about 3 years ago - Roxx - Direct link

All servers will be brought down on February 16 at 11:59 PM PT (February 17 at 7:59 AM UTC) for an update. Downtime is estimated to last approximately 3 hours.

This patch will include the following updates:

  • Fixed an issue where Royal Crystal refunds can get stuck pending when using the currency Exchange.
  • Made improvements to store connection and Product Inventory issues.
  • Fixed an issue where Procyon’s compass schedule could show an incorrect time for Adventure Islands.
  • Fixed an issue where dyeing the Northern Lawmaker skin on any Warrior sub-class would prevent the skin from displaying properly.
  • Fixed an issue where emoticons would be displayed as text when two players with different language settings were chatting.
  • Fixed an issue with DX11 where the UI Scale becomes offset for after changing from native resolutions while in Full Screen.
  • Fixed an issue where players were getting booted from the game while playing in the Central Europe region.
  • Implemented the groundwork for a new region to host servers in Europe, called “Europe West.” While you will be able to see this region selection tab after the maintenance is complete, these servers will not be available to players immediately.

Thank you for your patience, and we’ll see you in Arkesia soon!