about 2 years ago - Roxx - Direct link

In terms of the current compensation, this should only be available for 1 week and redeemable by your main character, but the team is looking into it for extra clarity

about 2 years ago - Roxx - Direct link

This compensation was not delivered to the Product Inventory, it was delivered to the Universal Storage, has a hard expiration date, and can only be used by certain characters on the Roster. It is also only being delivered to the players (less than a few hundred on a specific region) that were impacted by a very specific bug that locked them out of certain content for a ~3 week period. The compensation addresses and makes up for that specifically, which is why it is not going out to everyone as very few players were impacted.

about 2 years ago - Roxx - Direct link

This compensation was to cover a very specific bug involving reset timers that only impacted a small number of players. If you did not receive compensation, you were likely not impacted:

If you were impacted and didn’t receive this compensation, please reach out to Customer Support.