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Transcript (by Youtube)

0s 大家好!
1s 我是《符文大地傳說》 執行製作人Eric Shen
4s 今天我們要在《英雄聯盟》客戶端
6s 加入《符文大地傳說》按鈕
7s 這到底是什麼意思呢?
9s 意思就是玩家現在
10s 瀏覽《英雄聯盟》客戶端時
12s 只要按下一個按鈕
14s 就能直接遊玩
15s 或安裝《符文大地傳說》
19s 對《符文大地傳說》 Riot和玩家而言
20s 今天就是大日子
22s 但首先呢 我得去找Andrei
24s 一起來舉行按按鈕典禮儀式!
25s 跟我來吧!
27s 腳跟碰跳!
33s 最後一次了
36s 噢 是為了…是因為喜歡…
38s -DREI
40s 沒捷徑…
41s …塞車
43s …剛剛還看到一隻烏龜?
45s 好吧 聽好了
46s 不要再讓古拉格斯加入K/DA了
50s 不准再有下次
53s 好我也…也…愛你囉 媽
56s 先掛電話了掰
58s 嘿什麼事?
59s ANDREI 那個
61s 按…
62s 按鈕
63s 你怎麼這麼喘?
65s 《符文大地傳說》按鈕
67s 要加進客戶端的那個
68s 要上線了
69s 那個按鈕要加入了
71s 要加入了
93s 你剛剛不是在我後面嗎?
95s 對 總之我們準備要
96s 推出“英雄之路”了
97s 因為要再次推出
99s 所以我做了預測分析
101s 然後其實我還要負責設計
103s 我和設計組的人聊過後
105s 設計了一個聯合推出的組合包
106s 接著我必須入侵Photoshop
108s 把我的Art Director…
109s 所以總之 就是按鈕啦
111s 對很好 很厲害很厲害對
113s 史上最強按鈕
115s 好 那來按按鈕吧來吧
116s 好 好 給我來按
117s 呃 等等
119s 為什麼是你按?
122s 這樣吧我們丟銅板決定
124s 好 公平蠻公平的!
125s 我猜石奇!我是說…臉那一面!
127s 石奇來囉!
129s 太好了!
131s 好吧
132s 何不我們兩個人一起按按鈕?
134s Eric 你人真的很好
136s 對呀!要不然再進一步好了
137s 我們邀請《英雄聯盟》 全體團隊加入吧
139s 進來吧 大家快來吧!
140s 來吧好了!
141s 好!數到3…
142s 1 2…3!!!
149s 隨點即玩
10 months ago - /u/TinyEric - Direct link

Hi folks, I’m here to talk about the LoR Button!

I know some people have had questions about why the LoR button now, and I wanted to give a little insight. I can’t speak to why the button wasn’t in Riot client in the early days, but we landed on this day for three reasons:

  1. We wanted to do it shortly after the release of Dreamlit Paths since that would give new players an interesting and active PvP experience.
  2. The League client had a big emphasis on Mid-Season Invitational (“MSI”) right after our release, so we waited until the League client could give us more of the spotlight.
  3. We wanted to time it so that it’s close to our Constellations release, which is coming next week, to give new players an exciting new PvE moment soon after they start the game. 

We’re not blind to the fact that this button is coming later than we or the community would have liked, and that our PvP-focused audience has frustrations or concerns about our refocus towards PvE & Path Of Champions. However, both the LoR team & Riot at large believe in the strategy behind implementing the button and the focus on PvE development, with the potential to put LoR on a path of growth. You’ll be hearing much more from us as we continue down this path, and we appreciate all the support & feedback from you and the community at large.

10 months ago - /u/TinyEric - Direct link

Originally posted by Cryotivity

while i have your attention is co-op PoC somrthing you guys have thought of? I'd love to play it with my girlfriend.

We have prototypes! But there's a lot of validation that still needs to happen to make us feel confident about it and building the full experience for it.

10 months ago - /u/TinyEric - Direct link

Originally posted by Regular-Poet-3657

So by on a path to growth are we still getting exclusive lor champs and another expansion next year?

Exclusive / original LoR champs - yes, some are already waiting in the wings.

Expansion - as noted before, we don't have any plans for future expansions that look like Dreamlit Paths, but we will be continually releasing new champions and support cards on a regular basis. They will be designed for the Path of Champions, but some may make their way into PvP if we feel it's safe enough. Our current belief is that such cases would be the exception, and not the norm - want to set appropriate expectations.