Original Post — Direct link
3 months ago - /u/TinyEric - Direct link

This meme is hilarious, but I just want to gently push back on the idea that Project K is somehow bad times for LoR.

  1. The teams share a lot of synergies and brainpower, naturally. So this just helps both games get more bang for the buck. We also expect to continue sharing things like art assets, which will help LoR even more.

  2. At the same time, the teams don’t really overlap on resources (other than design obv) because the products are so different, so there’s no material trade offs happening. Both teams have their own lane and Riot would be thrilled for both games to thrive. From the game teams’ perspective, either team succeeding means both teams are winning.

  3. Riot is always evaluating game opportunities across the spectrum - MOBA, fighting games, mobile and console platforms - this time we found something we think is super awesome in the physical gaming space, that happens to be able to leverage existing Riot stuff to jumpstart the first set.

So you can love LoR and still welcome Project K. :)