almost 3 years ago - Roxx - Direct link

GeForce Now is a program we have partnered with to allow players to have safe and approved Cloud Gaming Platform to use to access Lost Ark. We can be sure it adheres to our standards and legal limitations. I understand there are many emotions around the current VPN blocks, which are valid, but they have been against the rules since day 1 as many of these are third party, unmonitored programs which can be used to dodge our Terms of Service for other unintended purposes.

almost 3 years ago - Roxx - Direct link

Despite having a different intention (making faster connections over masking location), tools like Exitlag function re-route a player’s traffic by employing some of the same functions VPN does; how they “work” is extremely similar, which is why these tools fall under the VPN umbrella. (No intention of arguing here whether or not they should be, just trying to provide an explanation to the question posed)