almost 2 years ago - Legends of Runeterra - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s Who do I have to kill around here for an invitation, huh?
5s I’ve come a long way for a fight... don’t let me down.
13s Can’t be king without breaking a few bones!
18s What?!
20s Ah, looks like you need a lesson in fashion and fighting.
23s If only you had something to teach me.
27s Let’s give ‘em a show, eh?
29s Did someone bust up your teeth, or have you always been that ugly?
34s All flash, no fight.
40s Get your wee bahoochie over here, Jacky!
43s Oh, Pablo... what’ll it take to shut you up, eh?
49s Come on, make them buckle!
53s Go on, do your worst.
56s Who else wants to bet against me, eh?
63s Time to get bloody.
70s Heh, looks like someone’s got to teach you some manners.
74s You teach the manners Sett, I’ll teach the fighting.
78s We’re playing by my rules.
82s My little protégé, come for a bit of blood-letting.
85s You- j- your little what? ...shut up, Jack.
90s You been busy, Nukkle.
91s Little bit, yeah, heh heh! ...yeah.
95s Now this is a fight!
98s More! More!
102s Kill time.
104s Beat ‘em down! Make ’em bleed!
108s Never did get your invite... ‘champ’.
111s Yeah... ‘cuz I never heard of ya.
115s Fight me! I’ll take on the lot of you!
120s Anyone bet against me? No?
124s And just like that, we showed ‘em who’s boss.