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One thng has been really bothering me since seeing Jack and his new card.

Where does his power come from? Was he always this half-man, half shark? We know he's not some form of Vastayan, as this was confirmed by a Rioter.

So, that leads me to one theory, one that wasn't something I initially thought about until I compared two champions when I gotthem in my Path of Champions run.

Renekton and Nasus.

The shurmina sun disc, specifically, and the power of ascension grant almost the exact same powers Jack has access to.

Humans becoming big half-animal people with a tendency to enter an "enraged/empowered" state for an extended period of time.

From what we've seen, the ascension process seems to enhance the traits that were already present in the warriors that ascend.

In Renekton's case, it was his fierceness that truly was enhanced. While not initially insane and only becoming that way due to being trapped and manipulated by Xerath, he was described frequently as a fierce warrior, and it was only his time with Xerath that turned his fierce power into fury and ruthlessness.

I think in Jack's case, it was a mixture of two, or perhaps just one. Bloodthirstyness, or Hunger. Both seen as typical tropes for a shark, and definitely enhanced in his new form, especially since it's described in his cards that once he smells blood, he goes beserk.

The Origins

So this leads me to three theories.

Theory A: In Tahm Kench's initial trailer when he launched in League of Legends, there was a story about a man who had an addiction to Gambling. He made a deal with Tahm to fuel his addiction and win, so Tahm scooped him up, and took him away, leaving him at a gambling house. I think it's possible that Jack made the same kind of deal, but Jack may have originally been one of the Shuriman warriors who ascended. After the empire collapsed, perhaps Jack made a deal with Tahm to go somewhere else, where he could really "win" given all of the fighting between the ascended and those that went insane due to Xolaani's blood magic.

So, Tahm takes him to bilgewater, and the rest is history. I don't think this theory is that possible, and I'm more confident of the other two theories.

Theory B: Tahm and Jack made a deal, and in some capacity, Tahm either had a piece of the Sun Disk, had some way to get Jack to a Sun Disc, or had some similar ritual that gave Jack this shurmian like power. We don't know that much about the Shuriman Ascension all that much, just that when it's performed wrong.... you get sh*t like Xerath and the Baccai.

Theory C: Jack is that man from Tahm's origin story. Going deeper into that story, the gambling man made the deal, and several years later, he was rich, he was betrothed to a princess, and on their wedding day, Tahm showed up and ate all the guests, the food, the gold, and even the bride... but one thing he didn't eat... was the man. At least if he did, it wasn't mentioned in the trailer (and from what I remember, not in his story either, but it's been awhile).

The man is even wearing a similar trench coat to Jack's, seen here in the trailer


I think it's probably a stretch for all of these, but I do think there are a LOT of similarities between the powers of Jack and the ascended.

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almost 2 years ago - /u/Dan_Felder - Direct link

"He may be half shark, but he's ALL man."