almost 2 years
ago -
Legends of Runeterra
Direct link
Transcript (by Youtube)
1s | Who do I have to kill around here for an invitation, huh? |
5s | I’ve come a long way for a fight... don’t let me down. |
13s | Can’t be king without breaking a few bones! |
18s | What?! |
20s | Ah, looks like you need a lesson in fashion and fighting. |
23s | If only you had something to teach me. |
27s | Let’s give ‘em a show, eh? |
29s | Did someone bust up your teeth, or have you always been that ugly? |
34s | All flash, no fight. |
40s | Get your wee bahoochie over here, Jacky! |
43s | Oh, Pablo... what’ll it take to shut you up, eh? |
49s | Come on, make them buckle! |
53s | Go on, do your worst. |
56s | Who else wants to bet against me, eh? |
63s | Time to get bloody. |
70s | Heh, looks like someone’s got to teach you some manners. |
74s | You teach the manners Sett, I’ll teach the fighting. |
78s | We’re playing by my rules. |
82s | My little protégé, come for a bit of blood-letting. |
85s | You- j- your little what? ...shut up, Jack. |
90s | You been busy, Nukkle. |
91s | Little bit, yeah, heh heh! ...yeah. |
95s | Now this is a fight! |
98s | More! More! |
102s | Kill time. |
104s | Beat ‘em down! Make ’em bleed! |
108s | Never did get your invite... ‘champ’. |
111s | Yeah... ‘cuz I never heard of ya. |
115s | Fight me! I’ll take on the lot of you! |
120s | Anyone bet against me? No? |
124s | And just like that, we showed ‘em who’s boss. |