Thanks for these reports, passing them onto the team now!
Thanks for these reports, passing them onto the team now!
We’ve made a potential fix – please let me know if this issue has cleared up or you are still experiencing it.
If you are experiencing this issue and are comfortable private messaging me your public IP address it would be much appreciated. Thank you
This has resolved for most players! Let us know if you continue to have issues.
Good morning! I want to circle back on this to see if folks are still having issues. Thank you for all of your private messages with info from Friday as well – if so, I’ll use these to pass along to the team.
Thanks all! I’ve passed this info along
Okay, we were able to clear up a few more so please check again when you have a chance! Thanks everyone
Woo! Glad to hear it. Enjoy the game
Forums is best! Starting a megathread and what not so we can track it and all team members can view is the most helpful Very glad to hear it’s working!!
Hey all, thanks for the DMs – going to dive into this over the next couple of days and hope to have an update soon.
Hey everyone! A number of fixes for this went out last night, so if you were someone that messaged me an IP, please hop back in game and see how things are working!!
Thanks for passing these over – I can’t reply to every DM I get but I am going through all of them and passing them over to the team.
Looks like there are some new instances of this popping up, so friendly reminder that if you are able to DM me your public IP address, I may be able to assist. Thanks!!
(Also if you DM’ed me over the break, I am playing catch up with some of these so updates soon. Appreciated)
Hi everyone, as of this morning I’ve passed along the IP addresses from folks that DMed me to be cleared up, and those are being worked through now. Additionally, it looks like a few specific ISPs were hit with this issue as well, so we are working to resolve that. Thanks for your patience, if these issues persist into tomorrow or pop up again/for the first time please reach back out via DMs. (I haven’t responded to all players directly because of the volume of the issue, but did go through all messages.)
glad to see this clearing up for everyone! Thanks for your patience, and for the folks that are still reaching out I’ll make sure those are surfaced today as well
I am going through messages on this topic from last night now, but wanted to mention we saw a lot of these coming from folks with the service provider Converge, so we’ve been able to clear up issues with that ISP. Thanks everyone!