almost 2 years ago - Legends of Runeterra - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s [Music]
13s what's up
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282s foreign
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321s thank you
345s gonna beat you back
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425s foreign
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466s thank you
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504s laughs
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616s thank you
618s foreign
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650s foreign
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830s foreign
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881s foreign
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901s foreign
912s qualifier for the APAC region I'm
914s Excelsior pH and with me is moon boy and
917s we are here back for the action after
920s like the last seasonals that we have
922s casted together moon boy how are you
924s doing man well it has been a very long
927s time and there's so much happening in
929s runtera that we didn't cover so far and
932s this is actually our very first world
934s qualifiers for the Apec region and
937s there's lots of changes coming in and it
939s feels like a brand new game as of right
940s now right yeah it feels like a very
942s brand new game and a lot of changes have
944s occurred we have seen the meta shift in
947s a very different way but the rootero
950s community knows how to do it very well
952s and we have seen lots of action or lots
955s of tournaments over the past few weeks
957s and you know they have adapted quite
960s well I've seen some changes that um you
963s know that still skewing towards a
965s certain archetype but uh me Macy some
968s players here that will be possibly
971s targeting that archetype and I I feel
974s you know what I'm talking about mobile
975s like there's like one or two Decks that
978s are very dominating in The Meta right
980s now and in the tournament meta maybe we
983s may see some uh uh the spicy decks as
985s well that may Target depth right yep for
988s sure I think the main decks to actually
990s look out for is your space Samira and
994s also anything Tristana right Tristana
996s the master Tristana builds water to
998s Tristana noxus as there's so much
1000s flexibility coming in with this yodels
1002s deck especially and this Samira was
1005s there to say about it right there's lots
1007s of variation when it comes to
1009s um this deck as well there's lots
1010s there's a variation of the bubble fish
1012s there's a variation of the pandemonium
1015s as well so there's so many ways to
1018s actually play around these two decks and
1020s play with these two decks and that's at
1022s the same time there's multiple ways to
1024s actually counter them as well these are
1025s the little bit more aggressive on the
1027s aggressive department but what about the
1029s control Department Excel so what do you
1030s think is gonna be coming out you know I
1032s was thinking about the nasus a while ago
1034s like maybe there's some point that this
1037s will be possibly used in the tournament
1038s beta maybe we can see some deep decks
1041s yeah right oh boy like uh my personal
1043s favorite I've been playing deep ever
1044s since it was available in legends of
1047s rentera um how about um what do you
1049s think about the the very RNG favorite
1052s Nora deck one boy like how cool is that
1056s I've seen that work like the Nora Nar uh
1059s combination uh the portals just really
1060s work for me uh especially since this is
1064s the champion that is uh runeterra
1067s exclusive right
1069s yep and Nora like you know there's lots
1071s of variation
1074s or even Nora um SI right Shadow house
1077s and Nora Powell itself is is filled with
1080s so much control right especially with
1082s the SI variant I believe that might be
1084s the variant that players will be coming
1086s in a lot more with and there's so much
1088s you know removals there's Vengeance
1090s there's silence there's quietest and and
1093s stacked together with the RNG from the
1096s portals of Nora like you know you could
1097s have so many more uh like you know you
1100s can fill up your board as well and
1102s there's a little bit of aggression
1103s coming in from that deck to finish you
1104s off so yeah Nora is is coming in pretty
1107s hot as well but not forgetting Karma
1110s Seth said one of the new cards that got
1112s released this set as well so what do you
1114s think of Seth man uh sad it's just uh
1117s abs for me man it's like I've seen uh
1120s Karma Santa pop off especially when the
1122s uh enlightened is already activated but
1125s yeah man I've seen at the work in some
1128s of the uh of the tournaments or side of
1131s the the streams that I've seen but uh I
1133s have yet to see it um you know um
1135s dominate in the tournament battle you
1137s can see more of the other ones the other
1139s decks we have just mentioned but of
1141s course I want to see of course uh boy
1144s what these guys are going to be fighting
1147s for in this tournament like how much of
1150s how much are they fighting for and like
1152s what's the coveted spot that they're
1154s fighting for right now ball boy yep so
1156s let's just take a look at this ladies
1158s and gentlemen today we got 64 players
1160s coming in after a long 10 plus hours of
1164s Gauntlet yesterday to achieve their 64
1166s slot right here players will be bringing
1168s three different decks with no duplicate
1170s Champions and no duplicate region
1173s combination and no other than one deck
1175s without any Champions at all players ban
1177s one of their opponents deck before the
1179s match begin and players cannot use a
1181s deck again after winning a deck with it
1183s each tournament round lasts for
1184s 65-minute ACT maximum and after the 65
1188s minute Mark everything will be time out
1190s yes and with that as well these are the
1192s rewards for the first place you're gonna
1194s get 18 room Terror points with the 5 000
1197s US Dollars and what's special about that
1199s is you will get a World's invite amazing
1202s top on placement second place will get
1204s 15 points with 2 500 US dollars in terms
1207s of the price money and third fourth will
1210s get 12 retire points 750 USD 58 will get
1214s nine year pair points 250 USD as well so
1217s any any placement after that will not
1220s get USD but in terms of the points 9 to
1222s 16 7 Rooter points 17 to 30 seconds five
1226s repair points and 33rd to 64th three
1229s runtera points so all of these guys are
1231s basically winning in their own effort
1233s but of course if you want to get a chunk
1236s of the USD you have to get eight and top
1239s as well so amazing that we get to see
1242s that a lot of the prices are still in
1244s Tech
1245s um comparing it to the seasonals there's
1247s a uh the top one it will get lower but
1250s well we're seeing it we're gonna get a
1252s lot of prices as well distributed over
1254s from our players right now moon boy yeah
1257s for sure right the players 64 players
1259s coming in is not just gunning for the
1261s 5000 USD right they are gunning for that
1264s one final one slot one confirmed slot in
1268s the world championship later on in the
1269s year so and this is our very first world
1271s qualifier for this year and you know get
1275s securing your slot this early really
1277s really is going to make a big difference
1278s coming in for the season
1280s yes and then of course uh as we have
1283s seen a while ago 64 players have already
1285s checked in so far those of you guys who
1286s are wait listed you know sad sad to say
1290s like you will have to wait a little bit
1292s longer for the next qualifiers because
1293s you will not have a chance to join in
1296s because 64 players have already been in
1300s or ingressed into the tournament as well
1302s and we have seen some familiar names
1304s like like I'm not gonna be
1306s um you know I'm not gonna how do you say
1308s this is spoil it a bit but I'm seeing
1310s some usuals like every seasonals they've
1314s been there right one boy
1316s yeah for sure right we have seen a few
1318s like familiar names coming in Aurora
1320s roughterra Korean fish Kam dong Rubik
1324s Sora Benny Keith Kaizen these are just
1326s the few that
1327s um we have actually spotted and these
1329s are all all players right all the way
1331s from from beta season and and all the
1333s way till today and they are still
1335s running strong and these players are not
1337s the players that you want to mess around
1338s with because they have a packed ton of
1340s experience to actually you know pilot
1343s this game around yes and the talking
1345s about the world's uh for all of our day
1346s one I was actually watching some streams
1349s as well and um I was actually watching
1351s Bandit Keith right it's like he was
1354s playing with I think he went 9-1 or uh
1357s yeah or something like uh with one loss
1359s as well some amazing run from our player
1362s of uh from a blck or Blacklist
1365s International some of the other deals
1367s are have also been represented over at
1369s the APAC region which is very good
1371s because we have seen the uh the
1373s legendary Community Thrive throughout
1376s these a seasons and how old is Roger
1379s right now it's like
1383s amazing as we got to the year three
1386s right now rotations have been gotten in
1388s and what do you think man uh have any of
1390s your decks been hit by the rotation like
1392s rotation
1393s oh every single of my deck have been hit
1397s Excel sir right the removal the rotation
1399s of decimate really decimated me like
1403s like every single Ergo form of deck is
1407s is removed or even like you know the
1408s style have to be a little bit changed up
1410s as well so I think the more um common
1413s Cuts or the more noticeable cut that
1415s actually got rotated the cards like
1416s decimate sharpside uh concerted strike
1419s right
1420s um cuts even like vowel fees and and
1423s this uh call cuts from you know since
1425s the very start of the game and with this
1427s Cuts actually being removed and rotated
1429s out of format and and you know players
1432s actually have to adapt to what this
1433s style is today which is pretty
1435s interesting but how about you how the
1436s rotation actually
1438s um you know affected you in any ways
1439s yeah I mean a lot of my decks have
1442s already been have already been hit as
1443s well but of course I would I was
1445s actually focusing like when you said
1447s sharp side a while ago like I was
1448s thinking okay the sharpside was gone
1450s blocking Badger barrier it seems to be
1452s you know the uh the staple as a
1456s replacement for that uh for that missing
1459s part but oh I've seen it's like you know
1461s in terms of the cards that have been MVP
1463s that have been MVP in the current meta
1466s um for for me it I think it's price
1469s fight how about you for you man moon boy
1471s well uh yeah price fight is definitely
1473s one of the key cards coming in right and
1475s like there's so much value just putting
1477s your opponent down to at least one
1479s Health but I think the main The Good the
1483s best addition for me in this expansion
1484s is coin
1489s value coming in as especially stacked
1492s together with karma when she's
1493s enlightened and that's basically getting
1495s double coin double value every single
1497s turn and that is just all value right
1499s when it comes to Legend of Legends of
1500s Frontera value is everything Mana is
1503s everything and coin literally provided
1505s this much value as we'll say right coin
1507s is equal to money money is value what's
1509s that to say about this get the gold guys
1511s yeah what is Mana anyway but a uh a
1515s construct of our mind we're playing car
1518s myself like
1519s um you're like it's like you know when
1521s usually play Karma said like what's
1523s better yeah
1527s guys like that's gonna be happening uh
1530s for days and you can actually destroy
1532s your opponent uh as soon as you get
1534s enlightened but yeah I mean I'm uh
1537s already excited as to our first feature
1541s match who will be uh who do you think uh
1543s which uh will be the first feature match
1545s right now boy
1547s I believe the first feature map is
1549s matches Aurora versus beta right yeah so
1552s the first match is Aurora going against
1553s Peta
1554s um Aurora I believe is one of the best
1557s player right he is one of the previous
1559s Seasons we know I believe we've casted a
1561s few of his game previously as well so
1563s this guy and his part of Blacklist
1566s International right now and and you know
1568s stacked together with his teammates his
1570s Practice Mate he himself is a very good
1572s player and that's just going to be a
1574s really exciting game to watch um for our
1576s very first round
1577s is going to be nice very exciting game
1579s for the first round and I'm really
1580s excited to see which decks they're going
1582s to be playing but again we have seen The
1585s Usual Suspects of mirror fist oh okay
1587s let's go let's get into it okay
1590s um okay uh I like I like I like what I'm
1594s seeing right now I'm seeing a Karma
1595s right there on the middle I'm seeing all
1598s over at the left oh Caitlyn Jace
1605s this is gonna work because this is
1608s basically a targeting uh uh targeting
1611s deck especially with the SI combination
1613s but yeah of course yeah I mean how do
1616s you think this is gonna work man over at
1617s the right is mostly going to be a uh an
1620s aggro deck especially with a stylish
1622s shot jacket butcher it's like blunder
1624s deck that we're seeing on the right but
1625s over at the left it looks kind of
1628s different I've not seen this uh over at
1631s my ladder place or over at the the
1634s tournaments what do you think man yeah
1636s for sure right the the
1638s cat cat Jace Caitlyn Jace like goodness
1642s like we always say hamading a jizz the
1644s whole time right getting the value of
1646s Hyman Dinger is what he's actually
1647s looking out for but I like this edition
1649s of Caitlyn right like you're playing
1651s around with the flashbawn mechanics so
1653s actually do more damage so it's a little
1655s bit more offensive when it comes to a
1657s comparison to the high Medina variation
1659s and I'm not really sure how this
1661s actually would work out but Aurora made
1663s it to you know um day two with this
1665s particular deck list so we will see you
1667s know how this actually could
1669s could play out and you know I'm not sure
1672s if he did pilot this one in day number
1673s one but this might be spicy Tech coming
1675s into game day number two but something
1677s that you know um that is pretty
1679s interesting or like you know pretty
1681s consistent when it comes to a control
1683s um like control deck that you're
1685s actually coming in is that Karma set
1687s right like this is a very
1688s straightforward one and um it's
1690s basically just trying to Checkmate you
1692s with those Ionia cuts
1694s a very uh nice Decks that we were seeing
1697s right now and of course over at the
1698s right it's your basic package that we're
1700s seeing uh some mirror right there uh
1703s with uh the uh the the plunder package
1706s you're seeing Samira Fizz uh getting uh
1708s the the value right there and with your
1710s uh Samira of his the fist gets basically
1713s won't be targeted as easily and it will
1716s everything would just get destroyed if
1718s you keep on targeting because you always
1720s have to have those cheap spells and
1722s those cheap slash burst spells as well
1725s will also be important yeah to make sure
1728s that he gets into a flipping condition
1731s right there and of course Samira as well
1733s uh if you do get to use or use or play
1736s at least six uh when it's turned this
1738s would be able to flip uh that's a mirror
1741s as well and we would like to see that go
1744s into sword riding action after
1746s submitters I think one of possibly one
1748s of the best flipping uh how do you say
1751s the splitting movies flipping short
1753s films for yeah
1755s I mean this is a pretty pretty solid
1758s deck moving forward as well powder
1759s pandemonium is definitely the finale
1762s when it comes to this particular deck
1763s but you know I'm not sure what Peta is
1766s actually bringing in this um into this
1768s round as well but you know definitely
1770s I'm Gonna Be Seeing uh Samira fish being
1772s banned out because this is basically a
1773s deck that runs hot by itself and there's
1775s no way to actually counter react to it
1778s yeah it's it's really fast and uh it
1781s really hits hard and fast as well but
1783s you know uh well we can we can see that
1786s we might get into a kind of a
1788s quote-unquote long game so to speak
1791s because we have seen some more control e
1794s decks uh coming from the side of uh
1796s Aurora right there but it all depends on
1799s them what better is going to be carrying
1800s right and uh if you were just joining uh
1803s in Legend of there are you when you
1805s start to join a tournament you would
1806s have three decks and one of them would
1808s be banned that means one of them would
1809s not be get used and if you do get to win
1813s with one deck that deck is not going to
1815s be used like you're going to be have to
1817s win with one remaining deck so that's
1819s going to be how you're going to be
1820s playing in a tournament and we're going
1822s to be seeing it right here in the
1824s world's qualifier for Apec and uh we're
1826s just waiting for their uh their uh their
1829s Dex is gonna be playing but what do you
1831s think uh we're just going to be
1832s speculating right here I feel
1835s um it's gonna be uh there's no Tristana
1837s here so so I feel there's going to be a
1839s Tristana right there that's going to be
1841s played by Peta
1843s I feel that there's still going to be a
1845s severe fist but okay we just got uh
1849s loaded in and we are seeing a nasus
1853s vegar there you go man nasus is right
1855s back over at the first deck for PETA and
1858s there you go Tristana it's right there
1859s on the mid and over at the right the jar
1862s j4 Garen oh Kaiser J for Garen this is
1867s mean I mean Moon Boy The Meta has
1871s Diversified starting from round one and
1875s from the game one that we're going to be
1877s you know spectating already a very wide
1881s meta what do you think about this lineup
1883s man yeah I mean we were previously
1885s talking about you know how interesting
1887s this matter is like there's a lot of
1889s different decks and in fact both teams
1891s of even both players coming in with
1893s totally different um style of decks
1895s right and it looks like Peta is going in
1897s a little bit more of a mid-range kind of
1899s scenario with the uh the master deck
1901s especially in this format where the
1903s martial don't really have much support
1905s um when it comes to really good Cuts or
1907s even premium cards right so they are all
1909s playing with
1910s um this new iteration of Kaiser that is
1912s recently got um revived as well so this
1915s is a really strong neck coming forward
1917s with like multiple attacks and doing
1918s what the mafia does and the uh Tristana
1922s and that's something like you know we
1924s usually get to see a one-off Teemo but
1925s in in instead you know removing the
1927s Teemo put the gunar in to actually have
1929s a little bit more consistency so he's
1932s gonna be you know um you know expanding
1934s his board going in with a swamp or even
1936s like Zoo style format to actually zero
1939s him off
1940s yeah and what's good about this like you
1942s know when you get that battle gang Bando
1944s Gunners uh propped in right now with the
1947s 3M pack as well that's gonna be a lot
1949s faster and I I remember the right deck
1952s man uh the one that the uh the j4 uh
1954s Garen uh with the guys as well I think
1957s uh there's a variation that has been
1959s used by Aragorn over at the show show
1961s match for Gloria navori and this uh Team
1964s Samira uh my team just got wrecked by
1966s this single deck man all of uh all of
1969s our final decks have been ruined by one
1972s deck so Aragorn just went 4-0 with this
1975s deck against us so this could be a
1978s strong counter especially for token
1979s decks right now if you have tokens that
1982s can be destroyed easily uh this will be
1984s a uh a no-brainer but now we can see uh
1988s Peta going in with a as uh wait this is
1993s the is this uh NASA is going up against
1997s a face Samira I think it's backwards
2000s yeah yeah okay I was thinking like
2003s Samira fist was uh Aurora's dick so I
2005s think it's backwards like uh a flip yeah
2007s so okay so we are now seeing a an early
2011s attack or we are now we now see that the
2014s uh uh the flipped the flipped Fizz is
2018s already activated right now
2021s oh there you go
2022s so I mean looking at the bot state that
2025s Aurora have at the moment is pretty
2027s strong right there's nothing much that
2030s um that this Peta could actually do his
2032s fight coming in just to remove the two
2034s one there's no way that he could Target
2036s the fist as of right now right there's
2038s Mana open you always have to respect
2040s um this able to counter his his move so
2043s you know this is going to be a
2044s consistent three damage coming forward
2045s every single turn so what path I have to
2048s do right now is actually you know just
2050s um start we just have to have more units
2052s compared to what Aurora have a 3-3
2054s coming down and that's gonna be adding
2056s so much pressure for Aurora moving
2058s forward as well
2064s you can see that there's already a big
2067s eight eight and this is going to be kind
2068s of a big threat but look at that Soul
2071s Harvest destroys the jagged butcher
2073s right there and it's gonna be down to
2076s the 2-2 and the 3-2 and this is gonna be
2079s uh oh it's no longer Peta so we're going
2081s to suit with super
2083s okay so this is what we're gonna be
2085s saying super we're going to go from now
2087s the super player right now and now of
2090s course that targeting is gonna be
2092s bringing down Aurora's uh Aurora's units
2096s down up to two this is gonna be hard
2098s because once nasus has already been out
2101s and once he already gets flipped there's
2103s gonna be a global or rather a uh a minus
2108s in terms of the uh total damage that's
2110s going to be coming from Aurora side so
2112s Aurora will be possibly uh more focused
2115s on trying to deal uh Nexus damage and
2119s wow okay this is gonna be a big attack
2122s coming in from super uh blue boy yeah I
2125s mean this is this effect coming right
2126s here would secure NASA's the the flip
2129s right so yeah you know it actually
2131s forces to uh for Aurora to actually take
2133s six damage right here which Aurora
2135s actually literally did and you know at
2137s 11th is to six right now there's nothing
2139s much that Aurora could do but however
2141s that double
2142s um stylish shot like that could actually
2145s put him over the edge right stylish shot
2146s stylish shot into a fist attack that
2149s that could secure a what five damage
2151s moving forward but Aurora have to find
2153s out how to actually find the additional
2155s six more damage moving in yes he got the
2158s um the face you know the playful
2159s trickster to actually have a rally but
2162s it looks a little bit tough moving
2163s forward for Aurora to actually find that
2165s sex Mana but you know this might be the
2167s final turn that he is um and this is
2169s wrong yeah he can go for like three and
2172s he'll go for
2174s um uh like a rally as you said but I
2177s feel there's not gonna be enough that's
2179s going to be coming in you do have that
2181s uh wiring shot right there playful
2183s trickster and oh sad oh my gosh and it's
2188s gonna get destroyed like Maybe okay so
2190s he's not gonna be
2193s like nasus to go in uh deal that damage
2195s the playful trickster is gonna be
2197s bringing back as well but no this is not
2200s the way right super is gonna be
2203s definitely having the advantage over at
2205s Aurora over over Aurora because you know
2209s the nasus is one uh one unit that you
2213s you cannot deny right there and he
2215s doesn't have any answer for that big 11
2217s 11 unit
2218s yeah for sure and you know right here
2220s with Aurora getting that rally he got
2223s that quicksand on to
2224s um the fist but that also didn't secure
2226s him to return the slightly shot back
2228s into his hand because no Nexus damage
2230s has been done so far yes he got the
2232s warning to actually get the slightly
2233s shots stylish shot back and that only
2236s secured him like what three more damage
2238s and Aurora can't find the additional sex
2240s more damage with this this being at zero
2242s zero attack as of right now there's
2244s nothing that Aurora could do and this
2245s might be Checkmate for him right here
2248s look at that uh adding insult to injury
2251s the rekindler re-summons a what
2257s oh my gosh that's that's like saying
2260s okay I got you bro I got you bro just
2262s surrender that's it and but now he's
2265s gonna be dealing the uh the official of
2268s course finishing hit right here and uh
2271s look at that powder pandemonium may be
2273s drawn out or maybe used but of course
2275s there's gonna be an open attack and this
2278s is it already one win from Super against
2282s the Samira Fizz of Aurora and we've been
2286s talking about this a while ago boy like
2287s uh the the nasus deck has a lot of
2291s removals that's why I think uh any low
2294s low Health low token
2297s um low Health tokens can be easily
2299s removed and that would also help nasus
2301s grow up grow bigger uh down the line and
2305s of course you know with the balls of
2307s hella and the the the badger bear that
2310s can be uh the salmon and I mean the bear
2313s they can be Summit it's gonna be
2315s flipping over into another unit it's
2318s consisted this consistent AF if I say so
2321s myself yeah it's fairly one of the most
2323s consistent deck in The Meta so far but
2325s based on statistics though right this
2327s piece of mirror actually have a
2329s 71.85 win rate going up against mono
2332s nessus
2333s so you know super usually um you know
2336s with the nesters it might not have a
2337s good win rate so I'm not sure how like
2340s you know this could actually
2342s um allow you know how why Aurora would
2345s actually lose right there but I'm not
2346s very sure um you know how we did we
2349s actually did miss the first three turn
2350s maybe Aurora didn't draw very well but
2352s that's just really unfortunate for
2353s Aurora to lose game number one but we're
2355s moving straight right to game number two
2357s I believe it's going to be Echo Jinx
2359s moving forward from Super
2361s be a different uh lineup right here we
2364s now see the Fearsome three two over at
2366s the side of Aurora side he may be going
2369s for a a free attack right there just to
2372s get in some damage but of course there's
2374s gonna be another one a jagged butcher
2376s initially blockable right there but oh
2379s look at that missing shot is going to be
2381s targeting the 3-2 down and three three
2384s will possibly be blocked by the back
2385s high right there and that's going to be
2387s an effective block coming in from Super
2391s Lucky prevented a lot of damage with
2394s that lineup right there boom boy yep I
2396s mean going up against a deck like you
2399s know face a mirror you don't really want
2401s to take those early damage because that
2402s is where they capitalize and you might
2404s not know when the powder pandemonium
2406s could actually
2407s um punish you later on into the game as
2409s well so what super is actually trying to
2411s do just limit Aurora's board and not
2413s allowing him to do as much as possible
2415s just take a look at Aurora's hand right
2417s now there's not much units that he could
2419s push off this turn and with this amount
2422s of pressure coming in from Super Aurora
2424s might be feeling a little bit you know
2426s um a little bit back and this is a big
2428s swing coming in from Super and I believe
2430s this is going to be the only block that
2432s he could do for damage going straight
2433s right to him at only turn 3. yes big
2436s swing indeed uh this is why now you can
2439s see that the uh the echo drinks of uh or
2443s that or the the borders right there get
2445s summoned as well coming in from the
2446s predicts they are they are really strong
2448s in the sense that you get to cycle out
2450s those cards after getting them drawn out
2453s but look at this the first uh Champion
2455s being drawn out by Aurora going into
2457s Samira and now this is quite attempting
2461s to go into the attack of course you
2463s would uh risk at getting it uh damaged
2465s as well he would uh also want the flare
2468s to go in and Target the uh the Nexus as
2472s much as possible but let's see if he
2474s will be focusing yes there you go but
2476s the three attack will possibly not be
2479s used
2481s uh that's a big Swindle coming in for
2483s Aurora right just literally seeing the
2485s whole of Super's hand and you know
2488s seeing two Sky sand and one quick send
2490s like triple cent in his hand and that
2492s actually wants Aurora do not attack this
2495s round and this might be you know a good
2497s sign that he's actually for looking out
2499s for immediately going straight right for
2501s the elegant Edge just not allowing the
2503s bakai to actually go for the block and
2504s you know he could still go try to go for
2506s the swing for the with this Samira to
2508s get the flare once more but I don't
2510s think Super is gonna allow that to
2511s happen
2512s yeah it's not going to be that that case
2515s right there but the one Nexus is going
2516s to be one damage to the Nexus is gonna
2519s be down the line but yeah amazing uh
2522s read right there uh with this window to
2525s get the and he got quick stands right
2527s there oh his crying Sans is going to be
2529s used as well oh look at that that's just
2534s basically saying okay do not attack do
2536s not attack because you're good you're
2539s gonna get wrecked and of course another
2540s one this is gonna be quite exciting as
2544s to which card is he going to be
2547s predicting that's basically saying okay
2548s I don't have any more cards right now I
2550s need a unit and an echo has been gone
2554s out oh man Chrono break this is already
2558s flipped right there moon boy and this is
2561s you know this is looking quite focused
2564s or quite um how do you say this uh
2566s geared towards Super Side
2569s yeah and this actually is a great stun
2571s coming in from Aurora right not allowing
2573s him to get that predict and draw that uh
2576s and and this actually you know limits
2577s Super's play and what what super really
2580s need to find right now is you know he
2582s needs to dig into his um Jinx right his
2584s his hand is running low he needs Jinx to
2586s get those draw Power ready to go and
2588s without you know um the the echo to
2591s actually allow him to find the Jinx and
2594s and that might actually put him on the
2595s back foot right now and Aurora is ready
2597s to go for the push once again another
2599s Swindle to actually get a second copy of
2601s quicksand or even to check what is that
2603s second card in the sand but I don't
2604s think it's the right time to actually
2606s use this window right now just go for
2607s the swing and just add more pressure
2609s onto Super's Lexus
2611s yes there's possibly one the two three
2614s four five seven damage that may be used
2616s but that fearsome is not gonna be
2618s blocked by any of those low attack units
2621s only the uh the echo will be possible
2624s but of course we might see super use a
2627s quick set there you go to decrease the
2629s attack and there it is the keywords have
2633s been removed and you can see the bakai
2635s uh block that uh two two right there and
2639s one two the Samira has also been uh
2642s removed of its keywords that the the
2645s echo versus Samira the champion versus
2646s Champion Echo will be winning here so
2649s this you know super has been doing quite
2652s well and but you know the downside of it
2655s he's running out of gas right running
2657s out of gas in nowhere uh no
2661s um units to be found on the horizon
2670s oh you're muted right now uh I think
2674s oh sorry so I mean he could might as
2676s fall off the Samira and actually
2678s um and I might as well on the Echo and I
2681s actually saved some mirror from doing
2682s anything like you know from from going
2684s down this turn but instead he's letting
2686s this attack go through and allowing Echo
2689s to actually have a Time Time trick and
2691s this way you know he could he could find
2693s himself that drinks that he is looking
2694s for and he could potentially level up
2696s the jinx this turn as well let's just
2697s see what this time trick could bring him
2699s this then yes this is gonna be a a
2702s useful card to get up right there let's
2705s see what oh there it is
2707s plus uh plus to attack oh this is adding
2712s you know a layer of insurance for a
2715s super right now look at the total impact
2717s that we might have over at the next uh
2720s attacking round but he's uh but Aurora
2722s is going to be summoning a powder monkey
2724s right there okay that's just gonna be
2727s one of another predict is going to be
2729s coming out so let's see which one will
2732s be predicted in it to uh the side of
2736s Super Saiyan but open attack definitely
2738s going to happen definitely kind of
2740s possible to get some uh oh wow look at
2743s that right obligation has already been
2745s brought out so this is going to be a
2748s useful tool down the line boy yep I mean
2751s this is a very useful tool right right
2752s of negation Aurora immediately go for
2755s this window and take it off his hand yes
2758s you gotta negate that I have a negate
2760s myself as well but this actually you
2762s know but what super is actually trying
2764s to do is not just you know go for it
2766s it's like not to fight any much tools
2768s right it's really digging in deep he
2770s needs those Chrono breaks he needs those
2773s on the board to actually allow him to go
2775s for
2776s um the draw power and actually refill
2778s his gas because right now it seems like
2780s super is running really low on gas if he
2782s don't get to you know he's not lucky
2784s enough to predict himself into those
2786s crucial cards that he needs yes let's
2788s see if the time trick will do the trick
2790s as of the moment like but of course uh
2792s that was a a nice rental right there
2794s getting that right of negation now it's
2797s he's basically saying you know the meme
2798s you know what I mean it's like hours
2800s window
2801s your little hours window right so rather
2805s sorry our right of negation I'm sorry
2807s our right obligation so that's amazing
2810s right there and uh of course there's
2811s gonna be a quick send over removing the
2815s keywords and making sure that that Echo
2819s is gonna get destroyed in this term but
2822s the first time trick is still going to
2824s be on uh Super's disposal so he might
2827s you know as you said the chicks might be
2830s the the push that he needs for uh for a
2834s possible refill of his very own deck so
2837s let's see what he gets King so Cruella
2839s big is gonna beat here Chrono is coming
2841s in
2842s bring the echo back at Aurora going in
2844s for the scoop and this is a really fast
2846s 2-0 coming in and super taking home the
2849s win and knocking Aurora out one of our
2852s previous like like Regional Champions or
2854s even seasonal champion and that's gonna
2856s be huge coming in for super big win yeah
2859s super going with a super win against a
2863s giant right there Aurora and you can see
2866s like that that's quick 2-0 is a very
2869s like a hard uh feat to do as at the
2873s moment and you can see that it's it's
2875s very uh you know the the deck or the
2878s dros have been super like mid like like
2883s wow amazing for super right there man
2888s you're constantly predicting you're
2891s always looking for you know what are the
2893s possibilities that you could play and
2895s and it is always controlling his top
2897s deck as much as possible and going up
2900s against things like this Samira
2902s and and especially when you know Aurora
2904s is not really lucky right he started off
2906s really weak there's not much follow up
2908s his sub mirror goes down really early as
2910s well and there might be a situation
2912s where you know um he should have saved
2915s this Samira with the quicksand and just
2917s you know not allowing the echo to take
2919s him out like that could be the turning
2921s point for Aurora but you know instead he
2922s let this mirror go and that actually
2925s might be the turning point for him
2927s that's right that's right and you know
2929s when when Echo Jinx is being played I I
2932s usually play this in my in my mind you
2934s know the arcade song like Dynasty said
2936s dystopia
2939s like that song like it's just playing on
2943s my head but amazing again for a super
2945s like Aurora just went in straight with
2947s both Samira fists back to back right
2950s um I feel that um that was actually the
2952s Comfort pick I need to win with this
2954s because over at the next one I would
2955s have a higher chance of winning but now
2957s we're going to be going with another
2959s match I think um the green slimy and Ben
2962s the penguin green slimy I feel uh last
2965s time a check is one of the uh top 10
2967s over at the lp leaderboard but this is
2971s going to be I was this is going to be
2973s another Echo Jake and that's going look
2974s looks like a Gwen
2976s yep so I believe it's gonna be Echo Jinx
2979s going up against
2980s um Kaiser j4 and Garen I'm not sure what
2983s exactly is the the
2984s um Champion combination moving forward
2986s but this is a really good attack coming
2988s in from Green Green um green slimy uh
2990s with the captain moving in as well you
2992s know Echo might need a little bit of
2994s trouble if he decides to go in for the
2995s block but right here Pan the penguin
2997s have no choice but to go for a full
2999s block because you know this is a really
3000s huge attack coming in and they take
3002s three overwhelm moving forward Ah that's
3004s not where you want to be yeah this is
3006s going to be a lot of damage but green
3008s slime is already leading with one point
3011s over pen the penguin so man this is uh
3014s six damage uh this is gonna be a
3017s okay
3018s I'm seeing it and I'm looking at the the
3021s hand of uh Panda penguin he may still
3024s have a chance if he predicts uh well
3026s whoa whoa quicksand looks quite
3029s appealing as at the moment but you know
3032s uh there's not a chance uh there is not
3035s a chance for you to get uh more like uh
3038s more units down the line with that pick
3040s and look at that flip Echo has been
3043s flipped uh over at his hand and he
3046s switches over with some of the other
3048s cards for blocking
3050s yeah so I mean there's no no choice that
3052s you know he could actually uh he wants
3054s to do a little bit more damage onto the
3055s Kaiser as well so this way he could you
3057s know put at least some pressure towards
3059s green slime is bought but green slimy
3061s looks really strong right now right four
3062s big units staring at pen the penguin
3064s there's nothing much that he could do
3066s this turn oh he can do play the Jinx
3068s maybe go for a a quick predict and go
3072s for the attack right with these two
3074s Champions and you know the Jinx could
3076s not even attack as of right now because
3078s the Kaiser is just too big in his way to
3080s actually do this big catalysis
3082s and the Penguin might have to go for the
3085s um the negation this route
3087s yeah this is going to be a a nice right
3090s of negation and you know uh over at the
3093s side of Ben the penguin he will possibly
3096s get a uh super mega rocket right there
3099s with uh when if he uses uh to get
3101s excited down the line but of course the
3103s form up is gonna be used and wow what a
3108s counter to remove that Echo right there
3112s of course you're gonna get uh predict uh
3114s as a benefit look at this I was talking
3117s about this guy a while ago the blocking
3119s box battery right there and the predict
3121s is not it's kind of underwhelming over
3124s at the side of pen the penguin uh he
3126s goes on for an inspiring chronomancer to
3129s get another critic as well but you know
3131s open attack is going to be GG for panda
3133s Penguins two oh straight four green
3135s slimy over yeah yeah
3140s [Laughter]
3144s oh man ah this is the final nail to the
3147s coffee right like just j4 get the Jinx
3149s out of the way and this is going to be
3151s Gigi coming in Grim slimy taking his two
3153s is to zero again Bender green pen the
3156s penguin really unfortunate to actually
3157s go down like this the green slimy yeah
3161s uh you know apologies I got it got quite
3164s confused again with the grand but again
3166s it's j4 uh the Garen uh j4 kaisa deck
3170s that's actually been used by Green slimy
3173s a while ago that was an amazing uh play
3176s right there and you we saw it right in
3178s the middle of the match that's already
3180s like big units like that basically like
3184s a minimum 20 damage already right there
3186s and like small units coming in from the
3188s side of uh a panda penguin and that's
3191s just good that's just proves like I
3193s think the matter of changing your name
3195s to an animal is already out
3199s Penguins Fishers what else is there
3202s there was a bear I think it's a bear
3204s yeah yeah yeah so there's like lots of
3207s lots of interesting uh yeah but I think
3211s there GameStop finishing pretty quickly
3213s you know uh one after another uh brother
3215s Clinton is still trying to get us more
3216s games and more coverage coming in as
3218s well so but I want to take your
3220s attention to the Kaiser j4 right like
3222s the deck we haven't really seen it
3224s moving around too often until recently
3227s one of the Showcase matches that
3229s actually uh brought this deck up again
3230s and it's really strong especially when
3233s you know um the cuts you know they have
3235s evolve gets triggered as well where all
3237s the units just get so much bigger and
3240s and stacked together with j4 and Garen
3242s like things are just gonna be so much
3244s spicier for these uh Kaiser deck yes and
3248s you know we can see like when they do
3250s get in uh and develop their units uh
3253s it's kind of a bit Unstoppable like and
3255s also you see like there's a uh that
3258s counter with the form up just put in
3260s another nail to the coffin of up and the
3262s Penguins uh lineup right there and now
3264s going in to another lineup
3267s oh let's it's let's see and motokichi
3271s right there and now we're looking at the
3273s Tristana versus what wait is there a
3276s chance
3277s Shen
3281s somebody brought a shin
3283s what is happening
3285s okay let me see I wanna see if I'm not
3289s wrong it's gonna be j4 Shen coming in
3292s for for umichi
3295s and with a level up Shen and it's get
3297s protected on board right now it's
3300s looking great for motokichi but right
3302s here let's see half the attack token
3304s right three impact onto the Tristana as
3306s well one impact of na what impact on the
3309s few you want and this is going to be a
3310s secured five damage moving forward and
3313s as long as that c could find that
3315s additional five more damage this is
3317s going to be securing him the win and
3318s this is gonna be a big swing coming in
3319s coming uh from let's see but Moto kichi
3322s though he got the um this the Shen
3325s Champion spell right he could give two
3327s units barrier and that could actually
3329s allow motokichi to take out the Tristana
3332s in this particular fight
3334s yeah they affected damage as you said
3337s like we he needs a little bit five more
3339s damage that pastry can go the deal one
3341s to anything so that's already uh one
3344s more one less uh thing to worry about
3345s but this is going to be an effective
3348s like you know cancel but of course you
3350s can see the lifesteal possibly being
3352s used right there lifesteal over at this
3355s side of motokichi so he's gonna be
3357s replenishing at some point uh yeah if he
3361s does uh uh get to use it but this is a
3365s lot of damage coming in from let's see
3367s and let's see what is going to be
3369s happening uh after uh motokichi uh
3372s finalizes what he's gonna be doing
3374s yeah looking at the boss State looking
3376s at the hand right now it seems like
3378s motokichi got the play ready right there
3380s you have Stan United coming in giving
3381s two units the barrier that he needs he
3384s got the speech refuse as what Excelsior
3386s which said right he could heal back
3388s those damage coming in as well she
3389s started going straight right down mayor
3391s going down
3392s um you know the Gnar is going down as
3394s well just taking eight damage this turn
3396s and he could even heal up as much as
3398s four or even 11 damage this turn that
3401s motokichi actually uh chooses to and
3403s this just looks great for motokichi for
3406s the backswing uh later on when the
3408s attack token flow back to him yes that's
3411s right that's right he can go in and get
3414s some more health and look at that
3416s there's going to be a price fight as
3417s well just to remove that and that's okay
3420s that's going to get into
3423s like you know you see that you see that
3425s minus 11 right there man that's lethal
3427s right there that's lethal that's we were
3430s talking about this a while ago I was
3431s thinking yes price proc with Tristana
3434s and it does guys it definitely does and
3437s you can see it's right there no you go
3439s in with the 11th man going with 11.
3443s let's see see it already uh
3446s and it's nine
3448s bring onto one which can get finished
3450s out with uh the pastry
3453s yeah that's a possible move coming in as
3456s well right motokichi only at three Mana
3458s the deny is not available for him to use
3460s as well and this actually removes the
3462s sacred protect protector so that you
3464s know even if motokichi survives this
3466s turn there's nothing much that he could
3467s do poke stick coming in as well and that
3469s is going to be GG for let's see he's
3471s gonna end this here with a pokey stick
3474s poking it in down to zero
3476s you know you know uh down the line I'm
3479s thinking like uh what it would it be
3481s part where did there be any you know way
3485s for motokichi to go back and uh uh win
3489s that match and I was thinking like you
3490s know uh that was a
3493s um a very surprising deck that we saw we
3497s saw right there under over at the mid
3499s where is it wait this is not about
3501s akichi this is not mono kitchen stack
3503s yeah okay yeah but it's fine it's fine
3505s right like uh yeah but we've seen a shed
3508s just now you know something interesting
3509s that we haven't seen
3511s um in the tournament so far like just
3513s looking at three different games we are
3515s seeing tons of different decks coming in
3517s right and if we get to see a Shen after
3519s so long and it looks like the Sham was
3522s in a very good position right I thought
3523s that the Shen would go for it until the
3525s price fight actually could do the
3527s additional impact damage to close off
3528s the game and that's a really good um
3530s strategy coming in from that seat that's
3532s really smart that's right and let's see
3535s right now already loaded up there you go
3538s over at the right it's still oh it's
3540s still set j4 version that's right uh you
3543s were right uh right there moon boy and
3545s that was actually a surprising deck uh
3548s because there's three sheds on that
3551s necklace so he is uh basically you know
3554s targeting uh uh capitalizing on the
3557s barriers capitalizing on a single uh
3559s attacks or single uh combat uh uh skills
3563s just to get some removals and of course
3565s down the line you can use uh j4 when you
3568s have the Mana as well but he's also
3570s carrying like as a mirror Fist and there
3573s you go a nasus right so this is the only
3576s one that is different and was not bad so
3578s possibly some mirror fist uh has been
3580s banned right here so I want to see if uh
3582s What uh what else uh they're gonna be
3585s playing and uh it's uh
3588s yeah here's gonna be the next game
3589s between Moto kichi and let's see
3593s yep so I I think like you know this
3596s particular
3597s um both players I'm not sure what the
3599s score line is is one zero two more to
3601s let's see if I'm or one one
3604s yeah I'm not really sure what the the um
3606s the
3607s the score is actually right now but the
3610s sixth drop coming in from let's See's
3611s hand right that card is probably the key
3614s piece moving forward it's stacked
3615s together with the Make It Rain that is
3618s gonna be doing so much for let's see
3619s it's going to be paying dividends for
3621s him that's right that's right and it's
3623s gonna be uh uh an effective attack right
3625s there with the the sea and you can see a
3629s spawn already being brought out the
3630s Broadway bedroom side is going to be
3632s blocking it right now and there you go
3635s there is going to be 2-1 and you know we
3638s have I think this is an uh considering
3640s the the support well is it possible that
3643s there's going to be uh
3646s there's gonna be oh wait is that abroad
3649s main I'm looking at the broad main right
3651s there man yeah
3653s I like it I like it I like it a lot man
3656s this is going to be quite a show when
3658s the Broadband goes down because I want
3660s to see how Moto GT is going to be
3661s dealing uh with that Broadband now he
3664s has a lot of tools right the mobile you
3665s can see a single combat right there uh
3667s you can see the j4 possibly uh getting
3670s uh hooking that up if it if it's the
3672s right conditions but yeah it's the
3674s monokichi still needs to get this win to
3678s move on towards the next round
3680s yeah but and the Lord brought me is is
3683s gonna be important for let's see make it
3686s rain coming and trying to remove the uh
3688s broad Wing coming in for motokichi and
3690s but the thing about motokichi is that
3692s you know is playing around with barriers
3693s right so damage unit is definitely gonna
3696s be on his board most of the time
3699s so you know the only protection is
3701s through barrier or even true removal so
3704s um the Broadband is going to be huge
3705s moving forward as well so it seems like
3707s let's see um got the game plan running
3710s and start to remove and control motor
3711s kitchen spot so that not much um barrier
3714s could be applied to motokichi side of
3716s the field and looking at his hand
3717s there's not much barrier option as well
3719s that's right you put it in a good point
3721s right there oh who are you going to be
3723s barriering if you don't have any units
3725s to put barrier on that's right that's
3728s going to be kind of a a good play right
3730s there and uh let's not take out the fact
3731s that there's a scorched Earth over at
3733s the side of let's see so if he just gets
3735s to damage one of those units he will
3737s possibly be able to remove it even
3740s though it has barrier but uh let's not
3742s take out the fact that we can see over
3743s at our side of motokichi also has a deny
3746s to possibly block that out so still
3749s going back and forth between these guys
3752s and the spawn is going to go up to three
3754s that uh Mariah is going to be uh
3757s attacking right there because that's a
3759s that's a removable card to or this
3762s expandable car right there two one
3763s versus two two that's a good trade right
3765s there yeah for sure and let's see he's
3768s just putting in so much work to actually
3770s maintain the tempo going up against
3772s motokichi and another Mariah wasn't
3774s right there and the j4 coming straight
3776s right in just to remove the tentacle off
3778s the field and this is gonna be a good
3780s push coming in from monokichi making
3782s rain going in just to destroy the
3784s barriers as the j4 will be going down to
3786s one Health this turn and there's nothing
3788s much that motokichi could do that is
3790s that that you know that he could do to
3792s actually protect the j4 as there's
3794s things like heavy metal and and um like
3797s the elegant flare to actually just
3798s remove the j4 there yeah that's right
3801s and you know we can see that the day
3803s four just became a J1 right there after
3806s it gets removed
3808s the barrier gets removed I'm sorry man
3810s where it gets removed uh and now it can
3813s be it's gonna get hit by the heavy metal
3815s and this is gonna be uh quite a a
3819s letdown over the side of modikichi now
3822s he he still has like um uh Bryson
3825s protector right here over its side
3827s Mariah let's see what it draws out oh
3829s another poro is gonna be out right there
3832s and now it's gonna be uh seven Mana turn
3837s let's see if the Levine is going to go
3840s down and if the Leviathan is here will
3843s there be a Swain
3846s well I mean this is a no-brainer right
3847s it's either you go for the uh the broad
3851s main or Leviathan the sun right you go
3854s for the broad Main and try to remove the
3855s Kinko student from doing anything funky
3857s and but the thing here is that Moto
3859s kichi is putting up five Mana open and
3861s that actually
3862s um let's see have to respect the the the
3865s deny coming in from Moto Kitty as well
3867s right let's see
3869s um there's going to be one removal one
3871s uh one damage as well and let's see if
3874s this is gonna be uh the way right now
3877s but of course we can see uh let's see
3879s trying to try and go with this with the
3882s gameplay that he's been doing he's
3884s trying to go and remove as many tokens
3886s or as many attacks as possible that uh
3889s that dragon is going to get stunned and
3893s now of course uh oh since the token has
3897s been already been used is he won't have
3899s time to develop but the broader oh man
3902s there you go kashiri Gauntlet this is
3904s going to be re moving that guy right
3907s there oh there you go the night yep he
3911s knows the value and the deny has been
3914s used so there's still one more uh two
3917s from the side of let's see the scorched
3919s Earth and there's no more deny on site
3921s up heavy metal on the top deck from
3923s let's see sacred protector coming in
3925s giving the screeching Dragon a barrier
3928s as well stacked together with a double
3929s strike that means that Brockman is in
3931s danger of being removed Scorch oh
3934s there's no damage going into
3936s um the screeching dragon in the previous
3937s round as well so that Scorch Earth is
3939s not gonna be triggering right here and
3941s and you know motokichi got a really
3943s clean removal onto the broad main for
3946s this particular swing so
3948s um you know there's nothing much that
3949s Lexi could do just play the Leviathan
3951s and set up for the next turn maybe uh we
3954s can actually we can actually have a uh
3956s you you can use the heavy metal to go in
3959s to the H6 right there maybe
3962s um save that Scorch Earth when the
3964s screeching dragon attacks like it's a
3966s quick attack but I if I understand it
3968s correctly there's gonna be uh removal
3972s right now with that uh with that uh with
3976s the use of the scorched after it gets
3979s damaged like it goes down to four two or
3982s a key he focuses on the uh the larger
3986s unit right there right so in yeah it's
3989s okay it's okay right there to get to get
3991s that out of the way and just maintain
3994s like uh main thing consistency in terms
3996s of the units that I feel motokichi still
3999s has got this one down the line man I
4002s mean he got the Shen in his hand as well
4004s he's ready to go for a a second swing
4006s right but motokishi have to understand
4009s once let's see dropped the Leviathan
4011s that's not no other option left for Moto
4013s kichi to actually come back off this one
4015s unless they draw into a his second
4017s secret protector but I don't I only
4018s think that you know he only play one
4020s copy of it and the set coming in as well
4022s but Lexi already got that swing in his
4024s hand and that is gonna be a clear threat
4027s moving forward for motokichi
4030s that's right and now of course uh that
4032s dividends out the Swain is out now of
4034s course for those swainiacs right here
4036s over at the the broadcast of course
4040s you'll probably be rejoicing because
4041s this we haven't been see we haven't seen
4043s this uh we haven't even mentioned this
4046s over at uh the uh the pre-game uh
4050s discussions but of course we're now
4052s seeing it right now with let's see and
4054s uh now uh it's gonna be dealing with
4056s damage straight to the Nexus over at the
4059s next turn you can also uh it also has
4062s overwhelm as at the moment so matakichi
4065s is definitely thinking of the best uh
4068s possible turn here puts down another
4069s Screech and dragon over at his side and
4072s this is you know this is going to be
4074s body blocks all over he may go for uh
4078s and block that uh two one or the Pearl
4081s flies as well and the both the poros and
4085s just let the five sevens slide through
4088s yeah and and right here moroccichi is on
4090s the clock right he's on a 4 turn clock
4093s as of right now right with the Leviathan
4095s dealing three damage every single end of
4097s turn so Moto kichi is have to react and
4100s have to really remove the Leviathan as
4102s much as fast as possible and looking at
4104s his hand right now he have to shine he
4106s have to set and a a you know this plus
4108s two plus two spell it's not gonna be
4110s adding up to seven damage to actually
4112s remove this Leviathan on this turn so
4115s it's not looking great for Moto kichi as
4117s of right here as you know the train is
4119s coming right down he got the um illawi
4121s slam as well just adding more uh more
4124s tentacles onto his board and and you
4126s know leveling up swing as I believe
4128s Swain is already level up right here as
4130s well so yeah let's see it's just in a
4132s comfortable position right here and
4134s model Kishi have to start digging for
4135s answers it's not it's going to be too
4136s late but you're on the master that's not
4138s there's only so much digging to do
4141s yeah and you can see that form up
4142s already already on the side that's going
4144s to just bring out the scratchy Dragon up
4146s to six and it's gonna be failing short
4148s of one damage right so this is going to
4152s be still over at the side of let's see
4155s considering that he plays uh the uh the
4159s swing carefully but now set is going to
4162s be down and out and about and look at
4164s those abs right there guys he's he's
4167s gonna be flipped as well and you can see
4169s the Challenger or the active on his side
4172s so this is gonna be a huge swing but not
4175s an impossible feat for let's see to
4178s block
4179s yep but I think you know yeah she got it
4182s right he got the level upset he got the
4184s form up as well the Leviathan is
4186s definitely going straight right down and
4187s morikishi continues to control the board
4190s and the dragons are growing with the
4191s fury moving forward also and now let's
4194s see it's on the back foot this time
4196s around right like the the Swain is that
4198s is coming down the neck this turn but I
4201s don't think you know he can see a way
4202s for actually coming right out the set is
4204s the turning point that Moto kitchen
4206s needs
4207s that's right and then you know the
4209s levite and indeed has a huge value uh
4213s with the combo with uh the the flip
4216s swing because he if you go go and deal
4219s damage directly you will have a a free
4223s stunt so to speak and now over at the
4225s side of let's see he draws out the
4228s illawi of course but no tentacles are
4231s present as the moment he may use a
4233s tentacle smash just to power it up uh
4236s quite a bit but I am not optimistic that
4239s he will be able to uh he will be able to
4243s maximize the value of it right there's
4246s still a like a a bright seal protector
4248s over at the side of what the kitchen
4249s just to protect some of these other
4251s units but over the next turn another big
4254s swing is gonna be uh coming out and
4257s there's not going to be enough blockers
4258s for let's see to uh prevent damage and
4261s look at that an effective pass
4264s I yeah that's a that's a really bad pass
4266s coming in from let's see right motokichi
4268s got the top deck of the Champion's
4270s strength the last turn right passing to
4272s motokishi there
4274s um you know if you're not gonna go for
4275s the push it really shows that you got
4277s nothing there's nothing that you could
4278s do and moroccichi right here with the
4280s champion strength he gets himself the
4281s Scout token right here and it might be
4283s game over for let's see this turn and he
4285s really Scoops it up as motoki she takes
4287s the 2-1 Victory against let's see yes
4290s Moto kichi just moves in with a 2-1 or
4293s for the first game that we saw that's
4295s not a 2-0 right there and you know it's
4298s amazing that we see that the the the
4300s place right there we saw the Shen uh j4
4305s man wow there's some uh there's some
4310s defense there's some how do you say this
4313s um counter place right there man I I I'm
4316s seeing uh the the the majority of the
4319s tournament comes in before the
4321s tournament itself in the preparation as
4323s well and when you see and study all the
4325s data
4326s you know botokichi just probably
4327s arriving nobody's using maybe I use Shen
4330s maybe I try to counter some of the decks
4332s and is this this is possibly a good
4334s counter what do you think about that uh
4336s boy well they were saying that you know
4339s damasia don't have much support this set
4342s right like you know this there's the
4344s support is mainly or Ionia builds water
4346s and
4351s right these three cards actually got the
4354s new Champions and new edition of cuts
4356s and the martial is just using mainly
4358s like you know older Cuts moving forward
4360s but you know with the new Badger bear
4362s that could actually block elusive like
4365s that card is the one that that changed
4367s the whole like allow the master to
4369s actually stay relevant that if that card
4370s code blocks could block a face and with
4374s those you know additional attack with
4375s rallies with champion strength with you
4378s know Cuts with decent stats right you
4380s got combat removal and there's so many
4382s things that you could do with the master
4384s and it's it's still looking very strong
4386s right who needs new cards when you've
4388s got really solid old cards and that's
4389s what the master have and you know we get
4391s to see the rise of um Kaiser the mafia
4394s or events you know today we just saw
4396s Shen just now as well so it's just a
4399s pretty solid package moving forward and
4401s we saw a set as well like imagine having
4404s that set who doesn't even need a barrier
4406s it already has like I can't take or
4409s damage or die right there that's already
4412s uh like uh already lined up with the
4415s whole mechanic that the uh that the the
4417s Shen j4 deck already has so amazing line
4420s up right there and of course this if
4423s you're just watching you're watching the
4425s legislaterra world's qualifier for APAC
4429s region and we're gonna be taking a short
4431s break and when we come back it's gonna
4433s be round two for all the action don't go
4436s anywhere we'll be right back guys
4440s [Music]
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4453s laughs
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4549s foreign
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4569s thank you
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4646s foreign
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4655s [Applause]
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4709s [Music]
4717s foreign
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4782s [Applause]
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4790s thank you
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4817s foreign
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4858s foreign
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4893s [Applause]
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4909s foreign
4917s foreign
4933s [Music]
4952s thank you
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4998s thank you
5000s [Music]
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5040s thank you
5045s foreign
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5065s thank you
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5079s [Music]
5095s foreign
5111s [Music]
5126s foreign
5130s welcome back to the Apec World qualifier
5133s my name is Mundo I'm joined by Excelsior
5135s pH we just concluded our top 64 as we're
5139s moving straight right to top 32
5141s Excelsior how is your experience so far
5143s yeah it's very good experience we have
5146s seen a lot of deck archetypes right
5148s there moon boy like we got spread we got
5151s straight shot into uh Shen Jabron 4 of
5155s the last match we saw as a mirror Fizz
5158s we saw a Tristana deck we saw a nasus
5162s like wow I mean I've been seeing a lot
5165s of Vex right now that means not a lot of
5168s uh decks have been dominating like so
5171s much so that it's the only decks we are
5173s watching right we're seeing some of our
5176s our players like try to Target some of
5177s the decks as well so this is good this
5179s is a good uh day for rentera that we are
5182s seeing this variation or like almost all
5185s regions are represented right now almost
5187s like but I've yet to set foreign
5204s [Laughter]
5209s coming in but you know not the getting
5211s we have a lot of interesting players
5213s coming in this tournament as well right
5215s coming in at 64th seed ladies and
5218s gentlemen our next feature map is gonna
5220s be four second 42 second fourth second
5223s you know he's a man with a lot of names
5225s and he's coming in with a 7-3 scoreline
5228s just badly scraping through the waiting
5230s list and going up against a 9-0 our very
5233s first seed crossbone at top 34. and he
5237s he beats him right the last seat beats
5239s the first seat and it's moving straight
5240s right to top 32 and all lights is
5243s definitely gonna be on this guy because
5244s how is this guy gonna perform he's
5246s always a big question mark So it comes
5248s to big tournament what do you think
5249s about them yeah I was just seeing like
5251s uh 40 seconds like uh already tweeting
5254s like he's already wait listed now he
5256s went in and straight into the seat 64
5259s seed now already at round two like I
5262s don't know what what this guy is gonna
5263s be doing like he was able to beat uh
5266s crossbow and buy a hair right there with
5267s the two one right so that's a that's an
5269s amazing feat in itself but uh let's see
5271s if uh he will continue this run maybe
5274s get into top 16 after this next match
5277s because I feel that he's gonna be uh
5279s facing an alpha male right here with the
5282s alpha King so let's see alpha or second
5286s you know first or second let's see which
5288s one of the two are gonna be uh is gonna
5290s be moving forward man yeah I I I
5293s personally love four SEC four four two
5295s seconds right like he's such a good
5297s person he's such a good content creator
5299s he's really entertaining as well so you
5302s know and he's a pretty good player
5304s himself as well so you know being able
5306s to make it for top 32 and having a shot
5308s at the world championship and I believe
5310s you know two more wins or two more wins
5313s he secure himself some prize money as
5315s well so you know this guy is just gonna
5316s be moving straight right forward and
5318s we're just gonna see
5319s um you know what these two players is
5321s going to bring onto the table this this
5323s um this weekend that's right and if I
5325s remember correctly uh for a second was
5327s also able to cast some of the matches
5329s right like uh one of the uh the season
5331s or one of the seasons or one of the
5333s tournaments that were in the broadcast
5334s that was casted by uh by four second as
5337s well so that was an amazing uh effort
5339s for the community like uh like if you
5341s see uh our community so they've already
5343s been stepping up as well we see some uh
5345s Community tournaments we have seen some
5347s uh highlights I'm a non-game events as
5350s well we have seen some of that but uh
5353s what I want to see man like since um the
5355s epidemic has already been like a bit a
5358s bit uh you know a bit more relax like we
5362s have been seeing some events FDF Events
5364s maybe we see a land event man moon boy
5367s but I want to see that happen how about
5369s you uh for sure I definitely love to see
5371s some land event and you know players
5373s coming together and and interact with
5374s one another but before that ladies and
5376s gentlemen I believe the deck list is
5377s ready let's just take a look at the deck
5379s list
5380s um you know coming in for for four two
5383s seconds and first off you know he got
5385s the uh I believe this is the nasus right
5388s mono Nexus coming in from as his first
5390s deck followed up by a Samira Pantheon
5393s and a Tristana Timo uh coming in for for
5397s for his last deck and you know him being
5399s a Teemo myself you know Timo fan myself
5401s seeing a Teemo on the light on the
5403s lineup like I'm just I'm just enough I'm
5406s done
5407s yeah as we see a Teemo right now like
5409s the uh the the the the puff man is
5412s already right there but of course you
5414s know nasus yeah we I was just talking to
5416s you about this a while ago man it just
5418s keeps on popping up uh right on our
5420s first matches I think it's it's a
5422s testament to how good it is and no
5425s Landmark construction of uh has been
5429s seen except for the one the score shirt
5430s that we saw a while ago but uh the one
5432s carrying it was uh lost uh I think it
5436s was let's see who lost that match so
5438s that scorcher disorder nowhere to be
5440s found no more uh uh Landmark removals
5443s over at this uh the middle one I mean
5446s there's a mirror Samira Fizz uh is wait
5449s this is Samira fist yep uh yeah so Mira
5453s is uh going to be uh Samira Pantheon it
5457s was looking yeah I was I was basically
5459s set on some mirror face but I was seeing
5461s like you're a Pantheon okay yes okay
5463s another Samira uh deck over at the
5466s Samira versus we're seeing and that this
5468s uh is going to be uh quite an
5470s interesting uh build especially with the
5472s fated mechanic right there so let's see
5475s if this is going to be dominating but
5477s what do you think which one of these
5479s decks should be targeted uh considering
5481s the meta right now well definitely your
5484s if you're um you know coming into the
5486s installment you are ready for any
5487s Tristana kind of deck right Samira
5490s Pantheon is a little bit out of the
5491s ordinary bet it out of the way right do
5493s not you don't really want to do a
5495s Pantheon once it levels up and stack
5497s together with some mirror with the
5498s flares and all the support coming in
5500s from the Samira um Samira kit like you
5502s know it's going to be a very dangerous
5504s deck to actually deal with so bend it
5507s out of the way deal with the NASA's deal
5508s with the three standard because these
5510s are the two main um decks in the leather
5512s right now and these are probably what
5514s you have been preparing so just take on
5516s what you're prepared and just take the
5517s unknown out of the picture
5519s yeah so this is going to be uh quite
5522s exciting indeed and we might see for a
5525s second move on to the next round who
5526s knows man like uh we have uh the there
5530s are some skills right there and he's
5531s probably sharpening in those uh
5534s especially uh with his content as well
5536s like you know you uh uh as a content
5540s creator you find yourself uh about
5542s developing that skill like so much so
5545s with the hours that you're spending and
5547s uh he definitely put in the hours to uh
5549s with the possibly uh with this deck to
5552s even get him uh to this spot right man
5555s top 32. that's a big uh big spot to be
5559s in man yeah 32 players out of what
5562s thousands of players in the server right
5564s like you know he's definitely close to
5565s top 0.5 as of right now so you know he's
5570s just really
5571s um in a good spot and this is a very
5573s solid lineup and I'm gonna say right you
5575s got a really consistent kind of Nexus
5577s deck you got Timo and Tristana putting
5579s in aggression as well if some mirror and
5581s Pantheon is not banned he got those
5583s hard-hitting Powers moving forward also
5585s so yeah so I'm I'm really excited to see
5589s what uh four two seconds actually have
5591s but however on Alpha King side uh I I
5594s don't think this is gonna be the the the
5596s the lineup for Alpha King right it looks
5598s like 42 42's
5601s um lineup
5602s oh wow okay so we now see the lineups
5606s and the what have been banned that
5607s there's sauna deck of alpha King has
5609s been banned Samira Pantheon has been
5612s banned on the side the fourth second
5614s left now and now of course we're gonna
5616s be seeing the aatrox vein you know man
5620s he crossed vane I've been playing this
5623s uh this deck quite a lot and I would
5625s like to see it uh be played by one of
5628s our professionals right here Alpha King
5629s also going in with some mirror Jinx I
5632s mean there's a mirror verse keeps on
5634s expanding man we see some mirror face a
5637s mirror Pantheon and now some mirror Jinx
5639s wow um what do you think about these
5642s fans man well I I mean this coming Alpha
5645s King have a really aggressive lineup
5646s right like the eight trucks is kind of
5648s like mid-rangey it's probably going in
5650s with these Scouts kind of like uh Scouts
5652s and tumble kind of um game plan coming
5654s in right and and that's probably looking
5656s at the Champions like I'm not sure what
5658s the 40s are but that is a really
5660s aggressive deck when it gives you a old
5662s school Scout kind of like style and
5664s Samira Jinx on the other hand is a burn
5667s kind of like you know old school
5668s Gangplank MF right like it's just
5670s straight out big units uh suing you out
5673s and just going in for multiple attacks
5674s again and again and and with jinx it
5677s just refuels you once she's level up as
5679s well so you will never run out of gas
5680s yes with that bro let's get into the
5683s game right now it's gonna be Alpha King
5686s on top and 40 seconds over at the bottom
5689s uh going straight at it with the mono
5692s nasus deck and of course the Tristana
5694s deck over at Alpha king size is going to
5696s be grandfather fate right there and
5697s bringing out the uh hungry alcat over at
5700s this side and look at that badger bear
5703s like there's going to be just the you
5705s know it's a no-brainer put down the
5707s vaults of Valhalla and you're gonna
5708s steamroll your opponent down the line
5710s This is it yeah I mean four seconds is
5715s actually looking very strong right he
5716s got the uh he got the the hell out right
5721s out early yes he's gonna be taking a
5723s look a little bit of damage right here
5724s but it's totally okay
5727s um he got the nasus in his hand the only
5728s problem is there are two nesters in his
5730s hand literally clogs up his hand right
5732s now and it's actually risking potential
5735s like you know multiple nesses coming in
5737s from default as well so and and you know
5740s that might be stopping him a little bit
5742s more but the train is rolling right here
5744s with the Cam Cameron Dragon 4 for this
5746s 42 seconds and his bike coming in as
5748s well so this is looking okay but there's
5751s not much that he could do this done yeah
5753s and he already took a total of nine
5756s damage so it it's looking quite a bit
5758s slow for the side of 42nd right now he's
5760s gonna be dealing uh free damage with
5762s that Kevin borne Dragon because you know
5764s the alpha King doesn't want to block
5765s that and make that bigger than it uh
5768s than it is right now but lower at the
5771s next turn he still has a lot of uh
5774s choices to go with like you can see his
5776s quick sense right there the the spike
5778s right there and of course uh a possible
5780s summon for a NASA so this is there's a
5783s lot of support but Alpha King knows
5786s where the game is he's gonna keep on
5788s expanding the board and he is going
5792s great at it especially with the impact
5794s damage and uh you know just keep on
5797s developing and you know you're gonna get
5799s the damage in uh down the line
5802s yeah I mean you know going up against a
5805s deck like NASA's right you you always go
5807s wide right go wide and not allowing uh
5809s your opponent to do too much Gunners
5811s coming down for Alpha King as well and
5813s with the spell shield you know a keyword
5816s on it as well the siphoning strike is
5818s definitely not gonna hit him this turn
5820s and you know there's only two units
5822s going up against what six units coming
5824s in from alpha King and those units like
5826s you know when uh the gardener have three
5828s impact as well so it's looking very bad
5830s for four second as of right here this is
5833s a very aggressive Alpha king and the
5834s cycling strike coming in for four second
5836s yes siphoning strike is going to be
5839s initially used right there and that is a
5842s possible turn but let's not let's also
5844s take in that that Alpha King also has
5848s two prize fights over at this side of
5850s the board now this can be canceled out
5852s uh still with the four Mana right there
5854s right navigation can still be used but
5856s look at that oh man there's gonna be a
5859s huge nasus with a nine nine and Gamma
5862s foreign dragons well gets to five five
5864s now this is going to be a an attack
5866s that's going to be coming in from
5867s aldocaine because he knows that most of
5869s these most of these units are not going
5871s to be blocked and with four Mana
5874s remaining there is a possibility that he
5877s make uh try and um cancel out or uh try
5881s encounter whatever uh whatever spell
5883s shenanigans the uh that Alpha King is
5886s going to be using uh our I.E the price
5889s fight so still pushing damage right now
5892s over at the side of alpha King yeah but
5895s you know it's negating this price fight
5898s actually worth it right yes you get to
5900s save your nurses but another price fight
5902s it's just gonna cost one more one more
5904s mana and I have two Mana open
5906s right now so are you willing to trade
5908s four Mana for one manner like that is
5909s the biggest question that for four to uh
5912s four seconds have to answer
5914s um right here like let the nesters go
5915s get the trade onto the Gunner right you
5918s got you got another NASA's in hand or
5921s even the Cameron Dragon could bring you
5922s another unit with S I believe it's going
5924s to be rampaging bakar and you know it's
5927s just looking still looks okay for four
5930s seconds
5931s yeah still looking uh quite okay with
5935s the rampaging Buckeye uh down the line
5937s and the spike is gonna be used just to
5940s remove all the grand photography right
5942s there is going to be decreasing the
5943s damage to make me coming in towards his
5946s Nexus and the answer is going to be a
5949s prize fight as well okay amazing amazing
5953s uh turn of events that we are seeing
5955s like uh we see the good trades to be
5958s coming in right now but let's not take
5960s out the fact that 40 seconds still has
5962s one more nasus on his hand and a lot of
5966s counters that he may use
5968s yeah it seems like four seconds might be
5970s going in for the Glimpse Beyond to just
5972s draw two more cards I don't think that
5974s is advisable just take the trade right
5975s here you know just at the same time
5977s limit Alpha Kings board a little bit
5979s more but this Glimpse Beyond I believe
5982s is oh my God there's so many like layers
5984s going on right now you have blitzwing on
5985s to the dragon right so that he I
5988s don't get the additional tree impact
5990s moving forward so that is a a pretty
5992s good decision but he missed out on the
5994s trade onto the owl cat so
5996s um you know you give and take a little
5997s bit at this point in time
5998s that's right and now of course still
6000s four units remaining on the side of
6002s alpha King and now we're going to be
6004s summoning another unit in this is
6006s ceaseless send 38 okay so uh it's uh
6009s much like the avarosis Sentry but no
6011s it's going to be Shadow Alice and now
6012s going to show me a 13-13 nasus right
6016s there it's uh it's on the brink of
6018s getting prop and is there any wave uh
6021s for Alpha King to remove this I'm
6023s looking at it none as at the moment
6025s right
6026s uh it's yeah that the only way is to
6029s block with our cat right but the nesters
6031s get to uh flip as well so it's not
6034s looking great for Alpha king and you
6036s know going into the next round you know
6038s the Nestles is going to be sacrificed to
6040s the Helia and he gets himself a a
6042s rekindler the next turn and the
6044s rekindler is going to give in another
6045s nessus and and you know the train is
6047s going to be starting to roll at this
6049s point in time so it's not looking good
6051s for Alpha King but at the same time
6053s Alpha King have the bot state to sustain
6055s he have a second Gunner coming in for
6057s this turn as well so it's looking great
6059s for Alpha King group shot coming in just
6061s to deny uh nessus from that level up
6064s nice nice up Rock right there and
6066s another band of Gunners is gonna be
6069s bundling up and I feel I feel man that
6072s there there is a huge amount of damage
6075s maybe coming in but those quicksands are
6078s are gonna be quite the choice right here
6081s just a counter like uh any uh any damage
6085s coming in like also uh negating the
6087s keywords and impacts right there oh man
6089s this is going to be quite a turn and
6091s quite a surprise for Alpha King on this
6094s turn considering the TS a total of uh
6097s one two three four like uh five units
6100s coming in and look at that that's gonna
6102s be the answer and there you go
6106s it's he has to do it twice because
6108s there's like a spell shoot right now
6109s right yep so double quick send coming in
6112s you know he's just taking fall damage
6113s this turn four second is still pretty
6115s healthy
6116s but he got the decision to make right do
6118s he does he want to
6120s um take out one of the Gunner at least
6122s in this fight but he chooses not to like
6125s you know just flip the the nessus and
6127s just try to you know do a little bit
6129s more pythons coming in just to deny the
6131s nurses from the foot once again ah yeah
6133s yeah it's not looking good uh but I mean
6136s overall you know four seconds managed to
6138s survive this uh this big swing coming in
6140s from him so we just have to see how this
6143s works
6144s I mean Alpha King knows his neck quite
6146s well especially again going against a
6148s NASA's deck and with those uh preventive
6151s uh pastries if I have foreign
6158s but of course uh he's gonna be having
6160s one more uh perilous pastry right there
6163s that deals one to anything so he's
6165s trying to bring down uh all of the
6167s damage and when he gets uh another uh
6170s useful unit uh that he may use and he
6173s there's a tender right there that can
6175s give another another impact but um he
6179s needs more of uh the damage like he's
6183s just bogging down one unit at a time
6187s like our one Nexus HP at the time
6190s and oh right of negation right right it
6193s counts man uh I mean those are good
6195s negate like right on negation coming in
6197s cycling strike a minute going in trying
6199s to take out one of the Gunner but the
6201s Gunner is the problem right as of right
6203s now four seconds really have to remove
6205s those Gunners as fast as possible if not
6208s um it's gonna get him punished this
6210s gunnel has three impacts so if you don't
6212s remove it anytime soon you know it's
6215s gonna be game over the next attack
6216s coming in from from alpha King
6219s right and look at that there's going to
6221s be a flip coming in from that nasus
6223s going into 1919. you know I remember
6225s those days when I crossed the was
6228s already still independent this is
6230s basically a no-brainer go across these
6232s straight into straight interface or
6233s straight into the Nexus man like that's
6236s the play but of course this is a a new
6238s uh New Generation uh uh for uh legendera
6243s and we're gonna be seeing that manual
6245s damage coming in but of course it can
6248s still be blocked right there you know
6249s with the 33 and going up with another
6252s eye of the khaboros there's going to be
6254s the draw and okay
6262s it's just looking great for Alpha King
6264s right even though four second managed to
6266s level up the the NASA's the the iron
6269s crystal is level up right here play the
6273s hour cat or even the uh the mushroom the
6276s grandfather right and and he just just
6280s gets so much impact damage moving
6282s forward so and Alpha King just have to
6284s allow that Gunner to survive and it's
6286s gonna be looking good for him at this
6287s point
6288s yeah it's looking really uh good
6291s considering that there is no uh
6294s lifesteal choices coming in from the
6296s side of uh 40 seconds right now and that
6300s 2020 like that's it's a huge hammer
6303s but it's not getting anywhere man like
6306s uh even putting down a Tristana over the
6307s side of alpha King even flipped as well
6309s and with the impact oh my gosh that's
6312s gonna be quite a tool for the next turn
6315s and
6316s and look at those predictions uh coming
6319s in or rather the draw for the way or
6323s rather the uh The Landmark right there
6325s and the tenor with more impacts like we
6329s see one two three four units with
6332s impacts with a total of one two three
6334s four five six ten impact damage now any
6337s one of these gets to hit and that's
6339s gonna be it right there right moon boy
6342s like you need at least two of these guys
6344s to hit and that's gonna be it it's over
6347s yeah right like even the shurima tell
6350s Stone can't do much at this point in
6352s time I mean shrima spells don't need to
6354s Spirit fire yeah like that is a possible
6357s way that he could yeah and this could
6360s actually uh but at the same time there's
6362s nothing that he could do yeah right this
6365s impact damage is just too much for him
6366s to deal with
6367s you know talk about impactful moves
6370s right there one boy and yeah he just
6373s needs to go in and attack and it's gonna
6375s go straight and there you go with the
6377s Shannon mode coming in from four seconds
6378s and that means he knows what's coming to
6381s him and that's gonna be the Tristana uh
6384s draw from the eye of and that's it one
6389s zero for Alpha King and he gets the
6392s first win right uh four second can still
6395s use that uh NASA stack right there and
6397s the amazing play uh especially with the
6400s Tristana that's why it's already like
6401s it's ubiquitous you get to see a lot of
6403s these decks being used in tournaments
6405s because it's that good the the impact
6407s and the consistency and the the wideness
6410s of the board is already right there you
6411s can see it right there yeah it does any
6414s highlights from that game man I mean
6416s it's just bad matchup coming in for for
6418s two seconds right we get to see a very
6420s big masses but
6421s um Alpha King did a very good job
6423s denying the lessons from flipping all
6425s the time so and and you know four
6427s seconds coming into the second batch of
6428s sticking on to this NASA's deck so this
6430s might make a difference coming in right
6432s if he can control El from the
6435s very beginning and having the Helia in
6436s his starting hand is going to be helping
6438s him so much more in this matchup yes and
6441s they're looking at their the starting
6443s draw of alpha King it's kinda you know
6447s it's kind of not early you know not
6450s early uh uh domination uh you can see
6454s that the the uh the atroc is right there
6456s we're seeing some uh some equipment
6458s warm-up is already right there it's not
6461s the the hand that you would want to have
6463s you would want to develop more into the
6465s equipment and now you can see drawn out
6468s is going to be the quietest there you go
6469s as I was talking we see one unit uh or
6473s the uh possibly being drawn out right
6476s there but of course the control is still
6479s going to be on four second side so I've
6480s seen this may be a chance for set for a
6483s second to go in and uh just dominate
6485s especially on the next turn he's gonna
6487s be summoning that landmark uh this is
6490s his opening right this is opening to do
6492s what he needs to do oh you know
6494s this deck is is spectacularly slow right
6497s there's not much that you know um you
6499s know he could do in the first at least
6501s three to four turns until the queen or
6503s the vein actually pops up and you know
6506s it might be it might look at like a very
6508s good or like opportunity for him to go
6510s for the quietest this turn but this is
6512s what 42 seconds is actually doing is
6514s we're expecting that form up to deny
6516s that quieter so that's a very good move
6518s coming in from from four four uh four
6520s seconds and he's respecting everything
6521s that Alpha King does
6523s yeah so the that's indeed the uh the the
6526s possibility right there they're just
6528s trying to uh match up any possible
6530s answers uh that uh that the alpha King
6533s may have for any quietus and now he goes
6536s on with the uh an attack with the
6538s defender and with the Elkin a total of
6541s six damage right there uh gonna be a
6543s trade but of course I'm not sure I'm
6546s pretty sure he's gonna be using the one
6548s cause burst spell just to uh equip uh or
6551s there's no equipment okay so just to get
6553s just to make it like a three uh three
6556s two or rather a plus one plus one three
6559s three that could be possible because if
6561s we do equip that Elkin it's gonna have
6564s um uh tough right so it's gonna be uh a
6567s choice down the line at uh if you do
6569s have equipment you may protect them
6572s oh wow okay so it's gonna be traded in
6575s uh the defender is gonna get uh the the
6578s free damage right there with four damage
6580s straight into the Nexus of four seconds
6582s it's fine right but you know right here
6584s he's totally cool with fish fight
6586s immediately trying to remove uh one of
6588s the units away from four seconds and you
6591s know that's a very smart move coming in
6592s but the spike coming down you know not
6594s allowing him like you know allowing
6596s himself to have a little bit more
6597s breathing room with the broad uh with
6599s the Helia and sacrificing this uh husk
6602s is gonna give himself a a two course
6604s unit as well it's like gonna be a
6605s ceaseless Century yes the ceaseless
6608s Century not stopping anywhere soon and
6612s this is a good train that you're going
6614s right you get the husk you get a Sentry
6616s you get to draw something else and you
6619s get to summon something else as well
6621s now this is going to be uh the next turn
6624s is going to be another possibly another
6626s Shepherd going down or Asian
6628s preparations There You Go nature
6630s preparations
6632s what did he get did he get the Glimpse
6634s Beyond
6635s it's either Glimpse Beyond a soul
6637s Harvest Right these are the two cuts
6638s that is possible double heli are coming
6640s in once again and we might see a a you
6643s know rock bear into a nessus into a
6647s rekindler into a nurses that's going to
6651s be a huge Nest coming in after so many
6652s trades off from to hell yeah yes the
6656s faults of hell yeah have already been
6658s you know committed in to this match now
6661s you can see only three units or three
6663s spaces for units but because the
6666s landmarks have been uh put in but of
6669s course the clock link may go down they
6670s go out over at the next turn so I'm
6673s wondering as to how the uh the proc is
6675s going to be going here over at the mixer
6677s but yeah the NASA is gonna keep on
6680s getting bigger and over at the side of
6682s alpha King uh huh
6685s I'm not sure how this way is going to go
6688s because the aatrox is going to go down
6690s to six and um uh you know equipment is
6693s gonna be right there eight rocks it's
6695s going to be six six with the darkened
6697s blade
6699s yeah I mean
6702s not enough right let's look at this it's
6704s not going to be an attack here yeah but
6706s in a four second what he's trying to do
6708s right what you could do right here is
6709s quiet us remove the weapon away from
6712s aatrox yeah so this way there's no um
6716s regen onto aatrox and and bringing a
6719s trucks down to five five so this way
6720s like you know the aatrox is still in
6722s check and there's not like you know
6724s there's not much that he could do and
6726s the word and the could not you know do
6728s too much or like do any time like much
6731s of a thing anytime soon but this is very
6733s good pass like coming in like you know
6734s just going in get the deaths and Ada
6736s gets a darkness that can do AOE damage
6738s that costs zero and the gas and Ada um
6741s yeah and this is just flow right good
6743s flow coming in big AOE swing coming in
6746s and and it's gonna be 42 seconds going
6748s in for the uh big swing and there's
6750s nothing much that Alpha King could do
6752s um other than the format
6754s yeah I think the warm-up will be uh able
6757s to protect that the defender right there
6759s bringing it up to Sixth Street and the
6761s Elkin will not get removed as well so
6763s they will be surviving and there is
6766s going to be a lot of attack that will be
6768s coming in from the side of uh for a
6771s second we see not uh two 11 18 20
6775s effective damage and this is a
6779s he might go for an attack right now I
6782s think
6783s that that's going to be uh the the
6786s sensible move like he goes in with
6788s attack with the two
6789s and he needs to get the like there's
6793s there's two units that can't defend oh
6794s there you go Defender
6796s oh
6798s he's not gonna be defended with the a
6800s troughs right there
6801s I don't think that it's smart to defend
6803s with the eight trucks right you want the
6804s aatrox to stay you want the a-trucks to
6806s try to um go into the world and but the
6809s world is like 16 Mana right now and it's
6811s close to impossible to actually yeah
6813s um fire it off so
6816s um there's nothing much that Alpha King
6817s could do right here you have to go on
6819s the defense and try to sustain a little
6821s bit more uh condemn is something that he
6823s have right if you attack two times his
6824s turn plus five less and Ally strikes and
6827s enemy and you know this actually allows
6829s the play for Alpha King to go for the
6830s condemn onto Genesis and that could you
6834s know potentially trade him off and and
6836s just take out the nurses
6837s right it's gonna be a good uh condemn
6840s right there and uh this is going to be
6843s um you know a good trade-off uh but now
6847s he thinks or I think he's gonna hovering
6849s over fish fight oh yeah it's okay it's
6852s okay to go with the fish fight but um
6855s we might see a oh wait there might see a
6859s quick concert yeah yeah quick set to
6861s counter this
6866s is amazing like you see a lot of the
6868s counters that's why the NASA's deck
6870s thrives in this environment like you
6873s have counters uh from uh from Joshua
6876s Rima uh pile or from the shirima region
6879s uh you have
6881s um uh you'll have answers uh you have
6884s like a board presence in terms of your
6885s uh the the landmark and
6888s wow okay so no answer let's go okay all
6892s right
6894s okay so what is the possible play right
6896s here for uh for a second right like it
6899s the the only the biggest unit right here
6901s is the Sentry
6903s and the century is going to be turning
6904s into a Shepherd but there's no space for
6907s him to um have a rock bear so I'm not
6911s sure how how this interaction is going
6914s to be like and
6916s how you know is he gonna be trying to
6918s remove these eight trucks and the only
6920s way that I could see it is quieter than
6922s just remove the the sword that that
6925s aatrox is holding
6926s yeah just removed that weapon right
6928s there there's the equipment and now of
6930s course there's going to be a spike and
6933s that's gonna be used and you know you're
6936s gonna see some removals and I feel
6939s um we see for a second make some space
6941s this him getting some space in so that
6945s he will be able to put out another uh uh
6948s bear uh Landmark right there with the
6950s Rock Beer Shepherd
6952s there you go yeah so rock bear Shepard
6955s is going to be changing into a creme
6956s bruyne dragon and a second trigger is
6959s gonna bring him into a rampaging car
6962s so you know he's likely still having a
6965s big unit moving forward but I don't
6967s think it's big enough to deal with an
6968s aatrox
6970s yeah definitely not good enough to deal
6973s with that eight rocks and again the
6975s world enter is nowhere to be seen like
6977s because you know that's why I was saying
6980s it was a bit slow because he wasn't he
6983s wasn't able to equip uh with any uh
6986s darken right so it it's gonna be nowhere
6990s inside like that's that's going to be
6991s another that's a possible win condition
6993s or possible uh ending condition world
6996s ending condition uh but he's not going
6998s to be using it right now and
7001s um now of course uh the Broadway
7002s Countryside it has been drawn out and
7004s there's going to be a quietest that's
7006s going to be used instead over at its own
7009s unit and he gets a glimpse Beyond which
7010s is good like he is running out of steam
7012s a list Beyond could really help
7015s yeah I mean the Glimpse Beyond allowing
7017s him to get a bit of draw power and and
7019s 42 is actually losing when it comes to
7021s uh options in his hand right here right
7023s and right now it's likely going to be a
7025s NASA's moving in and just go for the
7028s swing and see what you you could do
7029s right at 15 15 lessons actually uh
7032s forces Alpha King to go for the block
7034s right here and both units that Alpha
7036s King is holding is pretty premium and
7038s and you know he has to sacrifice one of
7041s that at this point in time
7042s yeah and over at the side of uh Alpha
7045s King he gets to summon a napkin right
7047s like and that guy's uh one of the uh you
7050s can convert like one of the darken
7052s weapons or the dark equipment they're
7053s just called Target spear you can convert
7055s it into anaka if you use eight mana and
7058s you know what's good about it is that um
7061s when you attack from the top six cards
7063s of your deck someone at the attacking
7065s follower or non-champ in Target and
7068s granted plus one plus one which is good
7069s for cycling out your deck as well like
7071s since he's gonna be uh running out of
7073s units down the line and now he puts on
7075s another equipment okay draws out another
7079s eight trucks so he's he's trying to get
7082s there but that uh nasus is just too big
7085s man there's gonna be sacrifices yeah and
7089s and if Alpha King is going in for the
7090s swing and his he have to switch with the
7092s uh in that car right
7095s um The Nest is definitely going to be
7096s flipping right here and just six damage
7098s on to four seconds is not too big of a
7102s problem as the Rampage Makai could block
7104s uh one of the the the the uh attacking
7107s units as well taking out the eight
7109s trucks just take seven is totally okay
7111s four four two second to actually deal
7113s with this that's right and now look at
7115s that there's going to be seven damage
7116s but oh man the flipped laces NASA swords
7121s right here and we have seen this uh time
7123s and again man over at the past seasons
7126s nasus is quite a uh forced to be uh
7129s reacted with and now of course this
7131s might this may definitely be the chance
7134s for uh for a second to go in like look
7137s at this man the he is unstopped as of
7141s the moment he will just go straight into
7143s rickinder bring it up to 20 20. oh that
7147s I think that's that's a lot it's
7150s blockable
7151s right but man this he's going to be
7154s taking eight damage
7156s yeah I mean this is a very good push
7159s coming in from four seconds right that's
7161s it's eight damage moving in putting out
7162s at seven he has three units to
7164s block with there's not much units left
7166s in Alpha King's hand and the only way is
7169s to turn you know um weapons into units
7172s to actually allow him to get more space
7174s and actually have more advantage against
7176s for a second and it's and with the
7178s debuff coming in from nasus is not
7180s looking good for Alpha King at this
7182s point
7184s as well
7186s yeah I mean you're uh we're trying to
7188s see some Development coming in from
7190s outlooking but it's a bit slow uh with
7193s this deck um and uh we kind of pointed
7195s out that you know he there's not much on
7198s his hand right now and what they're
7199s seeing in 40 seconds is like the the
7201s perfect draw like uh the shepherd and
7204s you get the balls of hell yeah and
7205s that's it I was already right there and
7207s he goes in with the world and the
7210s Transformations right here is there's
7213s gonna be just one right like one
7215s transformation over at the broadwing
7217s pressure side yep there you have will
7219s end up coming in eight trucks leveling
7221s up as well
7223s so it's looking good it's looking good
7226s for for Alpha King right here with a
7228s ninth and eight trucks with Challenger
7230s with overwhelm and four seconds just at
7233s least gonna be removing it that's a Duo
7234s just take it out of that out of
7235s commission yeah other king this might be
7237s checkmate
7239s Checkmate indeed even though you get
7241s like a uh a plus two Health from the uh
7244s from the eight drops right there from
7246s the weapon and you know this is gonna be
7249s it this is gonna be an open attack and
7251s there's no way for Alpha King to get in
7255s and stop that train that 40 second is
7258s gonna be pushing in five four nine plus
7261s four thirteen plus twenty two oh man 13
7265s plus 22 35 effective damage as of the
7268s moment wow this is it boom boom boom
7272s boom that's it
7274s 42nd his first win 1-1 man oh wow dude
7279s this guy like this guy is always you
7281s know having fun making a fool out of
7283s himself on his stream but when him when
7286s he's in a tournament he's always putting
7288s his 110 and that that particular round
7291s showed us you know his determination and
7293s how hungry he's gonna win and that he
7295s wants to win and actually move forward
7297s in this tournament next round is going
7299s to be that this Tristana Timo going up
7300s against the vein Queen aatrox and it's
7303s just interesting right a white board
7305s going up against a mid-range kind of
7306s like uh style what do you think of this
7309s matchup you know I think of this matchup
7311s um you would uh there are there are
7313s cards or there are there are like
7316s Challengers that may be used right there
7318s with the patricide Broadband for you to
7320s Target some of the other units but in
7322s terms of uh going head to head with the
7324s units like if you do butt heads with the
7326s with the eight rocks uh vein uh deck um
7329s you're gonna be
7331s um stopping short because of all the
7332s tough that's going to be having that's
7334s going to be had on his side now if 40
7338s seconds just goes on Fast and strong and
7341s he's going to be dominating like on the
7343s first turn you get a Teemo and there's
7345s no answer coming in from this deck
7346s there's no way for you to answer this
7349s deck with a a little if I remember
7351s correctly yeah no there's no elusive
7355s yeah not much elusive counter except for
7357s the blocking Badger bear that's it
7359s so this is going to be you know uh
7363s one-sided at most You're Gonna Keep on
7365s taking the damage it's going to be
7367s coming in from alpha King but you're
7369s going to be pushing much more damage
7371s that he is uh dishing out then the alpha
7374s can dishing out so we might see another
7376s win for for a second right here yeah
7378s it's looking good right he got the curve
7380s he got the Tristana he got the mayor
7381s looking forward as well fish fight
7383s trying to just remove that want to just
7386s normal our cat for you and just removing
7388s one of your elusive unit and you know 42
7391s seconds just looking strong right he
7392s have they have that Teemo
7399s it's difficult to actually heat that
7401s right and you know just equipping Teemo
7404s with more damage potential
7406s and he's just going in for the swing
7408s again and again there's there's no way
7409s that Alpha King could remove the Teemo
7411s until the queen at turn five
7413s yeah that's right this is gonna be the
7415s Valor that's gonna be coming out at turn
7417s five and you know you the part of pain
7420s you add attack you add HP and you add
7424s impact I I believe I do believe it's one
7426s of the more powerful uh equipments right
7428s there and the defender is going to be
7429s coming out that this is going to be
7432s um quite a difficult uh unit to block
7434s especially since it has you know uh it
7437s has uh tough it has Scout it's just
7440s gonna keep on pushing and right now and
7443s the tenor of Terror looks like it might
7445s be the the choice here like it's you you
7448s have two units you have two units with
7450s impact and oh he goes in with the polo
7452s instead maybe a jump block yeah he needs
7455s to Defender as of right now right like
7457s even though this uh six three Scouts
7459s have have
7460s um tough but he have to block this
7462s damage because it's not this amount of
7464s damage it's just gonna be stacking up on
7465s him he's not gonna be taking what like
7467s nine or even 15 damage this turn and you
7471s know he have to stop blocking the the
7473s ranger Knight Defender if not it's too
7475s late for him
7477s yes it's right and now of course he's
7479s gonna go you're gonna be going for the
7480s favorable trade uh he's gonna go down to
7483s 12 and of course over there's gonna be a
7487s summon from that darkened weapon and I
7490s feel it's gonna be a flip coming in from
7493s the side of uh 42nd uh since there are
7496s no blockers wait I didn't see the draw
7499s oh okay it's not getting vegetable yeah
7504s it's not gonna be uh an unblocked Teemo
7507s man no
7510s no Tebow is so close to flipping yeah
7514s oh wait wait what
7517s oh he's lacking timogo okay all right
7522s why though okay yeah why though I feel
7525s like you know Alpha King is trying to
7527s remove Teemo the next turn but three
7529s damage coming in just from the Teemo is
7530s too much right and with the uh the war
7533s shaft and sorry the combat cook right
7536s you have to block with either the uh
7539s broad Wing or if The Defector and I
7542s don't think you want to block The
7543s Defector here and you're just basically
7545s wasting a broad Wing this might be a
7546s misplay coming in from alpha King yeah I
7548s was thinking that the badger bear would
7550s be a play right there because the the
7553s buff caps are not to be you know uh not
7557s to be trifled with like you don't
7558s underestimate the puff caps right there
7560s and he's gonna be putting in a vein
7562s where the tumble right there that might
7565s be a good uh a good tool oh especially
7569s uh oh man this is gonna be quite a show
7573s ouch you have a form up right there man
7577s this is painful right for a second half
7579s might have to block with the mayor yeah
7583s yeah it's either you take six then make
7585s sure you sacrifice your mayor of your
7587s town yeah he's taking six damage right
7589s here and he has to start playing
7591s um defensive units if not it's not going
7593s to be looking good for him upcycle Rick
7595s it looks good on the Teemo so but
7598s I'm just being greedy so
7602s okay okay I don't know how this is gonna
7606s go man like Alpha King is just going uh
7610s going straight at it like he has
7613s he has effective like a possible lethal
7616s if the if if 40 seconds doesn't block
7618s he's he's putting him in a quarter right
7620s uh 40 seconds now in a corner he needs
7624s to block with the units right like three
7627s units right there and of course a tumble
7629s may be used and instead of course he
7632s pulls out a Tristana
7634s oh man this is it's so close man it's so
7638s close uh what do you think uh moon boy
7640s which one of these will reveal
7643s I I think you know it's still pretty
7645s close as of right now right but Alpha
7647s King half that tumble so 42 seconds have
7650s to respect the tumble and The Defector
7652s right it tumbling The Defector on his
7656s um defense on Alpha King's defensive
7657s turn that allows a double Combat coming
7660s in from alpha King as well so you know
7662s four second might have to just remove
7665s this this scout unit if not it's going
7668s to be too late and instead you know he
7670s didn't go for the KO there uh it might
7673s look a little bit more concerning for
7675s for uh for for four seconds yeah yeah I
7679s mean
7680s um from what it looks like right now I
7682s feel if Alpha King didn't uh block the
7686s uh the the Teemo right there but still
7690s yeah it's still moving forward I still
7692s think the vein
7693s uh the vein play uh could have could
7696s still be played with the badger but I
7697s don't know but yeah I mean uh the fumble
7700s right there is gonna be putting some
7701s more attack tokens over at his side even
7704s though he recently lost his attack token
7706s so there's gonna be a free attack you
7708s know targeting that Defender with the
7710s tumble so this is gonna be good because
7713s you have a quick attack you have a scout
7715s and you have your uh you're tough right
7718s there so this is gonna be a no-brainer
7721s considering that the 40 second doesn't
7723s have any more Mana to play with yeah it
7725s forces for a second to actually uh block
7728s with the cook right and just take the
7730s Cook Out and uh four seconds it's gonna
7733s be start starting off the turn with the
7735s gunners yeah yeah so uh and another
7739s Tumble from the top deck for Alpha King
7740s and he could respond with a tumble
7742s himself to to have a a double attack
7746s distance also there's so much pressure
7748s coming in from four seconds and it's not
7750s gonna be looking easy for him to
7752s actually turn the tights around for this
7754s round this might be the final term of
7755s this game yes and this might be the turn
7758s the alpha King plays a blocking Badger
7760s bear there you go there we go there you
7763s go there's sharp sight in uh in uniform
7766s and you can see that the hungry owl cat
7769s is also going to be used in the pumping
7772s up the Tristana right there tumble is
7775s gonna be used towards that Defender and
7778s wow double attack token turn especially
7781s on 40 seconds turn but 42nd has a lot of
7784s damage that uh he has and vayne is gonna
7787s be propped as well oh my gosh look at
7790s that animation oh amazing now
7793s this attack Esports is basically forcing
7796s uh 40 seconds just okay where where are
7799s units I'm gonna be removing it yeah so
7801s this is basically removal right combat
7803s removal and and the the adventure night
7806s Defector is just so strong six damage
7808s and 42 seconds is only at six Health
7810s there's nothing much that he could do at
7812s this point in time but to go for the
7814s full swing and you know looking at at
7816s the um the the amount of damage that he
7820s could do this turn is only 7 damage
7822s based off impact and he might clear the
7825s board of alpha King as well so this
7827s might be a good back swing the 42 second
7829s is actually looking for and he have to
7831s do it quick yeah he has to do it really
7833s quick right now and there's going to be
7835s two units going to be taken out uh from
7838s that tumble like he's not really
7840s tumbling as at the moment and you're
7842s right like you're gonna be uh he's gonna
7844s be dealing seven effective damage with
7846s the impact only right and uh if he does
7850s attack with the Teemo it will be blocked
7853s by the badger bear here but there is
7855s still a form up to just go with the uh
7857s with the favorable trade I'm not sure if
7859s he's going to be using that as well uh
7860s but yeah just to keep just to make sure
7863s that the there's going to be extra
7865s damage oh wow he switches paper oh to
7868s another weapon instead okay that's okay
7870s that's not going in he's going in for
7873s the kill it's like I got a big Teemo
7875s what you gonna do and you know he's just
7877s going for the big swing securing six
7879s impact damage this turn forcing the
7881s badger badge to go for the block right
7883s and and removing it at the same time and
7885s you know taking out The Defector this
7887s turn is huge it's definitely huge for
7890s for uh for a second
7892s you have to block the Teemo yes he has
7895s to block the Teemo he's gonna be taking
7897s six damage so uh I'm I feel that 40
7900s seconds is gonna be he's saying like I I
7903s think I'm just gonna be using the weapon
7905s because I'm my Ace is gonna be up to up
7909s my sleeve I don't want my uh my form up
7911s there exposed and over at the side of
7915s alpha King he may put down a Quinn or
7918s maybe a flea Fender tracker first and
7920s then a Quinn and then just go ahead with
7923s the uh with the uh with the scouts right
7926s but over at the side of 42nd he still
7928s has some removable tools especially uh
7931s with that shot yeah I mean four seconds
7934s is just looking
7935s um comfortable as of right now right he
7937s got the group shot he could remove those
7939s challenges as well
7941s um he got the Gunner as an additional
7943s blocker he could even add more HP onto
7946s the chemo with the uh the impact weapon
7950s as well the pot right he got the form up
7952s he's just comfortable right here um he's
7954s pretty chill and Alpha King is the one
7956s that is behind he got two three weapons
7959s in his hand and you know he could
7961s actually turn the Hub to I don't think
7963s he can turn the Hub to anything uh the
7966s yeah to turn the weapon into a unit is
7968s just too expensive at this point in time
7970s and yeah it just you know hopefully for
7974s for two seconds actually played out and
7976s yeah oh he went
7979s yeah he goes in with that I think that's
7982s salami
7983s yeah right oh wow okay that's good uh
7988s that we're seeing right now and uh
7990s Solani uh is uh from the dark in uh the
7994s dark and blood letters like you get uh
7995s you have to kill an ally to summon this
7998s and uh it's already a 7-7 with overwhelm
8001s he wants that damage to come in and uh
8003s wants to go in with a tumble like okay
8006s so what are you gonna do like you want
8008s me to push this damage on to your face
8011s but you have to uh you have to sacrifice
8014s one of your units and over the next turn
8016s I feel uh that that uh Teemo is gonna be
8020s unblocked
8021s so for a second has a great chance of
8024s winning here
8025s so if you know this tombow is going to
8028s happen the docking Hub is going to be
8029s adding two more damage onto the zolani
8031s and that's 9-7 right and four second
8034s have no choice but to let the bundle
8036s Gunner go and take two damage and his
8039s key card is gonna be on that Teemo for
8041s sure
8042s that's right
8043s oh man
8045s this is gonna be uh uh quite a uh quite
8049s an answer
8050s uh coming in from alpha King he feels
8053s that okay I'm gonna be pushing this
8054s damage you have to sacrifice some of
8056s your units and he's gonna be doing that
8058s like um he's gonna be sacrificing uh
8061s Tristana he's gonna be sacrificing uh
8064s his uh very own uh big units right there
8066s over at this side free impact so this is
8070s you know getting a harp getting some
8072s quick attack
8073s he's gonna be pushing uh total effective
8076s damage of two right there and then
8078s afterwards if he does go with us uh with
8081s the the block with a
8083s oh man
8085s and if it does go with block with a
8087s there you go I was thinking like he
8089s needs to block with this he needs a
8091s block with uh with uh with the format
8094s because if he doesn't use it he's gonna
8096s get destroyed right
8098s it's basically it this is Shannon mode
8099s saying okay I'm done it's almost it's
8102s over
8105s no no oh no
8109s okay so the ducking Hub allows zolani to
8112s have that quick attack and to take out
8115s the the banner Gunner
8118s wait he could have blocked still
8121s right nine nine nine um quick attack
8124s damage onto The Gardener's nine health
8125s and that's not enough that's a one is to
8128s one three uh one is the one damage and
8130s the first strike take out the Gunner and
8132s the zulani survives okay okay okay so I
8135s was thinking like he could uh he could
8137s um
8139s uh block with the uh the Teemo
8142s the Timo got blocked right the team will
8144s come back
8147s oh yeah okay I was thinking like oh okay
8152s okay I was seeking for another uh that
8154s uh he wasn't uh he didn't have that
8156s equipment and he had this pot of pain
8158s okay so I wasn't looking at it quite uh
8161s clearly so that that just got me
8164s um you know with a doubt because look
8165s what's happening oh it's a ducking hop
8168s is the ducking hop that changed
8169s everything and that was a very good move
8171s coming in from alpha King just really
8173s unfortunate for four seconds like he got
8175s the win the next turn with the Teemo
8177s attack it's just that you know he can't
8179s get to the next turn then yeah that's
8182s right it's very unfortunate and then of
8184s course with the the quick attack uh from
8186s this uh on the Solani with the dark and
8188s harp as well with the overwhelm there's
8189s just so much damage is coming in and uh
8192s well amazing play uh for Alpha King 42nd
8196s great effort uh reaching top 32 and you
8199s know uh
8200s amazing effort like getting there and we
8203s can see the the the deck the Tristana
8206s deck can be defeated like especially
8208s with this uh this uh vein uh eight rocks
8212s wind Deck like you see the darkened deck
8215s uh stepping up especially when it counts
8218s and it's it's not overwhelming like the
8221s wind you even see them go up against
8223s each other with a six six Health do you
8226s see like both of them like going Toe to
8227s Toe like it all comes down to the cars
8229s it all comes down to holding out which
8231s cards you have up until the last moment
8234s and you know you know uh with that
8236s switch as well I was thinking maybe uh
8239s that last switch of 42nd with the
8241s equipment was kind of um you know on
8244s clutch right there uh but going back if
8247s he instead use the uh the form up to
8249s remove the badger bear you would still
8251s have no form up over at the next turn to
8254s use to block that uh Solani so still
8258s um still going to be the end game still
8260s going to be Alpha King uh moving forward
8262s yeah I mean overall you know like what
8264s you said it's a very smooth game both
8266s player played it to their best of
8267s ability this is a tournament this is
8269s single elimination right here one
8271s mistake and off you go and and you know
8273s I'm fortunate to see four two four two
8275s seconds actually leave the stage right
8277s here but he in fact did a very good job
8280s so big props to him and congratulations
8281s to Alpha King for moving straight right
8284s to the um top eight rounds so you know
8287s ladies and gentlemen do not go anywhere
8289s as we were going for a very short break
8291s as we will be back later on for More
8293s Action Moving Straight right to the top
8295s eight after this break my name is moon
8297s boy and this is Doug saucer and we will
8299s see you guys later on
8305s thank you
8309s [Music]
8326s [Music]
8337s [Music]
8349s thank you
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8369s [Music]
8387s [Music]
8396s thank you
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8420s foreign
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8468s we're strong
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8495s foreign
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8540s thank you
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8607s foreign
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8652s thank you
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8673s foreign
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8688s thank you
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8730s thank you
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8768s thank you
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8840s [Music]
8853s hey guys welcome back to the APAC worlds
8856s qualifier right here at the top 16 right
8859s now where you guys should share
8860s Excelsior pH with me is moon boy moon
8862s boy what was your favorite play over at
8865s the previous round
8867s my previous my best play is that six
8870s four six one Teemo right nothing nothing
8873s makes me happier than a huge Teemo but
8876s the best like the MVP play is definitely
8878s that tumble into the Hub onto that
8880s Solani to close off the game and that
8881s was a very close
8883s um best of three right there from that
8885s from those two players but ladies and
8886s gentlemen but we're moving straight
8888s right to the top 16 round right here and
8892s and you know this is getting tougher and
8894s tougher for every player and um you know
8897s it's just a gauntlet right now whoever
8898s and it's a single elimination one wrong
8900s move out you go and you know what what
8903s else is there to say but next up we have
8905s rostera going up against quad Hong B all
8908s the way from Vietnam and uh what do you
8910s think about this matchup you know I
8911s think about uh this matchup I haven't
8913s heard much about Quantum B but I have uh
8916s seen the diamond in the rough Terror
8919s right there and uh you can see that uh
8921s he is already uh been here over at uh
8924s ever since uh beta as well over creating
8927s some content and some guides and uh I've
8930s I've been personally held by the Guides
8932s of uh uh raft there right there and the
8934s Really uh great in terms of explanation
8937s in terms of Engagement with the
8938s community as well uh if I remember
8940s correctly he also casted uh some of our
8942s community tournaments as well so that's
8944s a good uh that we are having here having
8947s him here in the top 16. uh consistent
8951s placements as well like playoffs like I
8953s think a total of six or uh one two three
8956s four five at least so for raft area so
8959s it's already uh a good consistency from
8962s him but I want to see uh also from B I
8965s want to see what he's going to be
8966s bringing to the table considering it's
8967s very top 16 right yep I want to see what
8970s three decks each players is gonna be
8972s bringing right here so let's just take a
8974s look at the Decks that they are bringing
8975s and roughtera starting off with the
8977s Tristana Nar and uh Teemo followed up by
8980s a set comma and a Samira fist pretty
8983s straightforward kind of line up three
8984s good decks coming in for this tournament
8986s and what about quad Hong B Excel sword
8988s yeah it's gonna be a some mirror
8991s Pantheon this is
8992s and Teemo and the trio right here the
8996s Kaiser Garen and j4 deck now this is
8999s going to be a quite exciting both of
9001s them carrying the same uh Tristana deck
9004s and wrist on a variant like this channel
9007s variant but I want to see more of the
9011s karma set right here we haven't even
9013s casted a single Karma set deck today uh
9016s a blue boy so I want to see this happen
9018s as much as I want to see it happen I
9021s don't think it's going to be happening
9022s this round right like looking at quad
9024s zombies lineup like you don't really
9026s want to deal with Ionia yeah yeah the
9028s biggest weakness when it comes to units
9030s unit deck is Ionia and likely you know
9033s qualcombe is going to be banning the
9034s comma set and from rafera side I believe
9037s the band is definitely gonna be on the
9039s uh Pantheon cement us Samira so uh you
9043s know this way you don't really want to
9044s deal with the pantheon or there might be
9045s a possible ban on that the master attack
9048s as well so but instead of you know
9050s looking you know uh just predicting who
9052s what is going to get banned let's just
9054s take a look at the 40 cards for uh
9056s either one of the players
9058s and looking at the cards over right here
9061s from raft area over at the left at
9063s Tristana uh the Tristana Timo Nar deck
9066s and over at the mid you can see the
9069s karma Seth with a lot of removals over
9070s at the right you see the Samira slash
9074s Fizz now this is our like uh the usual
9077s air the usual decks you see but uh I I
9080s do agree with you man like the mids is a
9082s lot of removals that you can use uh just
9084s to make sure that you get to the point
9086s uh we're in um Karma will be double
9089s crocking some spells yeah right that's
9091s going to be the obvious Target and in
9093s terms of the uh in terms of the
9095s familiarity like uh the Tristana will be
9099s more familiar to you so it's unknown uh
9102s it's a known how do you say it's a known
9104s enemy to you so if you know it uh like a
9107s front front to back you will probably
9109s have a chance to like counter it with
9112s your very own deck so yeah yeah I mean I
9114s feel like you're right it might be the
9116s karma set that will be bad here for from
9118s raptor parasite
9119s yeah for sure let's just take a look at
9121s what quad Hong b 40 for uh you know Dex
9124s is actually made of the deck list of the
9126s three cards that they have and you know
9128s taking a look at it is fairly similar
9130s for the Tristana deck right but however
9133s you know the pantheon deck is something
9135s that we have yet to see in being played
9136s so far and as we said previously the
9139s flare coming in from Samira is going to
9141s be triggering those faded keywords
9143s pretty often in this deck
9145s here we are this is going to be quite
9147s exciting now for uh this match between
9150s Ralph Tara and guadal B and you know uh
9153s I'm I feel I want to see again the j4
9156s deck uh I'll go against the uh the go
9159s against the Tristana deck so if he does
9163s keep that up uh if it's not bad by uh by
9168s raft era it's gonna be uh steamrolling
9170s him in that matchup so I feel that
9173s that's the one that's gonna be like a
9175s bad but over as you said a while ago
9177s Samira Pantheon can also be bad because
9180s in terms of power it can also uh go in
9183s and go ahead to head against these units
9185s and just uh keep on uh piling up the
9188s power as well so uh The Faded mechanic
9192s just keeps on it's just a gift that
9194s keeps on giving right uh even though you
9196s don't have a lot of units you have a lot
9198s of uh the big units that you can develop
9200s down the line uh with uh this deck so I
9203s mean uh two Targets
9207s this is a good strategy like if you want
9211s to go into a matchup as much as possible
9213s you would want to have like three
9215s targets
9216s right that's like you want to have to
9219s your uh your opponent to keep on
9221s guessing like these these all three are
9225s good like I I don't have anything to
9227s counter but that's not how our Pros work
9229s like they they do find a way to find a
9232s counter for each one of these like some
9234s there might be some text like a single
9237s card text that may uh push them over uh
9240s into winning
9243s yep for sure I believe the bands are in
9245s let's just take a look at which decks
9246s are banned
9248s and oh both the mirror deck is being
9251s bent out right there so we are gonna be
9253s seeing our Karma set in action for this
9256s round hopefully hopefully you get to see
9257s the comments at this round and it likely
9259s is going to be doing a lot of you know
9261s it's going to be working really well
9263s against the the master deck but I don't
9265s think it's gonna be working as well
9266s against the Tristana attack what do you
9268s think yeah yeah I feel I feel I feel the
9271s same way man like I feel Quantum V is
9273s going to go straight with the with the
9275s j4 deck uh from the get-go like I mean
9278s he feels that uh it's going to be the
9281s the Tristana deck is going to be started
9282s on like Karma set is um you know kind of
9286s a bit slow like it's a control like at
9289s the utmost that you would want to get to
9291s that point where you would steamroll
9293s your opponent like you would topple the
9295s uh your opponent but um I feel if it
9299s does go to Karma uh sorry Karma set
9302s versus uh Garen j4 and Kaiser I'm not
9306s sure about how that matchup is of a goal
9309s uh what do you think man yeah I'm I'm
9311s looking up at some stats right now right
9313s uh for comma set going up against
9315s Tristana it's about 34.86 win rate and
9320s that's like you know not good for a
9322s common set and against the Kaiser Garen
9325s is 34.8 as well so overall right it
9329s seems like the weakest deck in this out
9331s of this four deck is indeed the karma
9333s set and you know roughtera being a
9335s calculated person that he is is he going
9338s to be going into this matchup with the
9340s weakest deck first and get it out of the
9342s way
9342s or is he gonna be you know try to
9345s struggle a little bit and and you know
9346s finish it off with become a set so I'm
9349s not very sure how how what kind of game
9351s plan is Rock they're actually thinking
9352s and and and you know I I personally will
9356s start with the comma set yeah personally
9359s I would start with the karma set because
9360s I'm thinking okay I'm I possibly wanna
9363s get this out of the way yep and um I'm
9366s gonna be trying out with uh my most uh
9369s with my with my most you know coating
9372s code uh Power leg in terms of the uh The
9374s Meta or uh in terms of the the usability
9377s uh so
9379s um yeah I want to see this happen
9382s um especially with the first text for
9383s Quantum V still
9385s uh both of them will possibly go
9387s straight into uh j4 versus Karma said I
9391s wanna I wanna see it man like if they're
9393s already starting
9397s yep as you know the uh back end team is
9400s actually waiting for the game to get
9402s ready uh I I really want to see an
9404s opening round of the martial going up
9405s against Ionia right like this two
9408s regions literally
9409s um don't fit well with each other all
9411s the time it's always the either or and
9415s uh it's always a good clash and good
9417s matchup coming in to see these two uh
9419s region clashes especially in a
9420s tournament like this yes and then yeah I
9423s want to see like uh that tournament uh
9425s sorry red that match up happened and uh
9429s considering that uh like you've seen
9430s like uh the mafia be more unit driven
9434s and uh Ionia
9436s um not so unit driven like more reactive
9439s pieces and uh that's a that's like a
9441s huge setup waiting to happen like down
9443s the line you would want to to see that
9445s happen like as a spectator or a
9447s spectator I would want to see that
9448s happen as a Caster I would like to see I
9451s would like to talk about it happen as it
9454s happens like this is going to be such a
9456s show get getting like getting two eggs
9459s of the Spells you're going to be using
9461s that's uh that's a huge reward for you
9463s as a Karma set user like uh over at side
9466s of uh over at the side of the the j4
9470s deck getting the getting to put out j4
9472s asset like uh asset uh as you attack
9475s like try to Target and get the dominant
9478s dominate your opponent as you attack and
9481s just go on with that favorable trade
9482s that's also one thing to look out for so
9485s many I mean this is going to be uh quite
9487s exciting top 16 man these guys have both
9491s beat two guys in front of them and uh
9494s looking at the bracket I I see raptora
9497s uh beat out uh Falcon o12 and Vinnie and
9501s Quantum B beat outcome dong and uh
9504s Finance so now the game is starting
9506s let's get into the action
9509s so off we go ladies and gentlemen Hong B
9512s starting the game off with the Bando CD
9515s deck and it's gonna be Chris Stana as
9517s rough there is starting off with the
9519s karma set like yes that's what we said
9521s right get the weakest deck out of the
9522s way and that's what exactly rothera did
9525s and he have to start finding his early
9527s pieces things like you know Mystic shot
9529s high note uh Aftershock these are great
9532s pieces to remove key targets especially
9534s cards like Nar Teemo and Tristana
9538s there you go as you were talking about
9540s missing shot missing shot appears at
9543s third the Mulligan and now of course we
9545s see a coin uh that made that maybe uh
9548s used down the line right so that your
9551s favorite card is gonna be used right now
9553s move boy so we're gonna see that happen
9555s but of course I I I think a favorite is
9559s that a group shot that he picked
9561s oh yeah yeah okay fighters fighters okay
9563s yep a pie toss immediately taking out
9566s the acorn you know so not allowing
9567s roughterra to get any form of value you
9570s know the acorn is going to be
9571s discounting one card if it actually hits
9573s the Nexus and you know there's so much
9575s defensive cut that roughtera is actually
9577s holding right now and it's it's just
9579s looking good for him right he could just
9581s you know two he has four points of
9583s damage with with the high note and the
9584s Mystic shot he got six points of damage
9586s with the hex uh hex Liberator as well
9589s and that could fire off as soon as turn
9591s number four that's right and now if
9594s you're on ref theory side you won't even
9595s have to uh put down any units or uh
9598s uh as at the moment like you can just
9600s hold it off like save your mana and
9603s consider that he doesn't have any units
9605s to play with
9606s um he may still use a
9609s um a basic shot but he uh he chooses not
9613s to so maybe he has another planet head
9616s save it for uh elusives and now of
9618s course big professional is going to be
9619s put down with the coin there you go coin
9622s is going to be there and basic shot will
9624s probably go in to the Elusive and just
9627s prevent any um how they say this any a
9630s hungry owl cat Shenanigans coming out
9633s yup take the Commando out there's no
9636s Commando action coming in for court home
9638s B and just removing the ball completely
9640s against him and right here you know
9642s roughtera is comfortable right he got
9644s the ball he got a good open attack just
9645s do three damage to his to his Nexus and
9648s he could even heal up with the
9650s mixologist as well so you know and rough
9653s there is just going to be stalling right
9654s he got the units to block he got the
9656s healing going on as well he got the
9658s damage to remove he got the spells to
9659s remove the units from quad Hong B and
9662s the only thing that he have to be a
9663s little bit more worried about is that
9665s Mar or tristata because those three
9667s Health at the number of three health is
9670s a little bit off what roughtera is
9671s having in his hand right now
9673s yeah it's it's neat like a a
9676s um a good turn that's because mixologist
9679s right there and you put a good point
9680s like the Gnar is one unit that uh he
9683s will not be able to take care of and
9685s look at that block
9687s why though
9690s the second one okay second one okay all
9693s right all right I think that's uh that's
9695s this is disposable now right there uh he
9697s wanted just to get that uh that uh sorry
9700s that Pokey stick uh uh from that attack
9704s so yeah that's a that's a good trade I
9708s don't know man
9709s I mean you know roughtera could just
9712s take these three damage right there's no
9713s point blocking this now you know that
9715s there's a pokest thing in hand this
9716s block is definitely not going to go
9717s through and you know just take the three
9719s he'll heal it back up with mixologist
9721s lodges right play the set the next turn
9723s and take the knot out
9726s that's right yeah that's that's a
9728s possible way but the thing is that Nar
9730s is going to be leveling up if you know
9732s this if he actually deals one damage to
9734s to uh roughtera's uh Nexus so he got to
9737s be a little bit more calculative when it
9738s comes to that as well that's right and
9740s he didn't want to make that happen
9741s because of course he would also get the
9744s value from that mixologist uh putting in
9746s one coin and healing the uh the Nexus up
9750s to three up by three so you know this is
9752s like an upgraded version of our
9754s bartender before right yeah the three
9756s three uh with the just heals but now
9758s it's a three four and it also adds a
9761s coin there you go and the Gnar is going
9763s to be flipping into meganar and uh it's
9766s going to have five five a quick attack
9768s and overwhelm now this is oh look at
9772s that a set has been put down by a RAV
9774s Terra
9776s no that attack or the the
9779s uh the possible attack here coming from
9781s uh B is to just go on and uh use that um
9786s vulnerable mixologist and just use it as
9789s uh a human shield right you see you
9792s would want that to get out of get it out
9794s of the way as it is possible yep but
9796s however playing the set discern is a
9799s little bit
9800s um you know crashed and like you know it
9802s I don't think it's gonna be targeting
9804s the Dodge
9805s right the set is definitely going to be
9807s aiming for anything else yes it's going
9809s for the mayor right here and he could
9811s even go for a high note onto the dinar
9814s to actually take him out and this is
9816s where the puzzling signpost might be the
9819s crucial card for Quantum B to do it but
9820s instead playing the Tristana this turn
9822s and I believe this is going to be a KO
9824s on to that um that Gnar that is eyeing
9828s for yeah oh man enough there are just
9832s wants to uh make sure that that uh that
9835s Gnar is gonna be taken down and no no
9838s that's a good uh good uh challenge
9840s playing with uh the mayor uh being taken
9842s down because the mayor if you keep the
9844s mayor up it's going to be quite a
9847s problem right
9848s um and uh it's just gonna keep on
9851s turning out value of course with the the
9854s first multi-region unit uh playing uh
9857s you play gets across one less that
9858s Tristana is gonna be flipped oh man look
9862s at this
9863s a lot of damage coming in from the side
9866s of a Quantum B but still not a dead or
9870s not a how do you say it's not a dead end
9872s for a raft era as he still has some
9874s units to uh to block it with and he is
9877s and like three turns from his
9880s enlightened position up high note on to
9883s the Gnar trying to take him out and be
9886s allowed it to happen and it seems like
9889s you know we know what roughtera is
9890s trying to do right the hex The Liberator
9892s is definitely going to be going into
9893s that Tristana to check him out and Hua
9897s zombies saving it that that puzzling
9899s signpost is a big piece that he's trying
9902s to save
9904s just right like um he's uh gonna be
9906s using the hexag obliterator and this is
9908s going to be
9909s um a good play and disciples look at
9913s that it's gonna be bringing it back oh
9915s point oh there's gonna be an answer
9918s back as well oh wow amazing amazing coin
9925s tag out bringing the set back into his
9927s hand getting himself another coin and
9929s the set could still remove the Tristana
9931s the next turn he still gets the hex The
9933s Liberator back in his hand as well so
9935s it's still looking pretty comfortable
9936s for referral right he could still remove
9938s the tree starter with the set he could
9940s just hack celebrated it as well formula
9942s coming in yeah so that that's just value
9945s when it comes to uh everything and it's
9948s just drawing closer and closer into the
9950s comma that he needs at turn number 10
9951s and if that happens you know it's just
9954s gonna be steam rolling into Quantum B
9956s until he runs out of gas
9958s that's right that's right and now you
9959s can see uh the tenor of a terror being
9962s summoned on the side of quantum B and uh
9964s that's right you can see you can
9966s challenge uh Proctor can definitely
9968s challenge the Tristana uh from the
9970s get-go but the oh what is he doing he's
9972s gonna be uh using an augmented clock
9975s wing oh let's see what he is going to be
9978s picking from this lot I'm thinking
9983s place your pets yeah definitely place
9986s your bets and he gets to oh man this is
9990s a very timely proc for a set set is
9993s gonna be attacking and it's not gonna be
9995s oh getting any damage oh and he gets
9998s that set from the draw amazing pick
10002s right there like we were thinking of
10004s something else but he goes in instead
10006s with a facebreaker
10007s a face breaker I believe you know it's
10011s crucial right it's crucial that you know
10013s what he could do with the facebreaker as
10014s well and instead of challenging the
10017s chistana he's going for the battle
10018s Gunner and this way you know that
10020s Tristana is still vulnerable to The hexa
10022s Liberator so
10024s um that's a really good calculator to
10025s play coming in from roughtera that's
10027s right and uh you know it just came back
10030s a while ago but it's gonna be also
10032s important for uh referral to just keep
10035s on removing the key units like the units
10038s with impact right that's important and
10040s now uh he went out right it used to be a
10044s total of 11 impact damage he's now down
10047s to eight and look at that targeted
10050s attack coming in from he needs to remove
10053s uh one more unit that will possibly ball
10056s him over the next year this just says
10058s okay next turn I'm going to be opening
10060s attack that's it and uh before you even
10063s reach enlightened the position
10065s uh yeah I I believe this king's court
10068s coming in from God help me right three
10070s men are open and you know price fight
10073s coming off the top as well so this is
10074s going to be easy to remove the set phase
10077s breaker could go and and just you know
10079s um stun two units and not allowing them
10080s to attack this turn and set could still
10083s you know potentially block something in
10086s return that's right I mean the open
10089s attack was a missed opportunity from the
10091s side of what don't be like he could have
10093s got in and attacked and uh we're gonna
10095s face unblockable damage uh with the
10099s three units like imagine if the 12-4 was
10102s blocked two four uh two four eight eight
10106s the damage is going to go in seven
10107s damage is gonna be a seven health for
10109s the Nexus is going to be uh possible
10111s place you can put down the uh maybe the
10115s the ship and then go in with the prize
10117s fight right so that would be also uh a
10120s play but yeah he goes in and no there is
10124s no no no play coming in from ref Tara oh
10128s there you go there's the obliterate okay
10131s but yeah I think um there's gonna be a
10135s prize fight that's gonna be coming in
10138s well I think like you know hacks other
10141s like hacks Liberator taking out the
10143s Tristana that's gonna be easy but I I
10146s think he should have stunned it right he
10148s should have used Breakers stunned two
10149s things and now it's not looking great
10151s for for after the the price fight is
10154s definitely gonna be looking like you
10155s know doing good for him formula coming
10158s in after shot into another formula is
10160s not looking good and hacks a liberator
10162s immediately going straight right to the
10164s Tristana and this is a huge amount of
10167s damage coming in two four eight eight
10169s plus four and that's what 12.
10172s and with this price fight
10176s oh yeah it's gonna be definitely a
10179s little right there oh my gosh man
10182s one two three two four and that's gonna
10186s be it that is the play of bottom behind
10190s game I do agree with you man like the
10193s face the Smasher like the face uh sorry
10196s face breaker yeah yeah I wanted to call
10198s this face Master but it looks like a
10200s smashed face but the brain it looks like
10202s a broken face instead like it could have
10204s stunned and created uh and created a
10208s more controllable play like stun two big
10211s units and that's gonna be it like uh
10213s that's gonna be your you know your
10215s answer right there to prevent uh extra
10217s damage from coming in so well
10220s um getting one point over at uh raft
10224s there right there and uh let's see um oh
10228s he raptor is going to be using the same
10230s deck uh over its next match
10232s yep I I think that's that's okay right I
10235s believe the deck that was banned was
10236s actually the master deck and uh right
10239s here we have like me to be facing the
10240s pantheon Samira and uh yeah you know
10244s keeping this hand you know just taking
10246s out the clock Wing save like take out
10248s the tag out have the set in hand and I
10250s think he's set and ready to go
10253s that's right Mystic shot
10257s so now of course uh oh okay so we're now
10262s gonna be having uh
10264s it's now fated right there The Saga
10266s Seeker is gonna be uh one of the years
10269s that you would want to develop as soon
10270s as possible but of course don't be
10272s already leading with one point another
10275s Saga Seeker may be put down but of
10277s course you have some equipment that can
10279s power up and that's gonna be the dark
10281s one of the darker equipments making it
10282s three three so still um if you keep on
10286s putting up uh making the the units
10289s bigger they would be outside of uh
10291s removal range so I feel that this will
10294s be a good block and Mystic shot I feel
10298s like Quantum we should have uh should
10300s have waited it out right
10302s it looks like a good attack right like
10304s at the same time it feels like you know
10306s he's betting on uh roughterra not uh
10310s it's actually not going to be
10311s sacrificing the a call but roughtera
10313s though having three mixologists in his
10314s head
10315s um you know he might have reconsidered
10317s should I have taken that tree damage
10319s there and then like is that is that a
10321s better answer
10322s yeah I mean I feel like um it could he
10326s could have gone into value from the the
10327s acorn right there but not black but not
10329s blocking with it
10334s is just to keep on removing the units
10338s right because he knows that they get big
10340s enough for I get to get the gate they
10342s get too big it will not be possible for
10345s him to just you know uh keep on blocking
10347s like they're just gonna keep on
10349s Surviving and then more units are gonna
10351s be coming and it's gonna be over uh he's
10353s gonna be overwhelmed
10355s uh and and something interesting that I
10357s know that rafter is trying to do is just
10359s limit quad Hong based unit right well
10361s just not allowing it to get as much
10363s faded uh trigger as much as possible and
10366s you know four Mana is gonna be a
10368s mixologist coming in getting himself a
10369s coin his head is not looking the best
10371s not much control option all he have is
10373s just coin generators at this point in
10376s time and uh he just have to survive you
10378s just have to survive a little bit longer
10379s try to find his set try to find um those
10382s removal pieces and try a way to deal
10383s with the uh Pantheon as soon as it lands
10387s right that's right now of course uh the
10390s the mixologist bringing them up to 19 is
10393s going to be a drawn out set but uh I
10396s don't think that the rotary is going to
10398s be using that as the moment maybe uh go
10402s on with the clock link there you go it
10404s goes on without the blockling he's gonna
10406s be
10407s yeah looks like the best one right here
10409s yeah getting a discount of that as well
10412s so that's pretty
10414s um you know valuable right like you you
10416s can't take them to account with three in
10417s Bedard palm and the pantheon immediately
10420s coming straight right down from B and
10422s yeah so The Penton is definitely gonna
10423s be the key Target that he wants to take
10425s up as fast as possible because once that
10427s Pantheon flips
10428s it's it's muscle man for days man
10431s yeah that's it Pantheon is right there
10435s is nearing a flipping condition and now
10439s um we can see Karma also being drawn out
10442s but of course let's not take out the
10443s fact that uh there are some answers
10445s maybe coming oh Yola with the spell
10448s shield so that's not gonna be stopped
10450s anytime soon all right
10452s look at that that's probably one of the
10454s best flip animations uh that I have seen
10457s man like uh but uh it doesn't make sense
10459s to how he got there
10461s so uh are you uh putting in the
10465s important pieces and look at that oh let
10468s me break it down for you man overwhelmed
10470s spell shield augment man there's a lot
10475s man there's a lot men oh man
10478s the amount of icons on top of like a
10482s Pantheon right now yeah it's just
10484s showing how many packs you have on his
10486s stomach it's like I'm Macho and like
10488s these are my muscles
10489s I'm gonna punch you with like tons of
10492s keywords what you gonna do friend yes
10496s it's like saying uh no this is
10500s macho Macho Man
10502s and look at this he's powering up also
10505s Eula right there like the four one not
10508s gonna be blocked anytime soon so this is
10510s how this is why
10512s um you saw raft there a while ago just
10514s remove as many use it as he can because
10517s he knows down the line he won't be able
10519s to remove that uh that uh big Pantheon
10522s right there especially uh imagine one of
10525s the units getting pumped up or getting
10527s uh powered up or protected by Yuna right
10530s so this is what he was afraid of uh and
10534s uh he won't be able to stop them anytime
10536s soon he will just keep on using the
10539s mixologist getting the coin and hoping
10542s that he will be able to reach turn 10 to
10545s the move forward with the shenanigans
10547s yeah I just have to survive just have to
10549s survive to turn 10 and hopefully the
10552s place your bets will find him something
10554s else of use that he's looking for but he
10557s have to stop this Pantheon right seven
10559s six is too much there's a reason why
10561s every single person don't want to deal
10563s with Pantheon deck irregardless of how
10565s Nerf or how buffed he is at any point in
10568s time this muscle man has all will always
10570s show his muscle at the right time and
10572s and it's just it's just scary
10574s yeah super scary like all of those
10577s keywords man oh man and also putting
10580s another gem like
10582s man
10583s I'm not all um like not a fan of putting
10588s all your eggs or all your eggs in one
10590s basket but in this case uh if the basket
10593s is Pantheon why not right
10597s he is well protected he is well
10599s protected right here
10601s um and um the way that um that the right
10605s there this is that if he does use a uh a
10609s concussion pump and a hex biterator that
10611s will be it he has nine exact Mana to
10613s make that happen yeah but harazi coming
10616s in and that's just you know not looking
10619s great for for rough Terror anymore
10622s um but this is a good swing right this
10624s is a very good swing coming in for Quad
10625s Hong B that's what you say the
10627s conclusive Palm into a tag out uh five
10629s meta tag out right could bounce
10631s depending on back up but that also means
10633s the pantheon gets a reset so is that
10635s what you're looking for
10637s oh man let's see oh
10641s oh man
10644s this is gonna it's gonna it's not gonna
10645s be the play or like yeah
10648s that's right I was thinking about
10650s explanator a while ago if it was six but
10654s you know
10655s no it's not gonna happen thank God this
10657s is gonna be the play right there but
10659s there's still gonna be a lot of units
10661s and it's gonna be just a recycle of what
10664s uh Banton is gonna get right you're
10666s gonna be getting another set of um you
10669s know uh another set of uh keywords but
10672s he went for another way so okay so that
10676s bad thing is just gonna be stunned still
10677s a lot of uh damage is gonna be coming in
10679s seven eight twelve sixteen all right
10682s seven oh wait sorry I forgot the uh the
10686s effect
10688s man okay okay so it's gonna be coming in
10692s six damage maybe the the best force of
10694s action here
10697s well I think you have to start to plan a
10699s plot right how to do as much damage onto
10702s the Horizon right just do three damage
10704s two the seven sevens and just remove the
10707s four one
10708s yeah all righty with uh the uh coming in
10713s from the dark and lodestone it was a
10715s very good play right there yeah that's
10717s why the um
10719s um the darkened weapons uh were are also
10723s useful because sometimes you can use
10725s them as a weapon sometimes you can use
10726s them as like you know as units yeah
10728s right
10729s that they're just flexible that way but
10731s it's not doesn't come with a Cause right
10733s because these units are expensive AF man
10736s like you get like uh nine cars you get
10739s an eight costs you get a five cost like
10742s um but also you can make that happen as
10744s well uh you get the value as well just
10747s with uh with the darking weapons so uh
10750s amazing that we get to see uh draft era
10753s get up to a total uh I'll get to a
10756s enlightened position
10762s he's got a flip you gotta hack the
10764s Liberator for 12. you got a cosmet uh
10766s The Reef for two right you got you got
10769s blockers you got another Karma to to
10770s support this camera if it ever goes down
10772s coin coming in as well and a set
10776s leveling up this turn it seems like
10778s right here roughtera is not dropping any
10780s sweat it's just gonna be going in strong
10782s and try to remove the Horizon out of the
10784s board this turn and and just limit what
10787s we could do
10789s yes and now of course uh Quantum B is
10791s thinking okay I might need to uh pump up
10794s this Horizon up to uh with uh outside of
10799s range right and he's going to be using
10800s the field Cascade to draw out some more
10803s cards but no it's not going to be
10805s helping him so this is gonna be uh a a a
10809s possible attack right because of the set
10811s coming down it's gonna be a free trade
10814s and I'm just gonna put on some more like
10818s it's gonna put on some more turns for
10820s raft era because what you're actually
10823s looking at is the show stopper right
10825s yeah show stopper I think why is it not
10828s going on to the panther yeah it should
10829s be going on to the pantheon just
10831s obliterate it do one to everything else
10833s and and he could still have a good
10835s opening at the seventh four instead of
10837s the harassi and and yeah it's it's solid
10840s at this point in time
10843s that you need
10845s show stopper like it goes to it on with
10849s the with the name right like the the
10851s show is literally stopped with this turn
10854s like you get to obliterate One champion
10857s and just deal a lot of damage like one
10860s uh a lot of damage over at the board
10862s with with the one damage for the other
10866s units that's race cars just got
10868s decimated right there man and yeah good
10871s place Droid
10876s just putting the harassi down to seven
10879s one so that you know whatever he
10880s supports is going to be bringing like
10882s it's going to be transformed to a seven
10883s one and and you know it might be a
10885s compor coming in kempor coming in for uh
10888s Hong B yeah with spell shoe as well but
10891s you know roughtera have the answer he
10893s got that uh those spells that is
10895s required to to close off this game and
10897s he's comfortable he's just you know
10898s close to
10900s um closing this game off the next few
10902s turns it might be Checkmate right here
10904s right that's right and then you know
10906s I've seen like um I've seen some units
10909s like before I it's it she who wonders
10912s yeah like I have that uh like a semi
10916s Champion animation camper the doubt
10918s seems to be uh another one that uh has
10922s been given some more love right and uh
10925s as we can see right here uh we are
10927s getting uh uh we're getting to that
10929s Tipping Point between these two so like
10931s one more turn it's gonna be it like
10934s we're we are seeing raptura remove as
10937s many units as he can during this turn
10940s there's gonna be uh some development as
10942s well into the weapon or camphor just
10945s removing that uh just removing that uh
10949s spell shield over at this side and now
10952s here we go a flip Karma this is not one
10955s you would like would want to see
10961s right so at this point in time any point
10963s of spell shoe any point of counter spell
10965s is not gonna be uh super effective
10967s especially when the karma is level up
10969s everything is going to be doubled at
10971s this point in time hexa Liberator he's
10972s gonna be dealing 12. concussive Palm
10974s it's gonna be starting you twice and
10976s creating two more units so it's like you
10979s know as long as the karma is flipped
10980s right there's nothing much that your
10983s opponent could do because it's just
10984s one-sided at this point in time you have
10986s to remove the karma fast but it's not
10988s gonna be easy task
10989s right you have to remove it as soon as
10992s possible and from what it looks like
10994s there may be uh there is the attack from
10997s what don't be just keeps on developing
10999s that camphor uh but he doesn't know what
11002s hap what is coming down from the side of
11006s rapera he has the hex biterator he has
11010s the choice of putting down that
11012s concussive bomb with 10 Mana to work
11014s with he will also summon two more three
11017s twos right there so this is gonna be uh
11020s wow it's all coming downhill right now
11024s for Quantum B because you know raft era
11027s has the choices has all the ingredients
11031s and there you go that's a surrender like
11034s that is the surrender that we were
11037s expecting especially when uh when ref
11041s Terrace armor flips you know
11043s sit yeah and you know it all pays it all
11046s pays out like we saw after remove one of
11049s them one by one it looked kind of fun
11051s you know iffy in a sense but it made
11054s sense if the Saga Seeker keeps on
11055s Surviving and keeps on getting pumped up
11057s it will not be a good uh it will not be
11060s the same story because he would just get
11062s steamrolled right there and then I mean
11064s Karma said it's kind of a Checkmate that
11066s you don't really want to spend too much
11067s time on it you know that you got a clock
11069s running and you don't really want to you
11071s know get time out especially in the
11073s situation like this so just you know
11076s Quantum B acknowledges with that and and
11078s just you know scoop it up go next and
11080s and hopefully the next round will be
11082s better because right here uh the Teemo
11084s deck is not the Tristana deck is not
11086s looking great against a phantom deck
11088s like that especially with big overwhelms
11090s units that quad home we have
11092s right and now going at uh this uh next
11096s round you know we can see some trades
11098s and possible trades between these two uh
11101s considering that the
11103s um the the the units of a Quantum B will
11106s be most most likely bigger than the
11109s units of roughtera and goes on with the
11110s Saga Seeker first and you have to
11112s develop that um as soon as possible turn
11115s to Rav Terra can uh put on put down a
11118s bundle uh Commando just to bring out
11121s another uh and hungry alcat like this is
11124s though when he's gonna be starting to
11125s develop uh his uh board like uh getting
11128s it wider but at the same time roughtera
11130s have to be a little bit more wary of
11132s those fated counters right because right
11134s here quad zombie is just starting to get
11136s those pieces ready and you have to
11138s remove that sagasika as fast as possible
11141s because you know it's definitely going
11143s to be you know putting a gem onto it as
11145s well so Samira coming in flare you know
11147s it's gonna be allowing that one one to
11149s be a 2-2 and just remove that Commando
11152s as like you know immediately so but
11154s however the heavy metal is a good piece
11157s that he is looking for to remove that
11158s Samira if he ever chooses to
11160s that's right that's a good choice like
11162s if you want to remove us a mirror the
11164s heavy metal would be the good option and
11167s of course you put in a good point the
11168s flare you can give Challenger to The
11170s Saga Seeker right there just to destroy
11172s that battle City Commando then prevent
11174s it from putting more uh more uh hungry
11178s owl cats right there and he does he's
11181s gonna be putting it down but it puts it
11184s in a Range where you you wouldn't want
11186s it to be right it's with with one man
11189s one Health it there's a lot of options
11191s for uh for ref Terra to remove it down
11193s the line there you go I'm saying it
11196s pythos yeah Python's going straight
11199s right to the uh Saga Seeker but I
11202s believe the pill Cascade is going to be
11203s you know or you know this got in touch
11205s will be able to give it back up and it's
11207s not going to be going down anytime soon
11209s and
11210s um roughtera actually have what two hour
11212s cats and one a Seedling and and you know
11215s that's gonna be buffing together with
11216s the grandfather Faye as well so
11218s granddaddy has his baby you know baby
11220s face a well in check and everyone is
11223s ready to get buffed and going for a big
11225s swing like they're getting uh their
11228s gifts of extra attack early even though
11231s it's not Christmas uh moon boy and this
11234s grandfather is a very giving right there
11237s in that sense right
11239s but uh still in uh in the gameplay we
11241s are looking at reftera try to develop
11243s his uh his board he's already up to
11246s three going back and forth but that's
11249s Saga Seeker just keeps on Surviving
11251s right he like uh he went down to one uh
11255s guy in touch just to make it just to
11257s heal it back and you can still just you
11259s know you can see the commitment towards
11262s these fated units because these are your
11264s uh your your your your soldiers so to
11267s speak like you have to keep them healthy
11270s you keep pumping them up and there's no
11273s way for your opponents to just remove
11274s them except for one cause one attack
11276s spells and this
11278s this looks like a a possible
11281s vulnerability
11282s but this also tells uh raftera that oh
11285s possibly he has one more card to pump up
11288s the uh The Saga Seeker to just make it
11290s survive like he's not gonna be doing
11292s this without without any uh plan inside
11296s for sure right and and at turn five and
11299s at the temple that quad home B is going
11301s it's pretty slow and and if rather could
11304s spot that out uh he could take advantage
11306s of that right he got the units in hand
11307s he got the eye of nagaka borrows for
11309s more draw power to actually Source
11310s himself more options moving forward also
11313s and he if he can take advantage of this
11316s right roughtera this is the opening that
11318s roughtera needs to actually
11320s um you know be faster be ahead of guatem
11322s Bio Naga was coming and drawing him two
11324s cards getting him two spawn as well
11325s Kings and that's a that that's a big one
11328s coming in like you know the the big boat
11330s that he is looking out for and and that
11333s might change uh coming in turn number
11335s seven
11336s no I'm thinking right now how many boats
11338s do we have in uh we have the king's
11341s court we have
11343s um we have the Leviathan
11346s um what else can you name some I was
11348s thinking like protect the uh there's the
11352s MF boat as well
11355s like uh you know this is uh I'm just
11358s thinking outside what other ships are
11360s already in uh Rune Terror right now
11362s because it's uh one of the uh one of the
11366s solid forces that they made use but of
11368s course there's gonna be on uh a Commando
11371s getting that attack and it's gonna be
11373s countered out
11375s by quad on me so this he knows that he
11378s has to remove these uh these units
11381s because uh they're these unit generating
11383s units are uh really uh you know really
11386s pesky if you don't remove them as soon
11389s as possible yep you're those yodels
11391s being what they are they are really
11392s pesky they come in swamps and just
11394s removing the command or just removing
11396s all this
11397s a little coming in that roughtera is
11399s going to have but the battle city mayor
11400s that's gonna bring him more dividends
11402s moving forward drag grandfather face
11403s good wandering shoes uh shoe Bearer is
11406s good as well but more grandfather Fame
11408s means more buff our cats moving forward
11410s and you know rough Terrace spotted it
11413s and it's just going in for this player
11414s and it's looking good Quantum B no
11416s Champion inside not much thing in his
11418s hand his hand looked pretty clunky as of
11420s right now
11421s um but after I have to capitalize right
11423s here
11425s will have to capitalize over at this
11429s tournament look at this Saga Seeker it's
11432s just key it just keeps on pumping up
11434s right the health
11436s um is you know very healthy Saga Seeker
11439s over at the side of me and he draws out
11441s another one
11443s so you know as you can see here um the
11446s the whole MVP of this game is not just
11450s Sega Seeker it's not just Pantheon right
11452s you can have Saga Seeker
11455s um any any faded units are really
11457s important also
11459s ayula right imagine you are just pumping
11461s it up with a spell shield that's just
11463s gonna be
11464s um one more layer of protection for The
11466s Saga Seekers so
11469s um rap therea knows that these big units
11471s have to be blocked and uh needs to knows
11474s that a raptora has a block because if he
11477s doesn't uh he's gonna get uh bogged down
11479s though from uh his uh the the health of
11481s his uh Nexus so it's gonna just be a
11485s back and forth between these two
11487s yep and rough there are right here
11488s immediately throwing down the king's
11490s court and you know that Kings caught
11492s only one unit can block can can deal
11495s with it right it's definitely gonna be
11496s that Saga sticker and this actually
11498s forces The Saga Seeker to
11500s um to deal with this king's court
11504s yeah I mean also like you can see like
11507s what will be just trying to put down
11509s another side of the Seeker maybe that's
11510s the Saga secret that's gonna be
11511s sacrificed right if he has the tools to
11515s develop that but uh look at this there
11518s is a prize fight going down
11521s and it's targeting The Saga Seeker are
11524s there pieces right here to oh there you
11526s go we have a two cost perilous pastry
11529s right there and beerusville oh nice
11533s Target right there with the wielder
11536s the king's court is down amazing Target
11539s right there for guatemal B uh
11541s yeah that's a good move coming in right
11543s the king like you know just taking out
11544s the king's court not allowing him to get
11546s any more value but roughterra have that
11548s pie in his hand and he could still throw
11551s it towards the The Saga seeker and just
11553s bringing the soccer Seeker to one Health
11555s and that actually
11557s um
11557s no don't really allow it to block like
11560s views as a blocker and and there's so
11563s many
11563s um utilities there after I could do with
11565s his hand so you know it's still looking
11567s good for ratera at this point in time
11568s just because Qualcomm B is kind of
11570s breaking at this point in time to start
11571s off the top deck and that is one thing
11573s that he is looking for
11575s yes Tristana is the way to go guys with
11580s the this restaurant is possibly going to
11582s be flipped and you can see
11584s um down the line that roughtera is still
11588s like he has a plan like putting down all
11591s those units down to one Health means
11593s that if and when he gets those uh single
11597s removal tools maybe a poke stick maybe a
11600s uh maybe a pastry any one of those you
11605s will be able to take them down and uh
11607s he's gonna be doing he's gonna be
11609s putting the down a white flame from the
11611s side of watong B last conceiveling let's
11614s see of course impact will be the best
11616s course of action here the powering up
11618s the Tristan as well so a lot of a lot of
11621s ammo coming out from the rough Terrace
11623s side right now moon boy a value right
11626s value rough Sarah is a very calculated
11628s person right and he's a very calculated
11630s player and when it comes to games like
11633s this he's always down to the value what
11635s is the most valuable play at this point
11636s in time what is the most optimal move
11638s that I could do that Saga Seeker is a
11640s little bit too big how can I deal with
11642s him at this point in time and just you
11645s know having so many units right here for
11647s impact damage going straight right to
11648s the Nexus no questions asked and this
11651s Force Quantum B to go for the block
11652s right you have to deal with the Saga
11654s Seeker he have that answer via the price
11656s fight into the pie show so you know you
11659s just have to expand Quantum B's um Mana
11661s as fast as possible so that he can't
11663s really react to this
11665s that's right and it goes in and Deals a
11667s total of four damages straight into the
11669s Nexus over at the side of guatembi now
11673s of course
11675s it's quite it's kind of a how do you say
11677s it's tempting to uh to just to use the
11681s price fight and use a a Pacer right
11684s there but uh you know right there is
11685s going to be a bit you know a bit
11688s cautious right now good boy uh and a pie
11692s toss top back guys oh my God like it
11695s pythons works so well with price fight
11697s right and if you know we actually go for
11701s the hill with the gem onto the Saga
11703s Seeker or even you know um yeah and and
11706s you know he could still remove that uh
11708s that Saga sticker as much as possible
11710s that this uh Horizon is is huge but it's
11715s not gonna be too much of a concern
11716s compared to what this Saga Seeker could
11718s do to roughtera yeah so Rossi we have
11721s seen this a while ago but now it's gonna
11724s be out now this is uh quite a turn right
11728s here guys so we see three faded units
11731s over at the side over at the one home b
11734s side so even my goal and uh use that
11736s orazi for a support uh for the Saga
11739s seeker and make it bigger like like it's
11742s gonna be getting that uh how they said
11744s it's getting that pump up uh feeling uh
11748s for our for a clock bones like we saw
11751s once uh a second Seeker go up quite a
11753s bit but uh the other one is gonna get
11755s the accelerated version of it and King
11758s scored is gonna go down this is a lot of
11760s options are being put down on the plate
11762s of raptor like you have the price fight
11764s you will have the pie toss you have uh
11767s the perilous pastry which is just slow
11769s right oh yeah like there's a lot of
11772s options for Raptor to just keep on
11774s dealing damage and also possibly
11778s I'm getting them in within
11781s um destruction range right this is going
11782s to be uh towards uh rap Terrace court
11785s right now
11786s yeah horazi 77 overwhelm is totally cool
11790s but the Saga Seeker 77 overwhelmed
11792s that's something dangerous that you
11793s don't want to deal with and um yeah but
11796s he got double priced fight he got the
11797s pie toss
11798s I think I think roughtera could survive
11800s this round is not going to be too
11802s difficult for him to deal with this as
11803s well and at the same time he gets to
11805s remove a harassi so it's a win-win
11807s situation for after
11809s that's right and he goes on with a combo
11812s right you have to go first with the uh
11814s pythons and then you go with the prize
11815s fight so that you have to go in with the
11818s order like sometimes like I I do forget
11820s the order of this happening like if you
11823s do go in with a prize fight first and
11825s then go with a python second what's
11827s gonna be happening is there's going to
11828s be one damage and then you're going to
11830s be bringing back the opponent down to
11831s one so it doesn't make sense so you have
11834s to do it correctly for it to work so
11836s again
11837s um now uh that seven uh seven uh second
11842s secret is gonna be surviving right there
11843s in the middle so it comes down to rough
11846s Terror now to choose how he's going to
11847s be doing with it and he's gonna be
11849s bringing back that uh sag 13 for a
11853s second Seeker okay
11855s oh that's a very smart move coming in
11857s right just just pull it back up and not
11859s allow it to to do too much and see what
11862s kind of reaction that caught Hornby have
11863s but the thing is that you know
11866s is still taking in so much damage right
11868s yeah he put him to one and he could
11870s still throw a pie at it yeah just throw
11872s a pie at it and just kill it or like
11874s group shot it right like just yeah hi
11876s for you
11878s like uh you know imagine like uh
11881s pie giving one damage I don't I wonder
11884s why why the pie deals one damage and the
11886s perilous pastry gets one damage also
11891s even though it has an anvil on it so
11893s like it's it's both the the like the
11896s drawing makes it uh more it should have
11899s two but yeah
11901s uh amazing uh take down right there
11904s coming in from RAV Terra spotting it and
11907s quad home B is running out of steam guys
11910s definitely running out of steam over the
11913s side of athera he can still develop and
11916s using a grand feather fade right there
11918s you can develop into four units right
11921s five minutes oh man this is gonna be it
11923s yeah oh no that Furious welder like
11926s that's something that you know we have
11928s and uh that could remove the Tristana
11932s if if you know Quantum be chooses to do
11934s so and but you know it looks it looks
11936s good for roughtera at this point in time
11937s right he got a really good swing he got
11939s the Bender Gunner he got like everything
11941s that he needs at this point in time it
11942s is a very good swing but you know that
11945s Furious welder that he top deck is
11946s really dangerous if rather don't respect
11949s it out and uh especially when Pantheon
11952s uh like what home B is actually trying
11954s to dig out right here is a Pantheon
11957s that's right that's right this is
11959s actually a good uh good there are good
11962s choice for uh Quantum B Furious Builder
11964s like you get to attack freely attack and
11967s it's fast too so you don't need uh if it
11970s does go on and uh try to attack you can
11972s remove it as soon as possible and block
11974s one of the other units right so that's
11976s gonna be a Telltale for here on the
11978s other side of the board you can see
11980s rafter not have any choice or not have
11983s any options to remove or to prevent this
11986s from happening
11989s with the Furious Builder you actually
11991s pulled it straight right out it actually
11992s show hand scenario for roughtera and
11995s right here Quantum beats out of hand
11996s there's nothing much that he could do
11998s and this might be the opening that
11999s roughtera is looking for he have to go
12001s for that big swing he have that price
12003s fight in his hand and he could
12005s potentially remove this Saga Seeker out
12006s of commission full swing coming in for
12008s court from roughtera what is what is uh
12012s answer or even reply to this move
12015s yes and yeah and you can also take it
12017s out right as you said like with a price
12019s fight that Saga Seeker is going to be
12021s out and no one is going to be surviving
12023s on the side of me so what does he draw
12026s what does he need to draw he needs to
12027s draw a Pantheon would need to have
12030s lifesteal just to bring him back on the
12033s board right so
12034s this is quite a conundrum for uh platon
12039s B let's see if it top takes a Pantheon
12042s he may have a chance to live over at the
12045s next turn if he doesn't draw it out then
12048s car
12055s not the car and you know knock on the
12058s car strikes at the end of the or even
12060s the end of the round strikes the
12061s opponent's strongest unit and this
12063s Vandal Gunner could not come out this
12065s turn yeah oh man so you have to take the
12068s five damage he have to take the trade on
12070s to
12071s um like you have to take the the
12073s grandfather fate out of commission as
12074s well but but the battle Garden might
12077s close off this game for him if karambi
12079s don't join to a Pantheon no it's not a
12081s fan I believe this is definitely going
12083s to be game over
12085s definitely the game over that you're
12087s looking for we I mean there's already a
12090s battle Gunner there's already the
12092s perilous pastry that's already four
12093s effective damage right there on the side
12095s of right there and he's going to be
12097s taking it slow right
12102s he just needs one more one more girl
12104s with the best
12105s better so again this is gonna be it this
12108s is gonna be the play
12111s that
12112s um that uh raptora has been going
12115s towards like he just fleshed it out he
12119s just fleshed it out man
12122s ah and there you have ladies and
12124s gentlemen the battle Gunner the bendo
12126s Gunner with impact 3 there's nothing
12127s much that Quantum B could do to face
12129s against this Gutter and just take this
12130s damage hate on and referral is moving
12133s straight right to the top eight ladies
12136s and gentlemen with a 2-1 Victory this is
12138s a neck to neck battle right here and
12140s this is what legendary is all about
12142s ladies and gentlemen welcome to Apex
12145s yes amazing play coming in from uh raft
12149s there right there getting to a reverse
12152s sweep right there like uh you lost a
12154s first match getting uh with the karma
12157s set win over the second and they're
12159s going in with a pristana win over a
12162s third match
12163s Pantheon you know where Pantheon is he's
12166s just flying into space right now he's
12168s nowhere to be found that's why he wasn't
12171s in this matchup man uh The Saga Seeker
12174s was uh was not enough to pick up the
12176s slack oh boy
12177s uh I mean that was a very close game and
12181s and you know there we have ladies and
12182s gentlemen our our top eight our next top
12184s eight that's gonna come up is rough
12185s Terrace making through the top eight as
12187s well we got our final eight players
12188s right here in this Tournament down to
12190s the quarterfinals two men from Korea and
12192s that's roughtera Mana Evie Korean guy
12196s Channel new man and Ross BB so you know
12199s these are the eight players that we will
12201s be you know watching through or
12202s following the journey later on
12203s throughout the whole day so do not go
12206s anywhere ladies and gentlemen as we have
12208s more red Legends of entire action coming
12210s up later on as well Excel sir what are
12212s your thoughts yeah man these guys are
12215s going to be
12216s um they they have to be uh playing at
12220s their top uh Peak potential right now
12222s considering that they're already on the
12223s top eight and of course you know when
12225s they say topic you get the monies like
12227s you get the coins so to speak uh right
12231s there and the points let's not take out
12233s the fact that some of the other players
12235s that are not top eight are also taking
12237s uh taking home some points right there
12240s for the open uh for the world spot right
12242s there so okay let's uh we're gonna be
12245s also like possibly seeing some of the
12247s some of the usual uh suspects right
12250s there now I want to see this happening
12253s but of course before we go on towards
12255s the next match we're gonna be going for
12257s a short break and we will come back it's
12259s gonna be top eight action here at the
12261s Apex worlds qualifier see you guys in a
12264s few
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12877s ladies and gentlemen welcome back to
12879s APAC world's qualifier this is our very
12882s first world qualifiers we're moving
12883s straight right to the top eight this is
12886s just business is going to start to get
12887s serious right here and you're just gonna
12889s be all like you know awesome games
12891s moving forward my name is Mumbo I'm
12893s joined by excelsiorph how is the whole
12896s afternoon so far yeah whole afternoon
12898s just uh kept on getting a banger matchup
12901s after Banger matchup man like we're
12903s seeing it a lot of uh you know uh
12906s surprise skills uh also some of you know
12909s calculated kills as well especially with
12911s the last match with a raft tarot right
12914s there but now we're gonna be getting
12916s getting into a match between two uh two
12920s Koreans right here it's gonna be mint
12921s soft cat versus Challengers kill I
12924s personally don't have any data uh from
12927s uh their previous uh winnings but yeah
12930s I'm uh I'm already excited as to how
12933s they're going to be playing it man yeah
12935s for sure like zero data coming in both
12937s of us are coming to cast this game blind
12939s but you know but as blind as we can get
12942s but at least we know a little bit of you
12943s know what kind of decks are they playing
12945s so ladies and Gentlemen let's just take
12946s a look at you know the six Decks that
12948s are on this matchup today
12951s oh wow okay yep yep
12957s yeah so first off we got uh I think the
12959s top side is mint soft Challenger skills
12962s right it's gonna be Jinx Samira going up
12965s against uh and with Tristana and also uh
12969s Shen j4 and Shen j4 that's something
12972s that we have seen previously and
12973s something that's gonna be very spicy for
12976s this weekend as well what about uh mints
12978s of cats yeah mint soft cat over at the
12981s bottom is going to be some mirror Fizz
12983s and we see Tristana
12986s right here and the echo Jinx man like
12989s these guys like only two uh two
12993s champions for their Dex man they don't
12995s carry like uh the the usual like uh we
12998s see Tristana uh Nar Teemo or something
13002s like that like they already stick to the
13005s uh to the are they the usual right here
13007s but over at the top like man we thought
13010s I think we saw a while ago like this
13013s Shan G4 this is gonna be quite exciting
13016s I want to see that again in action
13018s because it looks like it uh it's
13020s something that has been overlooked by
13022s some of our players yup especially when
13024s Tristana is so prominent in The Meta
13026s right now the master removal is just so
13029s strong right you just have to remove
13030s those small yodels and just just take
13032s them out of um commission before they
13034s actually Stacks up and then um you know
13037s comes in with interest so you know just
13039s really remove this this small units out
13041s of the way and and that's what the
13043s master is good is good at doing and we
13045s don't stack together with Shen with
13047s those various Synergy going on as well
13049s you got a really solid deck in this meta
13052s so what does that mean um boy does it
13054s mean that this will possibly have a
13055s Target uh for uh for our players right
13059s now the the j4 Shen and over at the
13062s other side I feel that the uh Samira
13065s fist must be removed as well so they
13067s those are possible targets for me what
13069s do you think uh from your side I think
13071s it's it's pretty fair like what you you
13073s mentioned is pretty fair but with uh
13075s yeah like you know the the master attack
13077s is just too counter against the opponent
13080s and oh I believe this is bad yeah and
13082s this is the mirror yeah that's what you
13083s said both this both of these decks are
13085s bad 100 hit rate Excelsior we just got
13089s it yeah a while ago we're not hitting
13092s the right moments like but now okay it
13094s makes sense uh if you go with us a
13096s mirror Jinx it's gonna be fast as well
13099s but uh it's not gonna be uh it's gonna
13102s be fast a bit I feel it's gonna be
13104s faster than the echo Jinx apparent right
13106s here so uh Echo James can go fast with
13109s the borders uh just go to thin it out
13112s but uh it's all it mostly depends if I I
13116s feel it on Jinx interpreting I'm sorry
13118s on Echo inter predict right so so that's
13121s gonna be uh a downside right there yeah
13124s I mean it's it's speed right at this
13126s point in time what kind of you're
13128s talking about both chains right it's
13130s down to speed right that's Jinx uh
13132s Samira likely is going to be running a
13134s lot of like one course unit and lots of
13135s burn and just going straight out aggro
13137s right like old school aggro and just as
13139s just Zone use out as fast as possible
13141s and if
13142s um if the echo Jinx could find that this
13145s gate border as fast as possible to act
13148s as a really good one tree Defender
13150s um that could actually put themselves
13152s back up to speed as well to actually
13154s keep up to the game's Tempo so these two
13156s Jinx that will be the deciding factor of
13158s this best of three and whoever you know
13160s is gonna be leading with the Jinx that
13163s is going to be
13164s um winning this whole round that's right
13166s that's right and now of course if both
13168s of them go with the Tristana deck so
13170s that's going to be interesting because
13171s you you know it all comes down to how
13174s you draw and how you develop your board
13176s like they're gonna go head Toe to Toe
13178s with their uh with their decks and
13180s whoever gets the uh gets a flip the
13184s Tristana first and get get out the
13186s Kingsport will be able to get that win I
13190s feel that that's the advance right here
13191s because they're gonna go butt heads
13193s where they're uh we're gonna see oh wait
13196s the change
13200s okay the story has changed guys it's
13204s gonna be Samira fish and Tristana this
13207s is these are uh heavy uh unit unit heavy
13211s decks we're seeing right now wow amazing
13214s okay yeah yeah but I think like based
13217s off statistics uh it seems in my opinion
13221s I think
13222s um
13223s Samira Jinx might have the upper hand
13225s against the Samira fist
13227s right as long as it could be a little
13229s bit faster and just have his early drops
13231s early like he could still potentially
13233s remove this mirror face out of this as
13235s well so those are good potentials
13238s yeah I do agree with you like because if
13240s you are some weird things that means you
13242s like mostly focus on face right so
13245s mostly focus on Nexus that uh I I I feel
13250s that the other the other band could have
13253s been better right that would have been
13255s yeah yeah it would have been more
13257s sensible uh in terms of these uh those
13259s of the play so but yeah let's see if
13261s that's gonna be the case uh between the
13263s two considering that they're still
13265s preparing and you know I I I'm kind of
13268s curious I have you played like uh the
13271s the the Jinx oh sorry the Jinx Samira
13273s version uh as of the moment how does it
13276s fair with the previous iterations of
13279s agradex uh moon boy well it's it's
13282s straightforward right it's just discard
13284s mechanic because then like urchin you
13286s got reborn grenadia and you got the
13288s early fourth shift if you want to get
13290s your your Spellman are going as well
13291s like most of the curve is within like
13294s you know one to two Mana
13296s yeah and then you got your augmented
13298s experimental to experimental actually uh
13301s level objects as well so if you once you
13303s get your Jinx down the key piece is
13305s definitely Jinx right you get to clear
13307s up your head and Jinx level up and you
13309s get your refuel engine going as well and
13312s with those Super Rocket going forward
13313s and you know that's where you get all
13315s the value and you just win and yeah so
13318s basically that's what you're gonna do
13319s and if he could you know continue to
13321s keep up the speed the Samira face might
13324s not be a good challenge against the Jing
13326s stack but the bundle City that might be
13330s it might be able to hold off the Jinx
13331s like a little bit more but once the
13333s rocket starts flying um the the Autos
13336s might might suffer a little bit more
13338s yeah the the super mega Death rocket is
13340s going to be one thing that you cannot
13342s prevent especially with the chinx is
13344s already flipped like we're dealing three
13346s to the Nexus and then one towards uh the
13349s opponents right there on the board like
13350s I I feel I feel the it uh it was it was
13354s Nerf right it
13356s door now now it was three to the Nexus
13359s and uh of course one Health uh one
13361s damage towards everyone at the board but
13363s still a bit powerful considering that
13366s the whole flip condition of uh of uh
13369s Jinx is it's easy if you do get those
13373s discard portions right uh but yeah the
13376s augmented experimenter is the key right
13379s there because all it it just uh empties
13381s out the whole deck while dealing free
13382s damage to uh one of your uh opponents uh
13386s units so
13388s man I feel that there's going to be a
13391s Tristana mirror right now it's we start
13393s with that and then we uh we like uh go
13396s and try to fill it out with the other
13398s Samira decks but yeah so be reverse man
13401s it's getting it's getting wider and
13404s wider
13405s yeah like there's so many variations
13406s when it comes to Samira right you see it
13408s with this you see it with Jinx we saw it
13410s with a Pantheon we see it with Varys as
13413s well and there's even variation with
13415s Canon so there's so many
13418s um different Samira variations just
13420s because this card is too flexible it's
13421s like the new uh twist of fate let's just
13423s put it as that yeah yeah you know it it
13425s goes in a sense like everybody wants to
13427s get with some error right like yeah uh
13429s like when it wants to partnered with
13430s Samira over the different regions like
13433s uh she's kind of the Ambassador dress to
13435s everyone like all the other ridges right
13437s there that's how good they made it right
13440s uh let's go start with the match I think
13443s did I hear it correctly oh there you go
13446s oh wow
13448s so off we go ladies and gentlemen I
13450s believe this is a uh the massage deck on
13453s the top side and that's going to be the
13455s Sham deck it's not exactly bent out I
13457s guess so uh yeah on the bottom side it's
13459s gonna be Tristana and looking at this
13462s you know comparison right here I believe
13463s that the master I have the master that
13465s have the upper hand in this matchup
13467s yes and oh wait well this wasn't bad
13471s so this means this means that this deck
13473s wasn't bad okay so uh just clarify that
13476s uh Jarvan deck was uh it's going to be
13479s used over at the top
13481s and oh over at the bottom it's going to
13485s be the Tristana uh Tristana deck that uh
13488s that they are going to be using now of
13490s course the bottom is going to be a bit
13491s soft cat over at the top is calendar
13493s skill so first attack with the band of
13496s Commander we're gonna be getting the
13497s hungry owl cat gonna be drawn out
13502s yep so there you have you know that that
13503s uh Badger bear coming down on turn
13506s number three just ready and that means
13508s that you know the Commando will be able
13510s to be blocked as well so I mean it's
13512s looking great for um the demacia player
13514s on the top side and yeah if this goes on
13517s uh with the Shen in his hand and with
13520s the with Javan the third in his hand as
13523s well uh that that might be able to you
13525s know allow him to springboard in this
13527s matchup so it is looking really good for
13530s the Nebraska player for for so far
13532s track looking uh very good for uh
13536s Challenger skill right there and now
13538s again that's what we've been missing a
13540s while ago the the blocking Badger bear
13543s the uh the sharpside personified and now
13546s of course over at the side of uh uh
13549s midsoft Cathy will be putting down a
13552s hungry owl cat right so I mean
13556s um you know I kind of take it back that
13558s the the animal names are not in the
13562s metal right now if it's in the mid-soft
13563s cap it's right here at top eight right
13566s it's an animal name although it's an
13569s it's a it's in the Korean language so
13572s amazing as we get to uh to spot it right
13575s there
13576s yeah when Challenger skill like that's a
13578s really interesting name coming forward
13579s as well right you got your name being
13581s called Challenger skill but right here
13582s means of cat you know he has the temple
13585s ready he got for uh Forest to two units
13587s right here on the board as well and that
13589s is what the yodel decks is all about you
13591s want the tempo you want to have more
13593s units compared to your opponent and
13594s that's where all the value trade is
13596s going to happen but however The Shins
13598s The Shen deck is all about you know
13600s um interesting traits moving forward as
13602s well so we're standing United in his
13604s hand or even like you know Stan United
13605s uh that could potentially give him some
13608s very favorite favorable trade especially
13610s uh in in this combat phase that he's
13612s gonna push in
13614s that's right instead United that really
13616s has a good advantage in surprising your
13618s opponent as well considering that it's a
13620s bird spell and you would want to like
13623s top of the favor towards your side as
13625s well and you know
13627s I was thinking about warships a while
13629s ago and since I'm seeing I'm seeing a
13631s lot of the combat cook and I didn't
13633s notice that it was already rotated out
13635s that's why he came back as a combat cook
13638s I don't know right I am no longer a war
13641s Chef I am a compactor
13643s it's the same thing guys he cooks yes
13651s I use my pen as a weapon yeah now I give
13654s my pen to my friend as weapon yes that's
13657s right
13658s and look at this uh mint soft wait
13660s Challenger skill is going to be uh going
13663s in with the attack right now with the
13665s Shen bed the blocking Badger bear and
13668s the 3-1 unit as well now of course uh
13671s yeah this is gonna be
13673s um quite uh targeted approach and you
13677s can see the four one uh hungry alcat uh
13680s getting to challenge the uh the the shin
13683s right there and the pastry
13685s yeah or rather the pie five going into
13689s the face of shen let's see if this is
13692s going to be removed oh wow it's going
13693s down
13695s yeah so I think like you know he's fine
13697s right he's okay with the Shen going down
13699s he has he have like two more shins in
13702s his hand so it's okay to let the shank
13704s go and not show too much um to your
13707s opponent like this way you know he's a
13708s little bit more conservative with what
13710s we have and and at the same time right
13712s he's still reserving his resources so
13714s that his opponent couldn't get a read on
13716s his hand as well you know he might say
13718s that's on Shen's bright right there
13720s because there are two more two more
13722s chance right there on his hand but of
13723s course the the perilous pastry is gonna
13725s be uh uh taking down the three one but
13729s the barriers are going to go in and
13732s protect that G1 right there but this is
13736s going to be another gen surprise
13738s surprise it didn't go anywhere I'm back
13741s yeah being like the ninja that he is
13744s right yeah so he's like poof I'm back
13746s more shoes I'm back and I'm back with
13749s like more shoes on my friends and yeah
13751s so it's just looking great for for uh
13754s the master player the champ player right
13755s here like you know and this actually did
13758s not do not allow his opponent to go for
13760s any form of attack because it's just
13763s gonna be looking it's just gonna look
13764s bad at this point in time that's right
13767s that's right and now it's Tristana over
13770s at the side of a mid-soft cat it's gonna
13773s be
13774s you know I'm kind of underwhelming you
13776s would want the Tristana to uh go out
13778s like a veggie flip but this is going to
13781s be kind of a flex over the side of mint
13783s soft cat uh you know I have all these
13785s units and I'm gonna end route I'm not
13788s sure but it's most likely going to be N
13790s brown because it's going to be
13791s unfavorable trades right there
13793s yeah I don't think this is a good attack
13795s coming in for uh for a mean soft cat
13798s right and
13800s and I think uh the the single combat
13803s might be what uh like the challenges
13806s abilities it might want to do right just
13809s try to take out the the uh the Tristana
13812s and just not allow it to to get any
13814s point of value at this point in time
13816s that's right that's right so let's see
13818s oh there you go
13820s that was like that was a good play
13822s coming in from Challenger skill because
13823s you see like I have all these um
13826s barriers right here I'm gonna be you
13828s know I'm gonna be blocking you and
13829s you're not gonna get uh the favor uh
13832s from your side and um yeah this is gonna
13835s be uh quite exciting because you can see
13838s that uh both of these guys are
13840s developing a challenger skill it's just
13843s getting good trades as well he just he's
13845s also put down the uh the blocking Badger
13848s bear there just to prevent the the
13850s outcasts from developing secret
13852s protector is going to be coming down and
13854s there's going to be another barrier you
13856s know this is going to be a flip for a
13858s Shen right now I think he is one barrier
13860s I'll flip he just needs to put the
13863s barrier to the blocking merger bear or
13866s protector right there this is not a flip
13869s man this is a party right this is a
13871s barrier party everyone's gonna be have
13873s barrier and whoever has barrier have
13875s double strike like this is just value
13877s coming in for this channel player and he
13879s could just block the uh just you know
13881s give the 86h barrier plus double strike
13884s there's nothing much that the opponent
13886s could do a price fight is the best that
13888s they could do to actually remove the
13890s barrier Kings Court coming down as well
13892s so you know it's a battle of two boats
13893s right here and the price flight is
13895s definitely gonna be the card to break
13897s the barriers that um that he desires
13900s yeah and what's good about this is that
13902s the sacred protector also gives the
13904s double attack right so that means
13907s there's going to be double attack on
13909s Shan double attack and three one right
13911s there in the sacred protector uh if he
13913s puts it on second protector sacred
13914s protector is going to be going with a
13916s double attack
13917s um you know like a double attack party
13920s as well right so all of these guys are
13922s going to be coming in price fight is
13924s gonna be removing that barrier so some
13927s of them are going to uh be vulnerable uh
13930s with this attack but Shen look at that
13932s flip oh my gosh amazing it's been a
13936s while since I if I since I've seen Shen
13938s flip but uh this is a flipping
13941s uh flipping uh flipping uh good a chance
13945s to see him over at the top eight right
13947s now moon boy yeah gone with the days
13950s right like we've seen Shen and he like
13952s he was so dominant in the metaphor a
13954s period of time and then he got like
13956s nerfed and he's out and recently like
13959s you know just because of this patch Shen
13960s is back in the action right here and I'm
13963s just glad I'm just happy to see this man
13965s doing his thing like you know we we have
13968s seen Kaiser as the as the head of the
13970s martial right now but Shen might be the
13972s one taking over Kaiser again
13974s yeah and you know why uh why you can see
13977s Challenger skill using this attack uh
13979s even though there he knows that there's
13981s a prize fight because he knows that
13983s there is a single combat the team may
13985s use to remove the the one that is
13987s activating the prize by the prize fight
13989s little does he know that there is
13991s another prize fight on hand
13993s uh coming in on the side of the soft cat
13996s so oh this is gonna be a battle of
13999s combat tricks right now oh boy yeah and
14002s it seems like the um Tristana player
14004s have the advantage Right double price
14006s fight is what's gonna pick him on top
14007s and if you know this um the the sacred
14012s protector would go down in this matchup
14014s it's not gonna be looking great for uh
14017s Champions ability
14020s so this is if it goes down there's no
14023s there's gonna be no double attacks again
14025s because you know the circuit protector
14027s has to be there for the double attack to
14029s be activated it's very important to have
14031s it and now
14034s um
14035s even though it goes down it's still
14037s going to be favorable trades all around
14038s right there's the barriers from the
14040s units that uh uh Challenger skill has
14043s will protect it from getting removed and
14045s again still going to be Advantage so
14049s challenge your skill what are you going
14050s to do are you going to use the uh the
14053s combat uh single combat right now oh no
14056s he's not gonna be using it he's gonna be
14058s uh saving it for another day and here we
14062s go oh that's an interesting move right
14064s there though I I personally I would just
14067s go for the uh Champions Champion skill
14069s go for the uh single combat and just
14072s take out the the king's court right just
14075s not allowing it to survive because the
14077s bash is just a little bit too
14079s um valuable and you know you don't
14081s really want your opponent to have more
14083s uh price fight and that's not what you
14085s want to see
14087s yeah I was thinking oh okay uh kind of a
14090s delayed uh the lake uh single combat and
14094s he targets the Tristana so I feel that
14097s the Challenger skill uh finds it uh to
14101s have more value and there's gonna be a
14103s prize fight right there to make sure
14106s that there's gonna be a trade-off okay
14108s one down with a brush and if I if I
14112s remember correctly right you need at
14114s least three attack
14125s the health equivalent of yourself
14128s yep she started coming straight right
14130s down of this and having a price fight in
14132s his possession right here and you know I
14134s don't think there's much that
14136s um Champion skill could do right uh j3
14139s might be the might be the answer that he
14142s is he's looking for I find a j4 and get
14144s the uh King's Court out of the way and
14147s at the same time you know this Tristana
14149s is really scary especially with you know
14151s more and more price fight going into
14153s this hand just because it's just
14154s dropping more units yes j3 is indeed the
14158s answer and look at this a tune getting
14161s in to another equipment and flipping
14165s that Tristana
14167s is gonna have one impact it's gonna be
14171s powered up for any uh any additional but
14174s of course looking at the side of mint
14176s soft cat yes bundle Vandal Gunners over
14179s at his side double price fight for his
14181s you so
14183s I'm not sure if he's gonna be attacked
14185s if he attacks it's going to be favorable
14187s but there's still a lot of Mana that can
14190s be used from the side of Challenger
14191s skill for for use now over at uh we can
14195s see it but uh midsoft cat probably is
14198s taking into account that uh or the one
14200s single content has been used
14203s um we saw moral support being used this
14205s is our reports that can be used so uh
14208s it's kind of a iffy for him to get into
14211s the attack right now
14212s yep the thing though is that you know um
14215s Challenger skill has only nine Mana
14218s right and there's only one thing that he
14220s could do out of these four Cuts so he
14222s have to really plan out and understand
14224s what is the most optimal way to cast one
14228s spell for this turn for me to maximize
14230s everything that I've got right
14232s everything is good in his hand right now
14233s it's then United allow him to protect
14235s the Shen and this three one repos
14237s protect the Shadow and and the um three
14240s one as well j3 gets you a j4 for next
14243s turn so there's so many options that he
14245s could do this turn that you know that
14247s could potentially allow him to win this
14249s game so yeah you have to think it
14251s through really clearly what is he gonna
14253s do to to have the upper hand what your
14256s opponent have because the opponent you
14257s know having three Mana there's so much
14259s more options with two price wide in hand
14261s that's right and you know if he just
14263s keeps on summoning or a low-cost units
14265s price points are going to be coming uh
14268s left and right like this is basically
14270s free
14272s um free way a free way to get your
14273s opponent down to one that's why uh
14276s that's why I said like price fight has
14278s to be one of the best cards in legendary
14281s right now like uh you're getting all the
14283s value
14285s um with minimal punishment right that's
14287s it's so good
14291s yeah and there we have you know the
14292s price fight being right in as well bash
14294s on the Tristana that means you know no
14297s one is going to be blocking that she's
14299s not able to block the Tristana right now
14301s No One's Gonna block the king cause
14302s right here as well so it's gonna be you
14305s know easy uh what is this 13 damage
14307s moving forward signing coming in that's
14309s still unable to block the best unit this
14312s might be little coming in from um from
14315s Minecraft cat means of cat yes and he
14318s can only block with the three five right
14320s there but it's still going to be a lot
14322s of damage that's going to be coming in
14324s man so oh
14325s oh wow okay uh this is gonna be quite
14329s exciting what how the hell does he do
14331s this he does he fit down and he knows
14333s that the man is only three so maybe a
14336s single combat can be used maybe he has
14338s that four Mana is already out of the
14340s table standing Knight is not going to be
14341s used reports no repos because there's
14343s only three Mana
14345s now this is gonna be a game-changing
14348s decision for midsoft cat right now and
14350s he instead goes in and puts him some
14353s more attack over at the king's court
14358s this is just saying I'm gonna be
14360s attacking right now and what will he do
14362s to stop me yep and there we have the
14364s full swing coming in I think and it's
14367s basically challenging challenge of skill
14369s right do you have those removal spells
14371s that you have if you have it you have it
14373s if you don't then I'm just gonna do 10
14375s damage to you this turn and that is a
14377s lot of damage just literally 50 of what
14379s he's holding right here and just
14381s bringing the score down to 99. it's just
14384s tight
14385s tight tight
14387s this is going to be uh up to 99 uh go to
14391s equal footing between the two but over
14394s at the side of uh Challenger skill oh
14397s he's throwing down his uh shed okay
14401s so this is uh quite a development um he
14404s if he puts down j3 or bad Badger bear
14407s next turn
14409s I think you know he is really at the
14413s back pedal right now the battle Gunners
14414s is going to be coming down next turn
14416s it's going to be there's gonna be
14417s another chance uh uh for uh developing
14421s uh Tristana with more impact also you
14424s have the the fish right you can slap
14427s that fish over at one of the other units
14429s and just uh deal uh free damage
14433s right
14435s I don't think that's a fish slab right
14436s that's the overwhelmed weapon so yeah
14439s wait is it is it yeah
14441s oh yeah okay I was looking at the fish
14444s fight it looks like a fish fight right
14445s sorry sorry man fish fight is uh it's
14447s demacia but yeah I mean yeah that's the
14450s weapon right there oh man I got kind of
14452s confused it's
14454s it's tilted the other way
14456s so I think now the good play right here
14458s right for for Challenger skill is like
14460s we're gonna be Shen or even the major
14462s bearing to shed and try to remove the
14464s Tristana you want to stand out of the
14466s way but you know immediately that you
14468s start is at 10 4 right now and it seems
14470s a little bit more difficult to deal with
14472s or even to remove it and the broad Wing
14475s is just useless at this point in time
14476s pretty useless though
14478s yeah I mean I feel that the uh he's
14480s gonna be using the Shen towards the
14482s broad wing and then uh just deal some
14485s damage right there band of donors is
14487s gonna be coming out and it's going to be
14490s a oh oh he said uses the uh the blocking
14495s Badger bear as a
14499s uh as a barrier unit so he's just
14501s basically forcing out
14503s um the other units to block right that's
14505s what's going to be happening right now
14506s like what are you gonna be doing right
14508s now and are where who are you going to
14510s be targeting for that prize fight
14513s so this is gonna be it one more down
14517s yeah three price fight is definitely
14519s going into the shed
14521s yeah that's the that's the best course
14523s of action right there man
14525s I think yeah
14527s there you go try to take out the Shannon
14529s that's the final Shen in the whole
14531s puzzle and once the shank goes down and
14533s and you know this is a good trade and
14535s everything the king's court got a really
14537s open attack moving forward to just
14538s finish it off
14540s the bear could just block it but it's it
14543s still it still doesn't look good for for
14546s um Challenger skills
14551s attack error two more impact oh wow and
14555s two more prize fights this is looking
14558s close right there
14561s um
14561s the tenor of Terror can be blocked by
14564s the three one right there
14566s um from the side of uh of uh Challenger
14569s skill uh they put down uh they may put
14573s down a j3 right there um Bryce fight is
14575s gonna go down so this the only blocker
14578s the only blocker for the brush is gonna
14580s be removed and is this going to be a
14584s deny but of course another price fight
14586s is going to be activated
14589s ggs
14592s uh but I mean you know um means of cat
14595s could still go for the signpost right
14598s bounce the deny and just allow this
14600s fight
14601s price to actually go through and yeah
14604s that's exactly what he did and that
14606s still limits what his opponent could do
14608s right I mean he could still deny the
14611s second price fight but you know the
14614s king's court already have a good opening
14617s to go with
14620s there we go
14622s there's gonna be uh draws and Buffs as
14626s well with the P5 right there but the
14628s first Badger bear and the 42 will not be
14631s able to block the uh the Brash the two
14633s brush units three brush units in fact
14634s but it leaves the Mana falling short for
14639s a deny so free attacks all over and mint
14643s soft cat goes in with an opening attack
14645s and it's going to be ggs against
14647s Challenger scale mid soft Cat found the
14651s win Brash is going to be the MVP keyword
14654s for this matchup right now moon boy yep
14657s and that's just game number one right
14659s yeah yeah so yeah that's just game
14661s number one and and uh this is just gonna
14664s be going on and on right so uh we'll
14666s just have to see what game number two is
14668s all about but game one bash like what
14670s you said and what's the MVP of the
14672s keyword and and it literally did a lot
14675s for the for the team and you know if he
14678s don't remove the the king's court as
14680s soon as possible that spells trouble
14683s yeah that's why that's why midsoft cat
14686s just uh made sure like that you get they
14688s get the value
14689s uh from the king's court like every unit
14692s you keep on summoning you get the price
14694s fight like that's oh that's that's
14697s basically you know giving your opponent
14700s like uh a free win yeah if you keep it
14703s up man and now
14705s um going at this next match up it's
14708s gonna be a bit different if you see uh
14711s on the bottom wait list on the bottom
14713s it's gonna be mint soft cat on the top
14715s it's gonna be Challenger skill
14718s yep so looking at the matchup right here
14721s matchup table uh it's not looking good
14723s for the Shen player right this is a 40
14726s 40 something percent kind of win rate as
14728s well yeah and as soon as turn number two
14730s right he's already taking six damage at
14732s this point in time or even seven damage
14734s at this point in time and that's a lot
14736s of damage to be taken in more but more
14739s Buffs coming in as well not forgetting
14741s the uh pandemonium that might be powder
14743s pandemonium that might be the closing
14745s factor for this round as well yes
14747s there's a lot of uh the red Nexus uh
14750s attacks or directed Nexus um combat
14752s tricks you might see organized spells
14754s right you might see right here and that
14757s free Attack Just Hits uh hits really
14759s hard going up to uh third going down to
14763s 13 as well and we see the challenge
14765s skill just stop right there and they're
14768s gonna be keeping on dealing the damage
14770s on the Nexus and maybe he's gonna be
14773s putting down the uh there you go power
14776s Fury and of course the jagged butcher
14779s so this is going to be a lot of damage
14781s it's going to be coming from his side
14783s and only one less combat tricks from the
14786s side of Challenger skill and this is
14789s like what five after the uh after the
14792s jacket Butcher and that's like five
14794s plunder triggers and yeah that's a lot
14797s of triggers right and we are looking at
14799s you know not just aggressive combat move
14801s or even like you know big uh big attack
14804s creatures just moving forward but the
14806s powder pandemonium that's already at
14808s five Stacks as long as bottomanium is at
14810s six stack your jet you're like just
14812s guaranteed
14813s six damage every single turn to your
14815s opponent Nexus and and you know that's
14817s not where you want to be as opponent
14820s yes that's right and you know um I think
14822s Challenger skills still has like um a a
14826s kind of insurance in the form of deny
14828s right there pounder pandemonium might be
14830s the might be the pushing Factor but
14832s still so close not even
14835s um we're now seeing Vince off cat
14837s falling back quite a bit by not putting
14839s down that jacket the second Jagged
14841s butcher look I just slows them down a
14843s bit like I'm kind of wondering why are
14845s you pulling back are you uh waiting for
14848s uh are you uh accounting for a possible
14853s um restack or refill refulfillment of
14856s the the board over the next turn or are
14859s you just waiting for uh are you just
14861s gonna be banking it on the the spells
14864s like uh getting some directed Nexus
14866s damage
14868s I think I think he's just comfortable
14869s right means of cat uh he he knows he got
14872s everything in control he got everything
14874s calculated as well uh that did not he
14876s just have to be really careful with deny
14878s and
14879s um yeah so as long as he could play
14881s around the deny that that plunder
14882s pandemonium is going to be no problem
14884s for him to to fire it off as well so uh
14887s seven seven more damage coming seven
14889s more Health in the Nexus and I think
14892s this might be game over the sun this
14894s might be the final turn yes and you can
14896s see a lot a lot of choices right here
14898s you see your pile they're pandemonium
14899s that can be used right now considering
14901s that there's only three Mana left that
14903s there's you have a lot of choices uh you
14906s have the warning shot you have uh the uh
14909s the the pirouette man a lot of choices
14913s man right there and I'm seeing I'm
14915s seeing the stylish shot be used already
14918s so
14919s yeah he's on a clock and uh Min shot uh
14924s sorry mint soft cat it's gonna be uh
14927s cashing out right now like he's gonna be
14930s he all right he's gonna be winning this
14933s by far wow amazing play amazing
14936s aggressive play from means of cat yep
14940s pirouette just doing one more damage
14942s putting him down to five and there we
14943s have powder pandemonium ladies and
14946s gentlemen
14947s four monkeys coming up dealing 4 damage
14950s and with the the warning shot and that's
14954s it though there's nothing that he could
14955s do no speed no healing no nothing no
14958s combat is game over
14960s oh man ggs and just some warning shot
14964s not really a warning because you know he
14968s just got destroyed by that warning shot
14970s and the powder pandemonium just went in
14974s and just finished it off man
14977s finish him off right there amazing and
14980s you know it he just played enough right
14983s um you saw a challenger scale not go in
14986s and account for a possible powder
14989s pandemonium right so that was that was
14992s kind of uh you know kind of a a play
14994s like a kind of aggressive play right
14997s there on this side putting down a
14998s screeching dragon and not even counting
15000s his uh his Mana for a possible deny play
15003s yeah but was that a mistake coming in
15006s right like you know that you are at
15008s really low Health you know that you know
15009s these are the possible cards that
15011s opponent could do and especially you're
15012s facing off a powder pandemonium deck
15014s this is an open deck list you know your
15016s opponent Run Street Powder pandemonium
15017s you have to have some respect for this
15019s card because if you don't you ran you
15022s like you tap out of four Mana that's
15024s basically open season for the
15025s pandemonium to go through and that's
15027s what exactly happened and and you know
15029s and that was a very good win and very
15031s clean win coming in from uh means of
15033s cats
15035s yeah and uh means of guy going in with a
15037s 2-0 especially during the first match
15041s um we now see Shem not Shannon
15045s they're not shining right now right
15047s Shannon just that just put it just put
15050s him back where it belongs like he's uh
15052s he's a kind of a non-meta uh kind of a
15055s spicy pick right there
15058s um the the more consistent versions of
15060s the j4 deck could have flourished a bit
15062s more so um that would have been a
15066s um that would have been amazing if it
15068s got even to top four and even to the uh
15072s this is the finals in semi-finals as
15074s well so well
15076s um let's see uh I'm honest do we have
15079s any more uh matches that we can spectate
15081s right now oh I believe this is rough
15084s Terror going against Evie Mana right
15086s here uh one one this is game number
15088s three and we are likely gonna see a
15090s powder pandemonium uh mirror right here
15095s okay
15096s so oh wow okay Evie Mana goes in with
15100s the knocks him forever they uh they are
15104s um recognizing that this is uh a going
15107s to be a minion play between the two so
15109s uh with this kind of match up you would
15111s want to see uh your board be more than
15115s the other right so that's a good play
15117s like an action Ferber with definitely
15119s accounted for and
15121s the elegant is going to be putting down
15123s and uh did they this this the first is
15127s this a turn has flounder been activated
15129s for Raptor right now uh not yet right
15131s but you could start the plunder going
15133s with the pirouette right just stun the
15135s tree too and and just do one more damage
15138s to to his opponent and he could still
15140s block with the monkey that's done as
15141s well and I think the uh Jagger task
15144s master
15145s right it's the one that is going to be
15147s the key card for Mana to actually allow
15149s him to have the edge because he's gonna
15151s add plus one to every single one costs
15153s million uh units everywhere
15155s um in his in his gameplay yeah it's
15157s gonna be uh getting uh everyone to plus
15161s one uh every one every one cost card
15164s plus one and look at that the pirouette
15166s is gonna be used uh Pharaoh Fury is
15168s going to be targeted in stunned or
15171s elegant Edge this is going to be
15172s preventing more damage coming in and no
15176s attack is gonna be uh posted right there
15179s right so this will be a uh a development
15183s turn for RAV Terra he may go for a
15186s powder pandemonium and he does go in or
15190s wait sorry Monkey Business sorry yeah
15192s monkey business has been put down and
15194s this is going to be uh possibly uh going
15198s in for a plunder activation for uh
15202s Elegance Edge elegant Edge or uh Jagged
15205s butcher yeah you are a good deck you
15208s don't block you never block as an agro
15210s deck and that is a wonder why when it
15211s comes to aggro matchup like you know
15213s it's all about you know counting your
15215s damage and how could you uh gain the
15218s maximum advantage against your opponent
15219s and right here Mana is just looking
15221s really strong right now with you know
15222s four or three four attack units as well
15225s uh but ratera needs the additional draw
15227s power to refuel and you know it you have
15230s to try to find it knocks him further off
15231s the top as well that's something that he
15233s might be looking for uh to actually even
15235s out this board
15237s and it's right and it's going to be a
15239s good choice uh for uh for reftera to
15244s just go draw on and find out uh two of
15246s the cars are fleeting now he he there's
15249s choice right here that you may want to
15251s pick between uh will it be uh will you
15254s use
15255s and oh well it does go over the harbor
15258s and this is a mirror fist there you go
15261s go in with the pool shark there you go
15263s and might go and just uh wait it out
15267s like uh that uh that option the fleet
15270s induction firmer will not be used as at
15272s the moment
15273s yep and Mana is just looking strong
15275s right he got the damage he got the board
15277s uh but roughtera got the guess and Mana
15280s is going to be seeing three cards this
15282s sun if he finds himself a pandemonium uh
15285s that might make a difference in this
15287s particular fight no pandemonium of the
15289s top three card but another Taskmaster
15291s and that is gonna
15293s um buff all his one course units up even
15296s further as well so roughtera looks like
15299s he got the guess but as long as uh he
15301s can maintain this particular control
15303s like you know this
15305s um consistency that he have uh he might
15307s have an opening tool to close up this
15309s off with the pandemonium in his hand
15311s that's right and now with that Target
15313s towards the powder monkey right there
15315s that Jagged ass Master won't be propped
15317s as in the moment but considering that
15319s there's a pair went over at the side of
15321s uh EV Mana he can still prop that and
15323s just still summon the other two units
15326s wait what
15328s okay oh yeah oh what
15331s he he would have wanted to uh profit
15333s first right because it check it uh uh
15336s Taskmaster would give plus one plus one
15337s but yeah I'm feeling that he wants more
15340s of the chump blocks uh over at the side
15342s I think he got the value that he Mana is
15345s actually looking out for right he got
15346s the value he got one plus one on to all
15349s the one uh one cost and that it really
15351s did make a lot of difference as well and
15353s this actually withheld withhold a lot of
15355s information uh just by not committing
15357s the pirouette early and um this actually
15360s would you know influence a little bit of
15362s play that roughtera could potentially do
15364s with his with his hand as well so
15366s especially with you know but at this
15368s point in time Mana will be only seeing
15370s one card per turn the next few in the
15373s next few draws as well so that is him uh
15375s on the back foot but hey he's using the
15378s star Guardian center cap back so I
15380s believe uh he's gonna draw into what he
15382s wants yeah that's right he's gonna be
15385s drawing into what he wants but uh let's
15388s see
15389s um if he does go in attack elegant Edge
15392s it goes in with the barbed and he's
15395s going to be drawing as well so one of
15397s these guys are really digging deep into
15400s their decks man like a this is going to
15403s be uh oh stylish shot in the face
15409s pandemonium let's go
15412s right but here's the thing right
15414s roughterra don't really have any more
15417s space
15418s on this on his on his uh bench for for
15421s the powder pandemonium to actually fire
15422s so uh and he's already at six HP so you
15426s have to be a little bit more careful
15427s another Bob chain coming in Mana is
15430s going to see even more cards the next
15431s turn so after I have to be really
15433s aggressive right here you know just go
15434s for an open attack clear up your board
15436s and let the powder pandemonium do its
15438s musical magic yes that's right powder
15441s pandemonium will be the choice a bit
15443s later
15444s oh
15450s oh man yeah I do agree with you man
15453s opening attack would be the best course
15454s of action for rap Terror right now and
15457s uh there's no way for uh that fist to
15460s you know to get that elusive uh uh
15464s elusive uh put on uh considering that
15466s there is no spell uh that he can use
15468s right now and again pandemonium right
15471s now we'll get him to have more units but
15475s if he does attack and if he got that uh
15478s gets traded out
15480s does that mean over at the next turn
15483s um there will be a chance for Evanna to
15485s do an open attack
15488s but I think like you know right here
15490s roughtera is
15492s not in a position to take an open attack
15494s right he have to go for the swing right
15495s here but he's only gonna do one damage
15498s with the pull shark that's it but you
15501s get a full bot trade with your opponent
15504s um but the fist is going to be trouble
15506s if uh it ever lands on mana's board as
15510s well
15511s yeah so like this is gonna be uh quite a
15514s decision for raft era if he goes all all
15517s in all of the guys over at this side are
15520s gonna be blocked
15522s um
15523s but he is indeed in trouble because that
15526s fizz uh is already flipped it's gonna be
15528s three only one damage out and he's gonna
15531s be out right there it's gonna be
15533s um uh out and gonna be sleeping with the
15537s fishes right all right there you go
15539s that's why I was saying like he was
15541s thinking maybe I should pass because if
15543s I don't if I do uh if I do attack I'm
15547s gonna be not having anyone blocking over
15550s at my side or just one card blocking and
15553s the fists uh possibly might get in with
15558s is very oh it's already before too yeah
15560s with the jagged Taskmaster all right so
15562s here's the problem now right his Force
15564s he's uh he's actually forced to go for a
15566s powder pandemonium right here but
15568s there's not much value to it
15570s right you're wasting so many um monkeys
15573s as of right yeah and and just because
15575s you won the feast as a blocker so that
15577s you know the face wouldn't get to go in
15579s as well but they're all out in mana's
15581s hand
15582s is the designing factor and Mana got
15584s this game is over yeah it is over indeed
15588s a Mana it's already out with one one and
15593s that all out is gonna be used
15596s to get into the action fighter Fury is
15599s gonna oh up to four one and there you go
15602s double elusives is gonna be the winning
15606s Factor right there in Evie Mana gets
15608s into a 2-1 against raft era putting him
15612s out and he's gonna be moving on to top
15614s four right now moon boy yeah that is
15617s very close right that's a very close
15618s matchup especially when we talk about a
15620s mirror matchup like that that jaggered
15622s butcher literally put mana on like you
15625s know above rough Terror just because of
15627s those additional one that one damage
15628s that could push him on top and and
15630s that's the every damage matter in the
15632s mirror match like that and everything
15634s paid off
15636s yeah it's a it's really really important
15638s that they have to have this like three
15641s plus one for the dragon butcher uh I'm
15643s sorry jacket the Taskmaster and I was I
15646s was like a kind of Biffy like why did he
15648s Wonder first like he just wanted that
15650s block and that plus one was already
15652s important and uh already enough that's
15654s how proud these guys are and you know
15657s the all that he just went all out
15659s especially during the last portion of
15661s the game because he was already all out
15664s of cards man right no more cards are
15667s gonna be used so that's why it was
15669s really the the perfect card for him to
15672s move on to the semi-finals yeah and you
15675s know being a good player you have to go
15676s all out and that's exactly what he did
15678s but ladies and gentlemen all the top
15680s eight game have been concluded let's
15682s just take a look at the bracket once
15684s again to see who are the final four
15686s players yeah
15688s okay so it's gonna be mint soft cat
15690s versus Evie Mana for uh the
15693s semi-finalist one and FNP chenya versus
15696s Newman for the semi-finals group two so
15699s again top four are gonna be these
15702s players and oh man amazing that we got
15705s to see a lot of uh I got we got to see
15708s this uh mint soft cat and Evie mana
15710s chanya and Newman not yet so probably
15712s that's the one that we're going to be
15713s casting later yeah for sure we have not
15716s seen chenya Newman in this whole
15718s tournament so far so I'm really excited
15720s to see what these two players is gonna
15722s bring any spicy text any spicy uh
15725s strategy moving forward from these two
15727s players as well so um Excelsior we are
15730s down to our final two game for the night
15731s what do you think um or what do you
15733s expect for the top four and the grand
15735s finals now uh we have seen a while ago
15739s uh mint soft cat bring the same like
15742s Samir fists
15744s um we saw the echo Jinx and we saw
15747s Tristana so uh as we have seen uh from
15750s Mana
15752s um it looks like quite absane right so
15754s maybe we'll see more of that some mirror
15756s face Tristana
15758s um I've yet to see Echo Jinx on play uh
15761s right we have seen it a while ago but
15763s yeah I want to see it yet again so um
15766s maybe more uh it's maybe it's aggro town
15770s right now moon boy as we are seeing in
15773s Agro and mid-range tokens uh are
15776s dominating the The Meta right now and
15779s with good reason as you can see here
15780s over the finals man yeah I'm glad right
15783s like you know we were saying previously
15784s that control is actually picking up
15786s right now and uh it doesn't seems like
15789s the case in our final four so hopefully
15791s we get to see you know a little bit of
15793s variation coming in from the top four
15795s and finals so let's just wait and see
15797s right so ladies and gentlemen as we go
15799s for a short break right here so do not
15801s go anywhere because the top four these
15803s semi-finals will be coming up later on
15805s my name is moon boy and I'm joined by
15807s Excel sir and we'll see you guys later
15809s on
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16206s thank you
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16261s thank you
16264s foreign
16267s [Music]
16289s [Music]
16315s laughs
16324s [Music]
16331s [Music]
16337s foreign
16338s [Music]
16348s [Music]
16381s foreign
16386s [Music]
16441s foreign
16445s [Music]
16452s [Music]
16458s [Music]
16463s thank you
16465s [Music]
16476s thank you
16479s [Music]
16532s foreign
16543s hey guys welcome to the legend from
16545s tarot World qualifiers uh world's
16547s qualifier for APAC region I'm Excelsior
16549s pH with me is moon boy and we are now at
16553s the semi-finals stop four right now moon
16555s boy oh how are you feeling man with the
16557s with the matches that we've been casting
16559s for the past few hours
16562s so many different Decks that we have
16564s seen so far so many close matches that
16567s that we have experienced as well and
16569s there is so many ups and downs and and
16571s so many stories that have been made or
16574s even you know uh completed but we are
16576s down to the next chapter top four the
16580s four men still have their world's seated
16582s dreams alive and only for all this for
16585s only one man can make it to work so what
16588s what what do you think think of this you
16590s know uh competitiveness or this like you
16592s know hungriness coming in from for four
16594s then yeah I mean it's high stakes right
16596s now you only we only get one uh spot or
16599s one definite spot to the world's
16602s qualifier or through the worlds uh even
16604s right and then this is actually a
16606s confident spot right now and we are like
16608s as competitive players and uh uh
16611s scasters as well that's so that's gonna
16612s be one spot you would want to be in
16615s right and if you are here over at the
16618s top four you are close already and for
16621s the topic if even though you've got the
16623s points you've got to be kind of envious
16624s for a top four or even the top one
16627s that's all going to be right here over
16628s at the finals uh that's coming up uh
16631s after this one so still it's still kind
16634s of a a huge pressure for the players
16637s right considering that like I I've I've
16640s uh we've been both in tournaments right
16642s we've built play the tournaments and
16643s considering the metal pressure that
16645s comes in when you do try and play your
16647s tournaments like like your blood
16649s pressure goes up
16651s to kind of get anxious most of the time
16653s what is he playing what is this and I
16656s already know how to play this but why am
16658s I not getting top decks no like the
16661s whole the whole experience has got to be
16664s kind of um you know nerve-wracking for
16666s our players and you know it's it I I do
16669s admire these players sort of having the
16670s the fortitude for even going through
16672s this
16673s yeah and it kind of messes with your
16675s head at any point in time right there's
16677s so much uh Mind Games involved and it's
16681s not just all luck and skill but it's all
16684s about you know how competent are you to
16686s mess up your opponent's play as much as
16688s possible yes you know we each of us know
16690s what is our game plan what is what does
16692s Our Deck do but the higher level of how
16695s you should play this game is how to not
16699s let your opponent do what they are
16700s supposed to do instead of focusing on
16703s what you are supposed to do so you know
16705s there's lots of like this kind of
16707s scenario so when is it the right time to
16709s disrupt when is the right time to
16710s execute and when is the right time to go
16712s for the kill so it's all you know really
16715s high level and a lot of layers when it
16717s comes to consideration when it comes to
16718s plays like this but we're down to our
16720s final four players and this four players
16723s are just you know one of the best in the
16724s Apec as of this season thus far let's
16727s just take a look at the brackets and how
16729s happy they're doing so far
16731s yes let's look at the brackets right now
16734s and see
16735s um how they went from the quarterfinals
16737s now we saw a mint soft cat which are the
16740s three words
16741s [Laughter]
16744s of cat going in with the 2-0 against
16746s their opponent Challenger skill and uh
16748s their Pharaoh was beated out by Mana
16751s with the 2-1 as we saw a while ago
16754s they're gonna be moving forward and we
16756s saw um Evie against chanya chenya moving
16759s forward as well with the two one another
16761s Clean Sweep coming in from new men
16763s against Rose BB so they're going to be
16766s moving forward as well but for the
16768s purposes of this broadcast we're going
16770s to be looking at chanya and Newman first
16773s because we haven't casted them over the
16775s the past few hours so this is going to
16777s be uh quite exciting as to what they're
16779s going to be bringing
16781s yeah so I I'm curious all right I'm
16783s curious what the this um these two
16785s players are gonna bring we have seen
16787s Shen in the top eight and and that
16790s didn't make it to top four so we're
16792s slowly to streamline right we're
16794s starting to streamline to see what are
16796s the best deck in this format task file
16798s and it seems like Samira and shisana are
16801s still the leaders when it comes to um
16803s you know top decks being picked off by
16806s this place you know why I feel that
16808s during the season Samira is the pick
16811s because it's summer
16813s oh
16818s [Laughter]
16820s I guess that's why it's a mirror there's
16822s a lot of Samira there okay okay yeah
16824s yeah
16825s it's a mirror time and the Samira verse
16828s just you know just keeps on expanding it
16830s uh but we saw Samira Fizz we saw Samira
16833s Jinx
16834s um I think I I saw yeah Samir Pantheon a
16838s while ago so let's see if there's going
16840s to be another version or another variant
16841s you know on this matchup and look at
16844s this uh what can you say about Newman's
16846s Tech moon boy wow but on Newman on the
16849s top side we got Echo Jinx that's
16851s something that you are interested to
16852s watch out uh to watch in this matchup
16854s and and then follow up by a Samara Fist
16857s and then a comma set and this is this
16860s three decks are one of the best three
16862s decks in the format right now and you
16864s know it's down to China how is he gonna
16866s answer to this three decks that's right
16868s and of course over the side of China
16870s it's gonna be oh the first time we're
16872s going to be seeing over at uh this
16874s tournament today I've seen it over
16876s played over at ladder it's kind of still
16878s strong action Pantheon and we see Karma
16882s set right there and Teemo slash Tristana
16886s now this is going to be a curious
16887s combination it's usually Nar Tristana
16890s and uh Teemo but now it's just Teemo and
16894s Tristana but yeah I mean it still can
16896s still be powerful as we have seen a
16898s while ago but I'm gonna talk about the
16902s good talk right now
16903s uh moon boy which decks do you think
16906s would be a band
16908s well I mean in my honest opinion I think
16912s uh both comma that might be bad yeah
16915s definitely I feel I feel it is the
16918s definite Target yeah like you don't want
16921s your unit to be destroyed you don't want
16923s them to be shot down as well so that's
16925s how you protect um the echo Jinx and the
16928s Samira fees from for Newman and for
16930s chenya as well right you don't want your
16932s Pantheon to be easily removed you don't
16934s want your yodels to be removed as well
16935s so just bend out the PNC deck that could
16938s potentially do all these things and
16940s disrupt your boss state
16942s that's right that's going to be the
16943s possible answer right there just to get
16946s those bands out but of course we are
16949s going to be seeing which ones of which
16951s one of these uh decks are gonna be
16953s removed or are gonna be uh blocked out
16956s from our place but yeah they uh most of
16959s these decks are unit heavy uh for
16962s example you go um action Pantheon um
16965s actually Pantheon depends on the fated
16968s units as well
16970s um you you get a lot of those uh faded
16973s units and of course the landmark that
16974s the action is developing right it's
16977s gonna be easy for this combination to
16980s pop off especially maybe around turn
16982s five to six they would you would be able
16985s to make big units and maximize the the
16988s value of the landmarks so also uh the
16991s wireless Palace right it would maximize
16993s that
16995s um uh go if you go against it uh with
16998s maybe a Samira Fizz maybe it would fall
17002s short right because it develops a bit
17004s slower than some mirror fists right so
17007s uh uh it's uh it's it's a good matchup
17012s um but if you go against uh uh a a Karma
17015s said it would get definitely get
17017s destroyed right now like yeah for sure
17019s turn by turn Target by Target you've
17022s seen this over at the previous matches
17024s so we have casted it can the tides can
17026s be turned with the the karma and it
17029s might for it might you might force your
17030s opponent to like definitely surrender
17032s When You Reach enlightened right so it's
17034s gonna be uh easy so maybe we might see
17038s that kind of band yeah but you know as
17040s much as possible that
17041s um you know the karma set could actually
17043s uh destroy your units and not allow you
17046s to develop right but as long as you run
17047s them out of gas and and just finish them
17050s out fast enough
17051s um there is a chance for you to actually
17053s take down that Karma set as long as you
17055s don't reach turn 10 10 there's a high
17057s chance of you
17058s um winning this whole matchup as well
17060s right and Pantheon on the other hand
17062s we've seen Pantheon previously there's a
17064s panther Samira variation but once the
17067s pantheon level up it's gonna be really
17069s scary with like tons of keywords stacked
17071s onto that man as well and with the help
17073s of and with the Synergy of the um
17076s shurima package with akshan it's it's
17078s not difficult to actually start those
17080s fated triggers going as well yeah I
17083s would like to see the how uh action is
17086s going to be you know it's always
17087s exciting uh when action gets to be
17089s flipped which keywords are they're gonna
17092s be uh developing because you know it's
17094s gonna be a random pick and the keywords
17097s are just keep on expanding expanding per
17100s expansion right and uh you know that's
17102s gonna be more uh more ABS to add to
17105s Pantheon
17106s more muscles or like more you know
17109s utilities coming in for the pantheon as
17111s well so like you know the thing about
17113s Randomness right RNG when it comes to
17115s Rolling Pantheon's a keyword the best
17118s way to to utilize it is to have as many
17120s keywords as possible so you know don't
17123s just take F5 just get every keyword as
17127s possible so that you know the RNG would
17129s always be in your favor because your
17130s heat rate is 100 that's right that's
17133s right so well we'll see we'll see how
17135s which guy uh which of these uh decks are
17138s going to be banning uh I feel that the
17140s the the the players are thinking really
17143s hard about which decks are gonna be
17145s banning as of the moment because you
17148s know top four already at the the spot
17150s where you knew I think you are one step
17153s away for from getting thousands of
17156s dollars if I remember correctly right
17159s um it's already a thousand smart if you
17161s go in and win this matchup you're gonna
17164s be at the final seat already or rather
17167s Yeah final seat already you're gonna be
17169s securing that spot and also one win away
17171s from getting that world spot already oh
17173s boy one minute away from a chance for
17176s wolves two wins away two walls so it's
17180s just so close guys you're so close at
17182s the end of the tunnel do not give up at
17184s this point in time finish it off right
17186s two more wins that's all you need you
17187s really won every single game in for
17190s today so what's two more yeah that's
17193s right that's right and you know um I've
17196s been I'm happy that we're receiver we
17199s get to cast these types of tournaments
17201s man world's qualifier after seasonals
17203s there were just one step we're just
17205s moving up in terms of uh how uh how
17208s Global Legends of Terror has been right
17210s that we have we're seeing uh seasonals
17212s with the bishop in lock into uh the
17215s regions and then we're gonna go if they
17217s go into Worlds they're gonna we're gonna
17219s have a wider reach and uh they're gonna
17221s be playing with other regions as well so
17224s this is going to be the stepping stone
17226s for you to go out of your Shard and just
17228s go in and try to beat it out with the
17231s masters of the world
17234s yeah that's true right like we have like
17237s we haven't been playing against other
17239s shots for a very long time and Wells is
17242s the only opportunity to play against
17243s players of other caliber or other styles
17246s or other region and you know that's what
17249s everybody tries to go into and and you
17253s know this is the very first spot in the
17255s season why not just take it you're very
17257s close to it yeah really close and uh you
17260s know between these two I am I'm a really
17263s you know I'm economic because both of
17265s these still they basically have like two
17267s decks of the same uh archetypes like uh
17271s and it feels like um we uh
17275s as we have seen some of the professional
17277s players like go in and put in their you
17279s know their grids you see the win loss
17281s Advantage it just gets keeps on getting
17284s clearer and clear with all the data
17285s there that they're putting in uh with
17288s these tournaments so uh I'm uh I'm gonna
17290s be expecting uh still more until there
17294s are a sell more Tristana and some mirror
17297s variants until there are like balancing
17299s changes like you know but for now please
17302s don't balance it out I'm still playing
17303s it so please don't balance out those
17306s decks because I'm still enjoying it
17308s um right now and getting the hang of
17310s like getting more wins for uh for the
17313s value and even setting it up like quick
17315s wins for a some mirror this deck is is
17318s the way for me like aggro uh is really
17321s doing it for me right now but now let's
17324s get into the action as we watch the
17326s first game moon boy yeah so ladies and
17329s gentlemen off we go this is top four
17331s Newman going against chanya and we're
17334s gonna be going into I believe this is
17336s Samira fish going up against Bano City
17339s Tristana uh Teemo coming in from China
17342s so this is the uh damasia variant
17345s compared to the uh builds water variant
17348s that we have been seeing uh today so
17350s this is something different that China
17351s is actually bringing onto the table uh
17354s for this matchup that's right and this
17356s is going to be uh quite exciting uh
17359s because we are seeing two um content
17363s totem Heavy Hitters uh in the tournament
17366s meta and the candle Commando is going to
17368s be put down it's gonna be
17370s um uncontested at the moment so there's
17372s going to be a free hungry owl cat that
17375s maybe put down uh over at the next turn
17378s now of course there's gonna be a free
17380s attack as well uh that may be coming out
17383s from a Newman he's going to be using the
17385s father Fury uh right there so
17388s Battlefield is going to be a summit Ed
17390s jettison is possibly the worst spell
17392s that you can get from that that plunder
17394s man I I really hate it when that happens
17399s yeah definitely and and right here it
17401s seems like you know uh the Kenya he got
17404s a pretty good opening right but have a
17407s new man is just going on the offense
17408s right here and going in for the flare I
17411s believe he will be gunning down the uh
17413s mayor right you don't want the mayor
17414s abandon city mayor to get too much uh
17417s value out of this as well so this
17419s literally wipes out the whole Board of
17421s China and new man is is having the the
17424s advantage that he's actually looking out
17426s that he's actually searching for and you
17428s know having two more units on the board
17430s as well still have the flag going uh
17432s Samira is going to be leveling up pretty
17433s soon as well Newman is just looking
17435s great
17436s yeah Newman is looking great right now
17438s and of course getting another Samira oh
17441s my gosh that's good value right there
17443s but over at the side of Kenya let's see
17445s how they will be developing of course
17447s putting down the mayor will be the best
17450s course of action just to uh decrease the
17452s value of some of the other cards or
17454s especially the first card you're going
17455s to be playing but again the name of the
17457s game now is to see which uh one develops
17461s the board more effectively while trying
17464s to deal some damage towards your
17465s opponent's uh Nexus and look at that
17468s Samira gets to flip quite early and look
17473s at that dude who can who can serve a
17476s sword better than Samira man just tell
17478s me and I will say no Samir Does it
17481s Better
17482s yeah like like you know leveling up some
17484s mirror at turn four like that is really
17487s fast right and and you know especially
17490s right here and he could start to get his
17492s uh multiple uh rallies moving forward as
17496s well as long as he cuts it costs like
17498s six spells and it's not gonna be too
17500s difficult because as of right now
17501s there's four more in his hand ready to
17503s go as well and you know it's gonna be
17505s easy peasy coming in for uh for the
17508s Samira to actually get that trigger and
17509s just and just go for the little kill
17512s all out
17513s all out indeed and now you can see you
17517s know uh this flips Samira I haven't seen
17520s it been flipped this early man it's
17522s usually like uh um like around turn six
17526s uh when they get to uh to steamroll the
17528s opponent but new men definitely not new
17531s to this archetype as you can see
17533s bringing down Kenya down to seven now
17536s seven
17537s is really cutting it close like you can
17540s see a bunch of flares a bunch of a
17542s straight uh Nexus shots that you can
17545s bring down right there but over at the
17548s side look at that fizz being summoned
17551s over at the side of Newman also flipped
17554s that's that's a testament to how many
17556s spells have been played by Newman
17558s um yeah but I think it's it's pretty uh
17561s straightforward at this point in time
17563s right like this is gonna do three uh the
17566s fixed shot is gonna do one and oh no
17568s okay so with the Commando is going to be
17570s blocking the face as well so I mean it's
17573s it's still you know he he will still go
17575s for the flare into a um try try to
17579s actually close off the game here or even
17580s like you know go get the rally and just
17582s and just do as much damage to his
17584s opponent as much as possible but China
17586s though he got that uh Tristana in his
17589s hand so if he gets this turn uh things
17591s might be a little bit uh better for him
17593s you know for this to turn this around
17595s the next turn as well
17597s let's write this right now grandfather
17599s uh pay is going to be putting as good as
17602s you put down on the side of Ed the NP
17604s chenya now this is going to be helpful
17607s uh to like possibly uh put up the attack
17610s of the hungry Outcast right there and
17613s other units as well
17615s but I am uh still not optimistic for uh
17619s for Channel right now considering this
17620s his health is down to three now that's
17624s really that's like two warning shots in
17627s a flare that's it that's gonna be uh and
17630s it's it's possible that you might see a
17633s Newman
17634s um go with that or even just develop
17636s units and jump the waters is going to be
17639s used right now it's gonna it's gonna be
17640s uh quite effective as well
17672s yes just take that three damage and over
17675s the next turn this is gonna be the
17677s crucial play this is when things are
17680s gonna be happening for Newman because he
17682s is within range 3 HP look at that
17686s stylish shot goes on and deals with
17689s damage and even has a an overwhelm with
17693s a grandfather vein look at that Shin is
17697s um chancy mode is going to be coming out
17698s even though it lost during the previous
17700s round but this is it Newman going in
17703s with the one zero straight off the
17706s damage and within with a definite win
17710s like look at the difference between
17711s their uh their Nexus HPS like this is
17714s basically saying
17716s um I already flipped early uh two of my
17719s Champions I'm gonna be winning this
17721s match up and you're not going to be
17722s doing anything about it
17735s yeah
17737s man
17740s yeah not so much uh that you can do from
17743s the side of China and even though he uh
17745s they were trying to develop the board
17747s like uh you see the Whiteboard right
17748s there the you know the the the champ the
17752s waters with the overwhelm uh with all
17754s the stylish shots with all the flares
17756s that was just enough man uh to take him
17759s out but of course Jenny is still going
17760s to be using the same deck all right same
17763s deck uh the uh there's son attack but
17766s over at the side of Newman it's gonna be
17768s Echo chicks okay it's gonna be quite
17770s exciting I've been waiting for this man
17798s foreign
17803s still going for this crying sense oh
17807s this is going to be just for the predict
17809s uh right there and look at that oh more
17813s more support for chanya as he puts down
17816s the Bando Commando and he's gonna be
17818s going on with an attack Anna unblocked
17821s sigh on the side of Vandal Commando and
17824s look at that this is going to be uh uh
17827s preventing bundle Commando to uh get
17829s that Nexus damage and he won't be able
17832s to uh get one more hungry owl cat as uh
17835s from that attack
17836s [Music]
17840s oh yes and uh we can see that uh during
17843s this uh draw look at that time is that a
17846s Time trick it looks like a Time trick
17847s and the echo has been put down already I
17851s think he is going to be flipped really
17853s soon with this uh with the predictive
17856s he's doing over at the side of uh
17860s over at the side of Newman and he draws
17862s out the Border
17864s like those borders are free uh free
17867s Minions that are free units you can put
17869s down over at your side uh once you be
17871s once you're able to predict them and
17874s look oh Chrono breaks are already out
17877s because Echo has been flipped
17880s here you go this is gonna be the start
17883s of the echo action
17886s you get free time tricks after you get
17889s an attack and you get to predict as well
17891s which cards are gonna be uh drawn out
17894s after that time trick
17899s all right so okay so we're now seeing oh
17902s oh wow there's gonna be more support for
17906s predict from Newman and he gets into the
17910s position like this is what you want to
17912s do when you're uh when you're playing
17914s the echo Jinx you want to control
17916s whatever you're going to be drawing next
17918s so that it goes towards your favor but
17920s look the tenor of Terror is gonna be on
17924s the side of uh Kenya but instead he goes
17928s in and summons the grand grandfather Ray
17931s right there to bring out the hungry owl
17933s cat okay this is gonna be a chance again
17936s for chanya just keep on drawing but over
17938s at Newman missing shot he he predicted
17942s this and he wanted this to happen so
17944s that he would be able to like uh like do
17946s some Spock removals over at the over at
17948s his side
17952s so
17953s yeah let's see if we can see a Mystic
17957s shot there you go
17959s oh
17961s there we go missing shot going in
17963s towards that Vandal Vandal Commando
17967s and uh right now uh there might be a
17970s form up that may be used right here to
17972s protect that uh battle Commando because
17974s uh
17975s he you would want to like make sure most
17978s of your units are protected and he does
17981s bring it up to three four
17984s and this might be an attack that's uh
17987s coming oh he wants to still develop into
17990s a hungry owl cat going into five units
17993s on the board
17995s wow
17999s okay
18001s so we now see um just two units getting
18005s into the attack right now and uh look at
18008s that with the uh Tristana getting the
18011s free impact another uh predict gonna be
18014s used by Newman oh plus look at this
18019s there's gonna be plus
18021s HP and the flip Tristana is or plus
18024s attack from the side of Newman but of
18027s course just uh Justin is going to get
18029s flipped and with this whiteboard I'm not
18031s optimistic that uh that the chenya is uh
18035s the Tenya is not going to be or sorry
18037s I'm not optimistic that uh Newman is
18038s going to be putting the damage in
18044s there we go
18046s oh well okay so okay this is going to be
18049s a free attack but the favorable traits
18051s are gonna be happening over at the side
18053s of uh of China like uh even though he's
18057s defending there's still some a lot of
18059s units that he can put down on his side
18062s of the board like um
18064s and we might see uh a a more favorable
18068s attack over at the next turn right so
18071s wow Newman just going in the voices as
18075s well this is gonna be a
18079s chance for him to just uh keep on
18082s dealing damage while also predicting but
18085s also controlling what he's going to be
18087s drawing next but this is not looking
18089s good for uh Newman because over at the
18091s next turn he they might get uh
18093s overwhelmed as well with the units that
18096s uh China is going to be attacking with
18098s so
18100s um Jordan's in arms it's a tech that
18102s he's uh brought in and it it looks like
18104s it has been working over at the the
18107s previous matches that he did
18109s time trick
18111s is gonna be used by Newman there you go
18114s the tenor of Terror has been drawn out
18116s and uh there's gonna be some more damage
18119s and impact that's going to be coming out
18122s as well and the board one of the borders
18124s has been summoned as well
18126s so this is go it's looking good for uh
18130s new men right now this might be the uh
18134s uh the answer for him to block or order
18137s to attack uh over at his turn
18141s will break though there we go
18146s yeah that I mean sorry my audio just got
18150s cut off just now but that was a big
18151s Chrono break coming in from Newman yeah
18156s women just like wants to
18159s do like uh to go Toe to Toe with all the
18162s units that's appearing on the side of
18164s China man
18166s yeah so I think like this particular
18168s attack just literally ripped Kenya's uh
18171s bought apart right and and there's still
18173s so many ways that uh Newman could still
18176s continue to push in this aggression
18178s and a second quarterback Corner break is
18181s in his hand as well and I think this is
18183s just a really good push coming from
18184s Newman
18185s it might be over
18188s don't be over it might we might see a
18190s 2-0 right now with this push oh man
18194s maybe this is this is what happened man
18197s look with the echo jigs that he's been
18199s playing it's really on point and he's
18201s been playing it quite well like the
18204s Chrono break man this is it this is the
18207s final shot and you know China is gonna
18211s take it 2-0 straight
18213s man I think we're gonna be watching the
18215s other match with uh with this early uh
18218s finish coming in from Newman
18220s yeah I mean that was really fast right
18222s first off you got the submira and they
18224s just close off the game in like what
18225s less than 10 minutes and second one you
18228s know he got really well with the predict
18230s and get a early Echo and just Chrono
18233s breaks after Chrono breaks to just close
18235s off the game and that was just really uh
18237s fortunate for new men and that was just
18238s two fast games and we have our very
18240s first grade final it's just like that
18242s yeah very fast the grand finalists new
18246s men already and you know um the other uh
18249s player that we are going to uh possibly
18252s spectate is going to be new mint cat I
18254s mean sorry midsoft cat and Evie Mana so
18258s um with that fast match up oh I I have
18261s got to you know I've I've got to
18264s empathize with the other players like I
18267s was wondering where there was a 2-0 and
18269s this is it we just saw it there was a
18272s 2-0 because of this Amira face because
18274s of the echo Jake's those plays were on
18277s point and you know I was thinking maybe
18280s uh maybe China would be overwhelming
18283s um uh we would be overwhelming Newman
18285s with his uh with their units but the
18287s Chrono break just broke out uh the uh
18290s that win like that's amazing man it's oh
18294s do oh definitely well deserved
18297s well that's the thing about rally right
18298s rally is kind of like a remover by
18300s itself so the more you attack it forces
18303s your opponent to block more and
18305s especially with like units getting
18306s bigger and you got big units like Echo
18308s and once Echo is level up as well the
18310s time trick just did lets you dig further
18313s into the deck as well so there are so
18315s many options that you could do
18317s especially with this um Echo and and
18319s there's just limit us at this point in
18321s time and that's why this deck is so good
18323s and it's still running hot especially in
18325s a matter like that yeah I said with that
18327s though we're going to be watching
18329s another match up here at the semi-finals
18331s and uh it's going to be a mid-soft cat
18335s versus Evie Mana Evie mana on top
18337s midsoft cat at the bottom and it's gonna
18340s be another Tristan of flip coming in
18343s from the side of Evie man and now this
18345s is going to be a mirror match right here
18347s uh let's see which one does it better
18350s yep I believe right here in this
18352s particular matchup whoever have a bigger
18354s Tristana or even half a Tristana to
18356s begin with is gonna have a upper hand
18358s especially in a matchup like that right
18360s uh however imadas Nar is a little bit
18364s smaller and it can't exactly take out
18367s his opponent Nar as well because it's
18369s 7-5 with tough and you know that's a
18371s little bit of a challenge coming in for
18373s Mana to deal with
18374s that's right and uh
18376s um it may be now look at that uh look at
18380s the huge uh Tristana right there
18383s 16 foreign as well and considering that
18387s um he's just forcing Mana he's just
18389s forcing Min soft cat to just get one of
18392s his units just get decimated right there
18395s and he he goes with the barrier one of
18397s the units with barrier for blocking but
18399s though that damage is going to be
18402s overwhelming right there that's a
18404s definite win for
18407s EV manner one zero one zero that's you
18412s you said it man the one with the bigger
18414s Tristana and the earlier gonna gets the
18417s win
18418s 16 form that's big
18421s yeah like you know 16-4 and just having
18423s so many other units with uh impact as
18426s well like those are the key points that
18428s what you want to do with christana right
18430s because there's nothing that you could
18432s do to actually uh counter react to a
18434s impact other than then I believe it's uh
18438s quick side right like these are the only
18440s cards that could deal with um the the
18442s impact so without them there's nothing
18445s much that you could do but just absorb
18446s all the damage
18448s okay and now we're going into the next
18450s match it's gonna be EV Mana versus Min
18454s soft cat and uh mint soft cat is still
18456s going to be using the the Tristana uh
18460s deck that they used a while ago and over
18462s at Mana it's gonna be as a mirror fish
18466s so okay so we're gonna be uh see or
18469s we're not sure but it's mostly samiripus
18472s basically so um
18474s I feel it's still Samir if it's uh sided
18477s uh if he goes hard and fast
18480s yeah I mean that that's what Samira face
18482s is all about right and with the powder
18484s pandemonium as well uh he could just
18486s start everything it's not the whole
18488s engine going as soon as like you know uh
18491s turn four or even turn five you're ready
18493s to like you know have a four monkey
18495s powder pandemonium and that is possible
18496s as well so that is you know that's
18499s something that his opponent the cat has
18502s to be a little bit more wary about but
18503s however cat have a really good
18505s um you know curve coming in with the uh
18507s Grand parfait into Tristana or even into
18510s you know all into the Gnar at turn four
18512s as well so these are all like you know
18514s very good curves that there's something
18516s that you know Smith uh Smith's last step
18518s is actually uh looking for that's right
18521s that's right and yeah you know you know
18523s that early attack with the the face oh
18526s it's you know with these kinds of decks
18528s you would want to go turn by turn like
18532s every Nexus damage counts like even
18535s though like uh it uh that that face
18538s might be vulnerable uh when you if you
18540s put it down first uh or maybe countered
18543s uh you have to put it but like go on if
18546s it doesn't get uh countered then just go
18548s straight to the face like and now
18550s stylish shot is gonna to be going in
18553s towards the Nexus just and that's one of
18556s the the more important cards for uh for
18559s this type of deck like Silent Shot flare
18563s um other pandemonium powder monkey like
18565s that's going to those pieces just add up
18568s uh to the ultimate uh wind condition
18571s which is just uh trying to get down your
18573s opponent's uh Health within burn range
18577s or yeah like you just keep on burning
18579s slowly like we just get we can't say
18582s like a
18583s can we say that it's like a Slow Burn
18586s I don't think it's slow burn right it's
18588s just burnt
18590s at this point in time right like there's
18592s nothing much that you could do you can't
18594s really deal with the fish you can't you
18595s know Target it with spells as well
18597s um you just wait for your death until
18599s the powder pandemonium and you know with
18601s some mirror there's so many ways that
18602s you know she could just take advantage
18604s of the flare and just take out your
18606s units one by one yeah and it's like when
18609s I'm seeing it right now like indeed like
18612s um even though this is uh easily
18615s targetable it that Target uh it's like
18618s you're getting you're gonna get debated
18620s with all of the uh all of the easy cards
18623s used like there are a lot of a lot of uh
18626s burst cards that can't be used to
18627s counter and that's that's just going to
18629s this decimate the spell that you use to
18631s Target that fist but uh from what it
18634s looks like right now this is going to be
18635s sacrificed for the greater cause uh over
18638s at this turn right yeah
18641s well I think it's fine for the for the
18643s feast to go down right because yeah he
18646s could just replay it and just at the
18647s same time you know negate as much damage
18649s that uh cat is actually trying to do to
18652s his Nexus so he's still pretty okay and
18655s at the same time you know the uh Samira
18657s is so close to leveling up as well so he
18660s might want to take advantage of that and
18661s just level up this a mirror now and yeah
18663s there you have it
18665s oh yeah Samira has been leveled up let's
18668s see her surf that sword and this is
18671s going to be the start of the end if I
18674s say so myself we saw it a while ago from
18677s Newman and right now seeing it again
18680s over at the sign of Evie mana and
18683s if I remember correctly moon boy uh
18686s Newman also had the uh powder pandemon
18689s wait yeah or yeah yeah but no he didn't
18693s he wasn't able to use that he didn't
18694s even need to use that because of the
18696s flipped uh Samira
18699s a price fight coming in and there you
18701s have a poke to just eliminate the Samara
18704s out of the equation as well but at this
18706s point in time I believe uh Mana don't
18708s really need that some mirror much
18710s anymore because like you know the powder
18712s pandemonium is ready to fire off as well
18714s so yeah so I think once the powder
18717s pandemonium is able to stack uh it's
18720s gonna be really difficult for uh for cat
18722s to actually catch up off this one as
18723s well
18725s that's right and but the barbed already
18727s brought out uh some of the cars it uh I
18731s think uh they're gonna be using one of
18733s the powder pandemoniums
18735s oh goes in with the uh with the stylish
18738s uh shot first so I feel that they're
18741s going to be using the bull shark and the
18743s barbed wire uh the Barb the uh spell
18746s right there just to draw out two more
18748s fleeting cards it's just going to
18750s maximize it
18752s yeah Mana is just playing it slow right
18754s like we are not going for the powder
18756s pandemonium maybe it's not charged up to
18758s the required amount that he is actually
18760s looking for but he have three copies of
18762s it in his hand so there's not much to
18764s you know to be worried about at this
18766s point in time and you know he's just
18768s going in for the attack so forcing the
18771s the hour CAT to actually go for the
18772s block right here and yeah so just doing
18775s two damage to him but Mara is just
18777s calculating every single opening or
18780s every single damage that he is dealing
18781s to his opponent for a powder pandemonium
18783s finish
18785s right and look at that the flipped uh
18787s Fizz right there going up to 3-2 free
18790s attack going in and this is gonna be
18794s quite exciting for uh Mana as he gets a
18798s stylish shot back Tristana is gonna be
18799s flipped now this is going to be uh a
18804s testament or rather a a read uh your
18807s Telegraph is like me on the next turn
18809s I'm gonna be possibly opening attack uh
18812s but uh we'll see like uh we'll see how
18814s he does this like open attack maybe
18817s Target oh there you go there's also the
18819s battle Commando
18821s so this attack token is going to be
18823s going to Mid soft cat open attack looks
18825s quite likely
18827s yeah any monkey business off the Bob uh
18830s draw as well so uh I mean this is still
18832s fine right 12 damage going in it just
18834s sacrifice the fist just do six this turn
18837s and
18838s we know what's coming right ladies and
18840s gentlemen we know what's coming and it
18842s is the pandemonium flare into that
18845s powder pandemonium and the monkey's just
18848s doing his thing
18853s it's gonna be coming out right now
18857s um I think one two three four five six
18859s right six uh six is gonna be coming up
18863s uh for the pan uh powder pad the
18866s monument what's good about this is that
18868s it gives your uh gives the other units
18870s uh the opponent's units uh vulnerable as
18873s well so this is quite a show if he
18877s develops this
18878s over at the next turn right uh so
18881s over look he just keep on using that and
18884s trying to uh remove some of the cards
18887s and how much is that it's like going to
18889s be one two three four five six seven
18891s I think it's gonna be GG next turn
18894s yeah definitely I think what Mana is
18896s trying to do is just get as much blunt
18897s like extra Planet trigger coming in as
18900s well three monkey pattern powder
18902s pandemonium
18904s it I think it's over right probably one
18906s firing off
18909s yeah pandemonium one here we go two four
18912s I think that's four monkeys yeah
18915s you know that song uh uh you know that
18918s song oh boy
18922s [Music]
18924s [Laughter]
18932s because four monkeys are jumping on the
18935s board four damage is going to be jumping
18937s on the board yet again five monkeys are
18940s gonna get destroyed because they're
18941s ephemeral five damage is gonna be coming
18943s out next turn it's gonna be GG for uh on
18946s evman aside
18949s coming in as well there's no healing
18952s there's no counter spell the only way is
18954s the signage post that uh can't have to
18957s dig a little bit deeper for that
18959s particular signage Force I'm not even
18960s sure that he runs it in his 40 as well
18962s but right here man I have that little
18965s with that monkey powder pandemonium to
18967s just close it off as well stylish shot
18969s coming in putting him down to three
18972s and a pirouette and another stylish shot
18975s I believe you know that is going to be
18976s Gigi with just this monkey itself but
18978s Mana is just adding oil into this flame
18981s and just trying to burn out uh cats you
18984s know just playing around the the signage
18986s pose yes playing around a possible
18989s signage post this is which is a good
18990s play right here uh moon boy like this is
18993s a smart play he knows that there there
18995s might be a chance and with that Shen
18997s emote means of cat is going to be bowing
19000s out they know what's happening right now
19002s they know it's possible that uh that
19005s Evie Mana is gonna be finishing him up
19008s and you know with the with the monkey
19011s and the stylish shot it's gonna be like
19014s you know icing it's over right there man
19018s any any play that he wants it's gonna be
19021s You're Gonna Play it Forward if you're
19023s able to play it backward it's gonna come
19025s out the same
19027s oh there you have another damage on to
19029s cat's Nexus and just waiting for the
19032s priority to go back to Mana to just go
19034s for the stylish shot and we got our
19037s second Grand finalist 2-0 going straight
19039s to Mana
19041s it's like going to be it's going to be
19043s Newman versus Mana right now and stylish
19046s shot he is going to be going and finish
19049s it with a stylish finish for our player
19054s amazing amazing play right there coming
19058s in from mana and you know Mana just uh
19061s Managed IT quite uh well with the with
19064s the play even sacrificing the face
19067s um developing the Samira developing the
19070s fists well that was all calculated
19072s because the end game was there right
19075s there on his opening hand and those are
19077s the two or two powder monkeys right
19080s there and he just save it out and well
19083s it just went in with the sub mirror fist
19086s again winning early man that's how good
19089s the deck is yeah like you know that
19091s that's what uh how good the deck is how
19093s fast the deck is and it's literally a
19096s Checkmate deck right it runs off like
19098s that and just puts you in a position
19100s that you cannot even react to the powder
19103s pandemonium yes the spell have to go off
19105s yes you have enough blockers but the
19107s monkeys the amount of damage that the
19109s monkey could ping you is just too fast
19112s and we're going into a finals with some
19114s mirror Feast is going to be in the
19116s lineup of both players so I think we're
19118s just going to expect a very fast Grand
19120s finals coming in whoever is more
19123s aggressive Whoever has the better hand
19124s whoever can go the fastest is gonna
19127s close off the game and cause a grand
19129s champion represent Apec in the world
19131s championship
19131s yes and they're one yeah one one step
19134s closer man mana and new men are already
19138s once a closer and they can possibly feel
19141s the warmth of the seat right there over
19143s at the world's spot man and of course
19148s um these guys already in the thousands
19150s of dollars in the price right already
19152s secured and you're just gonna be getting
19154s the bulk share if you do get the top
19156s spot and the top of the the most points
19159s as well so the Mana and Newman we're
19163s going to be seeing them over at the
19164s finals and
19166s um the the both of these guys are very
19170s much carrying the same deck right
19173s yep I believe the the matchup is fairly
19176s similar right both is pretty aggro and I
19180s I think it boils down to
19182s top decks at this point in time that's
19184s right whoever is going to be drawing the
19186s more aggressive hand is gonna be having
19188s the advantage in this matchup
19190s that's right and uh you know I want to
19192s see this happen like uh uh this matchup
19194s is uh has been won for the books and
19197s we've seen uh our players uh over at the
19201s the lower uh port or the lower rounds uh
19204s try to battle it out and who came at the
19206s top it's going to be Newman and Mana now
19210s these players have gone in uh gone in
19214s with their players and of course uh we
19217s are uh going to give uh the announcement
19220s or rather the uh the awards of course to
19223s our players mint softcat and Kenya
19226s congratulations for moving or getting
19228s this far uh you're gonna be bowing out
19230s but you uh you try again next time yeah
19234s for another open worlds qualifier
19236s there's still a lot of spots uh a lot of
19239s points to be gotten over at the next
19241s chances and uh yeah let's um with that I
19244s think we're going to be going for a
19247s short break right and when we come back
19249s it's going to be the finals Newman
19252s versus Mana over the chat just uh
19255s support your play right there and when
19257s we come back more of the action see you
19259s soon
19264s [Music]
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19308s thank you
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20061s teach
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20117s foreign
20127s welcome back to the Apec Rose qualifier
20131s my name is moon boy I'm joined by
20133s excelsiorph and we are down to our grand
20136s finals and we're we're constantly a
20140s whole afternoon of games so far and what
20143s do you expect coming in into the Grand
20144s Final Excelsior you know into the very
20147s finals right now I'm expecting a lot of
20150s action um it's since a lot of these
20152s players or these two Evie mana and uh
20155s Newman have went in with a 2-0 I'm not
20158s expecting a 2-0 right now like you're
20160s spending a 2-1 between the two at best
20162s right because uh they're gonna be
20164s butting here so it's going to be going
20166s to be uh doing the same uh same style of
20169s play as we have seen uh in uh in our
20172s previous cast and it seems like these
20175s guys are really operated they're not
20178s even the top seed like as you can see
20181s right now Evie Mana is seed number 12
20183s Newman is c35 so basically once you get
20187s to the top uh stop 64 you have a chance
20191s to get to the top and these two are a
20193s testament to this fact
20195s yeah and and not just all about the
20197s seating right even the seat 64 actually
20200s beats it one in in round of 64 as well
20202s so you know that's when it comes to a
20204s tournament like this there's so much uh
20206s question mark or so much you know
20208s unknown coming into this as well so you
20211s know it's all down to what are you
20213s comfortable with and how well are you
20215s piloting it and how well can you disrupt
20217s your opponent with so you know we're
20218s down to our final two players let's just
20220s see what I what will they be playing for
20222s uh after the for this Grand finals yeah
20226s so again let's look at their decks it's
20228s going to be the for Newman it's going to
20230s be Echo Jinx some mirror Fizz and
20234s it's amazing right both of these guys
20236s are carrying Karma set
20239s okay how about the Amana moon boy well
20244s from Mana site you know it's all three
20245s of the best deck in the format right now
20247s Samira fist Tristana uh Teemo and Nar
20251s and you know follow up by ikama said as
20254s well so you know this particular matchup
20256s I am expecting a double comma band once
20259s again it's all gonna be you know all out
20261s aggressiveness who is going to come up
20263s on top we saw a new man actually deal
20265s with this particular lineup that men I
20267s have in the previous round in the
20269s semifinals so will this Echo uh Echo
20272s Jinx actually pay dividend to Newman in
20274s the grand finals as well
20276s yeah and if you if I were to Target this
20278s well uh between these two in terms of
20281s band it's still going to be Karma set
20283s right uh I feel uh it's gonna be uh it's
20287s gonna be a toss-up uh in terms of the
20290s matchup uh we're doing uh with uh Echo
20293s uh Echo Jinx versus Tristana
20297s well as I've seen before uh Tristana
20300s versus Echo Jinx uh it can go more
20303s towards that was just an attack so that
20304s may be
20305s um
20306s yeah it may be a Target but uh the most
20309s plausible Target right here is uh since
20312s most of the matches go towards like a
20314s turn 10-ish
20316s return six to seven and with the removal
20320s potential of a Karma set deck yeah I
20323s would like to remove that please
20325s yeah you don't want the commas that
20327s actually deal with your game plan and
20329s and you know and you don't and at the
20330s same time right these two uh the other
20333s two decks don't really want to go to uh
20335s turn ten as well so they want to just
20336s finish it off by turn number six or
20338s eight six to eight and that's about the
20340s Comfort Range that you know the other
20342s four decks are capable of finishing off
20344s the game with let's just take a look at
20345s the 40 cards coming in from Newman and
20347s see what exactly uh are the content of
20351s this tree deck that new man is actually
20352s uh carrying into the grand finals
20355s and let's look at the deck of Newman
20357s right now and you can see uh the predict
20360s Echo Jinx over at the left uh and over
20363s at the middle you can see there's a
20364s mirror fist uh lineup and of course over
20366s at the rice Karma set now you can see
20369s over at the left you can see Echo Jinx
20371s has a lot of the predicts but also has
20374s some um Provisions for spot removals you
20377s have the the Mystic shot right there and
20380s you have Aftershock right so that would
20382s also be a good removable let's not take
20384s out the fact that there's quicksand
20385s right there that could have possibly
20387s remove the the keywords the positive
20390s keywords that uh may be used by our by
20393s the opponent plus the uh the right of
20395s negation for uh other uh the Niles so
20399s all in all the whole uh generation of uh
20403s the the power from this deck is from the
20406s predict plus the spot removals and maybe
20408s down the line you can go on with the
20411s Chrono break if uh when your uh Echo is
20414s already flipped as well so um can you um
20417s work us down at the the Samira fish
20419s right there well yeah this is a very uh
20422s straightforward kind of deck right get
20424s as much plunder uh triggers as early as
20426s possible and just finish off with powder
20428s pandemonium for your planet triggers
20430s you've got things like a jaggered
20431s butcher all out you know you have things
20434s like uh father's Fury you got Monkey
20437s Business you got uh what Inferno like
20440s like these are above chains these are
20443s all very like cuts that actually
20445s triggers it really easily as well so
20447s that this way you can just apply early
20448s pressure just get those uh triggers in
20451s plunder and that means that you're
20452s pinging your opponent every single turn
20453s as well and just finishing off with
20455s powder pandemonium with a you know full
20457s stack of monkeys at six or six monkeys
20460s right a full bench right that's
20461s basically six damage to your opponent
20463s um just like that with with no questions
20465s uh so for five Mana you get six units
20468s and six damage straight to your
20469s opponent's Nexus that's just a broken
20472s card in general
20473s yeah that's gonna be a really good setup
20476s right there but over at the side of uh
20479s Newman uh Newman's uh deck over at the
20482s right with the karma set have you seen
20484s this like you basically have to uh try
20486s to remove as many uh units uh from your
20489s opponent's side as possible and if
20491s you're going to be facing like a small
20493s units uh especially like for example uh
20495s for from the Vandal decks
20497s um you would you would see that it would
20499s be basically remove straight from
20502s Straight From The Mystic shot a high
20505s note any other removable tools would
20507s also be good or any delaying tools like
20509s a gossip Palm would also be helpful and
20512s let's not uh forget Karma once already
20516s at the 10 Mana stage will get
20519s enlightened and you will be able to uh
20521s summon your spells twice right and you
20524s said well the coin is your favorite uh
20526s card right there uh boy coin is
20529s definitely going to be helpful
20530s especially with the double proc of a
20532s coin that's basically really a a
20535s replenish your whole Mana uh pool right
20539s there where the the use of the coin with
20541s Karma
20542s for sure right and stack together with
20544s place your bets you're basically drawing
20546s what four four Cuts with additional four
20550s more coins as well so there's so much
20552s value involving like all this uh you
20555s know Karma Synergy when she's
20556s enlightened and and that's basically
20558s what this deck is all about let's just
20560s take a look at what his opponent's 40
20562s card is uh for this Grand finals as well
20565s for MATA right we are seeing a fairly um
20568s similar right comma set list on the
20571s right side as well but uh something
20573s interesting is the tasty Faith inclusion
20574s of the tasty faithful best iron disciple
20577s and uh like you know this uh and yeah
20581s and these are like the difference when
20582s it comes to
20584s um the the karma set deck that Mana is
20586s actually bringing onto the table this
20588s weekend
20589s yeah I do like uh the inclusion of the
20591s bus time disciples deck right there
20592s makes you look like a remember Sushi
20596s like uh you just keep on like cycling up
20600s your deck with that uh or that that we
20603s saw that that's sometimes uh that the
20605s the karma set deck just runs out of gas
20608s and this might be the answer for it too
20611s and um again with the uh with the Samira
20615s Fizz fairly straightforward Tristana I'm
20619s not seeing any uh different right here
20623s you know I I would have wanted to see
20625s like uh the illawi Tristana variant but
20627s no I feel uh our Pros feel it's a bit
20630s underpowered so maybe this is again the
20633s uh the the best way to go considering
20636s the two of the decks are both pristana
20639s uh Nar decks right it's uh and yeah it's
20643s it's really that powerful guys and this
20646s um are both guys carrying Teemo as well
20648s uh-huh all right so that means that
20651s Teemo is uh one of your early uh early
20654s early damages right there because of the
20656s one off you know you're not even
20658s um like banking on the the puff caps the
20661s buff gaps are like nice to have or nice
20663s to attack right it's they're not really
20665s your win condition right there but uh an
20667s early team over the uh with the with the
20669s uh elusive is also a helpful tool to get
20673s in to get the damage into your
20674s opponent's Nexus yep and not just that
20677s right you add one stack onto Tristana as
20679s well so as soon as first one you already
20681s got a first stack onto Tristana so you
20683s know the inclusion of Teemo is something
20685s that I like and and that's something
20687s that you know I would support because
20688s you know Teemo why not and yeah but
20691s however I think you know one copy of
20692s heavy metal and moving you know usually
20695s people run two in their deck list and
20697s moving the extra copy of heavy metal
20699s down to this uh like removing it to have
20702s another slot for bustling signpost and
20704s that's a really good counter to things
20706s like powder pandemonium which would
20708s ultimately you know allow you to turn
20709s this game around yeah apologies like I
20712s got mixed up with the Tristan I was
20713s thinking about Nora a while ago yeah
20716s like yeah no Nora no Nora love for this
20720s tournament guys I have not seen Nora
20722s press it just because of its
20723s inconsistency in terms of the draws and
20726s uh and the portals as well nobody wants
20728s to bank on Nora oh man I wanted was it
20731s Nora to uh to be seen on this tournament
20734s but yeah Tristana Takes the Cake uh and
20738s of course the pie as well but uh in
20741s terms of the Bands
20743s still Karma said what do you think man
20745s yeah I I I'm going with you know double
20748s cover set
20749s um those are the two Decks that both
20751s players don't really want to deal with
20753s because it's kind of like a Checkmate
20754s scenario kind of deck you don't really
20756s want to leave the grand finals down to
20758s this kind of play style and you know
20760s just play the two aggro decks and just
20761s just whack it all out yeah and uh
20765s talking about bringing it all out and
20766s these guys are fighting for the Lion
20769s Share I want to see uh how much uh
20772s they're going to be fighting for like I
20774s remember like five thousand dollars yes
20777s five thousand dollars and 18 runetera
20780s points they end of course the coveted
20783s worlds invite but these guys are already
20787s you know already with 2 500 USD so
20791s basically this win is a double up right
20795s that's a lot that's life-changing money
20797s right there uh moon boy no it's not just
20799s a double up right but a seat in walls as
20802s well they invite into world's
20804s championship and you know that's
20806s something that the additional 2 500
20808s could not buy you or any amount could
20811s buy you because you have to earn your
20813s spot in walls and yes you are two
20815s thousand five hundred dollars richer and
20817s you even get a wolf's invite because
20819s this Championship is dead uh it's it's
20821s just that juicy and you know these two
20824s players are down to the wire and and
20825s whoever is gonna win this one will have
20828s their ticket to vote just with one more
20830s win two like you know one more set of
20832s win and you're off the walls and if you
20835s get to the world's uh Two Worlds you
20837s will have that you know into your very
20839s own player profile right you would add
20841s add like invited to Worlds yeah have you
20844s done that no you didn't know well yeah
20849s just me I just I just earned it right
20851s from the world's qualifier and uh um I
20854s feel that our players are really uh
20857s vying for the spot and let's go into oh
20861s let's go in of course I'm gonna
20863s speculate again more as to you know what
20866s else can these guys uh go in like if you
20870s do not get your spot right now there are
20873s a lot of other qualifiers or a lot of
20875s other tournaments to get your points
20876s right uh moon boy as we have seen over
20879s at the in uh at the game like there are
20882s many uh chances for you to get some uh
20884s more points
20886s yeah like you know there's not just you
20888s know the last chance qualifiers there's
20889s the Frontera opened every season as well
20891s there is your weekly Gauntlet like these
20893s are the ways that you guys could still
20895s earn points to earn yourself a slot in
20897s Worlds and you know I believe the top
20899s four players if I'm not wrong will be
20900s qualifying
20902s um as well so you know don't do not
20904s waste any opportunity if you guys really
20906s want to get your tickets to Worlds these
20908s are the ways to actually go through get
20910s your runtera points up and and just you
20913s know qualify your way via the point
20915s system or else you know you could just
20917s join the subsequent uh World qualifiers
20919s again and the Champions will be seated
20921s towards as well yeah it's amazing that
20924s we got to get to see our community the
20926s whole Apec region uh already uh going in
20930s and uh being competitive as well
20932s thousands of players buying for this
20934s spot and now we have seen Newman and our
20938s competitor uh what what's the name again
20940s it is Mana TV Mana yeah you know that's
20944s like when you pick a name uh it means
20946s like uh like uh with the manners like
20949s you say I should play I should play
20951s Karma Seth because
20955s my name is Mana I should play Karma set
20957s and I feel that uh it uh It Is by
20960s default that uh he has to play that
20962s because the Mana because he is Mana yes
20966s but you know new men definitely with
20968s this name new man definitely not new to
20970s Lor considering that the way he plays oh
20974s that's that's not that's clean all of
20977s these uh players just played it clean
20979s and I've seen uh no way out like uh like
20982s no questionable Place between our two
20985s top finalists moon boy
20987s yeah so oh Jing's Echo is Ben in this
20991s matchup from what I heard
20992s and comma set from EV Mana has been
20995s banned as well so we're seeing we are
20997s going to be seeing one of the karma set
20999s being played right here so it's gonna be
21001s some mirror comma set going up against
21003s Samir of this and the yodels uh who do
21006s you think is going to come on top based
21008s on this draft Excel sir you know the one
21010s who banned out Karma said is gonna be
21015s uh who didn't burn out Karma said is uh
21019s at a disadvantage
21020s yeah
21021s so oh so that oh man I didn't ban Karma
21025s said okay he's gonna be climbing up a
21027s hill it's gonna be tough right
21028s disadvantage definitely not gonna win it
21031s not uh not a not not how they say I'm
21035s not saying that it's definitely that
21037s he's not gonna win there is still a
21038s chance that's why we have those uh
21040s there's percentage counters as you have
21042s said like if I remember correctly you uh
21044s you said it was around 40 uh 40 win rate
21048s with that match up so it's still
21050s possible but it's still uh tough sales
21052s to fly uh for a Mana yeah for sure right
21055s and I believe you know before the whole
21058s band and pick is actually selected uh I
21061s actually believe in my in my mind I was
21064s like you know the the Jinx and Echo is
21066s gonna be the deck that's gonna be
21068s winning him the championship but you
21070s know with it being Ben
21072s things have changed right as and the
21074s game plan is going to be changed right
21076s here and how well is this common set is
21078s going to perform under his control and
21081s you know with the camera set available
21082s for him for his uh disposal how is he
21085s going to deal with the aggression that
21086s you know uh this and submits uh Samira
21089s is going to be throwing at him as well
21091s because those are pure aggression it's
21093s just so aggressive right that the karma
21095s said might not be able to handle in the
21097s early game yeah if he doesn't able if
21100s there it all depends how to draw as well
21101s like if your karma said like your
21103s removals have to be drawn out early uh
21105s draws uh draw potential has to be uh on
21109s point as well so if you do have that uh
21112s you if you have the removal uh tools and
21115s if the uh if your opponent's units
21117s they'll go out of range like more units
21119s than the removable tools then you're
21121s gonna be over well that's gonna be it
21122s like not the keyword over realm they're
21124s going to be overwhelmed in terms of
21125s units right so
21127s um that's going to be your win condition
21128s right there so it's gonna be definitely
21131s possible that that might happen but uh
21133s there's a threshold like around eight to
21136s turn seven to ten uh if you're still not
21139s winning with the deck you're going
21140s against Karma uh Karma said then you're
21143s probably losing losing yeah yeah
21146s yeah like as long as karma reached 10 10
21149s right you're losing that's it that's
21151s basically the Baseline especially if
21153s you're playing against uh you're playing
21155s two very aggressive deck like Tristana
21158s and uh Samira so if you are if you are
21161s not finishing the game by turn 10 you're
21163s finished that's it an end of story
21166s that's right that's right and now of
21168s course uh I want to see if these players
21170s are ready like they're really preparing
21172s really hard for uh the this files man
21175s and uh for those of you over at the
21178s community I mean we would like to thank
21180s you for just keep uh keeping on joining
21182s and supporting the community as well and
21185s uh there's gonna be also impact or APAC
21188s playoffs or sorry words qualifier
21191s playoffs if you need to be happening
21193s after our own stream so just uh make
21195s sure to watch out for that and it's
21197s going to be for emea so it's for Emma
21200s right there you're gonna be uh watching
21202s the action right there for the other
21204s region this like I'm I'm pretty sure
21206s whoever is going to be wearing this uh
21210s this uh seat must watch that because
21213s that's where you know uh your uh your
21215s opponent is gonna be coming from like uh
21217s you have to watch these tournaments just
21220s to get the Intel as to what the other
21222s regions are playing and if it's uh going
21224s to be competitive uh versus a back we
21227s are Apec Regents um you know our
21228s Representatives
21230s yeah and not just that right like this
21232s Apex stream is the very first stream for
21234s the whole world qualifier Series right
21235s after this we got emea and then we have
21237s Americas but the thing is that
21240s um you know the first stream is really
21241s impactful because this will it uh affect
21244s what the Europeans will play later on
21246s right so ladies and gentlemen without
21248s further Ado let's just go straight right
21250s into the grand finals right here with
21253s Mana going up against Newman
21255s that's right manner on the bottom a
21257s Newman at the top and now we're seeing
21260s Mana where the Tristana deck and Newman
21264s overtap top looks like it's going to be
21266s using a some mirror Fizz it's gonna be a
21270s almost full out Mulligan and the Silent
21273s Shot has been drawn out only the
21274s Elegance Edge elegant Edge has been
21277s drawn out from Newman's side now he is
21280s probably going to be summoning that over
21281s a third two when his attack goes but wow
21285s I can I'm not sure I I'm pretty sure
21288s three of the cards over at Mana side is
21290s going to be Mulligan dubbed yeah for
21293s sure right the pie toss is definitely
21294s the cut that he wants to keep right here
21296s but based on statistics right they face
21298s Samira only have a four estimate about
21301s you know 47.33 it's not a winnable but
21305s it all boils down to what kind of hand
21307s his opponent is currently having and
21309s looking at Mana sand right now yes he
21312s does have a little bit of early
21313s aggression as well but the style is shot
21315s into the us into the elegant Edge it's
21319s going to be doing three damage right
21320s just turn two full damage down onto the
21322s Nexus as well Newman have to start do
21325s piling up this aggression coming in
21328s five six damage moving in just on turn
21331s two Newman is not stepping on the brick
21334s at any point in time oh man human is not
21338s really messing around with the early
21341s all-out right there and he knows that he
21344s may be going in for an uh an early
21348s powder pandemonium as you can see right
21351s there there is already another powder
21353s monkey that may be coming out another
21355s stylish shot and you know he has the
21358s tools to possibly stop some um
21361s overwhelming or rather bored presence
21363s that will be coming in from mana's side
21366s and the wandering Shepherd is gonna be
21368s uh summoned out and it's gonna be
21370s equipped oh it's gonna go out with the
21372s 3-3 I think it is a pot it's a are part
21375s of pain I think it's about pain yeah a
21377s lot of pain yep but I think he needs it
21379s right he needs that tree damage right he
21381s needs to uh have those fearsome blockers
21384s coming in but immediately going in for
21386s the Piro wet as well just stunning the
21388s tree tree not allowing it to do too much
21390s looking at his hand right now there's
21391s only other another Shepherd that he
21393s could play and hopefully hits into a
21395s weapon that he could use it as well yes
21397s the fish rack and the upcycle rack that
21399s could potentially uh stop this tree too
21402s from doing its business and you know
21404s Newman who still go for the monkey's
21406s business
21406s and just continuing doing all this
21408s pressure as well is as soon as turn four
21410s is already at 12 health
21412s that's right and now of course human
21414s it's just you want to keep on developing
21416s he's gonna go in and get that uh 401 uh
21419s wandering Shepherd right there and
21420s another hungry uh alcat and this looks
21424s like a another a favorable trade now
21426s he's gonna be preventing one uh two
21429s damage but he's gonna get one damage in
21431s the process so another activation is
21433s gonna be right there Barbed might be
21436s used right so uh the The Bard card might
21439s be used to get some more fleeting cards
21441s a bar chain and this you know there's a
21445s plan and human sees it the plan is going
21448s to be coming out with a possible powder
21451s pandemonium
21452s oh there you go
21455s what
21456s uh I mean that's what like what four
21459s four triggers so far right yeah yeah
21461s we're seeing about four triggers so far
21463s and meta is just going on the offense
21465s you have to start you know going in for
21467s the offense and start doing those damage
21469s but Newman have that four slots
21471s available for that four powder uh for
21473s that pandemonium to actually trigger off
21475s as well so more powder monkey more
21477s damage and and you know the rest is just
21479s math at this point in time powder
21482s pandemonium one shooting in and you know
21484s Mana has no choice but this is not a
21487s good attack for him
21488s yes this is gonna be not a good attack
21491s because there's gonna be some favorite
21492s favorable trades still for the side of
21495s uh of Newman those those uh those powder
21500s monkeys are dispensable like he's not he
21503s doesn't even need to go in and uh and uh
21508s to go in and uh preserve those powder
21510s monkeys because they're gonna
21512s they're just gonna die at the end of the
21514s terminal but another powder monkey is
21516s gonna be cleaning it out I feel
21519s this is uh the new Newman is running on
21523s a clock and he's going
21525s straight on 100 like 100 200 miles per
21529s hour another run whoa this is it he
21534s knows he's gonna get it 1-0 straight up
21536s right here at the first game I believe
21539s this is over right powder pandemonium
21541s and just going in for the full swing
21544s um and that's five damage coming in from
21546s from um the monkeys itself Samira having
21549s the flare and and this just came over by
21552s next
21553s right there just one damage burst and
21556s sgg yes that's it that's it and there's
21560s nothing that can stop Newman right now
21562s because Newman
21564s is just oh warning shot
21569s warning shot is that no
21572s [Laughter]
21574s that's not a warning shot dude like oh
21578s there's some Surplus right there coming
21581s in from the side of Newman like warning
21584s shot flare you know he double
21586s pandemonium inconsequent turns like he
21590s has it planned he knows
21592s he knows man what does he know that we
21594s don't know man he knows
21598s he knows he knows he's one step closer
21601s to getting the five thousand dollars
21602s he's one step closer and going towards
21604s now there we go ladies and gentlemen
21606s game two is ready let's just dive right
21609s into it Newman 1-0 lead comma set going
21612s up against christana from Mana could he
21616s keep this up high note in this opening
21618s hand as well that might be the card that
21620s he is looking for but it is there more
21622s control cars that he needs to to
21624s actually even out this game plan
21626s that's right that's right and then he
21628s needs more of the control cards and
21630s Aftershock is gonna be out and about so
21633s you know a lot of tools coming in from
21635s the side high note is going to be the
21637s perfect card to remove that Vandal
21640s Commando and now Evie Mana is gonna be
21644s going commando with no uh with no unit
21646s remaining on his side of the board
21649s all right Acorn coming down and that's a
21652s very good counter to the Commando yes
21654s the acorn might not need to hit any
21656s Targets but it's a very good blocker
21658s against this uh Commando that that you
21661s know Mana actually wants to get this
21662s value out of this our cats as well and
21664s now coming down on turn four but Newman
21666s has that perfect answer with that
21668s Aftershock so man I have to respect it
21670s as well and not playing it on turn four
21673s that's right that Nar is not gonna be
21676s played but now of course Newman is gonna
21679s be on the back panel uh considering that
21682s oh wow the acorn is going to be targeted
21685s right now that means uh they they're
21688s recognizing though you know uh they're
21690s recognizing that it is indeed a threat
21692s but grandfather pay uh is gonna be uh
21695s going down as well with that trade one
21699s more alcat hungry alcat is going to be
21701s summoned as well now Newman is on his
21703s side is also developing some more alcats
21706s so more um more value so you can see
21710s that they're trying to defend with the
21713s uh with the champ blockers right here
21716s yeah yeah and Newman actually have an
21719s acorn in his hand as well so that is a
21720s possible way or possible answer to
21723s actually deal with uh mana's Commando
21725s once again and there's not much you know
21727s uh removals in his hand as well and
21729s Newman dropping down a One Drop Distance
21731s could just pass the priority over to man
21734s I'm saying like you know what you're
21735s gonna do uh I'm just playing a playing
21738s it slow and just you know taking my time
21741s but take your time because that is the
21744s win condition of Newman right now taking
21747s his time in acorn the hex technician is
21749s going to be put down I'll cancel the
21752s play also for the side of uh Mana is to
21756s just keep on developing augmented
21758s clocking is gonna give some choices to
21761s Newman and let's see which one he is
21763s going to be picking out
21765s I believe I saw a deny their place your
21767s bets and oh it's just flash it's like
21769s you know and tag out yeah I mean this
21772s this flash just passed my memory right
21774s there
21775s yeah
21777s is that is it a memory flash card game
21780s yeah it's a Memory yeah but tag out is
21783s just important right especially things
21784s like yup pythos and things like that and
21787s and stop decking stop decking the uh do
21791s you want to everything like that's just
21793s yeah that's just
21798s units are like small and like you know
21800s really really frail as well so stack
21803s together with karma that's just two
21804s units to everything and and you know
21806s Newman is just looking great he just
21808s needs to survive four more turns and the
21809s karma is online
21811s yeah that's right that's right and you
21812s know that uh that caustic riff uh that
21815s use whatever everything is indeed
21816s important and considering that the
21819s um the hungry alcats will be surviving
21821s that and look at this man the Lord
21828s After Shock right immediately removing
21831s it and a a price fight coming in trying
21834s to remove uh try to get a little bit of
21836s Advantage like getting that poke stick
21837s and just you know putting it to good use
21839s just drawing himself one more card and
21841s just dealing one more damage to these
21842s two one
21843s you know like I don't want to buy that
21845s skin though just to change the uh the
21848s animation or the the hard art the Pokey
21850s stick and look at this oh wow okay he's
21853s gonna be drawing out uh the mayor right
21856s there and uh the there's gonna be one
21858s destruction
21860s coming in for the pie toss second after
21862s the shot oh they're they're just going
21864s at it man okay you kill one of mine I'm
21867s gonna kill one of yours you kill one of
21868s mine okay one of yours they're just
21870s going back and forth and this is how it
21872s goes it's like it's still on the favor
21874s of uh of Newman if he goes onto the to
21878s the later rounds but I can see a lot of
21881s possible uses from the side of Mana he
21883s can also
21885s um generate some more cards uh with the
21887s mayor but here's the thing right um
21890s Newman is running low on gas there's
21892s only three more Cuts in hand and there's
21894s only three more units and he's drawing a
21896s lot of units in the early turn and that
21898s also means that you know he's running
21899s low on units himself as well so he might
21902s have to be forced to play the karma here
21904s on turn five just to get himself on turn
21908s seventh just to get himself an
21909s additional
21911s um you know spell so that he could
21913s survive a little bit longer in this in
21914s this back and forth
21916s that's right then this this might be the
21918s you're right definitely right you would
21920s want to get uh more of the the choices
21923s and that he has been pushed back into a
21926s corner and what's good about this is
21928s that um there are there is a possible uh
21931s you know there's a possibility that
21933s there may be some answers with the prize
21935s fight and a possible pie toss down the
21937s line so I think a grandfather hey might
21941s be the chance he does the choice here
21943s like get one grand better pay get
21945s another um real cat right and uh you
21949s know just keep on developing right there
21951s that would be the choice and put down of
21954s course your very own Teemo he already
21956s Drew out the team I was kind of afraid
21959s that it would get countered by Acorn and
21961s take note guys that was the third a
21963s chord that has been uh summoned by
21966s Newman and let's not take out the fact
21968s that he has a deal one uh spell right
21971s there that's gonna be uh also his uh Ace
21974s up his sleeve just in case
21977s um it all comes down to the the best
21979s possible moment to use the cost of Riff
21981s yep but he put a patent on that Teemo so
21984s this way you know there's the Teemo is
21985s gonna be uh surviving that Cosmic Rave
21988s and a high note though that's answer to
21990s the Teemo immediately off the top as
21991s well so uh but Mata managed he managed
21994s to get that sharp bait or like that that
21996s sixth Mana shortcut you still shut yodel
21999s in his hand as well so that could
22001s potentially give him a sharp proof to to
22004s you know go for a stronger push a sharp
22006s trainer sorry to go for a stronger push
22008s uh on the offense because right here uh
22011s Mana is going closer to the uh 10 Mana
22014s range yeah and Newman is slowly running
22016s out of gas this is the time for Mana to
22018s actually go for the strike and just do
22020s as much as possible to disrupt Newman's
22023s control
22024s yes disrupting humans control is gonna
22027s be the the uh the game right here and
22030s that shark trainer is going to be like
22032s not going to be used there's not enough
22034s space at the moment and not even enough
22036s space as well for a tenor of Terror
22039s right so maybe a vandal Gunners will
22042s also be uh possibly used there you go
22045s bandal Gunners is going to be uh used
22047s right here let's see how Newman will be
22050s answering this aboard and pinku's call
22053s is gonna be used
22056s all right set and hex a liberator like
22059s that's a good cut off the top stack top
22061s deck as well
22062s um I believe the Teemo is getting high
22064s noted like you know no questions asked
22066s and this is just going to be a one is
22068s the one block right here and you know uh
22070s Newman have to try to take out the Bando
22072s Gunner and maybe maybe putting the our
22075s cat in front of the battle Gunner might
22077s be the uh better option right here
22080s yeah
22081s um I yeah I definitely would agree like
22083s the Vandal uh oh
22085s oh okay I think um
22089s yeah I think the bundle uh the the uh
22092s the Vandal Gunner would have been placed
22094s with the hungry alcat for the defense
22096s just to make sure it gets removed
22098s oh tag out oh oh nice
22102s play all right all right amazing play
22106s right there from Human protecting his
22108s own Karma
22110s uh that's a huge takeout coming in from
22113s new man just protecting the karma
22114s himself yes the karma is a important
22117s piece of the puzzle and you don't want
22119s her to go down so early into the game as
22121s well as we are moving straight right to
22123s turn number nine and no set inside still
22126s Newman really have to start digging he
22128s needs those draw spells he runs uh I
22130s think I believe it's formula and also uh
22134s High bed as well face your bets as well
22136s so you know these are the cards that he
22138s is looking out for because right here
22139s this hand is not looking good for Newman
22142s nah definitely not looking good for a
22144s Newman and now of course the mixologist
22145s is going to be coming down to oh oh
22149s okay okay he goes for it it's
22153s obliterated and he doesn't need any more
22155s any other spells because next turn man
22158s it's gonna be a caustic Rift double
22160s double prop and it's gonna destroy the
22162s hungry owl the hungry uh owl cat and the
22166s grandfather thing and if if if and when
22168s Evie Mana develops into a possible
22171s Terror of Terror it's also going to
22172s destroy to get destroyed as well so it's
22175s looking really good for Newman as the
22178s next turn is going to be tender he
22179s doesn't even need to attack right now
22181s yeah it's just value right at this point
22183s in time it's just value for Newman as
22185s long as it's at 10 Mana things is going
22187s to be in his favor and Mana is
22190s definitely going to be greedy right he
22191s have to develop the tenor right here and
22194s and uh mix lodges is definitely going to
22196s be the answer coming in for Newman and
22199s it all boils down to the top deck if
22200s it's a draw engine it's gonna be working
22202s place your best on the door
22205s oh
22208s at this point
22211s [Music]
22212s two draw two again it's wrong
22219s one more comma one one more
22224s oh man coins again double proc oh my
22228s gosh
22231s caustic Rift
22233s what are you gonna do this is the
22236s problem about camera set as long as it's
22238s 11 it's a 10 minute there's no going
22241s back it's checkmate at this point in
22243s time
22243s yes and once you go 10 you can't go back
22247s anywhere you don't you are you you
22250s that's why one of the opponents a while
22253s ago surrendered right versus Karma set
22256s right we saw it like he knows even
22258s though he is ahead in terms of health
22261s that would uh basically get them towards
22264s uh uh you know a losing position and
22266s look at this refill oh my gosh coins to
22270s ten and developing inside of inside oh
22275s Ionia
22278s [Laughter]
22281s pacemaker every single answer is in his
22284s palms right now this is Checkmate ladies
22287s and gentlemen
22290s sweaty Palms in the indeed this is gonna
22293s be down two seven but still a lot of
22298s choices a lot of choices set oh my gosh
22305s oh car Irma said it's gonna be you know
22309s oh
22311s I'm gonna be seeing more karma set on
22313s that or now uh show stopper
22320s boom
22322s oh man I mean I mean I'm seeing this
22325s show stopper basically like a suplex man
22327s the way it turns around right uh it is
22330s the suplex
22335s guys oh my goodness okay
22341s well it just downhill from here man
22345s that's it yeah the only way that meta
22348s could do is actually just refill his bot
22350s to sustain a little bit more right the
22352s uh the price fight is getting lesser the
22355s another place your BET's coming in is
22357s gonna be Milling himself right here and
22360s a high note is burned he got the
22362s Aftershock more coins coming in as well
22367s rinse and repeat at this point in time
22369s right 10 men are free just like that
22371s yeah definitely like you know um
22374s new men could have attacked a while ago
22378s he says like you know he just wants to
22380s make sure he just wants to make sure
22382s that he's going to be winning and I
22385s think uh let's count the numbers right 5
22387s 11 14
22390s 16 plus uh three uh it's gonna be 18 I
22394s think it's gonna be enough man like uh
22396s uh if uh
22399s teach oh my goodness it hurts so much
22404s still a five man
22407s I'm gonna find something he's gonna kill
22409s her for something
22411s burn damage Mystic shot Mystic shot no
22415s no mixologist what
22419s let's find another spell oh man
22423s you know I'm kind of iffy about the
22425s Aftershock not hitting uh Nexus right
22427s now
22430s remember After Shock when it uh it was
22432s possible to hit uh did your Nexus oh
22436s yeah yeah they could have been useful
22438s right now but yeah
22439s that's just broken man
22443s it just broke it
22445s oh man it's all down the hill
22449s yeah I think that's no turning back at
22451s this point in time right like you know
22452s uh Gunners coming down and face breaker
22456s or even a
22458s yo Dawning Shadows killed
22462s wow you have units they are not gonna
22465s attack right yeah
22469s it's just punishment this punishment
22471s right here
22472s it's like watching a slow running train
22475s and with that
22477s we see our champion straight up
22482s straight up man amazing you know getting
22485s sues I told you man whoever didn't ban
22489s Karma said it's just asking for it Evie
22492s Mana why why though man and human just
22496s gets the spot 5 000 USD the world's
22501s invite just getting that Championship
22504s man why didn't you ban that Karma said
22507s that's why we just saw it happen man
22510s well
22511s mathematically speaking wise right you
22514s know the Christiana deck actually have a
22516s huge advantage against the karma said
22518s it's just that you know it's really
22519s unfortunate that he don't really have
22521s much option and much you know ways to
22523s zoom him out and
22525s the human was just a guy he was really
22527s running low on option and that top deck
22530s like you know place your bags literally
22531s changed the whole game around and you
22534s know get getting so much value out of
22536s the coins getting so much value out of
22538s the four card draws as well and
22541s there's just value town for Newman and
22543s there you have ladies and gentlemen our
22544s champion for the Apex reason and he will
22546s be representing eight pack in the world
22548s championship
22551s no it's new man not new man new man a
22554s new man
22556s it's new man
22557s [Laughter]
22562s founding our world's invite winner right
22565s here new men like uh you know he knew it
22568s there you go
22571s here we go you know he knew it yeah and
22574s there's some reason there's there's like
22576s a missing K right there at the front
22578s because he knew he was going to win he
22581s knew man he knew man
22585s uh so there you have ladies and
22586s gentlemen the final brackets right here
22588s we got new man you know beating up Rose
22591s BB beating up chanya and finally beating
22595s Mana in the grand finals in a 2-0 that's
22597s a swift big tree right there and you
22599s know you're saying that Kama set is a
22601s slow deck no that was Swift that was
22602s fast and that is what APAC is all about
22605s ladies and gentlemen new man our
22607s champion for the APAC World qualifiers
22610s right here yeah I'm really happy that we
22612s got to cast this uh world's qualifier
22615s for Apec and it's like it's it's like an
22618s honor that we see new men getting that
22621s spot man like that's really he knew
22624s actually he I was amazed at the that's
22627s the spot the pace that he was going okay
22629s I'm going to go all out right now
22630s because I already have uh my powder
22633s pandemonium and he was just basing off
22635s like he was basing off on a Prayer on
22638s whatever he was going to get and he was
22640s really confident that he was gonna get
22642s it and even as well top decking man stop
22647s decking draw and coins oh man this is
22650s really
22651s he deserves it he got he has the skill
22655s he has the draw
22657s man new men well-deserved top on
22660s congratulations man
22662s yeah yeah but that is a a big win coming
22666s in from Newman like you know he played
22668s it really well we've seen him in the
22670s semifinals he played it smoothly he won
22672s it swiftly so did he perform in the
22675s grand finals as well so ladies and
22677s gentlemen big congratulations once again
22678s to Newman and he is our champion for the
22681s 8-pack Wolves qualifier so ladies and
22684s gentlemen that is the end of our APAC
22686s World qualifiers but do not go anywhere
22689s because the emea stream will be coming
22691s up next and it will be coming up really
22693s soon as well so once again my name is
22695s moon boy and he's Excel sir pH and we
22698s are so honored to be part of your uh
22701s casting team for this event so Excelsior
22705s any last message for the audience so
22708s again thank you guys for watching this
22711s stream and for supporting the Lor
22713s Community for the tournaments as well
22715s for keeping on the competitive Spirit
22717s don't forget to just keep on trying if
22720s you haven't made it to the world's uh
22722s spot or you haven't got your at the
22725s world seat yet just keep on trying just
22727s stay competitive and stay safe as well
22730s and this is the best community that we
22733s have here in the gaming cavity really
22734s friendly and really supportive uh that I
22737s I really thank you guys for having us
22739s here uh thank you and God bless that's
22741s it yeah bye guys yep so thank you thanks
22744s so much guys good night
22746s are you
22749s [Music]
22769s [Music]
22790s [Music]
22791s [Applause]
22794s [Music]