about 2 years ago - Roxx - Direct link

Although we did not list out every single step to recreate the exploit in the post, there was an exploit that we saw some players use to gain extra pheons that lead to shutting the servers down. We wanted to include transparency by providing a top level overview of what caused the server downtime, but please understand we cannot share detailed steps on how to perfectly replicate an unintended exploit.

about 2 years ago - Roxx - Direct link

Hey folks, we should have an update on compensation ideally this afternoon. We are looking into ways to make the pheons gained feel fair as best as possible, but are still working across teams on a solution that works for everyone.

Additionally, as this seems to be a continued topic of discussion, I will again confirm that there was an exploit in the game that allowed some players to abuse the pheons from yesterday’s mail; we saw this on multiple accounts. I see a lot of folks asking for proof, but we will not be writing out each step that was required to perform this exploit – even as this is fixed, it is not a great idea to spread information or steps to repeat exploits should something similar arise in the future. Doing so introduces way too much risk.