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Your last post about progression by the numbers was great ! However, you did say that:

> It’s important for us to be extra transparent about what you get for investing your time and/or money. We’ve seen some players trying to estimate, but we think you should have the exact numbers—no guesswork required.

Thing is, we can't really estimate anything if we don't know to probability for any item to upgrade. Watching some beta footage, upgrades seem fairly common... So it's something we need to account for when doing the "progression math".

So could we please have some info about that ? I promise to do the math if riot delivers ;) Thanks !

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over 5 years ago - /u/RyscG - Direct link

Fair enough :).

We debated a bunch whether we should just include the upgrade rates in that article, but we were hesitant to. The upgrade chances are among the least confident tuning values we have, and, to be honest, is probably one of the most likely places we'd take value out of the system if we need to buff something elsewhere (or if, hopefully not, we've just overtuned things). While we can, and will, communicate that kind of change, it usually causes a bunch of confusion despite our intent to be clear. We wanted to see how much interest there was in the upgrade chances before signing us and players up for that.

Clearly there is an interest to see them, so I'll share them here. That said, THESE COULD DECREASE IN THE FUTURE! These may be overtuned or it may be that the reward value will better serve players elsewhere in the system.

Reward Upgrade Chance
Chests -> Chest tier +1 20%
Capsule -> Wild Capsule 5%
Capsule -> Epic Capsule 10%
Epic Capsule -> Champion Capsule 10%
Random Common, Rare, Epic -> Wildcard of same rarity 10%
Random Champion -> Champion Wildcard 5%
Random Card -> Rarity +1 10%
Wildcard -> Rarity +1 10%

Remember these can chain as well, but in game it's hard to tell right now.

over 5 years ago - /u/RyscG - Direct link

Originally posted by Rhemyst

Wow. To be honest, I didn't expect to get an answer. Thank you so much !

These numbers do look fairly generous indeed, and I understand they are going to be your main adjustment variable when it comes to "metagame-evolution-pacing".

Well, op has got to deliver now ;)

Actually, there is still one information missing: the order of the region reward. I believe they are not in expected value order ?

The region reward order is not exactly the same for all regions, because some rewards are swapped around by a position or two. It's never a huge difference and the total content lines up every 4 levels.

over 5 years ago - /u/RyscG - Direct link

Originally posted by Rhemyst

Alright, I'll just shuffle them around.

Also, there is the question of extra bonus shards ? This can upgrade has well, right ? :p

I don't believe so. I looked at the loot tables and unless it's hooked up in a way I don't understand (which is possible), there's no upgrades on shards.