almost 3 years ago - Roxx - Direct link

Love the discussion going on here, but wanted to hop in to clarify something on the original post that looks like it may have gotten misinterpreted – we aren’t necessarily releasing classes in the original order as they did in KR, as are many different pieces that go into deciding which class comes when. However, the earlier classes are currently slated to come before any of the brand new content that released more recently. This means that the new classes such as Artist and Aeromancer (not that it’s out yet) will follow the rest of the classes and whatever order they release in

almost 3 years ago - Roxx - Direct link

These selections won’t be random; they will be selected based on global game data (like Glaivier being popular), class updates (like waiting for Destroyer to be reworked so that players don’t have to worry about their class changing), pairing with specific content (like Destroyer having Stagger skills that are nice to have for Valtan), and other factors