almost 3 years ago - Roxx - Direct link

There seems to be a lot of misunderstanding around the actions against RMT – it is certainly not allowed. We do not always permaban outright on the first offense if it is minimal, however we will suspend players for this. If it happens again, folks will find themselves banned. If it happens at a large scale outright, folks will find themselves banned. It is situational, to a reasonable degree that we will not permanently punish legitimate players who make a one time mistake or bad decision, but beyond that it’s not tolerated

almost 3 years ago - Roxx - Direct link

To be clear, I am not ensuring that any first offense will be a guaranteed temp ban – as I stated, it can be situational, and I was explaining why based on other assumptions in the thread. There are absolutely players that get permabanned on their first RMT transaction. You should not be taking this risk or breaking these rules at all.