almost 3 years ago - Roxx - Direct link

I am locking this thread and will be cleaning up the names because it is against our Code of Conduct to target players through the forums, however because of the reach this has I want to respond to the situation as well.

Griefing is always an actionable offense; if you encounter someone purposely trying to make others have a bad time in game, you can and should report them. If you can’t catch them in-game, you can send your report in through our website: Amazon Sign-In (And no, being bad at the game isn’t griefing. Be nice to the newbies, you had to learn the game too, once.)

I know in part of the original thread (yes, we lurk Reddit) one of the issues was that this user was claiming that they were some sort of Amazon partner, which meant they couldn’t be banned. Yeah, not true. None of our partner programs grant anyone weird survivor-style immunity from the rules – anyone who is one of our creators/partners/whatever will be held to the Code of Conduct and Terms of Service just like all of our players are.

At the end of the day, breaking our rules, openly lying, and griefing others are all great ways to get 1) get your account banned, and 2) close yourself off to any present or future partnership opportunities of any scale, whether you were a partner to begin with or not.

I know people start these sorts of posts because it is extremely frustrating to see bad actors trying to harm something you love. We’re right there with you, but the best way to handle these situations will always be to report so that you know it will be handled, and then block and move on so you don’t become another person who’s day they get to ruin, since that’s what they wanted in the first place.

Anyway, be kind and have a great day. :hearts: