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Hi there, Keeper here.

Now that we've had several days with the game I'd love to hear what you think so far. Riot has shown that they do regularly check the subreddit for feedback so compiling a lot of it into one place seems like a great way to be heard.

Please Note

This thread is for serious feedback. Memes or two word replies contribute very little. This is also not about bugs and more focused on the game, the design, and big picture choices that the devlopers have made in creating the game.

Looking forward to hearing what you all think.

If you have a question about the game, check out our beginner's question megathread here.

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about 5 years ago - /u/Dovagedys - Direct link

Originally posted by Marrth_H

Speaking of animations, Jinx's rocket specifically takes ages.

Thanks for the call out!

We agree about Jinx's rocket and we have an update for the animation coming soon!

about 5 years ago - /u/Dovagedys - Direct link

Originally posted by TrueLolzor

I think most animations could use some speeding up. Biggest offender: Draven. Dude's animations need to be sped up by at least x2.

Some in-game art is very poorly sized. Worst offender I've saw: Noxian General Dude (can't recall the name), who gets +1/+1 for each time someone was stunned or recalled this game. You can practically see pixels on him when you're browsing your cards/deck editor. Another one I can think of is 2/2 Damacian Dude who costs 4 and gets +2/+2 on attack.

Thanks for the call out. We totally agree about Draven's Axes and we should have an updated animation coming soon.