about 3 years ago - /u/CNE_Erika - Direct link

Welcome Crusaders!

Before we begin: I hope you're all staying safe and being kind.


For those of you who are joining us for the first time, I'm Erika, the Live Services Manager for Crusaders of the Lost Idols, and I will do my best to answer your Crusaders questions. This Q&A is so you know where to find one of the team to chat Crusaders weekly.

I will be answering questions live for the first hour and then checking back throughout the week.


The previous Q&A: Number 264!

Community Activity!

One more day to go for our Colouring Catch-up Week 6 or fanart colouring sheet drive! Thank you to suoxons for their contributions!


  • We've partnered with Desert Bus again this year, and it's almost over! Last chance to get your Desert Bus Crusader friends!

  • The Tier 7 version of Kaines' Dinner of Doom will begin today, Thursday, November 18th, 2021, featuring our sleepy red panda friend Kaala Rigel.

  • In case you missed it, we're doing Q&A streams for Crusaders on the CNE Games twitch channel now! VODs are available on Twitch while they last and we also post the stream to our Codename youtube playlist.

  • We're doing Extra Life again this year! You can donate by either buying the Dr. Theo Taskmaster pack before the end of November 30th, or you can donate to the game page itself! Our livestream begins tomorrow and you can check out our schedule here!

End of Life for Flash in Browsers

Crusaders is available to play through the version on Steam, and through a downloadable launcher on our Codename Games website.

Note: The launcher will work with Wine to run the .exe on Linux. Otherwise, you can try using the Steam version.


Please put in a support ticket if you've found a bug with the game. You can submit a ticket using the "Contact Support" button from the Guidebook/Support menu in the game. It will open a new window or a new tab in your browser and you do need to have cookies enabled.


Have a treat! COBS-FOOL-GOJI-AHIS awards 2 All Tier Thanksgiving Jeweled chests. If you want the chests to potentially contain gear for Kaala Rigel, you'll want to wait until after you recruit them to open the chests. Expires Thursday, November 25th, 2021 at 9:59 AM Pacific Time (UTC-8.)


Next Q&A: The next Crusaders Q&A will be on Thursday, November 25th, 2021 at 10 AM Pacific Time (UTC-8.)


Edit: Thank you for the questions during the live hour! I'll check back throughout the week!

External link →
about 3 years ago - /u/CNE_Erika - Direct link

Welcome Crusaders!

Before we begin: I hope you're all staying safe and being kind.


For those of you who are joining us for the first time, I'm Erika, the Live Services Manager for Crusaders of the Lost Idols, and I will do my best to answer your Crusaders questions. This Q&A is so you know where to find one of the team to chat Crusaders weekly.

I will be answering questions live for the first hour and then checking back throughout the week.


The previous Q&A: Number 264!

Community Activity!

One more day to go for our Colouring Catch-up Week 6 or fanart colouring sheet drive! Thank you to suoxons for their contributions!


  • We've partnered with Desert Bus again this year, and it's almost over! Last chance to get your Desert Bus Crusader friends!

  • The Tier 7 version of Kaines' Dinner of Doom will begin today, Thursday, November 18th, 2021, featuring our sleepy red panda friend Kaala Rigel.

  • In case you missed it, we're doing Q&A streams for Crusaders on the CNE Games twitch channel now! VODs are available on Twitch while they last and we also post the stream to our Codename youtube playlist.

  • We're doing Extra Life again this year! You can donate by either buying the Dr. Theo Taskmaster pack before the end of November 30th, or you can donate to the game page itself! Our livestream begins tomorrow and you can check out our schedule here!

End of Life for Flash in Browsers

Crusaders is available to play through the version on Steam, and through a downloadable launcher on our Codename Games website.

Note: The launcher will work with Wine to run the .exe on Linux. Otherwise, you can try using the Steam version.


Please put in a support ticket if you've found a bug with the game. You can submit a ticket using the "Contact Support" button from the Guidebook/Support menu in the game. It will open a new window or a new tab in your browser and you do need to have cookies enabled.


Have a treat! COBS-FOOL-GOJI-AHIS awards 2 All Tier Thanksgiving Jeweled chests. If you want the chests to potentially contain gear for Kaala Rigel, you'll want to wait until after you recruit them to open the chests. Expires Thursday, November 25th, 2021 at 9:59 AM Pacific Time (UTC-8.)


Next Q&A: The next Crusaders Q&A will be on Thursday, November 25th, 2021 at 10 AM Pacific Time (UTC-8.)


Edit: Thank you for the questions during the live hour! I'll check back throughout the week!

External link →
about 3 years ago - /u/CNE_Erika - Direct link

Originally posted by D-J-Casper


are there any plans, or thought about giving us Missions, for the Dungeon Coins?

Hi DJ-Casper,

No plans for another source of Dungeon Coins at this time, but it is a request that has come up on occasion, and we'll keep it in mind.


about 3 years ago - /u/CNE_Erika - Direct link

Originally posted by Marena84

Thanks for the code and all of your hard work as always <3

You're welcome. I'll pass it along to the team.

Thank you for playing Crusaders. <3

about 3 years ago - /u/CNE_Erika - Direct link

Originally posted by Nerdz

Hi Erika,

Thanks for the code :)

Any updates on the new chest opening system?

Thanks, Nerdz

Hi Nerdz,

The new chest opening system is not coming this year, but it's still on the schedule.

If you want to hoard chests until it debuts, then you've got some time to stock up.


about 3 years ago - /u/CNE_Erika - Direct link

Originally posted by Parsa_Khazaei

Hey. What do you guys think of making an NFT game with the same mechanics as Cotli? Like you could buy random NFTs and they'd fight for you etc...

That's certainly an idea, but we'll just be keeping Crusaders as it is currently.

about 3 years ago - /u/CNE_Erika - Direct link

Originally posted by Bcadren

Suggestion: I've heard why we haven't gotten many bots in awhile is that your artist doesn't like drawing them. How about non-traditional bots, would that be more interesting to draw? IE a wooden bot like Animatronio from Futurama or Wooden Bender from Obsoletely Fabulous (also Futurama) or an organic-computer-based alien robot? IDK. (Just having the Domo Arigato challenge rubbed in the lack of recent robots a bit, so I thought I'd suggest something). Ancient (stone or wooden) or alien (organic) robots are less done and could be more interesting . . . IDK that's all I have to say right now.

Hi Bcadren,

That's certainly a way to tackle the robots issue. We did give Langley their robot skin recently, and it's now available from the Skin Store if players missed getting it during the event.

Like most of the rarer tags, with there only being the 17 events and now the dungeon Crusaders, it can take a while to build up the ranks of the various tags.

about 3 years ago - /u/CNE_Erika - Direct link

Originally posted by levesqmi

Hi Erika.

Thanks for the code

In the QOL area, something could be done in the mission screen to ease the selection or filtering of crusaders. The bottom scroll bar is a bit annoying when scrolling through 150+ saders! I have no specific proposal at the moment

And in the same area, do you think it could be possible to have a way to change the crusader skin from that same screen? Every now and then, I want to select a given crusader for a given tag, but got myself in the problem that I have to quit the screen, change the skin of the sader, to eventually come back in the mission window and start the selection from scratch again.

Hi levesqmi,

You're welcome for the code. :)

Making the mission screen easier to navigate is something that comes up from time to time. I do like the idea of clicking on a required tag for the mission to sort the list with those tagged Crusaders first.

And changing skins on the mission screen has been coming up recently as well.

We'll keep the ask in mind and see if we can schedule time to make some improvements.


about 3 years ago - /u/CNE_Erika - Direct link

Originally posted by sayoki

Is there a new campaign in development?

I would like to add campaign 10 at some point, but I haven't started any planning on what it would look like yet.

about 3 years ago - /u/CNE_Erika - Direct link

Originally posted by Round_Association_70

Hi Erika, thanks for all your hard work! A question regarding the Dr. Theo Taskmaster pack -- after November 30, will this no longer be available?

Hi Round_Association_70,

You're welcome! I'll pass it along to the team. :D

The Dr. Theo taskmaster pack will still be available after November 30th.

That cut off is just when we'll total up all of Codename's proceeds from the pack sales and make our donation to the Extra Life campaign as part of our fundraising drive.

about 3 years ago - /u/CNE_Erika - Direct link

Originally posted by sayoki

Arcane Geodes are really rare. Is ther a shop where we can buy them?

They're meant to be rare, so they just drop from missions and from the dungeon rewards, and as bonuses in the various real money packs.

But we'll keep the request in mind to have them available for in-game currency in a shop.

about 3 years ago - /u/CNE_Erika - Direct link

Originally posted by ChemicalArtim

Hi Erica, I've been a player for a while, but don't comment much.

I have a question that's been bugging me for a while:

When will the Beta disclaimer go away? This game sure seems pretty stable and tested.

Hi ChemicalArtim,

Thank you for playing Crusaders and coming out to the Q&A.

If we ever have to do another launcher build for Steam, the disclaimer would probably go away, as the CNE launcher version doesn't have it on the start screen.

Even with the disclaimer removed, Crusaders is a live-service game, so there would still be changes to numbers, updates, bugs and fixes up until the game goes into maintenance mode.

about 3 years ago - /u/CNE_Erika - Direct link

Originally posted by dimitrius5naj

Erica, hello!
The new season pleases with new and interesting tasks, if not for one "but" - the same binding to the crusaders of the previous levels. Will this continue in the future?
There is a noticeable tendency to tie players to the judicious use of abilities. Will Savage Strikes have the same binding?
What are the plans for the new 11 campaign rewards?
After the introduction of Morrigan, she became the ultimate crusader, where the debuffs from the escort critically reduce the formation speed / DPS. But, unfortunately, it cannot be applied everywhere. Is it possible to introduce as a reward for campaign 11, or as a separate talent, such an ability for Alchemy as reducing the effectiveness of the debuff from escort? If it is introduced as a talent, then it can be broken down into several levels, up to a 95% reduction.
And finally - in formations where the crusaders are constantly changing places with each other due to roaming escorts - is it possible to somehow fix each individual option, since not everyone has the opportunity to follow the formation 24 hours a day.
PS. Thanks for the code!

Hi dimitrius5naj,

I'm glad you're enjoying the new season.

There will probably be a talent or a Crusader who wants activation of Savage Strikes at some point. Nothing currently planned.

It has been suggested that there be higher Tier Crusaders who cast the active abilities, so that may happen, and cause some formation shifts.

The Tier 5 11th rewards will include some cap increases and some other mild bonuses.

We don't plan on having Morrigan's power as a talent because that would kind of defeat the purpose of having debuffs on objectives. Morrigan is just a fun one-off.

I think it's only the objectives with major bench changes that would wipe all the Crusaders from the formation when the areas change. I believe most of them just shuffle your Crusaders around otherwise, swapping Crusader and escort. As objectives tend to be a one-time thing, and we're trending to making the areas between changes longer, I don't see us making further changes.

You're welcome for the code. :)

about 3 years ago - /u/CNE_Erika - Direct link

Originally posted by Azar-yah

Any progress on removing the 'waiting for server' lag with sending and ending every mission? Know you tried once, but did you give it up as impossible, or is there yet hope?

Still hope. We'll have a revisited fix going out with the event today.

about 3 years ago - /u/CNE_Erika - Direct link

Originally posted by sayoki

You could start with 8 available formation slots.

That definitely would be a challenge for generating power. :)

about 3 years ago - /u/CNE_Erika - Direct link

Originally posted by hofdiddy

rubies are the only rare gem (and now geodes!) and plans for sapphires or some other cool rare gems in the future?

7 years, and still having fun! very fun stuff!! thanks for keeping crusaders alive, even during covid-19!

I think we're feeling a little currency bloated at the moment, but we'll keep other gems in mind if we ever do have a good use for more.

Thank you for playing Crusaders for that long. I'll pass it along to the team as well. :)

about 3 years ago - /u/CNE_Erika - Direct link

Originally posted by JulizaLight

Hi Erika, I hope you can help me, I donated $50 to desert bus but the code I received had already been used by someone else Probably by putting in a wrong letter or number. I tried to donate again but I wouldn't of got another code. I feel very cheated at the moment hope you can help Kind regards Julia

Hi JulizaLight,

Thank you for supporting our friends at Desert Bus. For sure we can help out, if you put in a support ticket using the Support button in the game.

Or if you're having trouble with the ticket page, you can shoot us an email at [email protected] with your account name.

about 3 years ago - /u/CNE_Erika - Direct link

Originally posted by sayoki


Thank you for the suggestion. :)

about 3 years ago - /u/CNE_Erika - Direct link

Originally posted by JuJuBee2006

Just unlocked the panda, I am a little confused by the description of the bamboo collection and zoo break. They say the buffs "stack" but is this additive or multiplicative? Also a minor annoyance, but the bamboo collection seems to count by projectiles thrown. Would be really nice if it also showed how many stacks it is granting (if it is multiplicative).

The buffs stack additively, otherwise we would have called out multiplicatively.

We can either display the count to the next stack, or the total stacks. If players prefer the total stacks, we can swap to showing that.

about 3 years ago - /u/CNE_Erika - Direct link

Originally posted by DoctorNovakaine

Hi, Erika. Thanks for the chest code.

I want to express my appreciation for the changes to the point yields for deeper runs in dungeons. I've been able to shift my pattern of running to go back to longer runs without feeling punished for it, and it's helped make things feel much more relaxed and enjoyable.

Hi DoctorNovakaine,

You're welcome for the chests.

I'm glad to hear the dungeon changes have made it more relaxing.


about 3 years ago - /u/CNE_Erika - Direct link

Originally posted by Verslizzle

Hey! Some questions about QoL stuff. Will there be some increase in the amount of chests one can open in one go, or just an 'open all'? Similarly for missions, will it ever be possible to just finish all missions with the click of one button?

For repetitive tasks such as opening 100K chests, I am tempted to use an autoclicker. What is your opinion on this kind of automation?

Also, thanks for the game and all that stuff. I'm quite happy with the recent changes in dungeon rewards, making progress does feel quite rewarding this season.

Hi Verslizzle,

No, there will never be an open all chests button. Opening in batches of 100, 400 or 500 at a time is the way to open the chests. That said, coming in the new year, we'll have a way to help players with their chest piles that will hopefully be kinder to the servers.

The complete all missions request comes up fairly frequently, but we likely wouldn't do a complete all all missions option, more just a complete all of one type option.

It's a single player game, so we're not against the use of an auto-clicker, but if it causes harm to the servers, we may ban your account. And any issues that arise from using 3rd party software to play or edit the game may not be corrected.

I'm glad you're enjoying the changes to the season rewards.


Recent Crusaders of the Lost Idols Posts

almost 3 years ago - /u/CNE_Erika