about 3 years ago - Roxx - Direct link

The maintenance has already been completed for the EU region

This should help prevent the restarts that happened today

about 3 years ago - Roxx - Direct link

Sorry for the confusion, I was responding to some EU based posts and I jumbled up thinking this was also about the EU downtime.

This maintenance is happening ([Hotfix] US East, West, and South America Regions - Feb 15, 2022 11pm PT/7am UTC) but it is also to address the same thing that the EU maintenance did

about 3 years ago - Roxx - Direct link

There seems to be confusion here about the purpose of today’s earlier downtimes as well as this hotfix/maintenance, so I would like to try to clear things up. This was not included in last night’s maintenance because it stemmed from there in the first place.

Following last night’s hotfix, an issue was uncovered in that build that required us to do rolling restarts on servers in order to keep them in a good place and avoid bigger problems later on. The short “downtimes” that happened earlier today were these restarts that helped keep the game in a good state until we received a new build to fix the issue – these were not individual maintenances, just restarts.

Now we have received the build that will resolve these problems so that we do not have to continue to do server restarts, which is why we are putting it in place now, as soon as possible.

about 3 years ago - Roxx - Direct link

Right now, the team is still operating in 24/7 launch mode. I know that downtimes have not always been ideal for folks, but we are working to get things out as fast as possible at the moment so we can reach a stable state.

about 3 years ago - Roxx - Direct link

Thanks for calling out that announcements aren’t appearing in the dev tracker – this seems like something that we should be able to remedy