over 2 years
ago -
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Things are heating up, and a new Fever Time event is kicking off this weekend!
Beginning on June 18th at 3 AM PT / 10 AM UTC, one character on a player’s Roster will be able to claim special rewards through the “Fever Time” button in-game. This particular Fever Time event will feature a variety of rewards throughout the duration of the event:
Saturday, June 18th
- 3 Battle Items Chest
- Honing Shard Selection Chest x3
Sunday, June 19th
- 3 Battle Items Chest
- [Masterwork] Master’s Herb Steak Meal (Bound) x3
Saturday, June 25th
- 3 Battle Items Chest
- Honing Leapstone Selection Chest II x2
Sunday, June 26th
- 3 Battle Items Chest
- [Masterwork] Master’s Herb Steak Meal (Bound) x3
Remember, you can claim your Fever Time items once per day on Saturday and once per day on Sunday between 3:01 AM PT / 10:01 AM UTC and 2:59 AM PT / 9:59AM UTC, when the event clock will reset. This event only runs for the next two weekends, so don’t miss out!
See you in Arkesia!