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I'm wondering, I see a lot of people sharing bugs in here, but is this really the best thing to do?

It doesn't look like any riot staff is watching here, at least there's no sign of it. I mean, it's fun to see other people's bug, but sending it directly to the support by ticket or on the twitter support my be the best way to have all these bugs fixed I think. Am I wrong thinking that?

I'm just saying that as a message to everyone who had a frustrating bug, to send it directly to Riot to get it fixed, not reddit.

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about 5 years ago - /u/Broxxar - Direct link

Hi there! The preferred method for reporting bugs is through the player support page.

There are a good number of rito lurkers that will see bugs reported in reddit, but not necessarily Player Support or QA team members. If you want to make sure we address something— from minor visual hiccups to more serious game interfering bugs— our player support page is the way to go!👍