10 days ago - Bowlcut Help - Direct link
Hi Scrub'ma'gootch!
Here's a response from one of the devs to a similar question. I think they're asking the same thing, but if I misunderstood, let me know!

Question: Is it possible for pc to have the same movement and aiming controls as Dota? Where its right click to move to position, and spell press and click in the direction you'd like to shoot.

Answer: unfortunately the aiming and movement controls won't work with the dynamic camera -- we tried it and it was pretty terrible 😭
Even if we were to do a static camera to make that work, it would put controller players at a disadvantage. [[The controller players wouldn't be able to click and aim]] We want to keep console and PC in the same pool of players for the highest quality matchmaking. Also I personally like the challenge of not being able to straight up hover on what you're aiming at. I have a writeup about the controls here if you'd like to read more! https://steamcommunity.com/app/572220/discussions/0/1814296907960847790/

I hope that helps! If you want to talk directly to Brett (the dev who answered above), he usually responds to questions in the discord #ideas channel! I can also forward any questions or comments to him that you have if you would prefer that! Just let me know =]