almost 3 years ago - Roxx - Direct link

What message were you reading that you felt wasn’t clear? I am happy to try and clear it up if something was confusing.

almost 3 years ago - Roxx - Direct link

It looks like a lot of players are pointing to the same thing, so I am going to reshare this comment here –

We had planned the announcement for the date of the update which was going to be shared before this week’s patch, and would have made it clear this week’s patch was not the April update. Ultimately that had to be pushed back because of the problems we are working through with the update build. Now that it is Wednesday, which is patch announcement time for Thursday, and weren’t able to pivot on that message beforehand it looks like the message that the content update wasn’t coming this week was withheld where instead it just slipped too far. I hope the context helps, but I don’t mean to make any excuses – it was not ideal, it can be improved on in the future and we can put contingencies in place in case something like this happens again.

almost 3 years ago - Roxx - Direct link

I shared this because I was confident (it was planned for earlier this week), but it slipped due to unexpected issues with the build. I know “soon” drives people crazy, but ultimately this is why sharing even general timeframes can also be an issue – were going to see what other information we can provide to players in the interim between updates (even when there aren’t dates) so that players can at least feel like they are better being kept in the loop.