over 2 years ago - Roxx - Direct link

Greetings heroes of Arkesia,

Thank you for your patience while we worked to resolve an issue with in-game Powerpasses. As of Monday, August 15th, free Powerpasses (including the Punika and Vern Powerpasses) have been re-enabled.

We’re granting a Punika Growth Support Pack to players impacted by this issue to help make up for the time where they were unable to utilize their Powerpass on a new character. All players who either (1) completed a quest to earn a free Powerpass (Ealyn’s Gift or Berver’s Friend) between July 23rd and when free Powerpasses were reenabled or (2) have an unused free Powerpass and actively logged in between July 23rd and when free Powerpasses were reenabled will receive one. The Punika Growth Support Pack will be delivered to your Universal Storage, and includes:

  • T3 Leapstone Selection Chest I
  • Ancient Platinum Coin (20K Silver)
  • T3 Fusion Material Selection Chest I
  • Destruction Stone Crystal Pouch
  • Guardian Stone Crystal Pouch
  • Honor Shard Pouch (L)

Purchased Powerpasses will remain disabled in the store while we continue to work on a resolution for ongoing issues with them. We will share more information when this work has been finalized.

Thank you for your patience as we sorted out the issues with free Powerpasses, and we will provide another update soon!

over 2 years ago - Roxx - Direct link

If you are eligible to receive a Punika Growth Support Pack but it has not yet appeared in your Universal Storage, please note that we will be sending out an additional batch to cover players who did not receive their compensation in the first grant. We’ll let you know when those have been delivered!

over 2 years ago - Roxx - Direct link

Greetings, Heroes.

Remaining Punika Growth Support Packs will be delivered today. As a part of this delivery, the in-game store will be unavailable for up to 30 minutes beginning at 11:30 AM PT. Once this is complete and the store comes back up, the rollout of Punika Growth Support Packs to eligible players’ Universal Storage will begin.

Please note that it may take several hours for players to receive their compensation, potentially taking through the end of the day for all packs to be received. If your pack does not appear in your Universal Storage by 12 AM PT on August 19th and you were eligible for this compensation, please let us know or reach out to Customer Support.

Thank you for your patience!

over 2 years ago - Roxx - Direct link

Paid Powerpasses will be re-enabled on August 24th alongside the new game update! Stay tuned for more information as well as details on a limited-time 25% off sale on Paid Powerpasses when they return!