over 2 years
ago -
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You are more or less asking me to predict the future here; this changed over time, which is why it was confirmed to not be coming until that changed and it was, like the thread title says.
- First, the stronghold research was confirmed to not be coming in the June update. This was what was communicated to players, because it was the decision that had been made.
- With every community topic, we share player feedback with the team whether it is “set in stone” or not. The feedback around this particular decision was incredibly overwhelming, and players were loud and clear that they wanted this buff as soon as possible.
- After the feedback was delivered, this topic was revisited, and the decision was eventually made to bring in the stronghold honing research that players had asked for.
- Once this was confirmed for the June Update, we let players know that the research would be coming.
Player feedback will not always leads to a change, but this is a live service game that is constantly being updated and evolving. There are times that things will shift and change, and this was one of them.