almost 3 years ago - Roxx - Direct link

The Express event is just that, an event – the character selection period runs until June 30th with the event itself going all the way to July 28th. It is intended for use on any character under level 1100 to help them advance, whether it is a main or an alt or a new character; it was not released specifically for the Glaivier class (although it was a nice pairing), so it should not be expected to have one of these events every time a new class is released. I apologize if anyone assumed differently.

In terms of an additional Power Pass, yes, it is something we have not completely determined yet. While other regions may get a Power Pass with each class release, they are only getting 1 - 3 classes per year at this point, where we will be getting many more classes much faster to catch up. This is part of the reason we are determining the pass cadence.