almost 2 years ago - Roxx - Direct link

Bot bashes are continual, and have not stopped. We do not post about every single one (and actually post about very few) as we do not want botters to know when they are coming, the frequency, or use this information to counter them in any way. You may have noticed a couple weeks past there was a drop off in bots which was in no small part due to these efforts, but with the release of Artist and the last update they are coming back into the game and their visibility is higher again. We are continuing to counter them with new bot bash logic as this occurs, but again, can’t provide details into what these exact methods are so that they can’t be reverse engineered by botters.

As we make improvements and the situation falls under better control, we would like to be more open about the efforts that have been rolling out. While this is a definite goal we have in mind, we don’t want to jump the gun by sharing anything too early, either.