about 2 years ago - Roxx - Direct link
  1. The Witcher Collab is being released during this timeframe because it is a collaboration that involves an additional company – that means that we have a limited time we are able to use the Witcher IP within the game, contractually.
  2. The Artist is being released in April due to development schedules and timing. We know players are unhappy with this and would like to see it released earlier, but unfortunately it doesn’t look like there is a possibility for this to come any sooner.
  3. The development teams are working through these issues still, both with EAC and other tech issues. There are multiple leads and developments being followed, but I don’t have any word on what the next implementation to address these will be yet.
  4. It’s not entirely signed on yet, but we are exploring video content and I am very excited to open up this potential avenue for communication with players. As far as decisions and why they were made in the past for Argos and Pheongate, communications on these topics have already been released in full at the times they occurred we won’t be revisiting these or adding additional information (there is none).
  5. I think the current problems in the game are pretty clear, in my opinion. Bots and DC’s have been burning for a long time, and these things remain top priority to address across the teams. We’re currently assessing the impacts of the most recent bot mitigations, and will decide where to go from there. DC’s, I mentioned briefly above. Unfortunately I don’t have any new news to share with players on these topics beyond that, but they are addressed and worked on in some capacity every single day here.
about 2 years ago - Roxx - Direct link

While there are some changes being made to the class, as mentioned in the past, builds are not copied and pasted from other regions. All content in the game needs to be implemented and integrated into our specific version of the game, as well as localized, tested, etc. It’s also important to keep in mind that the Lost Ark development team has work and schedules they need to adhere to globally/across multiple regions, as resources are finite.

about 2 years ago - Roxx - Direct link

As eager as the players are to see these things resolved, I would say the team’s own eagerness for that to come would certainly give them a run for their money :wink:

about 2 years ago - Roxx - Direct link

It’s come up for consideration several times, like those other topics you mentioned. No path forward for release on it yet.