honest and that'll be even better for
12057s p and that's what we're going to see the
12059s trade and presumably the block P ofar
12062s has definitely stabilized but again we
12063s see stalking Shadows this is not out of
12065s the woods yet Eternal dancer probably
12069s the it's the it's the largest hit that
12072s you could get off the stalking Shadows
12074s but even something like a shark Chariot
12075s might be a little bit more impactful in
12077s terms of like ending the game later on
12078s because you're getting double up on the
12080s shark Chariot uh each one is summoning
12082s the other shark chariots because it's
12083s ephemeral and while there is still an
12085s ephemeral in the hand of Mario nostrom
12086s anything can become ephemeral with a
12088s mark of the aisle down the line but with
12090s so many cards in the hand of piscar you
12091s got to assume that this is going to be
12093s like a Nora level into the ectic
12096s collection all these portals start
12097s coming out and probably no more damage
12100s going to be pushed through
12103s the ceaseless Sentry was Glimpse Beyond
12105s it and then portal back into another
12106s ceaseless Sentry it seems to be some
12108s sort of Shadow trickery where nor is
12110s putting a portal right under the Glimpse
12112s and taking the unit back uh this is a
12114s very threatening attack and we even see
12116s The Eclectic collection we're not going
12118s to see it played right now but eclectic
12120s will be able to shuffle in a bunch of
12122s puff caps exactly 18 as well as create a
12125s 61 for Hing all right so all okay here's
12129s here's what happens Marin austrom goes
12131s oh look I did it I I okay here oh man I
12134s was waiting for I one of the puff caps
12135s in the deck first and then you don't
12137s even look at the puff caps and it's like
12138s oh no there were 17 puff caps on my
12140s stage hand where did those come from
12143s just really turn the tides and give us
12144s an excellent game through with this Maly
12146s list that we really want to see in
12147s action this kind of why we picked this
12149s match up in the first place piss ofar so
12151s hurry up with the N the himr nor we've
12153s seen this before I've seen it I'm sick
12155s of it whatever Nora level up awesome
12158s cool yordles everywhere great text
12159s whatever man I want to see some mil
12164s after that TI raade we should keep in
12165s mind that Mario nostrom is definitely
12167s not out of it and that pick from
12168s stalking Shadows with two fearsome
12170s attackers can definitely be relevant we
12172s might see himer flip by then but if
12174s there's not enough ways of blocking
12175s fearsome this is quite a bit of damage
12178s it's six damage right now with four
12180s Hollow plus two from one of the GL
12181s Keepers you get both of them hit that
12183s will be lethal Mario nostr is definitely
12185s not out of this one of the better hits
12187s to get from stalking Shadows I think
12189s it's still going to take the backup of
12190s something like a mar of there's aveng
12192s and a hate spike in the hand for pisar
12194s so even though they've only got one
12195s fearsome blocker at the moment and they
12198s might even I don't I don't imagine Mario
12200s nostrom is actually going to throw out a
12201s block here they might but at the same
12202s time you'd kind of be opening yourself
12204s up to a potential portal coming out okay
12206s I kind of like this keeping the uh sort
12207s of board full because now that the Norah
12209s is leveled you don't want to your
12211s opponent is just like oh look here's my
12212s soul gorger coming out of my portal and
12215s now suddenly not only do I have a fome
12217s blocker but I have life steal so you
12218s know a situation like this they're going
12220s to force it into pis aaru's hand go go
12222s for I guess it's not even going to be an
12223s open attack right you probably are going
12225s to have to Nightfall out these moonl
12227s Glen Keepers um and with that being the
12230s case between the Vengeance the hate
12232s Spike the pie toss I'm not seeing the
12234s lethal here for Marin
12237s nostrom you never know if if there is a
12239s mark of the is top deck I think it is
12242s possible you'd have to map out all of
12243s these actions with how the Heim is going
12245s to create stuff without that ha is
12246s going to come down it is not the easiest
12248s decision to make but if we don't see the
12250s mark the I do think you're right that
12252s Mar nostrom is not going to find their
12254s way out of this especially ifle
12256s Collection comes down someone's a 61
12258s right now and gets a bunch of portals
12259s and is able to develop things like a
12261s surprise Soul gorger for example you see
12263s it come down and everyone's favorite
12264s long animation that slightly shorter
12267s than the sun disc and uh this yeah this
12269s is going to be a hinger level up as well
12271s all in the same action so every time
12273s we've seen that collectic collection so
12275s far it's been immediately followed up by
12276s that hinger level up and I just imagine
12278s we're going to get a pass out of mar
12280s nostrom here not a lot of reason do
12282s throw out the moon GL keeper before you
12283s can Nightfall it and will have the Mana
12285s to run all of the units in hand
12286s currently out on the following turn but
12288s again even without spell Mana banked
12291s Vengeance plus hate Spike are available
12293s and now a five five no all three Chimes
12296s I believe went on in the same unit but
12297s that should at least be one additional
12299s fearsome Blocker in Hand of pakaru if
12300s they get in
12302s action Zed is a little bit too late you
12305s would have hoped to see this on maybe I
12306s don't know turn three and instead it's
12307s turn eight which last time I checked is
12309s exactly five turns too late uh Mar
12312s nostrom just isn't going to be able to
12314s find their way out of this pukaru could
12315s tap under something if if they're being
12317s a bit too quick but even with his hand
12319s it's hard to tap under Vengeance when
12320s all of your cards cost less than three
12322s Mana now imagine if the Zed were a
12325s heckum if you will I know that he's
12327s rotated I know he's often in Eternal
12330s Wonderland but this is
12333s why I'm not as big on a femals as I once
12337s was and I was never huge on it but man
12339s the finishing power that he brought to
12341s the table you just don't get that out of
12344s zed zed is really good into Decks that
12347s don't have direct damage removal like
12348s Decks that don't run hate Spike or don't
12350s run pyos or don't run you know all of
12352s the things that pukaru is trying to run
12355s this is just not the match up for Z I
12356s think it wanted to see something like
12357s Gwen Riven where they don't have well
12359s actually no that has H Spike I don't
12360s know what Zed wants to see but Z wants
12363s to see Jack or I
12365s guess and run into Jax's Champion spell
12369s I can see
12370s that uh isaro just thinking you know
12373s what are the possible ways that I lose
12375s this do I need a hate Spike now or can I
12376s wait on hate Spike there's a lot of
12377s things you can think about they're going
12378s to be looking at each other's deck lists
12379s and trying to figure this all out but
12381s isara stay slow and stay steady they
12383s should be able to come through this with
12384s a bunch of uh FL be guns attacking
12388s elusively yeah it's a little bit of with
12391s only six Mana left available you can
12393s either Vengeance or you can pie toss
12395s perilous pastry hate Spike and just kind
12397s of thinking okay if my opponent goes
12398s into combat is there anything that they
12399s could possibly do to me especially if I
12401s end up going for like a pie toss hat
12403s Spike combo rather than the Vengeance
12404s does Mark of the aisle get me in some
12406s way you're aware that your opponent only
12408s has one unknown card the other one you
12410s know is a moonland glen keeper because
12411s the one in play is ephemeral so you know
12413s they came off the stock and shadows here
12414s comes the second copy and that's just
12416s another calculation that pisaro was
12417s doing if my opponent played one moonl
12419s gun keeper they're pretty likely to play
12421s the second one and honestly an attack
12423s lost tier off of one is playing the
12425s ephemeral copy before the non-ephemeral
12427s copy not that I think it really makes a
12430s difference here
12433s are going to see this attack line up Mar
12435s noom's got to just be praying you know
12436s no Vengeance no hit Spike please let me
12439s get this a like this a fear some damage
12441s in but we can see the hand that's going
12443s to be the case Mar nostrom I don't think
12446s playing like I don't think anything was
12448s badly played From marous perspective
12450s they played their 1 two 3 four or they
12452s didn't play Gwen in the end they played
12453s another card but they were trying to be
12455s aggressive they mulliganed rather well
12457s it just it didn't pan out when pcar
12458s managed to play himer on five and that's
12461s always been the biggest criticism of
12463s ephemerals it is a strong deck but it is
12465s a low agency deck there's really it's
12468s not really up to you in a lot of
12469s situations how well you do all you can
12471s do is put your cards on the table and if
12472s your opponent has the answers well
12473s that's just all she
12476s wrote the H Spike come down going to see
12479s more turrets be
12481s spawned himer for some reason seeing
12483s Evelyn kill something and be like yeah
12485s this is a good opportunity to create a
12486s tough turret this is exactly what I was
12488s trying to do going to draw kahiri The
12490s Returned and a bunch of I forgot about a
12492s collectic collection it's on the screen
12494s but I just completely forgot about it
12496s and I don't think there's an alha Mar
12498s Noom at this point I don't think there's
12499s a single thing they could draw to avoid
12501s them getting lethal down fearsomely
12503s actually uh oh you you don't know that
12506s about the uh what is this 11 Mana Shadow
12509s a fast speed drain six from the
12512s opponent's Nexus spell you haven't heard
12513s about that one oh no sorry I hadn't
12516s heard about this I must have missed that
12517s when they released utter Devastation I
12519s just get them so confused
12522s those variety cards get pretty wild
12525s these
12526s days we do see the surrender 1 for p
12529s CaRu versus Mar nostrom and we are going
12532s to see your very favorite Evelyn maai
12535s Mill whoa who said anything about favor
12538s it's why we're watching the matchup but
12539s let me tell you Boulevard likes it when
12541s yall just bring the same deck it makes
12543s my stats easy my I get carpal tunnel if
12545s there's too many one of and I got to say
12546s this time around it's not going to be
12548s kind on the wrists for me but this is a
12550s list that we haven't seen before and
12551s actually is taking advantage of I don't
12553s think it was a variety patch this time
12555s or ays rather the two Mana 1 one Nexus
12558s strike summon a random husk I think it
12560s might I don't think it was a variety
12561s patch card but I remember you know it
12563s didn't really make an impact when it
12565s came out so I kind of forget when it
12566s came out now on top of that just you
12568s know some a couple of like sea monster
12570s cards but grave companion another tech
12572s choice that pakaru has put in this
12574s Shadow aisle list that uh I don't even
12576s know what to expect out of a normal mil
12577s deck because I've seen normally when I
12579s see like the maai watery grave stuff
12581s it's it still just kind of looks like
12585s deep the the deck does some interesting
12587s things it has seen some Niche play
12589s tournaments I know sir tman has been
12590s playing it a little bit in some certain
12592s things it does some things powerfully
12594s but you really have to stall you you
12596s don't have a windc con outside of water
12598s gave you can pretend to have C Scarab
12599s winning and you can pretend to have
12600s Evelyn but it never gets you there
12602s fighting this deck that is probably
12604s going to be able to pressure them
12605s relatively effectively but pukara maybe
12607s has the best draw with double C Scarab
12609s and
12610s maai maybe would have liked a soul
12612s Harvest instead of the Vengeance would
12614s have paed into this hand very well but
12615s of course one mark of the aisle out of
12616s Mari and aam could undo all of that
12617s anyway so going to ship it back for an
12620s Evelyn
12622s not looking great into what Marin
12625s nostrom has assembled here pisar very
12627s much at risk of just getting aggro down
12629s but hey with this many units in hand all
12631s of your top decks are that much more
12633s likely to be
12635s removal that's one way of thinking about
12637s it you know if my Mulligan is bad at
12639s least I'll draw into good cards later on
12641s the other hand Mario nostrom has drawn
12643s into two dragon Ambush which are
12645s typically pretty good but only if you've
12646s got a high density of hollow and shark
12648s charot and with only one hollowed and no
12650s shark Chariot these are just five Mana
12652s deal fors which is not great oh the
12655s black flame does that change anything
12659s spids I'm trying to think of even what
12660s the I mean I think obviously the high
12662s priority Target is shark chariots just
12664s getting as many shark chariots
12665s assumingly possible but outside of that
12666s green blade Duo is not an awful grab
12672s I have seen a lot of people pick Z with
12674s this thing protect Z it means Z can't be
12676s hate spoken uh which I that's not the
12679s past sense of hate Spike hate
12682s spiked where that there's a good way of
12684s protecting that unit especially if
12685s there's no Landmark removal it's a very
12687s good way of dealing with that but that's
12690s sort of where you're hoping at the most
12693s we are going to see the past because
12694s there isn't that much else going on and
12695s we are going to see the mark of the
12697s protect from a hate Spike if that ends
12699s up becoming the case this is a concern
12701s that that I had is yes Zed is a very
12703s good Target the problem is that if you
12704s want to do all of that you have to wait
12706s until turn five and even then there's
12708s still an opportunity for the opponent to
12709s kill the Zed before the black Lane comes
12711s down Mark the a is going to mitigate
12712s that just a little bit uh but at this
12714s point pakaru also just has enough
12716s establish to fight through the mark of
12719s the aisle the hate Spike plus the
12720s undergrowth will kill this unit
12722s regardless and now we're even seeing the
12724s Z come down a turn before the blackflame
12725s is online Gwen also not a bad Target but
12727s again uh you know it's just a one of
12729s it's not like you have to Tunnel too
12730s hard on card like this to find Victory
12732s sometimes green Glade Duo into Z just
12734s like the beta days is good
12736s enough while picari does have some
12739s answers towards what Mar a wants to do
12740s pakar also has to weigh if they want to
12743s be playing the sea scarabs the evelyns
12745s and the maai because they will want to
12746s have the saplings be aggressive but they
12748s can't do maai plus a sapling unless they
12750s do hate Spike on the next turn and do
12753s the maai on the next turn if they play
12754s something else on this turn there's a
12755s lot of math that they have to work out
12757s regarding how exactly they want to
12758s stabilize after this turn it may not be
12760s correct to go for the ha spike in the
12762s undergrowth if it means you're not
12763s developing units against a deck that
12764s constantly tries to Pummel you there's
12767s also just the thought of if you if like
12770s right now you go okay here's an
12773s undergrowth onto Zed before you go to
12775s combat and Mark of the aisle comes out
12776s and you okay okay here's hate Spike onto
12778s Z and a second Mark of the all comes out
12780s you are eliminated from the
12783s tournament that would definitely be
12785s scary I I I would I would hate if that
12787s happened to me I can understand why
12789s pakari would not want to go for that
12791s trying to line up the attacks trying to
12793s figure out probably if they want to even
12795s attack with Z at all because if maai
12798s blocks it Z will die either Zed dies
12801s from the strike or they have to play The
12803s Mark of the Isles not having a Hol yet
12805s means that Zed is running into something
12807s here and I think that's a a trade that
12811s Mario nostrom is just going to have to
12813s accept given that maai is going to do
12816s way too good of a job of keeping Mari
12819s ostrom's board under control if it's
12820s allowed to take cable
12822s here definitely going to be a
12824s consideration it's it's weird to think
12825s of maai right now as being like a
12827s broadwing Creator or Fleet feather
12829s tracker Creator but that's something
12830s that Marin Ostrom can't really deal with
12833s but losing Z means that there's not
12834s going to be a good black flame Target
12836s Duo is not what you want cuz you're
12838s going to miss out on the extra stacks
12840s and Gwen is not what you want either Zar
12842s deciding not to block and elect to keep
12843s the maai around Z flipping which is
12847s quite important for the extra stats that
12848s will be constantly pummeling this one
12850s string will meta when it's doubled all
12852s the time it does take it out of Soul
12854s Harvest range as well which is I feel
12856s like sometimes players really
12859s overestimate how scary level two Z is
12861s when there's just literally nothing in
12863s the deck that gives z a keyword to
12865s spread around which is kind of what you
12867s get out of a level two Z obviously the
12868s one Health and one attack in a matter
12870s are a lot more in a match up like this
12871s is like undergrowth Soul Harvest and
12873s these saplings just no longer available
12875s and with that black flame coming down
12877s Zed is now available to be played Again
12879s by Mari a and then two Zeds
12881s is a lot of Zeds a lot more Zeds than
12883s you want to be dealing with and because
12884s they're all Emerald they're going to get
12885s additional Buffs from you know any of
12887s the moonl GL cers or things like that
12890s but this might just be an empty board
12892s you do have to attack with something in
12894s order for the black flame to trigger and
12896s I guess that's where the dragon ambushes
12897s are coming in Dragon Ambush is
12900s definitely a powerful card here it may
12901s look like Mar nostrom only has one
12903s attack token next turn but Mar no's
12905s actually got two attack tokens right in
12907s hand with these Dragon ambushes healing
12909s a little which is irrelevant right now
12911s but maybe relevant in the future but
12912s summoning a bunch of attackers that
12914s pukari doesn't have fantastic blocks
12916s lined up they could also just play
12918s another Z and attack with four Zs next
12920s turn really being the shadow himself
12922s lots of interesting plays that Marin can
12924s go
12926s for this AAR can take a little bit of
12930s damage here but not too too much and the
12933s second dragon Ambush is going to start
12935s to cause a lot of problems maokai might
12936s even get in a safety block hell might
12938s even be able to get in a safety block
12939s with the second C scare get everything
12940s down to one HP it's not like you're
12942s really worried about your opponent using
12943s removal at that point but you are
12946s considering oh you know what if another
12947s one of these comes out in the future
12948s what if I have to block something bigger
12949s but I think it's worth for pakaru to
12951s take the double block here and preserve
12953s this
12953s HP one thing pakaru also still has
12956s access to is an attack token and a dead
12959s Bloom wander being able to passively
12961s heal three without losing this unit is
12963s very very good for p ofar typically dead
12965s Bloom wandra is just a heal three it
12967s just trades and that's it it's going to
12968s be a heal six in this matchup if not
12971s possibly more depending on the fact that
12972s Marin Ostrom doesn't ever have blockers
12974s cuz all of their units are
12977s ephemera I am Shadow All right we are
12980s now getting to the time of the matchup
12983s where I need production to show me where
12986s maai is at after the dead Bloom Wanderer
12988s comes down then we can check where the
12989s maai is at uh 6 out of 25 I don't know
12992s if that was pre or post everything that
12995s we just saw that feels like it had to
12996s have been
12997s pre unless six cards were just tossed
13000s there eight that's not how math works 11
13003s okay there we go we're at 11 that's a
13005s believable number thank you
13008s production production once again filling
13010s in for all of our inability of knowing
13012s all these things ourselves we could have
13013s just been counting but no we have to get
13015s production I could have been counting
13016s but production assured me Boulevard
13018s we've got this really cool mechanic
13020s where we can show off champion level UPS
13022s please use it um and now this Z is
13025s coming down but if pisar really wants to
13029s they could take this out hat Spike could
13031s come through followed by the undergrowth
13033s to counter the mark of the aisle and
13034s then there actually is no attack coming
13036s through this turn to proc the black
13038s flame but that's not going to be what
13040s happens here instead just five blockers
13043s maintained every single time that pikar
13046s plays a unit when maai hasn't been proed
13048s yet seems to toss if I'm correct nine
13051s not nine six cards which means that uh
13053s maai will probably be leveled in about
13055s two turns time with a few other trades
13057s happening here and there which means
13059s that the deck is going to be thinned and
13060s this this is basically the same as
13062s saying something like a six turn
13065s clock that's a very long clock though
13068s and with no watery grave in hand there's
13070s no uh otk potential that the deck is
13072s kind of going for but yeah with the
13075s double undergrowth in hand you've got to
13077s assume that pretty much whenever pisar
13079s wants to at this point the level up is
13080s just going to go
13083s through there is a way of dealing with
13086s the maai level up which is to continue
13087s shuffling Champion builds into your deck
13089s but Gwen the champ spell unfortunately
13091s has to kill a unit and if you're going
13093s to kill your own Gwen to create awen in
13094s your deck that's not really where you
13096s want your GW typically you can try and
13098s kill an ephemeral unit in some instances
13100s but it's not going to be able to happen
13102s every single time so typically the cycle
13103s that you can do to beat the maai flip
13105s may not work with this
13107s deck oh and if we see the mark of the
13109s aisle come out here while there's not
13110s undergrowth Mana there is still hate
13112s Spike mana and then when the next Gwen
13113s comes down there can be the double
13115s undergrowth
13116s and you know even with the maai level up
13120s going off it still feels like Mario
13122s nostrom could easily come back into this
13123s especially as long as that second dragon
13125s spell is in Hand of course it will come
13127s down to what's left in the deck after
13129s the fact because I don't think that one
13130s Dragon spell is going to be quite enough
13132s to pull them out of this but it's
13134s getting close luckily for mariio Ostrom
13136s there is no life steal
13139s husk there is no life steal husk butara
13142s will still be able to draw into dead
13144s Bloon wanders and probably has not only
13146s the better late game but the better well
13147s maybe not the better game but something
13149s close to being able to draw better cards
13150s over the course of the the next couple
13152s of turns Marr probably has enough
13154s blockers as well to deal with another
13156s Dragon Ambush so isn't going to be too
13158s concerned for the next turn either M's
13160s going to have to try and stall for like
13162s maybe two or three more turns time and
13164s find a win then but P car is going to be
13166s able to like spam out blockers with the
13168s saplings and these interaction pieces
13169s it's just not going to be
13173s enough second hate Spike put on the
13176s stack
13178s presumably sacrificing the husk and that
13181s is going to be the end of this
13182s interaction it's going to be four damage
13183s taken by pisar with a board cleared from
13185s Marin nostrom and a little bit of damage
13187s pushed onto the Evelyn something a
13189s little more
13191s painful Evelyn leveling up can be
13194s relevant for tossing things a little bit
13196s you will be summoning husks every single
13198s turn that or at least for one turn and
13200s maybe she's permanently leveled with the
13202s amount of things that have died I would
13203s presume so which means that maai and the
13206s SE Scarab are going to flip relatively
13208s soon deep actually might not be that
13210s insignificant you are going to be able
13212s to Pummel for quite a bit over the next
13213s couple of turns that's it four out of
13217s six on the dead allies but I mean if
13218s something is top decked here H there's
13221s really not enough Health on the side of
13223s pakaru on the units in order to really
13227s take advantage
13231s of is
13233s this this is never lethal oh no if you
13237s go on a husk then yeah that's
13241s yeah if if you kill a husk you flip
13242s Evelyn again I assume you go deep to
13246s level up the SE Scarab as well that
13247s would put eight additional damage on the
13250s board and that'll do it working out the
13254s math realizing that you can go deep with
13255s an undergrowth by killing your own unit
13257s and leveling up this Evelyn giving five
13259s Extra Strength Marr has no answers not a
13261s single answer in the deck would be able
13263s to interact with this and P car finding
13265s maybe the world's weirdest lethal in
13267s their Mill deck by not even trying to
13269s Mill by underg their own
13272s hearts that sure is something and
13276s suddenly seven damage turns into 15 on
13279s the stack and Mari and Ostrom going to
13281s look at their hand with absolutely
13283s nothing that they can do and ephemerals
13285s is going to go down to maai Evelyn and
13288s that means maai Evelyn's going on to the
13290s top eight here
13291s spids pretty sure that means PUK car
13294s only has to win two more matches after
13297s this with this deck you know trying to
13299s make sure they win the top eight and
13300s then win the top four once they're in
13301s the top two they are in Worlds they have
13303s made it to the final area right after at
13306s the end of the lcq what a crazy game
13309s what a crazy game indeed that is
13310s certainly one of the weirdest lethals
13312s that I've seen out of anyone and
13314s honestly excited to see more pis aaru as
13316s the tournament goes on it looks like we
13318s are going to have time to get into
13319s another match here as well no no more
13322s matches sorry about that I thought I
13323s heard one more it turns out it's no more
13324s the words have similar letters but
13326s congratulations to pakaru we'll be
13328s checking in after the break to see who
13330s is left in the top eight but that's a
13332s problem for later for now we say goodbye
13334s to you hello to the B right back soon
13336s screen and when we return we'll be
13338s moving on to the
13342s [Music]
13359s quarterfinals
13372s [Music]
13381s [Music]
13419s no
13423s [Music]
13437s [Music]
13458s [Music]
13470s [Music]
13525s [Music]
13603s [Music]
13618s [Music]
13646s [Music]
13659s he
13664s [Music]
13688s w
13691s [Music]
13718s w
13723s [Music]
13730s [Music]
13762s [Music]
13769s [Music]
13775s [Music]
13781s [Music]
13808s [Music]
13820s [Music]
13826s [Music]
13833s [Music]
13838s oh
13841s [Music]
13859s 64 players entered well a lot more than
13862s that entered but 64 players entered
13863s today but only two can leave and we've
13866s got eight left that we have to whittle
13868s down to those final to spids that's your
13871s name I'm Boulevard we're here to take
13873s you through the rest of the action today
13875s and we're going to take a look at the
13876s brackets so you can get to know the
13878s eight players that are remaining in this
13879s event fying for that last chance of the
13881s world's qualifier we have kdf to nnn3 oh
13885s no my win streak pin pingho please play
13887s your cards quickly pakaru firecloud and
13890s end sinid who eliminated their teammate
13892s end Florine unfortunate that a team kill
13895s had to happen that early in the
13896s tournament but this also means that
13898s we've got EV out of the tournament THC
13900s ABG all gone it's just down to kdf and
13903s end when we talk about clan tags making
13905s it into the top
13906s eight also got some like well-known
13909s players for tournament success
13910s previously we've had ping pingho
13912s obviously participant in Worlds 2021 and
13915s pukar who has always had their name be
13917s quite high up in these sort of events
13918s definitely a stacked top eight we saw
13920s you know the 64 that we started with
13922s just slowly and slowly get crunch down
13924s and they're all exactly two wins away
13926s from qualifying in Two
13928s Worlds yeah kdf Peta a player that like
13931s we don't know a lot about Peta
13932s specifically but the kdf team roll
13934s probably one of the more famous players
13935s on that in terms of LR already qualified
13937s for the world championship so a strong
13939s prep group backing them at least but if
13941s you're wondering who we're going to take
13942s a look at this time is going to be I
13945s sinid and fly Cloud because we haven't
13947s looked at those players yet everyone
13948s else at the bracket we've marvelous
13950s predictions out of myself and spits for
13952s correctly identifying what players we're
13954s going to make it this far in the
13955s tournament we've already watched a lot
13956s of the other side of the bracket so
13958s going to focus on the two players that
13960s we haven't seen just yet unfortunate
13961s that one of them had to do a team kill
13962s and we didn't get to catch that but we
13964s will catch them now in a rather standard
13967s matchup I would say I think this is a
13969s lot of decks that we expected we'll take
13971s a look at their lineups here in a second
13973s and let you all see exactly what we're
13974s looking at starting off with sin kid and
13977s Jinx Kennan this is probably as close to
13979s a triple aggro as we've seen so far this
13982s is a very interesting Jinx Canon list
13984s we've typically seen a lot higher top
13986s end in these lists I'm thinking things
13987s like augmented clucking I'm thinking
13989s things like Arena lady that has tough
13991s and discounts the Mecha by one uh
13994s instead we're seeing utopus for extra
13996s discard f as well as a tune as well as
13998s three scrap Heap really interesting list
14000s that's going a bit lower to the ground
14001s and I'm curious if that sort of low to
14004s the ground is exactly what they want to
14005s be doing against their matchups and I
14007s was going to say maybe it's more burn
14008s than we're used to seeing but they were
14009s actually kind of light on the number of
14010s burn spells that they were running and
14012s then we have uh what I've just been kind
14013s of calling yordles I feel like if yal
14015s explorers in the deck it's kind of fair
14017s to just call it a yal deck but zani the
14019s Blood Weaver on the top end kale to kind
14021s of round out the mid game and SP you
14022s were talking about how yal Captain seems
14024s to be the real star of the show here yal
14026s Captain is a really hard unit to kill
14028s four damage removal for the past like
14030s three years has been really hard to find
14032s and Ne Captain just sticks on the board
14033s on turn four and then you just swarm
14035s with at least two or three units from
14037s your alats and your yles that just get
14038s buffed up way too big and then we're
14041s going to end with Gwen Riven with three
14043s opulent foyer and as you were saying
14045s three KO three fire spitter and three
14047s might very this looks like a stand list
14049s and then there's also Strike Up the Band
14051s which has not seemed too standard to me
14052s but this deck has sort of been coming
14053s over the past week and has definitely
14055s had some strength and while I wouldn't
14057s necessarily call this like red Gwen I
14058s didn't really call aggro but look if I
14060s tell you this is an aggro deck and
14061s you're like no it's not I'm looking at
14063s the three elixir of Wrath and that's a
14065s pretty hard sell that that's not an
14067s aggro deck and then on the side of
14068s firecloud here got a triple mid-range
14070s lineup kicking things off with
14073s [Music]
14078s formidableness but there isn't an omen
14080s Hawk which we're pretty common seeing in
14082s this deck I'm I'm thoroughly surprised
14084s not to see an omen Hawk instead replaced
14085s with things like elixir rine Sky split a
14087s shield of girand and the darken spear
14089s these sort of like other ways of giving
14091s Buffs if you're going to replace Omen
14092s hog with anything I guess it's okay to
14094s do it with a buff but very awkward card
14096s not to have included lot of very Spell
14098s heavy and then the omen hawks come back
14099s in for frostbite mid-range a blast from
14102s the past one of the oldest decks in
14103s legends of Runa wasn't sure how it was
14106s going to pop up today because it does
14107s very poorly as you can imagine into the
14109s formidable deck that we just saw when
14110s everything has zero attack it's
14112s frostbite effects aren't very useful but
14114s this deck has been popping up more and
14116s more and I think it's got a pretty
14117s strong foothold in The Meta if you can
14119s find the right
14120s matchups doesn't have Reckoning in it
14123s which will be important since uh
14124s firecloud is fighting a bunch of aggro
14126s such as the Jinx cannons so not having
14127s Reckoning is going to feel a little bit
14129s bad there but this is obviously this
14131s double F lineup is being combined with
14132s the third F deck which is Jax on uh
14135s relatively stock standard looking list
14137s obviously the Spells always change we've
14138s got a Bellow breath in there we've only
14140s got two entrancing Ls only one three
14142s sisters Elixir vant and catch but the
14144s units are all the same you've seen Jaxon
14146s I've seen jackon I hope to never see it
14147s again hey am I like contractually do I
14150s have to talk like do I have to talk
14151s about ja Orin you guys is that like did
14154s you write that down like do I have to
14155s say something about this deck or like
14157s can we just am I good man I love jaor
14160s it's such a power wow Omen Hawk so
14165s cool in this matchup this is going to be
14168s I think I want to say favored for sin
14172s kid only because ashla Blanc struggles
14175s against aggro and that's what sin kid
14177s has got I feel like firecloud with two
14179s mid-range deck should feel okay into
14180s some of this stuff but that Ash Blanc is
14182s really showing as a sore thumb in this
14185s lineup I think especially with the newer
14187s builds of ashel Blan when The Reckless
14188s trifarian sort of became standard you
14190s look at your list and you're like okay
14192s yeah this is actually a really nice
14193s curve I should have a pretty okay time
14195s against aggressive decks and then you
14197s realize that one of your two drops can't
14199s block your only three drop can't block L
14201s blanc's not a great blocker either so
14203s when you actually get down to Brass ta
14205s you have like nine units that you throw
14207s down in the early game that are like
14208s barely trading onto one drops or not
14210s trading at all and suddenly you start to
14212s realize why you're not doing super well
14213s into things like that on top of that
14214s again no healing in a deck like this so
14216s once the burn starts to come through in
14218s the late game that's just something you
14219s can't do anything about and with
14220s Reckoning being removed from these decks
14222s once it hits s Mana you don't have that
14224s big midgame push to even try and outrace
14227s your opponent and sort of out pressure
14228s the burn on one of those like pivotal
14231s swing turns which honestly is is kind of
14232s weird to me I figured even with like
14234s with formidable being a bad matchup for
14236s this deck and being quite popular you
14237s thought Reckoning would have found its
14239s way back in here eventually maybe as a
14242s one of but no one does it and I checked
14244s I triple checked it did not
14248s rotate Ash blon's One saveing Grace is
14250s that it is going to be going up against
14252s Gwen Riven hopefully it's not banned cuz
14254s Ash Blanc is going to be able to beat uh
14256s Gwen Riven just because you're able to
14258s use those freezers on those high power
14260s cards if Gwen Riven only really gets
14262s three times at most to attack in with
14264s 15x overwhelms just play a flash phrase
14267s and it's all gone to Kut so I expect to
14270s see something like the Jinx Cannon ban
14272s just cuz it's the most aggro deck that
14273s there is and then sin kid might be
14276s looking to ban something like maybe
14279s formidable I'm not sure if I could also
14282s reasonably see a ban onto yordles just
14285s because Ash Blanc doesn't always deal
14289s with the super wide bandal City nonsense
14292s too often the soupy stuff it's really
14293s hard to chew through and then usually
14296s the bandal city decks have some kind of
14298s finisher they can establish but with
14300s that finisher being you know kale and
14302s zalani maybe the frostbite is just
14304s effective enough that you don't have to
14305s worry about it and normally I'd say yeah
14307s gravitate right toward that Jinx Cannon
14309s but there's a lot less burn in there
14312s than I would have expected there's only
14313s one blowback there's only one time
14315s Winder one Electro
14318s harpoon
14319s definitely a different version of the
14322s deck it Ash Blanc is going to be like
14325s the main story of this match up I think
14326s how is it going to be able to deal with
14327s things properly and sometimes Ash Blanc
14330s does get there like I know we' been down
14331s on it sometimes you just are able to
14333s draw a one drop into a two drop and have
14334s Sky splitter for the entire time and be
14337s able to defend and organize things doing
14338s Glory Seeker into the dark and spear on
14340s a turn three attack can trade into a
14342s unit and buff something up as if it were
14344s an omen Hawk there there are things that
14346s Ash leelan can do you shouldn't always
14347s sleep on it about 10% actually blun
14349s games it wins and no one knows why and
14351s we could end up seeing that absolutely
14354s and like I said pre like we are in a
14356s unique position where like obviously
14357s there's a balance patch there's a
14358s variety patch but for the most part
14360s we're in the same meta that we were you
14362s know about a month ago at the world's
14363s qualifier I was horribly down on ashel
14365s Blanc in that tournament I felt like it
14367s was it was a punt to try and bring that
14369s deck to the top 64 but as we've moved
14371s towards a more control oriented as
14374s players sort of you know we looked at
14376s Shen jarvin Aon at the start of the week
14377s and then that kind of moved out again
14379s that was one of ashle blanc's bad match
14380s ups same thing with formidable like
14382s control was just doing too well against
14384s formidable and Shen jarvin to
14386s realistically bring those decks and
14387s those were two of the Decks that were
14389s holding down ashle Blanc where ashle
14391s Blan actually does pretty well into
14393s Shadow
14395s a I so I think formidable is going to be
14398s banned but do you ever consider Banning
14400s ja on is is the Jax threat more than the
14403s Balin threat is like the main way of of
14405s pressuring this in your mind what is sin
14407s kid most scared of Jax Orin is a good
14410s deck formidable is not really a good
14411s deck and when we say good deck you'll
14412s hear me and Dro yell about this all the
14414s time a good deck a Hallmark of it his
14417s consistency and like sometimes you just
14419s take over the game on turn three
14420s formidable can't really do that
14422s sometimes Jax ore just puts out like a
14424s 66 on turn
14426s three going to see the bands they are
14428s Teo kale and their jaor I think you were
14431s right on at least the team kale being a
14433s consideration we are going to see
14435s formidableness
14438s this single combat is going to be quite
14440s important I think it's one of the few
14441s ways that uh firecloud is able to deal
14443s with Gwen Riven but Gwen Riven does have
14446s two gwens a might and ayous host which
14447s is close to what you
14449s want yeah a little sad that we're not
14453s going to get to see the ortles but hey
14454s that's okay pretty good opening curve
14456s here for firecloud where on the side of
14458s sin kid I mean I am hard pressed to look
14461s at a hand with might and Gwen in it and
14463s go N I could do
14466s better uh fire clad definitely has a
14469s really powerful 1 two 3 oh sorry just 2
14471s 3 4 and is able going to be able to
14473s attack with Balin on the right token as
14475s well that they want to and possibly get
14476s big enough such that Gwen is going to
14478s really struggle dealing with things like
14480s single combat plus these formidable
14481s units and without quietus and soul
14484s Harvest which are typically how Shadow
14486s wants to beat these formidable decks it
14487s is going to be a little bit awkward
14488s because they can't deal with the threats
14490s that fire Cloud's going to be
14493s presenting now and honestly this
14495s fearsome attacker is going to be a
14497s little bit of a threat in the immediate
14499s it's something that you know there's not
14500s like a super high presence of them but
14502s if the hall out Stacks can start to get
14504s up I think Phantom Butler is where
14505s you're going to be throwing them over
14506s anything else even an overwhelm unit uh
14508s at least until Garen comes down into
14510s play that one HP going to play against
14511s you a little bit in terms of like
14512s gentleman stel and single combat but
14514s that's not an issue for now and I think
14516s firecloud just kind of has to take this
14517s damage really needs as much HP as
14519s possible on the units to come but with
14522s only two damage as your block point it
14525s just doesn't feel worth
14526s it this attack is really interesting cuz
14529s by attacking there forgoing the blade
14532s fragment from Riven cuz she won't see
14533s the attack token which means by turn
14535s five you will only have one blade
14537s fragment from Riven plus the blade
14539s fragment from the Run Squire if you
14540s decide to go for that line now you can
14541s play Riven on turn four or turn five and
14543s wait for turn seven to get the full
14545s blade but by attacking here and getting
14547s the two extra damage you are forgoing
14549s the possibility of getting a blade early
14551s you've got a curve that lets you do
14552s things like when into might and you
14555s might not have enough Mana to play all
14556s three blade fragments plus the blade but
14559s you are forgoing two damage for a blade
14560s and that could end up biting them in the
14563s but yeah it's a little bit about how
14564s much is that blade fragment actually
14566s worth damage wise in the later stages of
14568s the game and I know we always talk about
14571s yeah you know the top level players are
14572s thinking two three turns ahead for
14574s something like that you do have to think
14575s like four or five turns ahead and that's
14578s not always you know something that
14580s you're cognizant of especially if like
14582s you feel like the match up might take a
14584s while yeah there's 48 minutes on the
14585s clock now but how are we going to look
14586s you know 45 minutes from now is the game
14587s going to be over really afford to sit
14589s here and rope every interaction trying
14590s to like grabbing pen and paper and
14592s mathing out the blade fragments but does
14595s kind of get bailed out by drawing
14596s another reforge unit so you know is sort
14599s of going to make up for the blade
14600s fragment that they just missed in that
14602s way we do see another runes Squire drawn
14605s and syid has to do a lot of thinking
14607s here they've got nine Mana over the next
14609s couple of turns they can spend four mana
14612s on the blade fragments plus the blade if
14613s they spend another four mana on the Run
14615s Squires which can be good they can pull
14617s things to the side set up a buch of
14619s overwhelm and plus two attack especially
14621s giving plus two attack on things like
14622s the Phantom Butler or you could just go
14624s forw you could say I'm going to playw
14626s plus M I'm going to do the blade
14627s fragment in a future turn I'm going to
14629s take this simpler but it does suffer
14631s when there's a bunch of strike spells
14632s that are able to kill Gwen and Riven
14634s before they can actually do what they
14635s need to do for future turns it's almost
14638s two parallel game plans where yeah these
14641s are both a solid plan a but you do have
14644s to commit to one of them and say this is
14646s my plan a this is my plan B
14650s a hard thing to think about especially
14653s when there's so much math involved
14655s adding Hollow to your Riven level up
14657s trying to figure out where to put your
14658s plus two strength where does overwhelm
14660s go how does Challenger fit into all of
14661s this it is not an easy deck to think
14663s about so I'm going to expect that sin
14664s kids going to spend a lot of time
14665s thinking about exactly what they want
14666s getting glinting blade fragment will
14668s feel amazing as a way to get positive
14670s trades to happen or feel free to attack
14672s with things like Riven uh cuz they
14674s should be quick attack and plus two in
14676s the hand right now not overwhelmed so
14678s they're are things that you can do
14679s aggressively and you don't need
14680s overwhelming this board right
14684s now yeah a few more H Stacks really need
14687s to be in there or at least like just
14688s more attack on the units in general
14689s before you really start to worry about
14690s that might it's certainly something that
14692s you're going to be saving for the
14693s following turn this might even be you
14695s know you can't level Riven here you do
14696s have to play out all the blade fragments
14698s before she actually sees the sword and
14700s levels but I didn't expect to go into
14703s combat with three Mana available maybe
14705s it is might held up just to prevent the
14708s combat trick out of fire
14711s Cloud there's definitely a few options
14714s here you are threatening some things
14716s this thread the needle or a possible
14718s hate Spike we just not in hand but
14719s they're still threatening it constantly
14721s means that fire cloud is going to be
14722s wary about blocking with things it's
14724s hard to justify blocking Gwen when she's
14726s got quick attack you can try and
14727s threaten your Shield of jand but that
14729s would lose into things like thread the
14730s needle or head Spike there's a lot that
14733s uh firecloud has to be thinking about
14735s but on the other hand they are looking
14737s towards 10 damage being taken right now
14739s we are going to see glinton blade
14740s fragment come down on the Gwen I
14742s surprised not to see it on the Phantom
14747s Butler yeah I mean there's still like
14750s this this is protected from everything
14752s right because it's a petricite charger
14754s hate Spike and thread the needle can't
14756s affect it so the single combat is going
14757s to take out this Gwen no matter what sin
14759s kit had left
14763s available that is a very good trade for
14766s uh firecloud but the is the second Gwen
14769s in hand and not using the single combat
14771s in order to deal with an overwhelmed
14773s threat later on could end up being a
14775s little bit too too scared about the
14778s early game right they still have to play
14779s for the late game there is still more
14780s stuff that's going to happen in this
14782s game and firecloud has to sort of figure
14784s out how they going to deal with that in
14785s the next couple of
14787s turns we're getting down to a point
14789s where it feels like it's going to have
14790s to be a might Gwen finish which granted
14793s a pretty strong finish I was going to
14794s say Garen gets to come down as a
14796s fearsome blocker but could actually just
14798s go straight into combat with the jarvin
14800s challenging the
14802s Riven or you can play Garen and have
14804s petricite broadwing do it either way got
14808s a couple of options I think I like
14809s threatening the Garen level up
14811s especially when you've got that
14812s gentleman's duel available and the Mana
14814s for just you know threatening the level
14815s up of the gar going into your opponent's
14817s turn so they can't spend too much time
14820s developing Garen might be able to flip
14822s this turn which can be very interesting
14824s it's maybe Garen can't flip unless they
14828s two two on just because gar only has
14830s five Health he does have regen but he
14831s won't be able to stay around like that
14832s forever he could try and hit the Nexus
14834s but depending on how sin kid wants to
14836s play especially if the opulent foyer
14837s come down it will be pretty defensive
14839s sin has to work out where they want to
14840s spend their Mana exactly we do see the
14842s opulent foyer come down which means if
14843s gar attacks is probably blocking which
14845s means desert oh wait the spell gives
14847s plus two Health gar could definitely
14849s flip this turn I completely missed that
14851s I was going to let you finish maybe talk
14853s about you know hate something that
14854s you got to consider might I don't think
14857s you're allowed to use might to try and
14859s trade onto the gar it feels like with 7
14861s HP that's such a small Finish Line that
14863s you need to limp over you can probably
14866s just do that with the might not worry
14868s too much about this but it's going to be
14870s absolutely devastating for sinid here in
14873s fact they might be going down here they
14877s don't have the Mana to develop when
14880s firecloud gets to gentleman duel onto
14882s the Riven even a might at that point is
14884s not enough to kill the Garen and then an
14886s open attack with the Jarvis and fire
14889s Cloud doesn't go for it which like I
14892s don't know
14893s how I'm I'm looking at for hallowed
14896s Stacks I'm looking at a level two Riven
14898s I'm looking at this might I'm seeing a
14899s lot of issues that this gentleman's duel
14901s is not
14902s solving as a currently stand Sim kid has
14905s access to three things with overwhelm
14907s and that's including two things being
14909s buffed by Hall the normal thing as well
14911s as Gwen now I think they're only able to
14914s afford two of these things either so out
14917s of Gwen out of every fragment and out of
14920s the blade and might pretty sure they can
14921s only afford three of those not all four
14924s so there is something that won't be
14926s played but three ways of winning the
14927s game versus only one way of Defending it
14930s the math checks out there are two ways
14931s to win the game um and Sid's going to
14933s have to find what that looks like slowly
14936s it it takes a long time to work out this
14937s MTH but we're going to start with the
14938s Phantom butet wonderful and I'm trying
14941s to think of what the situation would
14944s look like had firecloud used that
14947s Phantom that gentleman's duel onto the
14949s Riven at this stage they would be
14952s allowed to attack jarvin would come down
14954s challenging something rather than just
14956s being played uh one of yeah the Phantom
14959s Butler would have gotten taken down by
14960s that
14961s and
14963s yeah might have still been lethal with
14965s the might and all the blade fragments
14971s but I don't think it would have
14975s been to do some quick back of the napkin
14978s math I don't have my napkin with me so
14980s it's just going to be with some paper
14982s umw will currently have three strength
14984s gone up to seven if you add the three
14986s from the fragment that does go up to n
14988s Riven is very similar Riven will go up
14990s to 4 plus 8 which and then you can add
14993s the blade to another thing if you desire
14996s um based on how you want to move these
14997s around you probably putting the blade on
14998s the when so that the plus two strength
15000s doesn't go to the Riven that the hollow
15001s does but that does mean as far as I can
15004s tell that while Riven is presenting a
15006s lethal threat Gwen currently is not I
15010s don't know if I if you factor in the
15011s plus two strength if that changes things
15013s we are going to see the Run Squire
15015s buffed up which means either Gwen is not
15018s coming down or I think one of the
15021s overwhelms is not coming
15024s down yeah I don't think I think might
15027s got thrown out the window when Phantom
15029s Butler got
15031s played unless Gwen's not getting
15036s played ooh I think what what we might be
15038s threatening is something
15040s like a couple copies of five damage each
15043s this is a very interesting way of doing
15045s it you can put might on Riven that's one
15046s way of threatening damage you can put
15048s Phantom Butler down that's another way
15049s of threatening damage and if we see the
15051s promit on the glinting blade fragment on
15054s the uh the the host what's the I don't
15057s know what this unit is called the the
15059s gly band you could see like a three
15062s pronged lethal where only two prongs
15064s need to hit but I think we're at the
15066s point where that does have two answers
15068s they can block the Phantom Butler and
15070s they can do gentleman's jewel in the
15071s other prong and that should be
15075s enough yeah this is
15078s um this looks
15080s awful for sin kid like this doesn't look
15084s like anything you just throw a couple
15086s blockers out oh yeah here's barrier in
15088s front of your Phantom Butler here's uh
15091s you know a bail in in front of your
15093s Riven I'm taking one damage you have
15096s might available I have gentleman's dual
15097s and I have a barriered unit that I can
15099s use it on this also levels Garen not
15102s that that particularly
15105s matters yeah I'm I'm very surprised we
15108s didn't see the Gwen line at all to be
15110s able to threaten more lethals she does
15112s two damage burn which means you only
15113s need five to go over the top it's 3 + 4
15116s + 2 which is n going into Javan which
15118s only has five Health meaning that you'd
15120s only be one damage off which you can
15122s find a million ways with these other
15124s units or further in the deck or
15125s something I feel like Gwen would have
15127s been a much comfortable line into what's
15129s going to end up being quite a
15130s threatening open attack or even worse a
15134s develop and uh yeah this does feel like
15138s the end of the game mostly because like
15140s level two jarvin is now available so
15142s cataclysms are going to be coming out at
15144s rapid fire Pace I don't think sinid can
15147s get back to a point where they've got
15149s the board especially while Garen and
15151s jarvin are constantly attacking over and
15153s over
15155s again although should I think we should
15158s rag on sin kid too much this is like a
15160s high Stak tournament and they're only
15161s two wins away from making it to Worlds
15164s it's hard to do math when you've only
15165s got like I don't know 45 seconds per
15167s timer that's where you've got to clutch
15169s it though you have to be solid in those
15171s situations especially if like the prize
15173s on the line is going to the World
15174s Championship things are not getting
15176s easier from here on out right when you
15178s actually make it to the top 64 of Worlds
15179s you're going to be in Stakes like this
15181s every single match that you're playing
15182s you've got to learn how to clutch out
15184s those situations granted that is
15186s something that takes time maybe we're
15187s early on in sin kid's career maybe this
15189s is a learning point for them to come
15190s back next year's World Championship but
15192s that turn feels like it should have gone
15194s more in their
15195s favor very soon there'll be a sin adult
15198s but for now there're still a sin kid
15200s learning exactly how to do these math
15202s equations when this is a complicated
15204s deck if you've not picked up Gwen Riven
15206s recently the first time you play it your
15208s mind will hurt from the amount of math
15210s that you have to do I'm definitely not
15212s speaking from experience here we do see
15214s Strike Up the Band be able to develop
15215s two blockers which means the game isn't
15217s fully over yet you can find a overwhelm
15220s blade fragment plus thisw if you want
15223s and without like I guess you can always
15225s hold up cataclysm so you need to find
15227s multiple ways of dealing with this you
15229s can find something like a Shadow Isles
15230s till Stone to do the the spirit journey
15233s to protect yourself from a Javan so
15235s there are top Decks that can let this
15239s work I was even just thinking like a
15241s might top deck and maybe you're actually
15243s still in this because there's just so
15244s many hallowed stacks and we're going to
15246s get two more um so even even the blade
15249s Squire with a might would be 13 attack
15251s that's too much for no I guess a sky
15254s splitter onto the gon would save you but
15256s it's got Challenger so that's not really
15257s up to you looks like that is the
15260s overwhelmed blade if that's quick a man
15264s yeah no it's okay I've played enough of
15266s this deck to be able to sight read these
15267s I I used to know him by sight I'm
15270s slipping I'm getting
15272s old uh we are going to see what the
15274s draws have to be I think I think that
15277s might
15283s way're going see the come down which
15286s means we can now see the Gwen be
15287s developed this turn which does mean that
15289s a might top deck will actually be
15295s enough this is a chance for me to leave
15297s M it's looking dicey spids there's one
15300s more draw for sin kid one more draw for
15303s firecloud and off the top of theck
15306s please
15310s it's boisterous
15311s host it's a one drop everybody what
15314s could you possibly want other than a one
15316s drop uh and the unit does come down this
15319s Gallo is just going to come through this
15321s doesn't even leave cataclysm Mana but it
15322s doesn't matter because there's 12 hp
15324s blocker with Skys splitter available so
15326s 15 HP on a blocker it's as much as you
15328s could possibly ever need but it's going
15330s to be a lot of hallow Stacks coming
15333s through you can block with Gallo he's
15335s going to go down to one Health but he
15337s doesn't doesn't care he's still having a
15338s good time and it will be quite a bit of
15341s damage threatened for uh for firecloud
15345s next turn it seems to me to be lethal
15350s but I'm not entirely sure with these
15351s decisions of blocks yeah actually a uh a
15354s Garen was thrown away instead of a
15357s 25 um unit and you know that the card in
15361s your opponent's hand is a focus speed
15363s blade fragment so you didn't have to
15365s worry about a might or anything along
15367s those lines so
15369s uh okay yeah jarvan's getting sacked
15372s here too
15374s spids mean javan's getting sacked but
15377s this Bal and the benevolent is
15379s definitely going to be threatening way
15380s too much damage I mean you can block
15382s Javin next turn but that's still
15385s threatening lethal with Sky Splitter on
15387s the jand never mind we're going to see
15390s when traed anyway same deal still a plan
15393s fire Cloud's got a
15395s plan I I don't think the sacrifice was
15398s ever correct but it doesn't really
15400s matter because they found the line
15401s anyway they're going to get to go for an
15402s open attack here as the token rolls back
15404s over to them and that will just be
15405s lethal Champion strength for good
15407s measure and that is going to be
15408s firecloud taking it 1 over sinit as we
15410s move into the remainder of this match
15412s that was a little dirty at the end there
15414s but eventually as you mentioned it's
15416s it's a high stakes tournament it's high
15417s pressure these players have a lot on the
15419s line they're probably thinking about
15420s okay yeah I'm just a couple of wins away
15421s I've got to cool it down and hopefully
15423s they can take a nice mental reset and uh
15426s you know get get back into a good head
15428s space for game two is this is the
15429s matchup that we were talking about right
15431s this is the ash Blanc that sin kid was
15433s looking to pick on the one that doesn't
15434s do as well into these aggressive
15435s matchups but unfortunately for sin kid
15438s that Gwen Riven is still available
15440s something that you called out as a
15442s potential weak point into
15444s frostbit it's definitely going to be a
15446s tough match up but sin kid sometimes is
15447s going to be able to find draws with
15449s three2 ones and ashong going to find
15451s something with z00 Z it's just not going
15453s to be enough for that sort of match up
15455s but if Zink doesn't draw early units and
15458s has to rely on things that get easily
15460s harsh winds or frostbite fire Cloud's
15462s going to be in a very very happy
15463s position I think they're really happy
15464s that they're able to get this match up
15466s as their Ash Blanc
15471s attempt a little bit of a an ugly opener
15474s there for firecloud if this is post
15477s Mulligan it's not awful but you know you
15481s kind of have to float turn two for
15483s LeBlanc to have a chance at surviving
15484s when you're against a Mystic shot deck
15487s uh while there's only two Mystic shot in
15488s here again we were talking about Sin
15489s kid's deck being a little bit lighter on
15490s the burn numbers there's only two Mystic
15491s shot but there's also an electro Harpoon
15493s so there's still that third copy of the
15494s two damage
15497s burn sin kid's got an early aggressive
15500s hand in as much as they always want with
15501s an aggro deck you want a One Drop that
15502s curves into a good two drop which curves
15504s into a pretty decent three drop or maybe
15505s a couple of two drops and one drops
15507s having the jury rig also comes coming
15509s down means that it's going to be pretty
15510s aggressive and we see the result of the
15512s other game there's a bit of overlapping
15514s icons but pukar unfortunately not making
15517s it uh very very
15521s interesting rip maai Evelyn you will
15524s always be remembered for your top eight
15527s performance at the last chance qualifier
15529s at least by Me Maybe not by everybody
15530s but I'll I'll have it written down and I
15532s will remember it and I'll bring it up
15533s constantly at cocktail parties how I'll
15534s impress everyone with my Legends of
15535s Teran knowledge as you all should be
15537s doing these on these holidays but for
15539s the game at hand it's four damage
15541s already on board it's going to be a take
15542s down of The yal Squire which is always
15546s kind of an interesting one where it's
15548s like what this sort of telegraphs is
15551s that firecloud wasn't willing to trade a
15553s 3-1 for a 21 anyway otherwise probably
15555s would have gone for like a frostbite
15557s onto the squeaker and then yeah go ahead
15558s attack with your two1 I'll block with my
15559s 31 but actually sin kit holds back the
15561s squeaker anyway really valuing what they
15562s can get out of that augment later
15564s on this timewinder was a pretty good
15567s draw being able to deal with the 31
15569s which is probably the only thing it's
15570s actually going to be able to deal with
15571s ping pingho also getting a win against
15572s Ono my win streak we now know two of our
15575s quarterfinalists but play going to be
15577s thinking what are they going to be doing
15578s with this 10 are they going to be
15580s playing LeBlanc and just run into a
15582s Mystic shot are they going to have to
15584s pass and try and see if they can bait
15585s sin kit at DIS spending Mana this is not
15587s a great position to be it no it is not
15591s and the Mana is a little awkward for
15592s fire Cloud as well you know not quite
15594s able to develop and do your combat trick
15596s but if you don't develop this turn like
15598s you might as well not develop right
15599s because your turn four isn't doing
15601s anything
15602s anyway unless you draw okay yeah pretty
15605s pretty good there for you to just be
15606s able to FL turn two pretty happy
15608s actually that sinid didn't develop at
15609s all further into you and just continue
15611s to put that pressure on so things still
15613s looking okay for firecloud in this ash
15615s blon here in game number
15616s two sinid did draw the flame jumpers
15619s which is pretty important for being able
15620s to pressure just surprise amounts of
15622s damage we are going to see the sump drer
15623s discard that and summon the flame
15625s jumpers this could be followed up with
15627s something like a Time Winder on the jury
15629s rig try and threaten the three one you
15631s could also be followed up with a scrap
15632s Heap or some Mystic shots there's a few
15634s things that sink could be doing and the
15636s damage will probably be somewhere within
15638s the 5 through seven range which is
15640s pretty good but it is turn four and you
15642s probably wanted a little bit more damage
15643s by turn
15645s four okay I was going to say I I think
15647s I'd like to see sin kid go aggressive
15649s here go for the time Winder discard the
15651s jury rig if a protection spell comes out
15654s onto the ice Ville Archer that should
15656s give you the green light to try and
15657s Mystic shot the L Blanc although
15659s unfortunately for sin kid uh just one
15661s more combat trick going to come out and
15663s save that champion as
15665s well you're definitely predicting I know
15668s we had Echo Jinx earlier but it seems
15669s like you're really the predictor here at
15671s the moment knowing exactly what these
15672s players are going to play before they
15673s play them but tin kid now is in a pretty
15676s bad position with this attack they can
15678s pull the ice Veil Archer to the side but
15680s LeBlanc is going to be able to get a
15681s positive trade in with a one Health one
15683s strength unit and be able to get a fair
15685s bit of level up or if they don't attack
15687s with it that's going to feel pretty good
15688s going into turn five being able to play
15690s the he guard and being able to stabilize
15691s the board ever so slightly yeah at this
15694s point I think if you're going to
15695s challenge you actually have to challenge
15696s the the ice Veil Archer just so that
15698s LeBlanc really can't trade into either
15699s of these units and unfortunately that
15701s brittle Ste going to absolutely blow out
15702s the sum treger just nothing looking good
15704s on the side of in kid right now and
15705s decides to just go in with the yal
15707s Squire and this is a very cool attack
15710s yeah I don't think this is worth the
15712s brittle steel uh so just good read on
15714s the side of sin
15716s kid very very interesting and you got to
15720s be scared of trumpeter you're probably
15722s seeing this on the side of firecloud and
15723s thinking there's a Trumpeter coming out
15725s right now I I don't know what I'm going
15727s to do and that might end up leading to
15729s an there's no way you pass you still
15731s have to play Hearth guard here almost
15733s certainly Hearth guard Ash you got to
15735s play something and honestly I okay I was
15738s going to say I think I actually like the
15739s ash given just like the low board
15741s presence of your opponent even if the
15742s Trum attacker does come down you know
15744s you still have the brittle steel
15745s available but yeah actually just does go
15747s for the hear guard doesn't go into
15749s combat either say I'm not attacking with
15751s this whole
15752s block think they're trying to beat the
15755s just if you attack and you go in Sid can
15758s just redevelop the board and sort of
15761s feeding their Mana is a nice way of
15762s doing things we're going to see the G
15763s Mega Force at first I would have really
15764s like to see scrap he to try and find
15766s that Trumpeter it seems like one of the
15767s best cards you could be trying to get
15769s right now clad going to respond with
15771s some draw not find any spells but
15773s developing a unit's just good enough on
15774s its own
15775s anyway okay I was about to say got to
15777s send a few more units in combat This
15779s Time Around The yal Squire trick only
15780s works once only yields two damage and uh
15783s yeah going full into combat the Geo
15784s Mecha Force are going to try and
15785s threaten the life of this little blon
15787s and from there that's where sinid kind
15790s of gets puzzled what else can go into
15792s combat now staring down a 56 the answer
15794s seems to be nothing stand and defend
15797s this is not the spot you want to be in
15799s is Sid you don't have a jinx in head
15801s it's turn six and you have dealt four
15803s damage to the Nexus while firecloud is
15806s got a swa of more cards more mid-range
15809s presence everything they could possibly
15811s want this is not the matchup that I
15812s thoughtcloud was going to be winning but
15814s this is what ends up happening and we
15816s see there in the bottom corner nnn3 did
15819s take down kdf paa which means this is
15821s our last match of the quarterfinals and
15824s the last chance for someone with a clan
15826s tag to make it into the top four sin Kid
15828s the Last Hope for the team players
15830s around here still no
15834s Trumpeter but I did want to shout out
15836s that you know when we talked about this
15838s matchup being bad for frostbite
15839s mid-range a lot of it was sort of around
15841s Glory seeker and Reckless trifarian
15843s inability to block and those are just
15845s cards that firecloud has not
15847s dra fire Cloud maybe Drew one of their
15849s best hands they could have they all they
15851s needed was two early units plus a bunch
15853s of like protection combat tricks like
15855s the small scale fot stuff that is part
15857s of the reason why they're so powerful to
15858s begin with and sinid not having an early
15861s enough curve we didn't see like triple
15862s Zite open so we didn't see something
15864s like a the 44 Double Impact come out on
15867s turn three and just do a bunch of damage
15869s sinit had a bit too slow of a hand and
15871s that was fine enough for firecloud the
15873s game's not fully over there's definitely
15875s ways where Jinx can stay alive and and
15877s if you draw two jinxes you can get
15879s through the the Bloody Business but it's
15882s not going to be an easy it's not going
15883s to be an easy
15884s line oh anaka feels like
15889s that's not lethal but almost surely a
15893s solidification of the board for fire
15896s Cloud no more unit damage likely to come
15898s through from sin kid for the remainder
15899s of the game unless it's impact or
15902s something along those lines overwhelm
15904s some kind of Mecha ortal keyword coming
15905s through and from there it's got to be
15907s all burn and we mentioned earlier sin
15909s kit a little light on the burn in this
15910s list and already used a Mystic shot
15911s already used a Time Winder there's
15913s really not much left going on in there
15915s it's like one more Mystic shot an
15917s electro Harpoon and a blowback and when
15918s you add all of that up you're only
15919s looking at seven burn damage left in the
15923s deck I do like this choice of Earth
15925s Shaker and there's the possibility of
15926s getting another one with spell shield
15928s from the buildr Rascal Earth Shaker is
15931s typically the sort of thing that you
15932s might want in these positions to get
15934s surprise impact and to be big enough but
15936s Earth shaker probably only getting two
15937s strikes in before it dies to these Heth
15939s guards and dies to all of the big beef
15942s that the ash Blan deck is able to
15943s threaten we are going to see plus one
15945s Health to try and deal with something
15949s but it's still going to trade into two
15953s strikes and sinid just presenting lethal
15956s and hoping that firecloud accidentally
15958s clicks the pass
15959s button that's it's it's happened before
15963s it'll happen again okay just going to go
15966s in
15967s with the Mecha yal going to get a block
15969s out of a pitiful little ice Veil Archer
15971s that'll swiftly be replaced by I
15974s honestly just whatever anaka decides to
15975s pull out of the
15977s deck what do you think it'll be do you
15979s think it'll be another anaka or do you
15980s think it'll be something like a glory I
15984s think it's going to be a
15987s LeBlanc ah maybe next
15991s Ty is not a bad get there it's pretty
15995s it's quite sizable and this is where
15997s things start to get really rough because
15998s now reputation is going to activate that
16000s incisive tactician's going to go down to
16002s six Mana not that's particularly
16004s relevant for just the hand that
16006s firecloud has available but they're
16007s going to be able to refill their board
16008s with the ice Veil Archer alongside of
16010s that still Bloody Business Mana
16011s available and just go in for a second
16013s full swing here with a full board again
16016s once anaka pulls something out of the
16018s deck yeah Reckless TR fa and very strong
16021s top end in Ash Blanc once you've already
16023s won the game on the board it actually
16024s just forces that to win one turn earlier
16027s even two turns earlier before the next
16028s attack to very very strong card that
16031s going to come down here bu Rascal trying
16033s to look for something maybe Professor
16034s Von Mech to go wide and find like weird
16037s elusiv now we see the trumpeter
16040s instead it's not going to be lethal for
16043s fire Cloud this turn but when you're
16045s playing a deck like Jinx Kennan if you
16047s lose your entire board here that's
16049s pretty much lethal they admire the r but
16052s forget it there's the rally should just
16054s be a pass from sin I don't see a reason
16058s to commit the trumpeter right
16061s now yeah it doesn't increase the
16063s strength to anything that changes the
16064s ranges it can make the sup dredger trade
16067s better into the incisive tactician if
16070s you wanted to do it that way but I think
16072s s kid must realize that their only way
16073s of winning the game is hoping that uh
16076s fire cloud is bricked and then can go
16078s wide enough with things like the scrap
16080s Heap and the Trump attacker so I don't
16082s think you're incentivized to overriding
16084s a unit because that's one less unit
16085s that's going to be hitting the Dome in
16086s your attempt to try and win exactly and
16090s I don't see a reason to hold back the
16092s ice Archer either but firecloud does
16094s does I don't need this and Reckless
16095s starian number two now joining for this
16097s is like this is where you want the
16098s Reckless starian coming out of you don't
16100s want to draw them in the early game in a
16101s match up like this that a mobile keyword
16102s really doing a number on you but yeah
16104s later in the game once you resolved a
16106s hearth guard or two yeah why not pull
16107s him out of the deck with an AA and
16108s threaten
16110s lethal having nothing that can block is
16113s got to be sin kid sin kid's got to be
16115s very very happy right seeing that they
16117s have their chance of winning because
16119s there are non-lockable units coming
16121s through it's not going to work out I
16123s think they are still going to be four
16124s defensive units plus Bloody Business
16126s plus brittle steel but out of anything
16129s they could want this is possibly the
16131s best but I just don't think it's going
16132s to be enough no and if they want to get
16134s even more defensive firecloud can throw
16136s down an ash and turn the second copy
16138s into the flash
16139s freeze and from there like we mentioned
16141s we we've calculated all the burn left in
16143s the deck and it's seven not including
16146s you know Kenan Champion spell jenx
16147s champion spell but with neither of those
16149s champions in play or in hand those are
16150s pretty much off the
16152s table and firecloud should be taking
16155s this one barring a miracle that honestly
16158s with a deck list in front of me I cannot
16160s C
16163s together I really like this use of pyos
16165s you're technically getting extra value
16167s out of it just a it's minor but it's
16169s really might as well give it a shot okay
16171s Shadow Tech Walker that's an elusive
16174s unit that's um I I mean it dies to
16176s Bloody Business but you can close your
16180s eyes sin kid Bloody Business can't hurt
16182s you
16183s here if you just attack with Shadow Tech
16185s Walker for the next 7,000 turns maybe
16187s you can finally get a win in with it but
16189s it's just going to be too little too
16190s late it will get an extra strength from
16192s the trumpeter and there is four impact
16194s from the from the shazza one but it will
16198s just be Frozen and then the impact
16201s doesn't even go through anymore it's
16202s just it's an unfortunate situation for
16203s Sid they're just waiting for the game to
16205s go through
16210s all right we've reached round 10 karma
16212s is fully leveled up there's the LeBlanc
16214s that I thought was coming out of the
16215s anaka it was on top of the
16218s deck silly you should have looked at the
16220s right area unfortunate but we are going
16223s to see the Trump deer come down it does
16224s have spell shield which I forgot about
16225s but it doesn't seem to matter too much
16227s going to see the freeze and I think sin
16230s kid if they didn't believe that the
16231s runting was on the wall yet they
16232s probably believe it
16234s now and uh I was going to say at the
16236s very least you get to kill anaka but if
16238s fire Cloud doesn't want you to kill
16240s anaka you don't get to kill anaka
16241s there's a couple of different ways to
16242s protect this and likely to just be the
16244s brittle
16245s steel no impact damage even coming
16247s through off of that and that is going to
16249s be the end of end sin kid here in the
16253s last chance qualifier
16255s firecloud the writing is on the wall all
16257s they have to do it's just a couple of
16259s buttons away spids if you hit the a key
16261s and then the space bar that'll put all
16263s of your units into the attacking row and
16265s space will confirm the action and that
16267s will move firecloud on to the
16270s semi-finals I don't know if you know
16272s this Boulevard but this is only one of
16274s two ashela blancs brought into the
16277s tournament and it's already making its
16278s appearance in the top four you were
16280s talking about that you weren't too upset
16282s about this as a bring does this sort of
16284s make you feel as if you're Vindicated
16285s this is like actually going to be doing
16287s well in this tournament like we mean
16289s we've seen it done well wasn't the best
16290s bring one of the problems that I've had
16293s all year is sort of benchmarking
16295s successes an analyst where there were a
16297s couple of events ago where I was like oh
16298s I think like atro Vin is pretty good
16300s only like three people brought it in AP
16302s pack and then two of them made the top
16304s four and I'm like is that good analysis
16307s is that a win so when I call out a deck
16310s is something that I I think is like an
16312s okay bringer I don't hate and like not a
16314s lot of people bring it but it makes a
16315s Deep Run that's really I'm still not
16317s quite sure how to label
16320s that because for every deck that does
16322s that there's about 40 Decks that had two
16324s people bring it and in top 64 and they
16327s just didn't find their
16328s matchups yeah rip to all the maai
16331s players out there prior to this event
16332s that were like yeah this is the secret
16334s Tech bringing lost out in top 64 pissar
16336s doing your proud but today it is
16338s firecloud doing us proud moving on to
16340s the
16342s semifinals that is going to be a bracket
16345s that we'll look at when we get back from
16347s the next break but for now spids now
16349s that we're down to the top four we are
16351s about to go into the final match
16354s essentially the one the last one that
16356s really matters the one where the players
16358s are going into the world championship
16360s how are we feeling we rooting for anyone
16362s is everybody playing clean are we seeing
16364s good
16366s L I think we've seen some good LOL I
16368s think we've seen some really interesting
16370s lineups there have been some plays that
16371s have been a little bit weird but these
16372s decks are really hard I think the deck
16374s that we've seen the most misplays on has
16375s been uh Gwen Riven which is just such a
16378s difficult to understand yeah it's it's
16380s one of the hardest ones and it's
16381s obviously only come up in the past week
16383s people don't have practice on might plus
16385s Hol that deplay especially with Riven
16387s doubling things up uh I'm very excited
16389s to see this should be a really good
16391s semi-finals which we will see when we
16393s get back from this mediumsized
16400s [Music]
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17131s [Music]
17133s oh
17143s [Music]
17149s [Music]
17155s [Music]
17183s [Applause]
17190s [Applause]
17218s [Music]
17231s [Music]
17258s [Music]
17272s [Music]
17283s oh
17288s [Music]
17295s [Music]
17308s [Music]
17320s [Music]
17333s [Music]
17356s is that all you got to
17373s say step by step step by step watch to
17385s [Music]
17403s your
17408s is that all you got
17433s to no one that you
17438s can
17445s L St St
17463s St
17480s it's all you got to
17493s say
17509s [Applause]
17522s St step
17525s and
17553s mon
17568s [Music]
17583s la
17603s [Music]
17613s all
17666s [Music]
17672s you
17682s [Applause]
17702s you
17705s [Music]
17715s [Music]
17721s [Music]
17733s [Music]
17740s [Music]
17758s welcome back everybody to the near final
17760s moments of the World Championship last
17762s chance qualifier my name is bll this is
17764s not Boulevard spids and we are going to
17766s be taking you into the top four here in
17769s a moment all four of these players are
17771s just a single win away from qualifying
17774s into the world championship later this
17776s year and now we're going to take a look
17778s at the bracket to show you who is left
17780s how they got here all that good stuff so
17783s you can decide who you're going to root
17784s for between
17786s nnn3 and pin pingho and can you play
17789s your cards more quickly and
17792s firecloud uh I kind of want to see
17794s another returner in ping pingho I I
17796s think it's really cool that we've had I
17797s think four or five people return from
17799s previous worlds like such as donut and
17801s grpa Roi and uh other players like that
17804s I I'd like to see more rning I think it
17806s creates a nice story line SC if they can
17808s do it a second time uh so I'm definitely
17809s roing for pink pingho in the first match
17811s yeah it's kind of like a oh do we want
17813s the returning players do we want the new
17814s faces to come through like the old Guard
17816s versus the new Guard we're like two
17817s young of a game to really have an Old
17819s Guard but like we've got an old guard
17821s and if we do it's certainly pin pingho
17823s who has not been to the world
17824s championship in a couple of years and
17826s then on the bottom side we're absolutely
17827s getting a new player here either please
17829s play your cards more quickly or
17830s firecloud
17831s so I'm not you know I'm not going to be
17834s upset nnn3 was someone that I called out
17837s at the beginning of the tournament and
17838s someone that I was like to see make it
17839s so if they beat ping pingho they
17841s absolutely deserve the spot no questions
17843s asked can't wait to see them there but
17845s that is not our feature match we kind of
17847s ran the numbers tried to decide who
17849s would finish more quickly and decided
17851s that pin pingho versus NTN 33 would
17854s probably be the match that goes on a
17855s little bit longer so we're going to be
17856s checking out the bottom side of the
17857s bracket here we'll get into their decks
17859s in just a second to remind you of what
17861s these players have brought and what
17863s they're going to be doing kicking things
17865s off with can you please play your cards
17866s more quickly and Zed Gwen one of the
17869s number one lad decks for most of the
17871s week leading into the event now I'm not
17874s going to speak on if they're the last
17875s player in the event with it because I do
17877s not
17878s know uh I was going to start my ti raade
17880s by saying this is the last person
17881s running Zed Gwen so I hope I'm right now
17883s I'm doubting myself uh we saw this deck
17886s sometimes do well and sometimes doesn't
17887s it it's this very low agency deck that
17889s can do a powerful thing but it's really
17891s easy to stop if the other player is able
17893s to set up their own board properly right
17895s we saw that with himona earlier this is
17897s joined by with Scouts another you know
17900s famous deck from quite a while ago
17901s playing for sergeant playing for
17903s Champion strength despite being nerfed
17905s it's still trying to do the exact same
17906s thing it's always done try and pressure
17908s in makes sense with zwen they're
17909s basically the same deck low interaction
17911s much power it's just one turn slower how
17915s how bad could that possibly be when
17917s you're not in an aggressive meta
17918s apparently not that bad I don't I would
17920s be surprised if you told me that there
17921s were more than a couple of Scouts
17922s players in an event like this uh
17924s Champion strength yeah that's probably
17925s running around in space but not
17927s necessarily Scouts and then rounding
17928s things out we have Nar darus and we
17930s talked about this a little bit earlier
17931s the might a little bit of a Cool Tech
17933s card has some use cases not always going
17936s to shine in every matchup and then that
17938s pette uh spids you really hyped up that
17940s card and we saw it do exactly what you
17942s said it would in an earlier matchup
17944s I mean nard Darius is definitely one of
17946s the coolest Decks that you can sort of
17947s add weird cards to and it can work noxus
17949s has some powerful cards that allow that
17951s happen such as pite and whing death and
17953s we saw these cards be quite relevant in
17954s the matchups that they ended up playing
17956s in firecloud is on formidable with a 222
17959s Champion split with a champaran but no
17962s Omen Hawk very interesting list that's a
17964s bit different from normal but it's doing
17966s quite well and that lack of omen Hawk is
17968s actually going to play really big in
17969s this match up that elusive in the
17971s ephemeral deck is an absolute Nightmare
17973s and that versus Omen Hawk is like the
17974s one drop War of the event that I've seen
17976s going on for the last couple of days so
17978s you know might might come back to bite
17981s them but there's Challengers and other
17983s things there's blocking Badger bear
17984s you're not necessarily be held to The
17985s Omen hawen moving into
17987s fard noxus it's not nard Darius it's
17990s frostbite mid-range and this looks like
17992s it's going to be a little bit of a
17994s problem for something like that nard
17996s Darius yeah this deck's definitely able
17998s to do that pressure I mean we just saw
17999s this in our last match up sometimes Ash
18002s Blanc is just able to draw exactly what
18003s they need and get it and if you look at
18005s the spell split I have just realized no
18007s flash freeze in this list it is a load
18009s of the ground version with three Elixir
18011s vant through Sky spitter and brittle
18012s seal no flesh freeze is interesting but
18015s it sort of makes sense what are you
18016s trying to flesh freeze that you're not
18017s trying to Har WIS especially when you
18018s have Ash to just make an Ash's harsh WIS
18021s right I think it's more about like the
18022s triple burle steel triple elixir of iron
18024s play against those aggressive matchups a
18026s little bit better which is how they got
18027s here in the first place just taking down
18029s one of the most aggressive lineups in
18030s the tournament and then it's Shor well
18033s spit do you have anything new to say
18034s about Jack oror that you haven't said in
18036s the past year I don't have anything new
18038s to say about jackor that I haven't said
18040s in the past year no you are right this
18042s deck I can't wait to go uh talk about
18043s anything else you talk about the bands
18045s that looks ex how long do I have to
18047s complain about a deck before it's like
18048s oh yeah this one's been around too long
18050s like there are definitely decks where
18051s they were around for a while but I was
18052s like no I can take more red Gwen give me
18054s back red Gwen and like they kind of did
18056s but like you know but looking at these
18059s bands like I mentioned I think that like
18061s the narius is something that is going to
18062s be left up I don't think that's I I
18065s think that is something that fire cloud
18066s is going to be pretty comfortable
18067s playing into the ephemeral is always a
18069s bit of a wild card especially when it
18070s comes to the ban
18072s phase yeah this is very interesting on
18074s one hand firecloud does have a lot of
18077s pressure such as Jack's hands and such
18079s as LeBlanc hands that are able to
18080s pressure when the fal deck doesn't have
18083s a lot of blockers but at the same time
18084s those hands are just as good against
18086s Scouts typically the only thing i'
18088s mention about Scouts is that I think
18089s it's got a good match up into ja on if
18090s you play for Champion strength so it
18092s might be a Scout span just for that
18094s matchup
18095s alone wouldn't surprise me and like
18097s playing for Champion strength is all
18098s well and good until you don't draw
18100s Champion strength but obviously if
18101s you've made it all the way to the
18102s semi-finals you're running kind of hot
18104s do you think that your luck is going to
18105s hold out it probably will statistically
18107s I think you're likely to draw Champion
18109s strength by a certain turn but I'm not
18110s going to run all that math right now
18111s that's for production to do later in the
18112s game when we're like oh my gosh what are
18114s the odds top deck Champion strength
18115s they'll show us they have the technology
18118s but is ephemeral scary enough that you
18121s need to ban I mean it would be a band to
18125s protect your jack or we talked about
18127s that a little bit earlier I don't know
18128s that formidable necessarily play Super
18131s well into something like the uh the
18134s hallowed units that we've been seeing
18135s you know not as much frostbite in there
18138s to protect against a zed or stop these
18140s big Gwen pushes so yeah I could I could
18143s see Scouts being the ban just because
18146s you need or sorry either scouts or the
18149s uh ephemerals but again like ephemerals
18150s are always such a weird thing to talk
18152s about when it comes to B strategy
18153s because it's inherently inconsistent is
18155s what stops you from bringing it but then
18157s you run into it and you're like okay
18159s well I have to assume that my opponent's
18160s going to draw pretty well on
18162s it I think if you want to ban Gwen Zed
18165s it's sort of the safer ban I think Gwen
18167s Zed will force firecloud to draw well
18169s right if fire clad is able to draw
18171s slightly above average hand they'll be
18172s able to demolish quined they'll get
18174s brittle steel they'll get Jax they'll
18175s get Balin and are able to pressure in
18177s but if they don't draw those cards Gwen
18179s Z will always run them over while
18181s against Scouts you can have a of worse
18184s off draw and still be just as good into
18186s disc Scout so I think I could see
18187s ephemerals being banned but you could
18189s also say that hey 20% of the time
18190s ephemerals draws uh absolutely nothing
18193s and you're going to win and that could
18194s be a line to go for it depends where you
18196s want to put your chance into do you want
18197s to put your chance into them drawing
18198s badly or you drawing
18200s well either way I think it's uh it's
18203s really just about protecting the jackor
18205s so on the side of Polie play your cards
18207s faster I think that jackor is always
18208s getting left open I
18210s think I almost want to say you ban from
18213s frostbite mid-range I'm not actually
18214s sure between for middle and frost bite
18216s midrange I'm not sure which one you have
18218s an easier time with as the
18221s overwhelm it's got to be formidable
18224s right formidable is onless copies of
18225s freeze you don't really want to be
18226s running into a brittle steel when
18228s they're playing things like uh the the
18230s tough lady the two men a tough lady or n
18232s if they're not buffed by Omen Hawk
18234s they're just going to get brittle
18234s stealed and easily killed it's I think
18237s you have to ban uh Ash Blanc but it's
18239s also the weaker deck like formidable I
18241s think is a stronger deck in that does a
18243s more linear thing and doesn't rely on
18245s its draws too much so you could also
18246s it's sort of like thew Z thing but the
18247s other way around yeah and there's n one
18250s drops in the overwhelm deck so while we
18251s talk about frostbite mid-range yeah you
18252s know in the mid game you can sort of
18253s stabilize with these frostbites there's
18255s a lot of brittle steal targets sometimes
18256s you just go oh yeah it's turn three
18258s here's two Crimson pigeons and
18259s Allegiance sabator how do you deal with
18260s that oh you played a trifarian glory
18262s Seeker oh no here's 12 damage to the
18265s Nexus on turn
18267s three going to have to see what the
18270s bands end up being it's really cool to
18273s see that this is what we got in this lcq
18275s this not what I was expecting at you
18276s know a couple of hours ago I wasn't
18278s expecting these primarily you know I
18281s guess I shouldn't say that I wasn't
18282s expecting FR odd mid-range maybe that's
18283s going to be a hot take I was expecting a
18285s lot more of like you know SI control and
18287s a lot more Riven than we ended up seeing
18289s we end up seeing the Gwen Z ban and the
18290s JAX on band kind of surprising to both
18292s of us yeah I I think you were spot on
18296s with the prediction of Gwen Riven I
18298s expect that when we get into EMA and the
18300s Americas that deck will rise as asically
18304s I think that apack had a pretty low to
18305s the ground and widespread overall in
18307s terms of deck representation again jaor
18309s being the most represented deck at 19
18310s out of 64 I think that's the lowest
18312s we've had all year I don't think the
18314s other regions are really going to follow
18316s suit with that
18317s one this is a pretty good early draw
18320s double Fleet for the tracker into
18321s misfortunes exactly what you want to see
18324s and this is it this is game one of the
18326s semifinals again we will play a finals
18328s but this is sort of the one that's for
18330s all the marbles winner goes to the world
18332s championship loser leaves with
18334s absolutely nothing the prize on the line
18336s today is just the world's invite and
18339s this is a pretty decent Scout curve to
18343s try and get it done here A Champion
18344s strength would just be well but that we
18346s could really say that about any Scout
18347s hand no PR yeah having exactly like a 1
18351s 1 3 4 5 6 is going to feel amazing into
18354s firecloud who's got a bunch of three
18356s drops that will eventually come down but
18358s it's very awkward to play them now the
18359s gentleman's Jewels are interesting this
18361s probably can be a kill on the fortune
18364s and then if you set up this further you
18365s might be able to trade into these
18367s relatively happily but it's not the best
18370s spot for you to be and you don't have
18371s that top end of gar or
18373s Gallo no it will come in time though but
18377s it's not like please player cards faster
18378s is doing nothing this time around they
18380s they've got a really nice Scout curve
18382s here on the 456 and you've got to find
18385s something on five or six to try and
18386s match that a blocking Badger bear comes
18388s down okay that's all well and good but
18389s you're only one buff spell away from the
18391s scout player into disaster so it's not
18394s even going to be a blocking badge be
18395s it's going to be the petricite broadwing
18397s coming down just building up the formid
18398s a little bit more I imagine this is
18400s going to have a spear to accompany it
18401s probably onto the petricite charger and
18403s just get a couple of uh 03s out and
18405s about again not phenomenal in terms of
18408s trading power and right now please play
18410s your cards faster just kind of debating
18411s do I go wide with scouts or do I go wide
18413s with one
18415s drops instead decide to go for Scouts
18417s having Dred Reger get rid of a champion
18419s strength there's only one more left in
18420s deck for memory there should have only
18422s been two in the deck list which again we
18424s talked about this earlier it doesn't
18425s fully matter but the formidable player
18427s is definitely going to be able to think
18428s about this and be like hey Champion
18430s strength is much less likely they can
18431s only have one possibly out of all of
18433s their draws there's three in the deck
18435s there's three are you sure I thought
18436s there was only two is it forid yeah it's
18438s formidable that is too ah okay you
18441s honestly had me questioning if I'm
18442s looking at the right Scouts list and I'm
18444s like well who else's Scout list would I
18445s be looking
18449s at going to see the quein come down try
18452s and challenge
18453s the probably the charger away maybe
18456s maybe it's the broadwing away to put
18457s less strength on it but I expect to see
18459s that come down no never mind I'm
18461s a yeah two Mana staying up just really
18464s threatening the form up that they don't
18467s have and we're going to have to see is
18468s the bluff called what's it going to be
18469s first it's going to be a spear onto the
18470s petricite charger leaving up that
18472s gentleman's duel or perhaps a blocking
18475s Badger bear depending on how this first
18476s round of combat goes it's not an insane
18480s amount of damage here but again
18483s please play your cards faster just
18484s missing that
18487s Anthem definitely it's interesting not
18490s to have gone for the Quinn level up and
18491s trying to threaten the form up I can see
18493s why but I don't know how please player
18496s card faster is planning on doing well
18498s into the mid game you have to expect
18499s this formidable deck is going to be
18501s having beefy units coming down over the
18502s next couple of turns and without a
18504s champion strength you can't really go
18505s over the top so trying to go wide
18507s without a flipped Quin seems like a tall
18511s ass I wonder
18513s if this is a read by please play your
18515s cards faster who is saying okay I've
18518s been looking at your early game so far
18520s you've just been like you haven't really
18522s been jamming out units so you've
18523s probably got a heavy hand a heavy hand
18525s probably includes a jaran so if I play
18527s my Quinn here she's not going to level
18530s and I'm just going to get jarvin as soon
18532s as you go to combat next
18535s turn that would be a very interesting
18537s read and I definitely don't dislike that
18539s read that read does make a lot of sense
18540s but now with playing the broadwing you
18541s can say okay Javin that I may have
18543s predicted is not going to be the case
18545s but now you have to worry is Quinn just
18547s going to be challenged did draw the
18548s champion strength on the side of please
18550s play your cards faster which is
18551s definitely changing how you think about
18552s the next couple of turns do you want to
18553s play it on turn seven do you want to
18554s play it on turn eight how can I spend my
18556s units effectively in order to let myself
18558s do that is going to be the questions
18559s that they're thinking of right now and
18561s there's really no great answer out of
18563s firecloud for that champion strength
18564s there's still multiple units that make
18566s multiple units in the hand of please
18568s play your cards faster than the Mari
18569s Warden and the Quinn and so you know
18571s it's a little awkward I I guess you
18573s could like geneveve now for some more
18577s effective trades then Quinn and Mariah
18579s on the next turn and then set up for
18580s like a very late Champion strength but
18583s then you're giving your opponent time to
18585s go a little bit wider set up a Gallo
18587s potentially um and just probably does
18589s not have a solid read on fire Cloud's
18591s hand double blocking Badger bear is not
18592s what I would be putting them on in this
18596s situation so firecloud does have the
18599s capacity I think to replay this darken
18601s weapon they've only played one so far
18602s this turn if my understanding is
18604s correctly which means they could try and
18605s go for the Quin but they also have to be
18606s scared about a form up if they go into
18609s this Quin and and please play C faster
18611s does have a form up that's going to be
18612s really threatening and scary they could
18615s try and go for the Valor instead we're
18616s going to have to see what these trades
18617s end up being like they are going to run
18619s into the possibility of form up but
18620s there is none in the hand and this is
18622s going to feel amazing you know everyone
18623s loves to joke about the America's
18625s mentality of if they have it they have
18627s it but what what about when they don't
18628s have it when you say you know what if
18630s you have it you have it and they just
18631s don't huh what about that huh that's
18633s that's going to take fire Cloud one step
18634s closer to the world championship with a
18635s favorable
18637s trade the top deck of the foras you know
18641s Vanguard Sergeant definitely interesting
18642s they can't afford Vanguard Sergeant plus
18644s Mari Warden which is a little bit
18646s disappointing they might be able to just
18647s be play Genevie here but geneveve gets
18649s aned really effectively by Gallo there's
18651s not really a good way of treating into
18653s that so we are going to see the genev
18654s and hope that there's no Gallo but it
18656s could have been really disastrous I love
18659s that these players are just kind of
18660s going back and forth like I have a read
18661s but you know what if you have it you
18663s have it just nobody has it it's it's
18664s these weak hands but eventually it's
18667s going to come to a hedge where police
18669s player cards faster is the one that has
18670s the champion
18673s strength let see the first trade come in
18675s pry responded to by an Elixir aine not
18677s letting any more positive trades come
18679s through in the future but BCL doesn't
18682s really have anything going for them
18683s anymore their last card is a freeze that
18684s doesn't really matter and a blocking
18685s Badger bear that's not going to care
18687s about blocking into a champion strength
18689s next turn it's not looking good for
18691s firecloud they will want a gar or a
18693s Javin or a Gallo or something to get
18695s them back into this that's said if
18696s firecloud does find one of their light
18698s game threats here I I actually don't
18699s mind their position you've got the flash
18701s freeze for the Scout after the champion
18703s strength and it's just another you know
18705s Anthem effect top deck by please play
18707s your cards faster so the valor's about
18709s to go down there's really nothing please
18710s play your cards faster can do about that
18712s and they're just losing the board but
18713s again I'm not sure with a weak top deck
18716s like Durant sculptor I'm not really
18718s feeling it spids it's just go a little
18720s bit wide get five units out slam a
18722s champion strength might even probably
18725s don't slam a champion strength right now
18727s maybe now you do but probably not I I
18730s it's only plus4 plus4 which means aaka
18732s just actually gets to trade on one of
18733s these units but no it actually is going
18734s to be the case just going to run it
18736s out what's really cool about Champion
18738s strength if you do Champion strength
18739s this turn you can still afford Vanguard
18741s Sergeant Plus for Maria on the next turn
18743s so all of these one drops are going to
18745s be six fives and then five fours over
18747s the next couple of turns you lose one of
18748s them but big deal when you're
18750s threatening the Nexus so much over the
18751s next couple of turns and Cloud isn't
18754s going to be able to respond pretty
18756s effectively even if they top something
18757s like a Gallo it doesn't really matter
18759s when you can continue pummeling them in
18761s the Gallo not going to have that much
18762s strength after the trades
18764s anyway and just kind of debating what
18766s they're comfortable going down to
18767s normally you think okay yeah you know
18768s I'm against aasia that can go to one
18770s it's fine they don't have any reach but
18771s they do have misfortunes in the deck and
18773s it would be a shame to lose to that so
18776s now I mean the board is much less
18778s threatening now there's a flash freeze
18780s there's a unit to develop but ah man
18782s firecloud is just continuing to not draw
18785s units just getting all the Spells and
18787s this is a rather spell heavy version of
18788s formidable usually we see it more akin
18790s to the scouts list you run like the
18791s champion strength the elixir of iron
18794s gentleman's duel and like Skys splitter
18796s and that's about where you call it a day
18797s but here I believe there's something
18798s like 14 spells in this look with the
18800s shield of Duran the additional single
18803s combat and this might be the consequence
18805s of not having Omen Hawk these Shield of
18807s gerand are what is being replaced from
18810s what would normally be Omen Hawk Omen
18811s Hawk would have traded into these two
18812s ones of rather earlier made these broad
18814s wings and these blocking Badger Bears
18816s slightly larger the the difference in
18818s these cards definitely is going to be
18819s relevant and I think please play a cards
18822s faster is absolutely going to take this
18824s game I mean there there are chances that
18826s this comes out but please play a cast is
18828s doing so much aggression right
18830s now the very least there is going to be
18833s an attack token with a AA and okay yeah
18837s I was you know I was going to say I've
18838s never seen what happens if a kna pulls
18840s jarvin and then I remembered I used my
18841s kn aaka can't pull
18845s Jan time uh from here though could pull
18849s a gallo and Gallo would be lethal this
18852s look uh you can't pull Champions oh
18854s sorry not yeah my bad we literally just
18857s talked about this oh my Lord I don't
18859s know what you thought the difference
18859s between jarvin and Gallia was
18862s but glacial Sor and it's a dark in so
18866s you draw and that's just
18870s lethal can't believe two actions ago I
18872s said that please play a cards faster had
18874s guaranteed lethal I am completely wrong
18876s this anaka pulling I mean anything they
18877s would have pulled would have done a
18878s bunch of damage with all the Buffs that
18879s anaka has done it it would have done
18882s quite well and that's the first game in
18884s what is a qualification for worlds yeah
18887s all of a sudden we're just down to the
18888s frostbite mid-range again and unlike the
18890s previous match we're feeling a little
18892s bit more confident in this we don't
18894s think there's like a you know we were
18895s talking a lot about the frostbite
18896s mid-range into the overwhelm that's the
18898s matchup that we wanted to highlight we
18899s might not even get it if Scouts does go
18901s down here again we were talking about
18903s Reckoning and how no one really plays
18904s that Frost by mid-range Scouts is a
18906s matchup where that would actually do
18908s some
18910s damage thing is I don't even think you
18911s need Reckoning if you play half guard on
18913s turn five Scouts can't do anything
18915s against it now there is The Reckless
18917s traran which isn't great but there is
18919s still traran GL Seeker into LeBlanc into
18922s Ash which is a decent hand but this play
18926s cards faster has got two misfortunes
18928s this is an awful EV or or odds hand
18932s rather for firecloud especially pairing
18936s into a fleet feather tracker Misfortune
18938s opener blade if there's a way for them
18940s to lose the scouts I think it looks a
18943s little bit like this on terms of like
18945s still looking
18949s playable my clad is probably going to
18951s end up playing lunit trying to put some
18953s damage in and I wonder if play cards
18956s faster is going to slowly think about
18959s playing Misfortune or not they decide
18960s not to decides to play the daring por of
18963s the mar Warden and a few other things
18965s like that do you go in do you pre-commit
18968s the The Elixir and try and go in or do
18971s you just do this trade and end it with
18972s that I think I do this trade end it with
18975s that plan for Bloody Business plus
18977s elixir on the L Blanc next
18981s turn just in case of either another
18984s Fleet feather tracker or a pite
18986s broadwing I don't really see the value
18987s in maintaining my 51 no PR no pay I
18991s guess that's fair I was seeing it as a
18992s way that might kill Misfortune but with
18993s Bloody Business you are would to play
18994s Misfortune right now it will give
18996s LeBlanc the third point of Health which
18998s is very nice for defending and if police
19000s player C faster wants to do Make It Rain
19002s to try and attack in anyway there is
19003s still this Electra so all the Mana lines
19006s up really really nicely following into
19008s an ash and being able to pressure the
19009s board State when pleas play cards faster
19011s isn't going to be able to do a lot much
19013s after that there's still the Quin into
19014s the Valor and maybe a top Champion
19016s strength for Maria could be something
19018s but firecloud is definitely getting
19020s their mid-range presence that they need
19021s to of next two or three
19026s times that said I it like if this is
19031s this is why I hate Scouts you're casting
19032s it and you're like that was an excellent
19034s point spits but what if Champion
19036s strength comes off the top of the deck
19038s and that's just really as much analysis
19041s as we can give you that it's kind of
19043s just what it comes down to with Scouts
19044s okay you have four units on the board
19045s that's awesome now you're just in the Cs
19047s waiting room nothing gets between me and
19049s my Mark going to see the hot do come
19051s down try and buff the other units now
19053s please play cards faster is not
19054s threatening an insignificant attack this
19056s is well now with these blocks it's less
19059s significant no respect for form up
19062s again wind blocking which makes sense I
19065s guess there's no there's no one damage
19066s removal in this match up but it does
19068s mean that Quinn will no longer feel
19069s comfortable attacking unless she's
19071s willing to die we do see the inspiring
19073s light top deck and a misfortune that can
19075s do things but who's player cards faster
19077s is going to probably be able to play
19079s traran assessa and try and look for
19082s freeze cards either way I assume you're
19085s kicking things off oh really I I thought
19087s it would have been mirror image onto the
19088s Hearth guard to kick things off leave
19090s yourself with the harsh winds available
19093s or play the assessor after the fact for
19095s an additional
19097s draw I think this has to do with the way
19100s that the reputation list is built the
19102s overemphasis on things such as a brittle
19105s steel and elixir means that I think when
19108s building this you're really looking for
19109s these one Mana combat tricks to blow out
19110s this mid-range deck and going going for
19112s something slow like copying the guard
19114s just doesn't make sense with how this
19115s list is built I think with most other
19116s lists I would see that as a better line
19118s but I can understand why we went for
19120s this from the side of fire
19125s Cloud all right the inspiring light has
19127s come down and now there's still a couple
19129s of options on the side of firecloud it's
19131s either ice fille Archer or it's now the
19134s mirror image onto I would assume Hearth
19138s guard over LeBlanc not a lot of reason
19139s to get the LeBlanc out there Hearth
19141s guard buffing up the deck and then
19142s holding up the elixir of iron but
19144s there's no Challenger on the fleet
19147s feather
19148s you're I guess the question is like how
19150s much you get into the Mind Games of it
19151s where it's like okay obviously they
19152s played their Anthem effect they don't
19154s have something to play for the
19154s Challenger but at the same time how big
19156s brain would it be if now their last card
19158s in hand did give Challenger over to the
19160s fleet feather tracker now that firecloud
19162s has tapped out it's not going to be the
19163s case though no Scout attack and it's
19165s actually just going to be a lot of the
19166s board getting taken down not even using
19168s the elixir of iron to try and save
19170s anything well prob because there's not
19172s enough Mana for that that's one of the
19173s few reasons why come down just to be a
19176s little bit snarky to your Boulevard but
19178s there is not that much in the defensive
19181s potential of firecloud there is never
19183s mind I there's Ash into Ash's frostbite
19186s which can be quite nice
19187s but please play faster has drawn the
19191s Quinn into the fori which is sort of
19193s exactly what you
19194s wanted are fine not a lot of uh yeah
19198s this is where the Reckless starian are
19199s really going to start to catch up with
19200s fire Club this is something we talking
19202s about in a previous match up just so
19203s many Camp block units in this deck and
19206s it looks like nnn3 is now 1 over pin
19208s ping ho so we might not get into that
19212s second game all these players fighting
19213s for their chance to qualify directly
19215s into the World Championship Double Ash
19217s actually coming out an aggressive use of
19219s the mirror image threatening lethal if
19222s no blockers come
19224s through I quite like this you still have
19226s eight mana on the side of firecloud to
19228s be able to do three uh harh wins plus
19231s the the flash freeze which is quite nice
19233s and threatening the Nexus is the same as
19235s challenging one of these units away and
19236s that's all you really want to be doing
19237s so I quite like this attack you're not
19239s really getting that much use out of the
19241s mirror image outside of that it's always
19243s blocking something or threatening
19246s something exactly enough Mana to run out
19249s both units and the for Deasia for please
19251s play your cards faster meanwhile another
19253s unit that can't block on the side of
19255s fire Cloud but doesn't really matter
19257s you've got harsh winds plus flash freeze
19259s and that should be enough misfortune
19262s is
19263s at two out of four production bail me
19267s out
19269s please uh misfortune's at less than
19271s three right now which is around the
19272s ballpark that I think matters um okay
19276s two out of four yeah I I was also like
19278s okay it's less than three but that
19279s doesn't give me the information that I
19280s need so it actually looks like
19281s Misfortune will be leveling here and
19283s that is a bit of a
19286s disaster I have
19288s to if they just attack fully right now
19290s is that lethal if not are they going to
19292s have to scout attack to try lethal is
19293s the three damage more important or is
19295s losing a unit going to be quite relevant
19297s here uh fullon attack was not
19299s lethal
19303s okay they're going to have to decide
19305s between harsh winds and three sisters I
19308s presume it's always just harsh winds
19309s there's very few reason not to do that
19313s Ash is going to flip which does get the
19314s arrow which means if they survive until
19316s next turn the arrow is probably just
19318s going to be enough to freeze everything
19320s and go in for the lethal
19322s I can't imagine that ever not being the
19325s [Music]
19329s case do some quick math I think I think
19332s this is lethal you might be right now
19335s looking at The Bard no sorry flat flash
19337s R saves you from lethal but you do then
19339s lose your Ash you lose both ashes in
19342s which case yeah this isn't lethal but
19345s without either Ash and just a bunch of
19348s Reckless trifarian I don't know if
19351s that's
19355s enough if you so the crystal Arrow does
19358s give you a draw and there will be two
19360s ashes in the deck you could do crystal
19362s Arrow
19364s into Ash and that should be guaranteed
19366s lethal unless uh F player cut quickly
19369s draws a unit and then just holds it
19370s doesn't play it immediately oh this
19372s Crystal Arrow actually isn't hitting
19374s much never yeah this uh the Duran
19377s sculpter being able to buff the the
19379s three4 definitely changes things a lot
19380s and the form up also would bring it
19382s above rate as well but even an ash is
19385s not enough is there anything that fad
19386s could be looking
19388s for
19390s um cesa Omen Hawk actually isn't awful
19395s because it is a card that they can
19397s play um okay is that the bar Boulevard
19401s it's a card you can play look
19405s it's sometimes yes that's the bar it
19408s unfortunately not going to be enough
19409s there but now we get into the matchup
19411s that that you and I were highlighting
19413s the darus Nar versus the frostbite
19415s mid-range again we we talked about how
19418s those Reckless trifarian can really
19419s start to bite you in those aggressive
19421s matchups and that's just kind of exactly
19422s what we saw and now we're going to see
19424s how quick can this Darius Nar go we'
19426s kind of theorized you know there's nine
19428s one drops in the deck the Crimson
19429s pigeons and Legion hurus can do a lot in
19431s the early game but sometimes you just
19433s don't draw nine one drops sometimes you
19435s draw some darius's and some battle
19437s Furies and some other cards that just
19438s lose the frostbite which is a larger
19440s portion of your deck and the One
19442s Drops imagine if you went to someone a
19444s year ago and said the final decks in the
19446s lcq OR at least in the semi-finals are
19448s ash Blanc and Darius Nar Champions that
19450s have never been good for like a year at
19452s that point they pry respond with what's
19453s an lcq when's the next seasonal but we
19456s do see the omen Hawk drawn and that's
19458s pretty good I mean in these FR odd
19460s matchups sometimes you can joke around
19461s and say whoever gets Omen Hawk wins and
19463s we do see an omen Hawk on one side for
19466s what it's worth I do have a bookmarked
19467s tweet from Joy sticks that said they
19469s just had a dream about nefari kindred
19471s being meta in 2025 so I'm sitting on
19474s that one and then you know when 2024
19476s when like nefari comes out we're going
19477s to be like oh man this Champion sucks
19480s who would ever guess when it'll be meta
19481s and then you know a year later in apack
19483s quarterfinals
19486s again this hand looks pretty good from
19489s play faster I think having the three
19491s drop into the four drop into San is a
19493s pretty good space to be in but these
19495s player C quickly does have two pieces of
19497s interaction in the brittle steel and the
19498s Bloody Business and is going to be able
19500s to be relative aggressive for the next
19503s couple of turns but possibly not
19504s aggressive enough I think it's really
19506s going to come down to is that three
19508s sisters flash free is available when
19510s firecloud goes for the bloody business
19513s line and we're a little bit of a ways
19515s off of that and at the moment actually
19516s there's no way to deal with the Darius
19518s and battle Fury is terrifying something
19521s like the history of battle Fury
19523s competitively is what am I started
19525s jamming this in indor as a way to deal
19527s with flat like frostbite it's like oh
19530s yeah you you know you frost crit myor
19531s okay well now it's an 84 and a similar
19534s Theory applies in this overwhelm
19537s deck I really like this open attack it's
19540s hard not to let Nar level from it and
19543s developing Nar would run into an ash
19545s plus a brittle steel really really badly
19547s so being able to get the you miss out on
19549s the Pokey stick but honestly having a 55
19551s Nar is way better than running into
19553s something like a brittle steel really
19554s interesting play it gives vulnerable to
19556s probably the wrong unit you would have
19557s rather given it to the ash but I mean
19560s you're not going to compl too much about
19561s having a four Mana 5 five quick attack
19563s overwhelm absolutely not and
19566s now I need okay going to bank a little
19569s bit of spell Mana brittle Steel Plus
19571s Bloody Business available reputation
19573s should be activating this turn unless
19575s the flash freeze gets used that' be a
19577s little wild but I would I would imagine
19579s a pass out of please play your cards
19582s faster from here not a lot of reason to
19583s jam the glacial SAR in into all of
19586s this especially with two units that
19588s can't block if they trade passes here I
19590s think please play a cards faster is
19592s definitely going to be in a very happy
19593s position you do see the the famous thing
19596s that Ash like the whole point of this
19597s ash deck is to do this thing you pull
19599s with the trian glory seeker and you
19600s freeze what's being pulled it's I'm
19602s surpr we haven't seen that this
19603s tournament actually but we are going to
19605s see that come down here do you try to
19607s play The Elixir of iron to protect the
19610s Nar or do you go for a fury the North
19612s and try and do the trade I think that
19615s three sisters is going to be really
19616s valuable either down the line is either
19617s a flash free or an inum um you know in
19621s great offensive capability in a deck
19622s like this and not something that you
19624s have an answer for as frostbite midrange
19626s so I like going for the Elixir IR I
19628s don't think that's a card that gets a
19629s lot more valuable from here on out and
19631s still leaves you to play the glacial San
19632s on turn on curve this turn with the the
19635s Nar alive so you get the yal so you get
19637s the draw and you find a crimson pigeon
19641s Crimson pigeon is a pretty good draw
19643s it's the only thing that can be comboed
19644s with another glacial San is being a one
19646s drop we are going to see glacial San be
19648s Bloody Business down makes sense to do
19650s it this this turn as you were saying it
19652s was going to come down to if three
19653s sisters would be able to interact with
19654s it and it seems like that was not the
19656s case unless another bloody business is
19657s drawn and we can do that song and dance
19658s once more but uh please player cards
19661s quicker has now got a tough decision to
19663s make between Darius who will be flipped
19665s or sorum plus pigeon to try and go
19668s wide it's a tough call and I think
19672s either way with eight Mana flash freeze
19676s and harsh winds fire cloud has all their
19678s bases covered now whether or not they
19680s have lethal on the next turn is a little
19682s up in the air if they get forced to use
19684s all three frostbites here then Ash is
19685s only taking one blocker off the table
19687s next turn and there will still be
19688s presumably a three sisters in the hand
19690s of please play your cards faster so the
19691s open attack is locked in only one
19694s blocker available but this also isn't
19697s lethal let me check what the
19699s over-the-top options are here
19702s perette
19705s and check yeah Pokey stick off the Nar I
19708s was I confused decisive maneuver for um
19711s a rally spell for a second
19713s there Shan can't hit the
19716s NEX I was hovering the card to see if it
19719s could hit the Nexus and I'm like stun an
19720s enemy that doesn't hit the
19723s Nexus uh there was another time that we
19725s saw an open attack from please play your
19727s cards quickly which makes sense trying
19728s to beat a lot of the developments that
19730s were trying to come down this is it
19731s though this is it though spids they
19734s didn't force out the harsh winds and now
19736s it's just ash harsh winds open attack
19737s and that's
19738s lethal is Ash at two ashes must be two
19741s right we've seen a flash free in an open
19743s yeah Ash should be a two we've seen a
19744s flash freeze defensively you are right
19746s provided there's not another three
19748s sisters top deck which I presume they I
19751s mean there won't be there's only one
19753s yeah there's only one um might might
19754s could uh throw things in out of the
19757s whack would give attack over to a
19760s unit but but that's not what is drawn
19763s and if firecloud decides to go for they
19765s can go for the open attack lethal Three
19767s Sisters Fury whirling death is that
19771s anything
19773s ooh is that
19775s enough you can so you can buff up the
19778s Nar and then you
19780s can whirling death
19782s from onto the four the
19786s 62 I and that would let you stay alive I
19789s think I really would have liked LeBlanc
19791s to have been developed by firecloud
19793s before they went in for this because the
19794s ash attack is sort of wasted here in
19796s that if your opponent developed a unit
19797s you still would have had three units
19800s that can't block cuz it's the same as
19801s two units that can't block and now this
19802s man is just kind of going to wasted yeah
19804s there's the
19806s fury there's the I understand why but
19809s you don't want Ash to be stunned by
19810s pette that would reduce the open attack
19813s lethal entirely this is actually still
19815s going to do Sky spitter is going to save
19816s this unit and that is going to be lethal
19818s that is going to be fiery Cloud moving
19819s on to the world
19825s championship what an insane match up
19827s this is I mean Ash Blanc just showing
19829s that it made it I did didn't expect Ash
19831s Blanc to be one of the two winners of
19834s the apack tournament yet that's where we
19835s are it ended up doing exactly what it
19837s needed to do fighting mid-range decks
19838s and getting someone qualified into Wells
19840s I didn't expect to see Scouts uh running
19843s in the finals I I really didn't even
19844s expect to see Darius Nar make it this
19846s far but I believe we never got a final
19848s update on the nnn versus pin pingho
19851s matchup so we're going to see if we can
19852s jump into that or get confirmation from
19855s production before we throw a break on
19857s who was the winner of that match because
19858s we don't want to leave you hang on that
19861s but we're going to have to for the time
19862s being but spids with all of the Decks
19865s that we saw I mean okay let's be honest
19866s jaxen qualified for worlds like that's
19869s okay whatever man like that's that's
19871s cool I guess like you could do that um
19873s but ashle Blanc is not something that we
19875s really had on the radar now a lot of
19876s people were talking about like Shen
19877s jarvin earlier in the week but I think
19878s as a community we're starting to
19880s understand that like if you're talking
19881s about Shen jarvin on Monday no one's
19883s playing it by
19884s Friday yeah Ash blun only had one of the
19887s two people bring it this was one of the
19889s two people that made it so I wonder if
19890s it's going to be a sleeper pick that we
19891s see in EMA and America it does I think
19894s beat Riven Gwen which is a deck that
19896s we're expecting to come up on the r is
19898s being able to play Flash fre definitely
19899s comes into this so it's going to be
19901s interesting if we see that in the other
19903s regions as well we see Jan versus the
19905s POR King in ping pingho versus three one
19909s card in hand for pin pingho one HP on
19911s the Nexus a dream alive we know that
19915s nnn3 was up a game the last time we
19917s checked so even if this is game three
19918s it's still looking really good for poro
19921s that wasn't on my bingo card like
19923s frostbite mid-range and poros were not
19926s on my bingo
19928s card or making it
19932s through this
19934s game there there's no way this is not
19936s game is there any draw I'm thinking it's
19939s probably it's like eye of the storm into
19940s double Mystic shot okay or S stream SLI
19944s stream into double Mystic
19946s shot depending on how much burn is left
19948s in the deck
19951s there another tide callar
19953s oh so close it wasn't even the Nerf that
19957s did it it almost was but no that is
19959s going to be pin pingho eliminated not
19961s able to get that run back in nnn3 is
19964s your second player qualified out of the
19967s world championship qualifier that is it
19969s folks not for the tournament but for the
19970s world's qualification of course you
19972s still want a champion don't you you want
19974s to congratulate these players but you
19976s want to see who gets to celebrate more
19978s who gets to celebrate harder and I got
19979s to say
19981s very proud of nnn3 for making it this
19984s far for making it into the world
19985s championship and doing it with um
19987s believe they were running something of
19988s an anti-control lineup the puff caps
19991s puff caps poros and
19993s formidable it's very cool imagine if
19995s you're anti3 trying to get into the
19998s qualification and your final boss into
19999s making it there is someone that's
20001s already been in Worlds it's got to feel
20003s amazing to actually get over there
20004s you've already proven yourself as
20005s someone that's great into Worlds right
20006s now you've beaten someone that's already
20007s made it and now you're there yourself
20009s yeah and shout out to Boulevard for the
20011s prophetic Powers calling out nnn3 at the
20012s top of the day you still got it buddy
20014s but that means we are going to throw it
20015s to a midsized break before we come back
20018s for the grand finals here at the last
20020s chance qualifier again both these
20021s players already made it in but we just
20023s want to see some more L we want to Crown
20026s a winner we need to be able to put a
20028s number one at the top of the scoreboard
20029s do not go anywhere we're playing for all
20031s the glory here at the World Championship
20033s last chance
20036s [Music]
20039s qualifier
20041s [Music]
20069s no
20073s [Music]
20083s [Music]
20104s [Music]
20116s [Music]
20171s [Music]
20249s [Music]
20264s [Music]
20279s n
20280s [Music]
20288s [Music]
20309s he
20311s [Music]
20368s he
20376s [Music]
20408s [Music]
20414s [Music]
20421s [Music]
20427s [Music]
20454s [Music]
20458s oh
20466s [Music]
20472s [Music]
20478s [Music]
20488s oh
20491s [Music]
20500s [Music]
20506s [Applause]
20513s [Applause]
20539s [Music]
20552s [Music]
20565s [Music]
20580s [Music]
20595s [Music]
20608s he
20611s [Music]
20618s [Music]
20631s [Music]
20643s [Music]
20656s [Music]
20679s is all you
20697s got St step down watch through your
20728s way
20731s is that all you got to
20756s say one you
20769s step by step step by
20772s step to
20788s your
20801s [Music]
20804s you got to
20818s say
20832s [Applause]
20848s down
20872s [Music]
20878s great
20891s [Music]
20908s la
20926s [Music]
20934s [Music]
20938s la
20989s [Music]
20997s la
21005s [Applause]
21027s you
21031s [Music]
21038s [Music]
21044s [Music]
21050s [Music]
21056s [Music]
21063s [Music]
21090s [Music]
21104s [Music]
21112s [Music]
21144s [Music]
21156s [Music]
21172s [Music]
21178s [Music]
21192s [Music]
21204s [Music]
21237s he
21241s [Music]
21248s [Music]
21272s [Music]
21292s [Music]
21296s [Applause]
21297s [Music]
21306s fting
21308s shadow
21321s [Music]
21321s [Applause]
21327s inting
21332s [Music]
21343s [Music]
21357s the
21369s [Music]
21383s [Music]
21387s chos
21394s [Music]
21404s [Music]
21417s you
21422s [Music]
21430s [Music]
21469s [Music]
21470s [Applause]
21475s the
21477s dark
21478s [Music]
21480s I'll
21492s [Music]
21494s [Applause]
21500s [Music]
21507s be
21532s [Music]
21569s [Music]
21614s [Music]
21621s [Music]
21640s [Music]
21679s [Music]
21689s [Music]
21719s hello everybody and thank you for
21720s sticking with us after a very long break
21722s as we head into the finals of the World
21725s Championship last chance qualifier again
21727s these players are playing for Pride and
21729s Glory which is honestly arguably one of
21731s the most important things that you can
21733s play for in a card game we talk to world
21736s champions all the time and they're like
21737s yeah the money's cool but really it's
21738s that world champion title that I wanted
21740s so yeah lcq winner that's what the
21742s that's what we're going for here both
21743s these players are going into the world
21744s championship anyway but let's take a
21746s look at the bracket to remind you who
21747s who is going to be playing this finals
21749s who they had to eliminate to get here
21750s pin pingho and uh can you play a little
21753s bit faster unfortunately eliminated at
21756s the final step and it will be nnn 3 and
21759s firecloud moving on to the world
21761s championship and now playing for
21764s Glory it's kind of crazy to think that
21766s no teams made it past the top eight we
21768s were talking about earlier about how
21770s teams are quite important and then it
21771s turns out these players that almost
21772s certainly had you know scrim mates and
21774s teammates trying to like help them
21776s around and friends they can talk to but
21777s no like massive team backing no at least
21780s prominence in their name uh proclaiming
21782s their allegiance to you know ABG or kdf
21785s or something it's it's interesting to
21787s see that they sort of all faulted off a
21789s few rounds ago yeah and part of it I
21792s think is that a good number of team
21795s players are already qualified or you
21797s know are basically locked in on points
21799s but yeah there were certainly still a
21800s lot of leftover teammates in this
21802s tournament and you know top Eight's not
21804s a bad showing but we kind of expected to
21805s see at least one in the finals or maybe
21807s all the way to top four instead kdf and
21809s end making it all the way to top eight
21810s before getting eliminated ABG out in top
21812s 16 but I think they already have a
21814s couple of players in the world
21815s championship but now it's just down to
21816s individuals two individuals in fact
21818s that's right it's Boulevard and spits
21820s and we are the ones who have to do the
21821s Battle of mental fortitude of once again
21824s telling you about Jax or and selling you
21827s that
21829s propaganda before we get to Jack's or we
21831s get to talk about formidableness
21837s last three rounds in a row two copies of
21839s champion strength one copy of Shield of
21841s J no Omen Hawk but as we've it's been
21843s proven you don't need Omen hawk in this
21844s deck it's clearly good enough on its own
21847s I'm getting sick of the darken spear all
21849s right last World Championship poro
21851s cannon that card started to get on my
21853s nerves I was like boy I can't wait for
21854s rotation hope we rotate okay then we
21856s nerfed it and rotated it and I was so
21857s happy and now darken spear you know I'm
21860s starting to look at you a little
21862s sideways oh you look at that spits it's
21865s the darken
21866s spear and I mean the dark and spear has
21868s come in handy in these last few matches
21870s I think every single time we've seen
21871s anaka pull something important and have
21873s that 68 body which is not insignificant
21874s at all be quite relevant in all of these
21876s matchs I can see why you dis like Dr I
21879s think it's kind of based that you can
21880s have weapons and units at the same time
21882s I think the dark and weapons is one of
21883s the coolest editions they had this game
21885s sick I love it so much but the spear
21887s specifically is starting to get to
21890s me finally we've got Jack you want let's
21892s talk about Ash blonc some more actually
21894s let's in front of us on the screen uh
21896s Ash blanc's pretty cool it's been doing
21898s quite well only two people brought and
21899s one of them made it to Top Cut and well
21901s top two and able to qualify for worlds
21903s with it uh do you think it's going to
21905s have representation in the other agents
21907s I think I've asked you this before uh I
21908s think we're probably going to see a
21910s similar uh representation to what we saw
21911s in APAC like two or three players um for
21913s example like over in EMA you know if you
21916s were like oh what do you expect to see
21917s I'd be like a cocky boak's probably
21919s playing ashle Blanc in Top Cut there uh
21922s and then on the side of nnn 3 we've also
21924s got formidable so deck of the weekend
21926s right now formidable which honestly I'm
21929s a little surprised by because we saw a
21931s highrise in control and eradication but
21933s I guess like the controllers we're
21934s seeing aren't eradication list right
21936s like himr Nora isn't running it karma
21938s set obviously isn't running it because
21939s they're PT over in Z and not Shadow a
21941s it's really just like the war mothers
21942s Decks that are on the eradication and it
21944s looks like all of those fell out pretty
21946s early it doesn't seem like there's a
21948s good way of dealing with pite Chara plus
21950s gentleman's Jewel it's able to deal with
21952s decks like red Gwen it's able to deal
21954s with anything that's sort of janilla
21956s esque and so for it it makes sense I
21958s don't think we've ever broken down this
21960s deck we've we've seen three play but it
21962s wasn't the first game we were talking
21963s about this is their version of Teo
21965s Caitlin what do you think about this
21967s list it looks very standard to me and
21970s honestly I've never really been a big
21971s puff cap fan once we introduced like
21973s Kina Mastermind into the list when it
21975s was like Ezreal and Frostbite Foundry I
21977s I could get behind it a little bit more
21978s but stuff like this I'm just I get that
21981s it's got its place in The Meta it's very
21982s good against slower decks but it's just
21984s it's not for me and then poro King is
21986s actually like if I wanted to take on a
21987s slower deck then poro King I think is
21989s where I would actually want to be this
21990s is something that I like a lot into
21991s control
21992s piles we do see the one poris I was
21995s mention to you ear I think por Alis is
21997s stock in this deck although nessi was on
21999s two which was a little bit weird this
22000s version is the targon version running
22002s Sunburst as opposed to the F version
22003s which I think runs like inar and just
22005s more go wide stuff right uh interesting
22008s list only one t on T is pretty weird I
22010s feel like these List have typically
22011s tried to run as many hushes as possible
22013s and instead we're seeing very very few
22015s which is probably good into this match
22016s up you don't really need a hush all that
22018s much outside of maybe a
22019s formidable hush like when you think
22021s about what's going to be the most
22023s represented deck you look at Jax horn
22025s hush not super useful but then you look
22027s at like Riven Gwen and I feel like hush
22030s is actually quite useful in a matchup
22031s like that so yeah I am a little
22032s surprised to see down on the number of
22034s targon tellstones um spit got a little
22036s bit of trivia for you here as it
22038s pertains to Legends of Renta um I I
22040s don't think this was ever seasonal
22042s worthy but do you know the only other
22045s deck that I've ever seen Aurora por Alis
22048s in oh no why are you doing this meet
22050s bouevard why is there a pop quiz in this
22052s tournament Pop Quiz spits where was
22054s Aurora poral
22057s played I have no clue where would it be
22059s played there was a lux
22062s deck there was a solid like month where
22065s there was just like it wasn't even like
22066s poros it was just Fjord Lux and they
22070s were like heyy orora poral is 12 Mana
22073s worth of
22074s spells I can't imagine AIO deck being
22078s good uh like before like you know 3
22080s months ago or something it's crazy to
22082s think that was something in there it
22083s dark times we didn't have a lot going
22085s every time I see a lux deck pop up in
22087s the meta you know previous uh like you
22090s know a year and a half plus ago I'd be
22092s like oh we're just we don't got a lot
22093s going on right now
22095s huh I mean Lux Jace does well in a turn
22098s a little bit but I think that's just
22100s like it's the best aasia deck that has a
22102s mid-range Presence at that point right
22104s yeah I miss aelio Lux that was probably
22106s my favorite Lux deck deck any any targon
22109s Lux I was actually a big fan of cuz when
22110s when targon first came out like ASO Lux
22112s was a huge deck and I was I was a very
22114s big fan of
22115s that um I don't think I played a lot of
22118s AOS Lu I did play a lot of aelio Victor
22120s when AOS released it was the first de I
22121s got the masters with which I felt pretty
22123s proud of bad at the time uh AOS has got
22125s a a happy place in my heart mine as well
22127s I think AOS Lux was like after aelio had
22130s already been nerfed and then rebuffed
22131s back into viability I remember aelio Lux
22134s was what I was playing right before
22135s petricite broadwing got nerfed
22138s and that kind that's actually kind of
22139s what took the deck off was the Nerf to
22141s petricite
22142s Broadway yeah I mean it was a pretty
22144s good Nerf I think it's one of the more
22145s creative Nerfs that have come into the
22147s tournament and it's still like not the
22148s tournament just in the game sorry it's
22150s it's a cool way of making the card still
22152s feel relevant like it's over sted on
22153s curve but you need to buff it for it to
22155s be something you can actually trade with
22157s and the formidable keyword does do some
22159s interesting things with how the game
22160s plays out I quite like that Nerf I think
22161s it's one of the better ones they've
22164s done absolutely uh talking about the
22167s match up in front of us I want to see
22171s jackor banned because yikes I'm already
22174s falling asleep as it is over here the
22176s last thing I need is something to send
22177s me over the edge and I want to see uh
22179s puff caps and Yumi play out but again
22182s obviously like these players want as
22183s much practice as possible going into the
22185s world championship I imagine they're
22186s going to take this very seriously so
22187s we're going to see a formidable band
22188s we're going to see a Yumi horo King ban
22191s and that means puff caps will play I
22194s don't know if you heard that Boulevard
22195s this is the first time I've heard
22196s production last at something you said
22198s which is very very nice um we are going
22200s to have traps versus uh this has to be
22203s Jack's on no it doesn't it doesn't have
22206s to be we can we can make it up we can
22208s say this is something this is or Jax
22210s actually it's very different from Jax
22215s or surely jaon wins surely jaon is going
22218s to just punish this deck and without any
22220s Teo without any puff caps is just not
22222s going to get there yeah I want this to
22224s be the master class in why you don't
22228s play things like this why you bring jaor
22231s first of all Omen Hawk and omok I
22233s mentioned that sometimes jaor just gets
22235s do really broken things like play a 66
22237s on turn three would have been possible
22238s if this uh Apprentice had come a little
22240s bit earlier but honestly three wide with
22243s what what weapon was taken here all
22245s right three
22247s wide like 10 stats on board and two
22250s spell mana on turn three that's a good
22252s deck yeah we do see the Caitlin come
22254s down which sort of sounds nice until
22256s you're that everything's going to be
22257s buffed into obliv the The Flash bombs
22260s aren't going to be doing too too much I
22262s do like that Mystic shot and you can
22264s probably make a read that there's no Sky
22267s splitter and there's no elixir of iron
22269s just from that cuz I think you always
22270s protect that every single
22271s time and even if there was there's still
22274s the Caitlin spell there's still the
22275s elixir of iron I'm sure that this is
22277s where the puff cat Peddler comes down
22278s there's not going to be enough Mana for
22280s the fish fight so and even once Mana for
22282s fish fight is available uh fire cloud is
22284s going to have to pick between The
22285s Peddler and the Caitlin but again don't
22287s think Caitlyn is a significant threat in
22288s a matchup like this and with the double
22290s Omen Hawk Teemo is not touching down
22292s anytime soon
22295s either on Jax is like even with just
22298s like these two combat cooks are going to
22299s be pressuring the game every single time
22301s if they draw nothing over the course of
22302s the rest of the game I still think that
22304s onjax is probably in a much better
22306s position and it's probably likely to win
22308s it's just that the lack of stats that uh
22310s pnz like fot has access to and in traps
22313s just doesn't do anything against these
22314s Decks that are massive every single time
22317s I think if firecloud was not allowed to
22319s take any action other than blocking for
22321s the next three turns but was guaranteed
22323s an or top deck on seven they would still
22325s win this
22327s game that that's probably true and a
22330s little bit unfortunate uh for like you
22332s know the the creativity and the coolness
22333s of the plays uh I better an investigator
22337s doesn't really change any of this you
22338s can't really Shuffle in that many puff
22340s caps with out Teemo or a second puff cap
22343s pedler there's not even like spells that
22345s create spells in
22347s three deck I think there might be ch
22349s right that creates a couple of spells
22350s but that's about it that's the only like
22351s spell spam card in that deck yeah like
22355s Advanced Intel is a three of in here but
22358s that I mean there's also just like no
22359s frostbite in the hand for three you know
22362s no harsh wins again just like an Insider
22364s knowledge top deck which really not
22366s something that you want to be playing in
22368s against this and that's sort of always
22369s been the Hallmark of these puff cap
22371s decks right is it's like okay yeah my
22373s deck is built such that I will
22375s eventually need to play my card that
22376s draws us all additional cards but then
22378s my opponent who is already beating me
22381s just gets more cards and my deck is
22384s built to play inefficiently like triple
22386s brittle seal triple elixir of iron
22387s triple Skys splitter if you're not
22389s getting favorable combat trades with
22392s these cards that catches up to you
22393s eventually and then you need to do
22395s things like fire off an Insider
22396s knowledge to
22397s rebuild we did see these Omen Hawks
22400s attack I wonder if we're going to see
22401s the shares used to try and protect one
22402s of the OM Hawks there is still a blocker
22404s for the team but it felt like these om
22406s hwks want one of the last vestages as a
22408s protection piece for uh not having Teo
22411s strike the Nexus there is still fish
22412s fight that can go against Teo but if
22414s three decides to play teu this turn they
22419s still can't attack right and then if you
22421s do the pen Cast Away it would go into
22423s fish fight Al P Cast Away was not a real
22425s Castaway it was actually just Caitlin a
22427s whole
22428s time surprise oh man another veteran
22431s investigator a snipe onto the omen Hawk
22433s not that it means much unless a second
22437s okay that's the wrong puff cap or the
22439s wrong trap
22441s rather and uh I'm looking at the hand of
22444s three here spids do you know what I
22445s don't
22446s see a way to win an answer to
22450s or or is technically not flipped there
22452s won't be an overwhelmed threat but I
22454s don't know how you're supposed to deal
22455s with a a 2020 you know attacker for one
22457s turn yeah I also think I think or can
22460s just flip with fish
22464s fight one can flip with fish fight
22467s you're going to have to explain this one
22468s to me okay so you you're going to take
22470s the weapon from combat
22472s cook I mean you take any weapon I think
22474s and that makes you big enough right okay
22477s not that one I
22478s guess uh on does not Forge himself when
22481s he does the equipment right so it's
22482s always going to be six strength well
22483s actually now or's going to flip because
22485s it's a scout so he just going to combat
22488s up to eight yeah this is a examin the
22491s that will flip War this turn so you got
22492s to draw some kind of frostbite here
22494s three and by some kind of frostbite I do
22496s specifically mean harsh winds which you
22497s can no longer have an out to because it
22500s is five mana and a second copy of inser
22503s knowledge will put you at
22505s four Caitlyn is dealing four damage this
22509s time am I right in saying that hold my
22512s bear it doesn't matter but you know
22514s there was worlds in which you get a
22516s frost bite get Caitlyn to block twice go
22518s down you know there were outs there that
22520s could have been possible with Insider
22521s knowledge but must to be the case you
22523s can shoot your own veteran investigator
22525s to prevent the on flip
22527s but all of these units are still going
22529s to be attacking in rather aggressively
22530s and three even with something like a
22533s Karina Mastermind or trying to set up
22534s the Teo into a Kina Mastermind doesn't
22536s seem like it would be dealing 16 worth
22538s of damage only eight puff caps in the
22540s deck last time I checked eight does not
22542s deal 16
22544s damage
22548s unless you generate
22551s AA and get her into play somehow in a
22554s deck with as far as I can tell
22556s absolutely no random card
22559s generation is there
22561s condense no condense could let okay well
22564s we're not even bandal City ah that would
22567s be a good reason why you can't like it's
22569s we're tired we've been doing this for a
22570s couple of hours now we already have the
22572s winners crowned for the the world's
22574s qualification these guys are just
22575s playing for Glory as we said so we don't
22577s have to think even about this okay well
22581s okay well if there's 11 puff caps in
22582s deck then I guess technically if all if
22584s all 11 of them are in the top five this
22586s Karina could
22588s kill we have a percentage check on that
22590s production can you tell us the chance of
22592s drawing all 16 puff caps if we play uh
22595s the second Teemo plus the three puff
22597s caps from the the puff cap
22602s ped production said
22605s no oh I actually kind of thought this
22608s was I guess like there's still a chance
22609s for three because you get to
22613s go chump wump put all the shrooms in the
22616s deck and then okay never mind The
22617s Insider knowledges are coming out now 19
22620s puff caps two draws also this is lethal
22622s right one's flipped one yeah or's going
22625s to
22627s flip okay there's uh well two is a lot
22632s less than the necessary number for three
22634s to pick this one up you
22636s got on Flipping showing that you know
22639s all you need to do is draw good units on
22641s curve play Omen Hawk play a second Omen
22643s Hawk play some stats and eventually get
22644s on to Pummel down
22647s this should be lethal there are four
22648s attackers all with three strength on
22649s more against 10 Health it's it's just
22651s not
22653s enough spoil the
22656s surprise that was cool that was awesome
22659s you know what this means though spits we
22660s get to see puff caps again because it
22663s also means no more on that's pretty good
22665s oh man blessed are
22668s we if I just don't watch the other last
22671s chance qualifiers then surely I never
22673s have to look at jaor again surely
22675s whatever is coming in the world
22676s expansion will just completely nullify
22679s jackor and there's going to be like a a
22681s one Mana fast speed spell that's just
22683s like destroy all weapons in play or
22685s something like that and I never have to
22686s worry about these again because I I
22688s think people I think your casual player
22690s kind of overestimated how much work
22693s explorers were going to do in taking
22695s jackor out of the
22698s meta yeah I mean Explorer is a they low
22701s Tempo when you play them and you're
22702s spending two mana on equipment remover
22703s which honestly isn't good enough like
22705s why heavy metal is good as cuz it also
22706s does two damage why quietus it's good as
22708s cuz it also kills units right the
22710s flexibility just doesn't actually mean
22712s enough we're going to see Ash Blanc
22713s versus formidable which is favored for
22717s forides right by a long shot
22721s yeah it's one of those things where it's
22723s like it looks so clean for
22735s formidableness in case you're unaware
22737s the big reason why is cuz
22738s formidableness
22741s biting a unit that has no strength
22743s anyway and attacks with their health
22745s doesn't really accomplish the goals that
22746s you're looking for yeah that cute little
22749s Ash trifarian Glory Seeker combo that we
22750s talked about earlier the sort of thing
22752s that the deck was built upon doesn't
22754s work on formidableness
22767s kind of underplayed but we're going to
22768s see it come down here the problem is
22770s like I do love the darken spear I just
22772s don't love what it facilitates it's the
22774s same thing with dark and harp I looked
22776s at that I was like this is the coolest
22777s card I've ever seen and then we got vain
22779s Fiora that was pilt over in Zan just to
22782s play darken spear or dark in harp rather
22785s and I was like that's that's not what I
22788s wanted that's so weird cuz I thought
22790s that was the coolest thing ever we
22792s finally had p and z in a demasia deck
22794s being aggressive and being cool but like
22796s we had seen that before and the docken
22798s Hop was one of the coolest things we've
22799s seen I think we just disagree heavily on
22800s this it's possible I also thought like
22802s atrox was really cool until it just
22804s turned into Ranger Knight Defector
22805s darken harp I was like oh that's not
22807s what I want I wanted to be slamming like
22809s giant dark in units I wanted to be
22811s leveling the world Ender and like it's
22812s not even really atro's fault he just
22814s kind of got nerfed into that
22817s position it's kind of interesting I
22819s haven't really thought about Ranger
22820s Knight Defector in the past few months
22821s as a strong Contender it used to be like
22823s the mid-range card right it used to be
22825s that the only only card that would be
22826s played in opens and the whole reason you
22828s go into demasia and now it seems like
22829s all of the mid-range is converted into
22831s frelard and
22834s formid pretty much wonder if the second
22837s elixir of iron gets used to yeah might
22838s as well I mean it's not like you have
22839s any other units to protect but man is
22841s this looking bad the cool thing about
22843s being a a 7030 matchup is that uh
22847s sometimes you find that
22849s 30% so what went wrong for three is it
22852s just like everything being a combat
22854s trick and nothing being a gar nothing
22856s being a a Balin no just no formidable
22859s units like you're trying to be frostbite
22861s resistant instead you drew double elixir
22863s of iron skysplitter the weakest
22866s formidable unit in your deck so you've
22867s got to pump extra combat tricks in it to
22869s have it effectively trade onto things uh
22871s dark and spear is cool but again you're
22874s pumping up a rather weak unit this Omen
22876s Hawk is whatever like we're on turn five
22877s and you just drew your second Omen Hawk
22880s unit and it's not a
22884s formidable fire Cloud's definitely got
22886s an interesting couple of turns coming in
22887s front of them they can play Ash to try
22889s and accelerate some sort of Ash I I
22892s guess playing for ash doesn't even
22893s matter you just want to play for LeBlanc
22894s and play for reputation try and find the
22896s rally guy and eventually win and what is
22898s unfavored match up you're still looking
22900s to just play AOS andard and rally and
22902s try and get through that
22905s way skysplitter to trade onto a
22908s trifarian
22910s assessor is probably one of the like
22915s weakest corre plays I've seen all
22920s night the only play that is weaker that
22923s I can conceive that I've ever had to do
22924s myself that I felt was 100% correct was
22926s a turn one zero
22929s Mana uh predict card into a skip that
22933s was like easily the worst correct play
22935s I've ever made in a card game
22937s ever baral pressions definitely hurts a
22939s lot when you when it just doesn't give
22941s you what you want if you don't get the
22942s drop borders that we saw earlier today
22944s many many hours ago it just doesn't
22946s doesn't feel great we do see the
22947s equipment on the Duran sculpter trying
22949s to protect a little bit and pide charge
22951s are finally coming down as a
22953s 27 sort of good to see it's finally some
22955s pressure and they don't have a way of
22956s killing it outside of a big Bloody
22958s Business this does curve into Gallo this
22961s game is far from
22963s over yeah the spear doing work finally
22966s drawing the units Gallo gets to come
22968s down my concern for the time being is
22971s actually I guess it's not really
22972s warranted I was going to say you know
22974s could still play for an ash level up if
22976s you do get that off with a wide board
22978s which is just like something that
22979s doesn't happen in this match up very
22981s often uh then yeah all the formidable
22983s units have zero attack they can't block
22984s Ash but because the darken Spear and
22986s Omen Hawks have been in play so long
22987s they actually do have attack attached to
22989s them at this
22990s point Alo is able to flip it's quite
22994s large enough do you ever if the pass is
22996s offered by fire CL do you ever take it
22999s as three do you ever say I finally you
23001s know Gallo you can't really do anything
23002s against me I am going to try and beat
23004s you down I think because you are at 33
23007s Health in play you can attack with at
23010s least one
23013s unit it's as if there is some
23015s disagreement by three just trying to
23017s protect everything you don't really want
23018s to run into a Bloody Business right like
23019s right now Bloody Business doesn't
23020s prevent the level up but in future if
23023s you attack with something like the Jan
23024s sculpter it could I do like attack with
23027s the Jan sculpter to also try and get AA
23029s back otherwise you have to block with it
23030s and they might just never kill Duran
23032s sculpter the pting damage on her might
23034s be nice in order to get your AR try and
23036s find more cards but we're just going to
23038s see more trades back getting the Gallo
23040s flipped and trying to like create a wall
23042s that can't be interacted
23044s with unfortunately I don't think it's
23046s going to quite work out that way but
23049s again like the health on these units is
23050s so high it's going to take a little
23051s while to chew through firecloud draws
23054s arguably the worst card in the
23057s matchup HH winds does accelerate the ash
23060s level up a little bit and can help you
23062s go for the like the ash lethal right you
23065s are right that
23067s formidableness
23068s but if you can combine that with the
23071s harsh winds you can get the ash to
23073s actually deny attackers and we've
23075s already seen like a sky splitter come
23077s through you can't rebuff afterwards
23078s unless you draw another one or a three
23079s sisters or something so
23082s oh they want a game
23085s three firecloud said show me game three
23088s I don't I don't want to play Frost by
23090s mid-range anymore I want to play I want
23093s to play farest by mid-range versus puff
23095s caps
23097s that was unexpected that was so I did
23099s not see that coming at all funny enough
23100s I was going to say this is actually kind
23101s of what we expected out of the quote
23103s unquote finals where like there's
23104s nothing at stake we're we're mostly
23106s playing for fun at this
23109s point I I I mean I was expecting maybe
23111s if they're going to surrender do it
23113s immediately not play eight rounds and
23115s then decide you know what I've had
23116s enough let's just do something
23118s else yeah actually just pick up your
23121s cards in the middle of the game like I'm
23122s tired of this pull out your other deck I
23124s want to see the puff caps again
23127s get to see teamer have a final you know
23129s harara in this was Galler already
23132s winning like was that a surrendered
23134s genuinely out of already l i felt like
23135s there was definitely game still in there
23137s oh no I I thought frostbite was going to
23139s take that like
23143s 80% that wasn't a yawn sorry that was
23146s production I was answering production oh
23148s no the voices in my head are coming to
23150s life uh so in a matchup like this though
23154s Glory yeah
23157s oh that's a great brittle
23160s steel it is a Teo and like Teo I think
23163s is really important in this it's sort of
23165s sad to have a deck that's so reliant on
23166s Teo but the extra puff caps is really
23168s like critical for making it so that on
23170s your turn six your turn seven you are
23172s play Kina and actually threaten
23173s something especially against a deck that
23174s is going to punish you down and Trier
23176s and assessa which is one of their power
23177s cards is going to be drawing a bunch
23179s it's really important to have this team
23180s down and there's no other way of
23181s interacting with it outside of
23182s Challenger and Bloody Business and I
23184s really like the for here even if you
23186s ended up going for the ice Veil Archer
23187s to take out uh say the Teemo then this
23190s is a deck especially pre Hearth guard
23194s pre- Omen Hawk where the flash bombs can
23196s do a little bit of damage if one of them
23197s comes off the top here kills traran
23199s assessor Or Glory Seeker rather we are
23201s looking at a totally different game and
23202s three is what Champions are made of
23205s faster than my arrow I think not three I
23208s mean maybe wasting they like a little
23210s bit early in this uh you know fight that
23212s doesn't actually matter as much they
23213s probably should have saved that for
23214s worlds if they could
23216s fling later we do see
23220s the come down I don't know how important
23224s that is there's only three spells in
23225s hand it's only going to shuffle a couple
23226s of P caps in you can flip Teo before he
23230s attacks and you can beat a frostbite
23232s that way as well if you attack the
23233s frostbite and then you do the Spells you
23235s can get the extra strength on Teo but I
23237s doubt we're going to see spells
23238s pre-committed
23239s anyway you think Teemo should be buffed
23242s to instead of a 15 puff cap level up
23245s condition in a 15 trap level up
23248s condition something I've thought about a
23250s little bit I can see why but I kind of
23253s like having Teemo be his own little
23255s thing and not like I don't want them to
23257s not release another trap champion
23258s because it'll be too strong right if
23260s there's some other trap that happens in
23261s future that's
23263s true the I guess reverse
23268s Boon just minus one minus one a card in
23271s your
23272s hand that would be so strong if they
23274s that is what and then puff cap somehow
23277s in the way they're applied that would be
23278s very very strong eventually we go to the
23281s upside down we just see all the reverse
23282s cards of the
23285s champion yeah had to you had a trap that
23287s inverts all the card art so instead of
23289s being this happy Teemo it's sort of a
23290s shadow Teemo with the inverted card art
23293s I'm glad you said it that way because I
23294s just pictured an upside down
23297s Teemo yeah it's from Australia it's my
23299s version of Teo uh we are going to see
23302s the attack come in uh I we could see a
23305s Bloody Business that was top decked and
23308s would prevent some of the puff caps
23309s coming through we don't see it in the
23311s end it's a lot of Mana to be spending on
23312s a one Mana y but there's so many puff
23315s caps in the deck now and every
23316s subsequent attack from Teo is going to
23318s double that amount and it's also really
23320s scary to use a Bloody Business in a
23321s situation like this just because you are
23323s against a harsh winds brittle steel deck
23324s your Ash is only at 3 HP that would be
23327s your entire turn while you're already
23329s behind on board uh just to get negated
23331s by one mana and Shuffle three puff caps
23333s into your deck before the Teo connects
23335s like it would be such a disastrous play
23338s if there was a brittle seal waiting in
23340s the Rings but there wasn't and now
23343s trying to get another flash bomb and are
23346s we going to see it happen again not this
23349s time 50/50 did not go through but if
23352s there is a development we could see the
23353s Karina come down and Karina does see the
23355s top five cards or top yeah top five
23358s cards which is where most of the flash
23359s bombs will
23362s be
23364s debating ging Blossom or volatile
23367s Bloom don't ever see a reason like I've
23371s almost never see anyone go for the five
23373s flash bombs and I I never really see a
23376s reason to if your opponent's board is
23377s getting out of control you know it's
23378s better than putting flash bombs in their
23380s deck killing them just kill them they
23383s fun fact for everyone at home if your
23385s opponent's Nexus hits zero it doesn't
23387s matter what their board looks like you
23389s win the
23391s game I have seen so many flash uh like
23394s five Flash bombs in and every single
23396s time it's because they didn't have units
23398s from turns 1 through five um this time
23401s there are units and there are definitely
23402s reasons to play The Flash form card
23404s three is just thinking do they want to
23406s play might be thinking about Advanced
23408s Intel first and and just I don't see a
23411s reason not to you know maybe you'll
23413s regret not using that or having that
23415s alixir of iron later but who
23417s knows yeah show me show six spash bombs
23421s and a bunch of puff
23423s caps see what ends up happen there are
23425s 24 puff caps in the deck and eight flash
23427s bombs we see the emotes coming
23430s down flash bombs don't wipe
23435s out yeah the unfortunate Overkill
23437s mechanic of The Flash Bombs all coming
23438s out at once does mean Ash is going to
23440s survive this with one
23443s HP but it does seem a little bit too
23446s late I mean can't attack Caitlyn would
23451s kill and three has got so many ways of
23454s adding more draws we already know how
23455s many puff caps are in the top so if you
23458s know fire Cloud draws five cards we
23459s already know that's guaranteed lethal
23461s but it doesn't even matter cuz this
23462s attack will be threatening that anyway
23464s the Ash dies which gets rid of a flash
23466s phrase you see the emotes coming down
23468s and we know who is going to be the
23469s winner of the LC is going to
23473s be
23476s technically
23477s technically technically in
23480s theory uh yeah technically no Theory
23483s even not anymore uh
23487s technically technically uh you would
23489s draw your this is your second third and
23491s then you would draw your fourth card for
23492s turn so if all the shrooms were on the
23493s fifth card you would have one turn to
23495s try and push back lethal with no board
23498s and 20 hp on the opposing
23500s Nexus but that is going to do it
23504s nnn3 technically going to be your
23507s champion after sort of an odd surrender
23509s game two out of fiery
23513s cloud look this final game was always
23515s going to be a little bit weird because
23516s all the players have already gotten rid
23517s of all of their stresses and their
23519s nerves from trying to get into Worlds
23521s they're already there they're just
23522s having a good time you know little bit
23523s of a blaze of glory seeing what's gonna
23525s happen and we also uh actually looking
23529s at a tweet from Aurora our previous I
23532s believe it was the Eternal or maybe even
23533s world's qualifier Champion saying that
23535s uh
23536s nnn3 is silver rank currently on the
23540s legends of Renta standard ladder I
23542s assume so that as as far as I know if
23546s that's true that is the lowest ranked
23548s player we've ever had win an event like
23551s this and it's it's possible that they've
23553s been Masters in the past but if they are
23555s silver now that's something that I'll
23556s need to confirm I love that I love that
23558s for nnn3 because again this is a player
23561s that like I recognize from multiple top
23563s Cuts so it it don't don't take the rank
23565s to think they're a bad player maybe they
23566s just don't like playing ladder we're
23568s going to take an over look overall look
23570s at the bracket here to remind you all
23572s how we got to the situation how nnn3
23574s became your world championship last
23577s chance qualifier Champion for the APAC
23579s region defeating uh Peta and
23583s fundamentals Bruce 1915
23587s Ray and that's it I mean we've seen a
23589s lot of play throughout this entire time
23591s we've seen some very interesting decks
23592s we have seen like the propagation of
23594s some things like the formidable lineup
23596s which we weren't I wouldn't have S
23598s expected that the top two decks would
23599s have been formidable I would have
23600s expected more things like uh green Riven
23603s or red Gwen uh but as we've seen
23605s throughout this tournament a bunch of
23606s things that we expected didn't end up
23608s winning and a bunch of things that we
23609s didn't expect winning winning yeah I
23611s actually noticed that reden 2.0 was
23613s completely absent from the top four I'm
23615s sure we had if I had to guess a number
23618s for top eight I would say somewhere
23619s between two and three I don't think it
23621s was just one and again that is a deck
23622s that I fully expect to have more of a
23625s presence as we get into EMA and the
23629s Americas seen some great players play in
23632s this you know final opportunity they had
23634s to make it this was our top 16 a really
23636s tight top 16 lots of tough play you know
23639s lots of players that we recognize such
23640s as ping Pingo and pukari not even making
23641s it to the top four despite you know
23644s having great success over the past
23646s couple of years but we finally have our
23648s winner that we do and with that uh
23651s there's not much else to say spits um
23654s once we get back to the desk here I
23656s guess it's time for us to say our
23657s goodbyes to the lovely APAC region now
23659s that you have your two players that will
23661s be moving on to the world championship
23662s again once all the points qualifiers get
23664s sort of finalized and everything then we
23666s will know our 64 players for that event
23668s but for now at least two more have been
23670s solidified spids has been an absolute
23672s pleasure to cast with you today is there
23674s anything that you want to say to
23675s everybody before we sign off for the
23677s night want to give a quick shout out to
23679s Boulevard and absolutely no one else uh
23681s thanks for being amazing in this cast
23683s I've had a fantastic time this has been
23684s a wonderful tournament uh thanks for
23686s having us you know spids I couldn't have
23688s said it better myself but I'll try
23690s anyway shout out to Boulevard and
23691s absolutely nobody else absolutely nobody
23693s else R I hope you're listening because I
23694s mean abs absolutely nobody else thank
23695s you so much to all of you viewers at
23696s home though congratulations again to
23699s nnn3 and of course fiery Cloud as well I
23702s hope you have a splendid Time in the
23703s World Championship which you can check
23705s out later a couple of weeks away
23708s December some dates middle of December
23710s you can find it online you can find it
23711s on Twitter you can find it anywhere but
23712s you can't find it here because this is
23714s the end of the broadcast thank you so
23715s much for
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23723s watching
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