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So i heard about that this game pvp mode is not being worked on anymore but i like its graphics and especially lol. Is it worth to start as a new player?

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about 1 month ago - /u/Dan_Felder - Direct link

Originally posted by UnseenData

Basically in maintenance mode. Just rotations atm.

Chess hasn't rotated anything in forever. They still haven't fixed the glitch that lets the king clip through the rook in some board states. The players even have a term for it now, "castling". It's ridiculous.

about 1 month ago - /u/Dan_Felder - Direct link

Originally posted by Toradale

I think its fine to balance around what was originally bug if it contributed to a more interesting play cycle. The only problem is it raises the floor for entry to new players when they have to either happen across the glitch or be taught about it in order to play on a level with more established players.

But they don’t do balance patches either! And they’d probably just buff the golden child pawn again. Oh yeah it can move TWO spaces at first now AND they had to count that buff by buffing what? Pawns again! En passant is the counter and it’s other pawns that counter pawn bs. Ridiculous. Plus they can promote to ANY piece reaching the back row. And you get EIGHT.

Devs have pawn favoritism it’s ridiculous.

about 1 month ago - /u/Dan_Felder - Direct link

Originally posted by RelicFinder19

Yeah, the meta is pretty set. All the pros are running the same pieces

And they're STILL using the placeholder horse model from the demo for the knight!

about 1 month ago - /u/Dan_Felder - Direct link

Originally posted by RelicFinder19

At least the monetization from cosmetics is better, so many cool chess sets out there. I do wish they implemented custom board music tho

Yeah but it's kind of scummy the base knight is still the early access model when they've clearly had time to make so many other knights. It really dilutes the game's themes too when you show up to play a game of grand strategy and your opponent has salt and pepper shaker chess set or something.