about 4 years ago - /u/CNE_Erika - Direct link

Welcome Crusaders to the new year!

Before we begin today, I hope you are safe wherever you are, and that you are in a position to take care of yourselves during this time of change.


For those of you who are joining us for the first time, I'm Erika, the Live Services Manager for Crusaders of the Lost Idols and Community Manager for Codename Entertainment, and I will do my best to answer your Crusaders questions. This Q&A is so you know where to find one of the team to chat Crusaders weekly.

I will be answering questions live for the first hour and then checking back throughout the week.


The previous Q&A: Number 223!

Community Activity!

Returning soon! Plus, since all the Fan Sheet submissions were awesome, I'll be debuting the code later today!


  • The 5th slot runes will debut with season 3 of the Dungeons.

  • There will be a break between season 2 and season 3.

  • The recipes for the Nate Before Christmas Crusaders will be available at Noon Pacific Time (UTC -8) today, Tuesday, January 12th, 2021.

  • The Tier 6 version of Princess' Pool Party is currently running and ends next Tuesday, January 19th, 2021.

  • The Tier 6 version of Carnage Cup will launch around Thursday, January 28th, 2021.

  • The Tier 6 version of Merci's Mix-Up will launch around Thursday, February 11th, 2021.

  • In case you missed it, we're doing Q&A streams for Crusaders on the CNE Games twitch channel now! The streams are at Thursdays at 10am Pacific Time (UTC-8.) We return to streaming this Thursday!

End of Life in Flash in Browsers

Crusaders will remain available to play through the version on Steam, and through a downloadable launcher on our Codename Games website.

Note: The launcher will work with Wine to run the .exe on Linux. Otherwise, you can try using the Steam version.

If you didn't have a chance to link your account, we'll be setting something up to help you transfer shortly.

Questions for You

  • Which Carnage Cup crusader would you like to see a skin for? Groklok, Drizzle, Karl, Griz, Nargulg or Morrigan?

  • What 2 prizes would you like to see awarded from levels during season 3?


Please put in a support ticket if you've found a bug with the game. How to submit support tickets: Click here for the instructions.


Have a treat! EINE-KOSS-GIRR-CRAG awards 2 All Tier Princess Party jeweled chests. Expires Tuesday, January 19th, 2021 at 9:59 am Pacific Time (UTC-8.)


Next Q&A: The next Crusaders Q&A will be on Tuesday, January 19th, 2021 at 10am Pacific Time (UTC-8.) See you in the new year!

External link →
about 4 years ago - /u/CNE_Erika - Direct link

Originally posted by rheach

Thanks Erica, would like a skin for Morrigan

Morrigan skin, noted. :)

about 4 years ago - /u/CNE_Erika - Direct link

Originally posted by Vingummi92

Odile is quite strong. What happens to future objectives and dungeons now?

We can look into adding harder objectives to make use of her power, as well as making objectives that don't allow her tags to restrict her use.

about 4 years ago - /u/CNE_Erika - Direct link

Originally posted by NGPriest

Morrigan too!

When is the next sale?

Need to buy more TM's :p

Morrigan vote noted. :)

We'll likely have some DLC in the next Steam sale, mirrored on the Codename Games site, whenever that occurs.

about 4 years ago - /u/CNE_Erika - Direct link

Originally posted by joshrd

Posting on behalf of several at kongregate, It's frustrating that there is a lengthy mandatory tutorial before you have access to options to link accounts. Could you make an adjustment for accessibility/getting caught up?

We don't have plans on changing the length of the tutorial.

about 4 years ago - /u/CNE_Erika - Direct link

Originally posted by JuJuBee2006

Really happy the Q&A are back: a few things on my list

  1. I may just be missing something, but what did you mean by "2 prizes would you like to see awarded levels from season 3"? can you reword it a bit because I am missing what you mean.
  2. Could you describe the team's considerations for how you are deciding which slots new crusaders go into? I have been feeling like certain slots are extremely popular, while others are less so.

I don't have a strong preference, but I think i would lean towards are skin for Griz or nargulg

1) Ah, rushing. So there's the 25 main levels and the 15 bonus levels that give prizes. Just checking in what players might like to see them award for season 3.

2) Tier 1 and 2 event Crusaders were distributed among the original 20 bench seats. Tier 3 Crusaders saw them all lumped in seats 25 to 28, which honestly makes restricting objectives to just Tier 3 Crusaders a bit awkward, but was the plan for that event season.

Tier 4 events debuted some new bench seats, along with distributing Crusaders more evenly along the bench.

Tier 5 focused on getting Crusaders to 5 Crusaders per bench seat, plus adding a couple more new seats.

Tier 6 will continue filling out bench seats to roughly 5 Crusaders per seat. Mogra will be getting a bench seat friend soon, I just didn't want to do it back to back.

Griz and Nargulg skins, noted.

about 4 years ago - /u/CNE_Erika - Direct link

Originally posted by tstevs

No question, but just wanted to say i really like the design of ursula

Ursula turned out pretty cool, yeah. :D

about 4 years ago - /u/CNE_Erika - Direct link

Originally posted by DragonFuhrer

Welcome back and thx as always for the chest. Hope your holiday break was just what you needed to recharge. One item I want to bring to your attention. When you made the change to "Fixed Odile's Scepter applying global effect to all Crusaders, instead of just herself." Not sure if it was intentional or un-intentional, but you nerfed her DPS power. since the change, I can do 400-700 levels "less" depending on the dungeon run. Please check into it please b/c it was really dis-heartening. Thank you.

You're welcome for the chest.

My break was pretty good, thank you for asking.

Odile's main power comes from her killing bosses with her projectile, it wasn't meant to come from her scepter. She's still uber powerful though.

about 4 years ago - /u/CNE_Erika - Direct link

Originally posted by Aggressive_Dingo_720

How about more chatrooms? I would prefer to use chatrooms special for language like chat room english 1, chatrom french 1, chatrom us 1, chatroom german 1 etc.

Easier for many users.

Second: it would be nice to mark friends to find them in the different chatrooms.

1) I'll add it to our list to consider for when we're adding more chat options.

2) We don't really plan on adding more friend functionality to the website at this time, but I'll note down the request.

about 4 years ago - /u/CNE_Erika - Direct link

Originally posted by VerbingWeirdsLang

Happy New Year!

Odile has become one of my favorite Crusaders for the Snowflake Hippos alone. Although they're a bit hard to see lobbed over a white background. ^^"

Please tell Kat this player loves the design for the Snowflake Hippos. I can already imagine the skin for Odile: civilian mode, before she goes full Winx magical girl.

Would love to see more characters from Odile's world and maybe some more of her backstory!

My vote's on Griz. Maybe some kind of steampunk hybrid?

Happy New Year!

Yeah, snow is kinda hard to see on white backgrounds, but I really do love how Kat managed to accomplish the Snowflake Hippo.

Jay did awesome writing the backstory, it might be cool to explore it more in the game.

Griz Steampunk skin, noted!

about 4 years ago - /u/CNE_Erika - Direct link

Originally posted by joshrd

my request is more along the lines of can you enable access to options before completing the tutorial, so accounts can be linked more quickly?

No, the Linked Accounts option is locked until the tutorial is completed to prevent weird things from happening in the linking process.

about 4 years ago - /u/CNE_Erika - Direct link

Originally posted by brickobat

i vote Griz skin

Griz skin, noted! :)

about 4 years ago - /u/CNE_Erika - Direct link

Originally posted by antebus

Hope everyone had great holidays! I like seeing Christmas Crusader recipes available...well as long as one isn't lutefisk,even Santa doesn't want that.

Yup, everyone had pretty good holidays! Hope you did as well.

Lol, yeah, no lutefisk recipes there. :)

about 4 years ago - /u/CNE_Erika - Direct link

Originally posted by invento_kave

Thank you for the chest :) Happy new year to all.

Happy new year!

about 4 years ago - /u/CNE_Erika - Direct link

Originally posted by bippyarg

SCARIER OGRE KINGS is today's chest code anagram. So scary skin for Grok or Narg then?

For the obvious question, any particular plan or goal for how long the break is between seasons this time around, or is it limited/based on development time of the 5th rune feature, and hence, not sure how many weeks it will be? Thanks!

EDIT: Also more long term question: Do you think in season 4, (or possibly season 5, the ~1 year anniversary of dungeons) you could bring back difficulty scaling for dungeons, as a speed feature?

E.g. once a player has unlocked level 20000 in a dungeon, "difficulty 1" appears as an option that changes the scaling such that it now takes the same dps as lvl20000 to beat lvl 10000. And the rewards for 10000 now also reflect what they would be if you hit 20000. So it speeds it up. You could of course scale it any way you want, and introduce multiple difficulty levels (e.g. once you reach level 20000 on diff1, you unlock diff2, so in the long run dps requirements grow exponentially). The general idea would be, once you prove you are advanced enough, you unlock and harder, but faster in real clock time, mode of the dungeon.


Oh cool that there's an anagram. Grok or Narg vote noted.

A few days at least for a break, given that we've extended the season a week. Not as long as last time though.

That could be a good use of the difficulty scaling, if we're aiming to keep the dungeon runs to a certain time length. We'll keep it in mind.


about 4 years ago - /u/CNE_Erika - Direct link

Originally posted by Croq360

Welcome back, I hope you had a great holiday!

I just wanted to find out if dungeon vouchers will carry over after the season ends or if they need to be spent before the season ends.

Oh, and thank you for the dungeon points buff over the holidays and for the extra week in dungeons!

Yup, the holiday was a good time. Hope you had an enjoyable time as well.

Dungeon vouchers won't expire, so you can hold on to the until you see a chest you like.

You're welcome! And now that we have the points buff in the game, it may make a return in future seasons. :)

about 4 years ago - /u/CNE_Erika - Direct link

Originally posted by Velyndin

Morrigan for me please.

For season 3 I'd say more skins like Agent 79 and Epic Recipes.

Morrigan skin, got it.

Oooh, yeah, Agent 79's skin is awesome. Keeping the Epic Recipes around, cool cool.

about 4 years ago - /u/CNE_Erika - Direct link

Originally posted by CommanderLuca

Hey Erica,

the first time I comment and I want to thank you all for your work. :)

I didn't have a chance yet to link my account so any kind of help there will be highly appreciated.

Hi CommanderLuca,

That's awesome, I'll pass it along to the team.

If you put in a ticket with your account name and where you were playing the before the death of Flash, we can get you sorted.

about 4 years ago - /u/CNE_Erika - Direct link

Originally posted by redsunstar


Got it, thanks!

about 4 years ago - /u/CNE_Erika - Direct link

Originally posted by Cassius335

Hey Erika,

Q1) Are you happy with Bounty Of Idols in it's current state? It's quite potent (in a great way) with just one level, never mind 200...

Q2) With Kong version being fully KO'd, can we get a 1.15 or 1.20 Screen Scale on the Steam/Downloader versions? Not vital, but 1.25 is slightly too big vertically.

Q4U -1) Can we get a "Grufflock" skin for Groklok that turns him into a bearded Viking wearing a bear as a coat & hood? (-Orc, + Human and Animal)

Q4U-2) EDIT: Ah, dungeon stuff. No idea here, TBH.

Hi Cassius335,

Q1) It's meant to help out with Idol collection where there isn't bonus boss idols or the dungeons idol bonus, so yeah, it's a bit potent. It does cost e31 Idols to max, though, so the potency is intended.

Q2) I'll note that down on our potential launcher improvements list.

  • Grufflock skin, adorbs.

  • Since players feel the rewards from the season levels still aren't the best they could be, just looking for some ideas of what would be appreciated.

about 4 years ago - /u/CNE_Erika - Direct link

Originally posted by Jothda

Hi Erica, I would like a skin for Griz. And thank you very much for the Dungeon Points buff. I hope we will see this nice buff again sometime ;-).

Hi Jothda,

Griz skin, noted.

You're welcome for the buff. It exists now, so it could show up again in future seasons. :)

about 4 years ago - /u/CNE_Erika - Direct link

Originally posted by GwennieMacrae

Griz skin


about 4 years ago - /u/CNE_Erika - Direct link

Originally posted by Idolgrl81

Skin for morrigan or karl

Thanks for the votes!

about 4 years ago - /u/CNE_Erika - Direct link

Originally posted by sqrzwol

Hi Erika, happy new year.

I'd vote Griz personally. How about a token for a free GE from dungeons, now that would be something :) even if it was a rotating selection like the voucher chests from dungeon shop..

I'm curious if you think there is any chance cotli would ever be available through one of the flash emulators, like the one AG is working on.


Hi sqrzwol,

Griz skin, noted! He was the runner up for skin choices last year actually.

A GE or two from the dungeon rewards is something we can explore.

I would say it's highly unlikely, seeing as Adobe who had all the details and code for Flash, didn't make a substitute in all these years, but we'll keep an eye on things.

about 4 years ago - /u/CNE_Erika - Direct link

Originally posted by Challenger885

Hi Erika!

Griz deserves a cool skin, allowing him to be human+robot at least.

And about dungeons season 3 - we will need a lot more sprint levels (at least additional 2000 areas) if new requirements will be 14k+ area (otherwise 1 trip takes like a day for people who don't keep PC turned on 24/7), and if the idols % and/or xp cap would get increased more then it will be near impossible to get level 25.

Of course those sprint talents could be added to existing level 6-7 tier so that not only super high levels could buy them in tier 8.

Just saying this early on so you will have time for analysis.

Hi Challenger885,

Human-robot Griz skin noted.

We'll keep the more sprint or rebalance progress idea in mind, if we ever do approach area 20,000 for dungeons.


about 4 years ago - /u/CNE_Erika - Direct link

Originally posted by mystic_dragon005

skin choice:

  1. morrigan 2. nargulg 3. griz

Thanks for sharing!

about 4 years ago - /u/CNE_Erika - Direct link

Originally posted by Azar-yah


Griz, noted!

about 4 years ago - /u/CNE_Erika - Direct link

Originally posted by RabbiZucker

would love jjba stardust crusaders themed crusaders, or any jojo character.

We'll add it to our list of potential Crusaders to consider. :)

about 4 years ago - /u/CNE_Erika - Direct link

Originally posted by SnowLoverTV

Hi Erika,

Two of the things that this game is missing are offline progression and automation.

Now I never understood why offline progression even if its 1 area per minute never worked, or at least doesn't work now.

Now about automation I do understand that it will be very "OP" and your sales might go down cause a lot more people will be getting enough bounties so they have no reason to buy chests using money. Now, I don't know if that is the reason for why you didn't do some kind of automation or not.

Whether it is the reason for why there is no automation, there are a few things you can do to combat that and its: 1) make the Automator reset only once a day or once a week 2) add automation chests which will contain upgrades to the Automator 3) There will be a free to play and a paid option to those chests, just like in your other game 4) You can always add additional benefits beyond the just Automator speed and quality mechanics like legendary levels of sort.

This will let some or most people to not get discouraged by the dungeons or other grinds that needed to be done. What the automation in the other game let me do is take a break or use the memory in another game or another application instead. In your other game I could be offline for 4 days and get a lot of progress done, but here I can be gone for three months and make "0" progress (now you added the very nice talent that makes up a little bit for not playing, otherwise if your idols is high enough its 0 progress) - its really depressing.

Thank you for reading this wall of text.

Hi SnowLoverTV,

We only had a very limited offline progress for mobile devices, since they can't be on as long as computers, but players were using that to cheese objectives they didn't want to do.

The game is too old at this point to consider adding offline progress, and with only one developer on it, that would be the only update players would receive after months of not much content. Idle Champions' offline progress took multiple developers multiple months to get set up, and it still doesn't work great.

Idle Champions automation system also took multiple months and developers to set up, which again, with one developer, Crusaders doesn't have time to implement at this point in its life cycle.

I'll note down the ideas were requested though, as a matter of record.

about 4 years ago - /u/CNE_Erika - Direct link

Originally posted by ZellZoy

Any plans for additional uses for Taskmasters? Cuz I have 13 of them... Some ideas:
1. Have a click area for just straight up farming idols at a slow rate.
2. Complete missions. This would let us cut down on the wait time for new missions to popup as well as make it easier to complete a large number of missions without having to click through them all.
3. Another slot in the autoadvance area, if all 6 are filled enables offline progress.
4. Put one on the event ticket slot to speed up how many of them you get.
5. Crusader specific ones like putting it on the portrait rather than the level up button to increase power of an ability.
6. Put it on the chest slot to open 1 silver chest per X minutes. Some of us have built up a lot of them and even clicking to open 100 at a time would take a while. I know why you won't add an open 1000 button but doing something like this should have little server load (hopefully) and allow us to more easily open chests.

Adding vote for a skin for Morrigan

We may do more with taskmasters, but it's not currently on the radar.

1) We'll keep that in mind.

2) Not a use we're planning for taskmasters.

3) We won't be adding offline progress to the game.

4) Interesting idea.

5) That one seems a bit out there, but we'll note it down.

6) We don't plan on allowing taskmasters to open chests.

Morrigan skin, noted!

about 4 years ago - /u/CNE_Erika - Direct link

Originally posted by pandino89

Hi there! I am just wondering if "The Crypt" dungeons will ever happen again? I was too weak to get the achievement of reaching level 25, I think I'm gonna do it in Clocktower (I'm at 23 atm), but I wanted to get the Crypt achievement too...

The complete the Crypt achievement should be hidden if you didn't complete it during season 1. It's just fallen down the to-do list a bit.

Season 5 will see the Crypt return, but it will have a new complete the season achievement with it.

about 4 years ago - /u/CNE_Erika - Direct link

Originally posted by Daurakin

Hey Erika!

I vote for Griz :)

Griz skin, got it! :)

about 4 years ago - /u/CNE_Erika - Direct link

Originally posted by Armyegg11

has there ever been a fanmade crusader in the game before? if not, would the developers ever consider a sort of, competition for fanmade crusaders for certain events? like, people enter ideas on reddit, then the most voted for idea is the next created crusader?

Serpent King Draco and Montana James were pitched by a fan, and included in the game with some tweaks.

We ran the community contest to name Penny and Beary.

We haven't had a formal contest to submit Crusader ideas, though it does come up on occasion.

about 4 years ago - /u/CNE_Erika - Direct link

Originally posted by DoctorNovakaine

Thanks for the chest. I suppose I'll vote for Groklok, though I'm fairly ambivalent overall.

Season 3 rewards: Skins are usually welcome, especially since they now have a talent that has them contributing to DPS. I'm pretty ambivalent on Taskmasters at the moment because I have several more than I regularly use. Golden Gear is a good reward IMO, but I can imagine you don't want everyone getting the absolute best Goldens THAT easily so maybe it could be a random GE rather than a selected one? Or maybe something like a voucher for the Challenge Shop that lets you get one of the GEs that pops up without spending tokens or something like that. I think skin + something like that would be my vote.

You're welcome for the chest.

Hmm, Groklok skin, interesting.

Good to know skins as season rewards are cool. We'll try to do more of those.

If we did a GE, it would likely be random or a voucher of some sort, but it's sounding like that should be a reward we give out.

Thanks for input. :)

about 4 years ago - /u/CNE_Erika - Direct link

Originally posted by ferzed

Morigan skin +1.

I'm playing on a potato computer, the standalone launcher is a really nice upgrade from flash, thanks for that :).

Not a question, but a suggestion, is there a way to improve mission endings ? like completion in batch (all 100%, all gold, all ep, all others...).

Morrigan, got it! :)

Oh nice, glad you're liking the launcher version.

Yeah, the complete all or complete batches button for missions is something that's hanging around in my brain for when we have a moment.

about 4 years ago - /u/CNE_Erika - Direct link

Originally posted by Halaberd85


is there a reason Odile doesn't have the Support tag? she has several support FAs so it seems a little strange that it's missing.

She's got a lot of unique tags already, so we chose not to give her the Support tag.

about 4 years ago - /u/CNE_Erika - Direct link

Originally posted by LC125

Hi Erika! Hope you had a wonderful break!!

My vote is Nargulg

2nd is Karl.


Hi LC125,

It was a pretty good break. I hope you managed to have a break too.

Thank you for the skin votes!

about 4 years ago - /u/CNE_Erika - Direct link

Originally posted by Tikikala

Voting morrigan


about 4 years ago - /u/CNE_Erika - Direct link

Originally posted by AMQ_

Hi Erika! I hope you and the team had a good break.

I'd love to see a skin for Griz. Not really a question, but some dungeon feedback. I've just gotten to level 25 and that was with the points buff getting a lot of use. I'd love to see the points buff maybe pop up in the dungeon pass with the other buffs. Gold wasn't that useful for me, but points always help. I liked the main prizes being at level 21. That was doable - I had to push hard to get to 25 though (but wanted to get all the levels for the pass).

Still asking for the room naming on the launcher - trying to find everyone. And the three rooms we have are pretty full. I'd love to see the upgrades that BW2 got in it's chat make their way over as well. I was asked to pass along that the one line of text entry at the bottom of the chat screen was a bit of a pain (it scrolls up so you can't see what you have written). Other than that, survived Nate blowing up the flash world.


Hi AMQ_,

Yup, good breaks were had by all. I hope you had a good holiday season as well.

The dungeon points buff can make a return for sure, now that it exists. :)

Yeah, once we have some free cycles, we'll be making some chat improvements to the launcher.


about 4 years ago - /u/CNE_Erika - Direct link

Originally posted by jojoga

Nargulg out of curiosity what you'd do to him. One more tag would be nice, since that's his only purpose currently

Curious indeed. Noted!

about 4 years ago - /u/CNE_Erika - Direct link

Originally posted by -Kuja-

Hi Erika :)

Thx for the 2 Chests and I vote for a Griz Skin !

Best regards

Hi Kuja,

You're welcome for the chests.

Thank you for the Griz skin vote. :)

about 4 years ago - /u/CNE_Erika - Direct link

Originally posted by rjakubec

Hi Erika!

First of all, Happy New Year to you and to Kat and to Kevin!

I just finished the 15k achievements today, and I think I might get to level 27 on the dungeons by next week, so Odile was great, let no one tell you otherwise! I hope the Crooked Crow nerf was forgotten by the masses. ;)

As for Carnage Cup, other than Griz, I don't use any of the crusaders, which is a pity. But I reckon I would rather see a skin for Drizzle or Nargulg maybe.

I'll think more about the 2 prizes for season 3 and I'll come back to you.

Have a nice week!

Hi rjakubec,

Happy New Year to you too. I'll pass it along to them. :)

Congrats on the progress in the Dungeons. That's awesome. :)

Yeah, Griz is the most used out of the Carnage Cup ones still, but there have been requests for not-Griz skins. We'll see who takes the win.

Have a good week! :)

about 4 years ago - /u/CNE_Erika - Direct link

Originally posted by towerarmor12

Hi Erika,

I was thinking about the new "Trinket Hoarder" talent. For me personally it doesn't give much of a DPS boost because I only own one complete set of 20 Epic Trinkets. So I don't really care about it at the moment. Therefore, I was thinking that some sort of upgrade mechanism for the Trinkets would be cool!

  1. One possibility could be a new mission type (similar to gear upgrade missions). That would also satisfy people who ask for more missions.
  2. Another system could involve a similar mechanism as for the rune crafting system. But in order to avoid that everybody is converting all their trinkets to epic there either needs to be
  • a hard cooldown similar to rune chest purchase via rubies/challenge tokens/dungeon coins (like only one rare->epic transformation per week for each trinket type), or
  • a system like gear upgrade from epic to legendary gear with legendary catalysts. Also here increasing costs that get reduced again after some while could be helpful. Or maybe even using legendary catalysts as currency for the upgrades?
  • or a general penalty to pay. Like, not two common needed to convert them to one uncommon trinket, but let's say 6 or so. Exact numbers you need to figure out.

Of course, it should not be too easy to gain epic trinkets using such a method, otherwise the "Trinket Hoarder" talent could become too OP in no time.

Concerning the skins, I'd vote for Groklok or Griz.

And for the dungeons I would like the epic recipes to stay as rewards but maybe at a lower level. People like me who made a long break or rather new players that gain a ton of new crusaders in every new event need many many epic recipes. However, they are unlikely to reach level 15.

And thanks for the "Bounty of Idols" talent! That gave a tremendous boost in idol gain :-)

Hi towerarmor12,

Sounds like you need to open more Jeweled chests to get more Epic trinkets, lol.

1) A mission that awards trinkets or possibly upgrades a trinket could be fun.

2) As players do get a lot of Silver chests, yeah, a trinket crafting system would have to be tightly gated. We'll keep the ideas in mind.

Thanks for the skin votes: Griz and Groklok noted.

A lower level and clearer claiming instructions could work for the Epic recipes. We'll keep that in mind.

You're welcome for Bounty of Idols! :)

about 4 years ago - /u/CNE_Erika - Direct link

Originally posted by Halaberd85

hi again, forgot to vote for a skin :D

has to be Griz as he's the carnage cup sader we use the most.

Thanks for the Griz vote. :)

about 4 years ago - /u/CNE_Erika - Direct link

Originally posted by Travkeymaybe

Hi Erika, I would love a griz skin.

Hi Travkeymaybe,

Griz vote noted!

about 4 years ago - /u/CNE_Erika - Direct link

Originally posted by whywouldichooseaname

why doesnt bat billionaire have the gold finder tag when smart investing is a gold buff?

Because that ability only gives gold when you activate a buff.Otherwise he doesn't contribute any gold.

The gold find Crusaders either have a base loot or an upgrade that gives gold constantly if they're in the formation.

about 4 years ago - /u/CNE_Erika - Direct link

Originally posted by ryan92084

I'm a bit late as usual. For the skin I'd pick griz.

What are your thoughts on the current state of the game with regard to goldens? Pre Hildr the extra e20 for milgrid's golden hat was considered a very strong bonus. After Hildr a divide opened up where those with goldens moved to Bruno for massive gains and those without stayed with Evan. Now with both Hildr and Odile the whales are almost playing a different game.

The prop chain goldens effect on Odile's Hippos alone is enough to cause a rift of up to ~e1779 dps between the golden have and the havenots and that is just one ability. There are still two more goldens to be released which will only serve to widen the gap further. I realise that as a single player game with no real goal p2w doesn't really apply but this game also has a community of form building that is quickly becoming fractured.

Furthermore season goals will be severely skewed depending on which group you intend to balance for since that dps equates to up to a 9,000 area difference in power. Goldens now matter far more than materials or idols making f2p staying anywhere near on par impossible. For math behind the disparity you can use http://bit.ly/Brunodile

On a different topic we've been on a bit of a rough streak for sader releases that have left a few players a bit disgruntled:

  • Hildr - buffed upgrades she shouldn't and didn't buff some she should, caused gold to go infinity, caused bruno to go infinity, resulted in bruno getting capped
  • Mogra - Pretty decent but a bit disapointing as the first t6
  • Crow - Was a solid and interesting sader until their "bugs" were accidently fixed 6 weeks later causing the loss of a few hundred e, rebalanced back up to Mogra status
  • Monster - Initially compared unfavorably to T3 level DPS, even rebalanced they are still very weak,
  • Odile - Skates erroneously buffed another piece of gear, hippos going infinity, sceptre "bug" fixes resulting in an e100+ loss
  • Ursula - broken gear and very weak again, even if you meet all her tag requirements she still is still considered lower than a Drosenthes level buffer

Side note: art has been very on point

Griz skin noted.

As we add more multiplicative abilities, the goldens will likely take a more prominent place, but most are available through the challenge token store. And aside from season 2 of the dungeons, all other content in the game can be completed without needing the golden items: it would just take a little more grinding than with the items.

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almost 3 years ago - /u/CNE_Erika