almost 3 years
ago -
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The Lost Ark servers in Europe Central and Europe West will be coming down on 2/23 at 5 AM UTC / 6 AM CET for a hotfix. Downtime is estimated to last up to 2 hours.
- Applied a fix to help address matchmaking issues. We will continue to monitor matchmaking closely after tonight’s hotfix.
- Fixed an issue with the Launch Event showing an item level 1420 Rapport Chest as the Day 15 reward.
- Fixed an issue where the [Weekly] Battle Item Bundle stated it can be claimed 10 times. This has been changed to reflect the actual purchase limit of once a week.
- Fixed an issue with the 10 day Attendance Event on the Europe West region. The Day 3 reward has been changed to Una’s Tasks [Daily] +1 x10, and the Day 6 reward is now Rare Combat Engraving Recipe Selection Pouch x10.
Thank you for your support and patience as we continue to fix bugs and resolve issues in Lost Ark.