This weekend, Fever Time is on!
Each weekend through April 10th (at 3 AM PT / 10 AM UTC), one character on a player’s Roster will be able to claim a “3 Battle Items Chest” on Saturday and on Sunday that includes the following items:
- Healing Battle Item Chest x5
- Utility Battle Item Chest x5
- Offensive Battle Item Chest x5
The 3 Battle Items Chest can be claimed by once on Saturday and once on Sunday between 3:01 AM PT / 10:01 AM UTC and 2:59 AM PT / 9:59AM UTC, when the event clock will reset. Fever Time will happen each weekend until April, so be sure to reap the rewards while you can!
Additionally, to make up for our late start since the event didn’t go live last weekend, we will hold an additional (but different!) Fever Time event after this one comes to an end. Be sure to grab those bonus battle items while you can, and keep an eye out!
See you in Arkesia!