about 2 years ago - Roxx - Direct link

Just to loop back around, this is still in discussion with the wider team and I will provide an update once a decision has been made.

about 2 years ago - Roxx - Direct link

I am aware of this recent list and it has been shared with the team

about 2 years ago - Roxx - Direct link

Hey all, here with an update.

Unfortunately at this time, we will not be adding preferred language tags to servers. I understand there is healthy concern from players about finding and playing with language-based communities, so with tags being unavailable in game, I do want to promote and point to the work that players have already done to start organizing across servers.

This is the latest I have seen, but if this has since been updated please let me know.

image960×800 79.7 KB

There is also a Guild/Community Directory available here and an EU Server Data sheet available here, both of which are solid resources to explore when choosing a server.

I apologize for any inconveniences this causes, but as we are so close to launch the decision was made not to deviate from our current plans; however, we will monitor server activity once the game is out and may be willing to revisit this topic in the future.

Thanks for your patience as the team came to a decision.

about 2 years ago - Roxx - Direct link

We are not unable, which is why I did not use that word. The decision was made not to due to a variety of concerns surrounding proximity to launch, uncertainties around server population and stability, no current server transfer features, and the way cross-server play is implemented for several game features across regions.

about 2 years ago - Roxx - Direct link

We are discussing the potential for this, but since it is not currently a feature we will need to discuss with SGR to see if it can be developed and implemented smoothly (and at this point our launch build is locked in, so it would not be available at launch if it happens)

about 2 years ago - Roxx - Direct link

There is nothing banning the use of any languages in chat; even if preferred language servers are put in place at some point in the future, using different languages would not be strictly enforced or bannable

about 2 years ago - Roxx - Direct link

Not before launch, but we want to revisit that in the future (and if/when that happens we would provide a unpaid opportunity for name changes for players already in the game)