almost 6 years
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You can now move with WASD instead of mouse if you want.
You can rebind spell hotkeys.
You can rebind curving hotkeys.
Aiming spells is still always done with the mouse.
Here is how the default control scheme works:
1. The mouse behaves like a joystick, much like many top-down shooters.
2. Your wizard will automatically walk in the direction you are aiming unless you hold spacebar.
3. QWERSDF are mapped to spells and will cast on-press in the direction you are pointing.
4. Holding left-click while casting will curve your spells left and holding right-click will curve them right.
At first glance, this might not seem ideal, but it actually works very well once you are used to it and it allows us to keep mouse&keyboard players in the same player base as controller players because neither scheme has a significant advantage.
In order to allow multiple people to play online on a single PC, we couldn't make the camera static for mouse and keyboard specifically which had been a common request. We also attempted the traditional RTS right-click-to-move/left-click-to-cast that players would be familiar with and it was, as you might expect, pretty terrible. That is our justification for the above solution.
Because the camera is dynamic and adjusts itself to fit all players, and a mouse cursor is, by nature, relative to the screen itself, it creates a very difficult design problem. Let's look at the potential solutions.
1. If you let the cursor just exist on the screen as an overlay (aka screen space), even a slight adjustment of the camera relative to your wizard will change your aim without you moving your mouse.
2. If you let the cursor exist in world space, sort of like it is now, but not locked to your wizard, your cursor could end up off screen. I actually attempted this approach early on and it was not a good time.
3. This brings us to the solution we currently have, which is locking a world space cursor to your wizard. You can think of the cursor as being the tip of your aimer and it can't stray too far from your wizard, keeping it on-screen.
Lastly, there's the issue of curving. Allowing a player to just hover over their intended target takes some of the skill out of regular aiming, but how would curving spells be handled? It's either:
A. You hover on your target and miss horribly because you curved the spell and your cursor only determined the starting angle of your spell.
B. The game calculates the curve for you, taking all the skill out of it and creating the need for us to split up KBM and controller players in quickplay because of the extreme advantage created.
You can now move with WASD instead of mouse if you want.
You can rebind spell hotkeys.
You can rebind curving hotkeys.
Aiming spells is still always done with the mouse.
Here is how the default control scheme works:
1. The mouse behaves like a joystick, much like many top-down shooters.
2. Your wizard will automatically walk in the direction you are aiming unless you hold spacebar.
3. QWERSDF are mapped to spells and will cast on-press in the direction you are pointing.
4. Holding left-click while casting will curve your spells left and holding right-click will curve them right.
At first glance, this might not seem ideal, but it actually works very well once you are used to it and it allows us to keep mouse&keyboard players in the same player base as controller players because neither scheme has a significant advantage.
In order to allow multiple people to play online on a single PC, we couldn't make the camera static for mouse and keyboard specifically which had been a common request. We also attempted the traditional RTS right-click-to-move/left-click-to-cast that players would be familiar with and it was, as you might expect, pretty terrible. That is our justification for the above solution.
Because the camera is dynamic and adjusts itself to fit all players, and a mouse cursor is, by nature, relative to the screen itself, it creates a very difficult design problem. Let's look at the potential solutions.
1. If you let the cursor just exist on the screen as an overlay (aka screen space), even a slight adjustment of the camera relative to your wizard will change your aim without you moving your mouse.
2. If you let the cursor exist in world space, sort of like it is now, but not locked to your wizard, your cursor could end up off screen. I actually attempted this approach early on and it was not a good time.
3. This brings us to the solution we currently have, which is locking a world space cursor to your wizard. You can think of the cursor as being the tip of your aimer and it can't stray too far from your wizard, keeping it on-screen.
Lastly, there's the issue of curving. Allowing a player to just hover over their intended target takes some of the skill out of regular aiming, but how would curving spells be handled? It's either:
A. You hover on your target and miss horribly because you curved the spell and your cursor only determined the starting angle of your spell.
B. The game calculates the curve for you, taking all the skill out of it and creating the need for us to split up KBM and controller players in quickplay because of the extreme advantage created.