over 2 years ago - Legends of Runeterra - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s I feel like she’d have to go with Teemo...
2s Urgot.
2s Me.
3s I mean, I'm sure she would go straight for Aurelion Sol.
6s The only thing that can overmatch Aatrox in his like physical power...
9s is Teemo’s raw annoyance.
11s Doesn't Xolaani have a bunch of legs?
12s She could slap some bloodletters on that thing.
15s Just decimate.
16s Easy clap.
17s She would go to town.
18s Aatrox I guess.
19s I am team Xolaani.
20s Two A’s...
21s Oh, Aatrox.
22s Team Aatrox.
23s Absolutely massive...
24s He is an absolute unit.
26s I like the chonccs...
27s Aatrox has killed me far too many times in League
29s for me to support him in anything.