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So, I normally just play until gold and then mess around with decks. I like the game a lot, but ranked does stress me out a bit.

So as I was playing with house money after reaching gold, I realize I am gold 1, 40 LP. So I'm like, may as well try for Plat, and it feels good!

I normally only play about 10 ranked games a week, so I am pretty excited to get here and do not plan on trying to climb more (I do not have the time or desire to try to get through Plat). Although I do wonder because I am a retired Hearthstone player that had the same amount of ranked games and I was a few games away from Legend rank there before I realized I hated what was happening to that game...Fortunately LoR had just begun!

Anyway, I wanted to share the good news and thank this sub. I check it frequently and always look forward to people sharing their feel good stories and deck ideas. It has been super helpful!

Now that I KNOW I can climb a bit if I play enough, I can truly just enjoy the game regardless of my rank. Thanks again!

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over 2 years ago - /u/Dovagedys - Direct link
