
MageQuit Dev Tracker

28 Jun

    76561199524155290 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Right now the devs are mostly focusing on getting their next game going. That being said, they do plan to keep MageQuit updated in the future, though the updates will be less frequent as they focus on their new game.
Breet has mentioned in the past that they want to make sure the number of spells keeps the game approachable to new players. With 70 spells already, I'm not sure they'll add more as it could quickly get intimidating to newer players. They have been very open to adding new maps in the past though!
If you're willing there's a channel in the discord for ideas, and they're always looking there for things the community wants. If not, feel free to post ideas here and I can pass that along too =]

13 Apr

    76561199524155290 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Andrioid: Keeps crashing on my Steam Deck. Not on launch, but usually in the middle of a game.
Hey Andrioid!
Have you checked out this thread and used the Linux build? Usually the Linux build helps with mid game crashes as well. Please let me know if it works or not and I can help out more =]

... Read more

19 Feb

    76561199524155290 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Is this on every map or just on certain ones? Any way you would be willing to send/show me the recordings so I can forward them along to the devs? I'm banaa on Discord or I can dm you my email address. Please let me know!

16 Feb

    76561199524155290 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi Rennan!
Spell Selection modes Random 7, Random 7 Mirror, and 1v1 include spells from all 10 elements. There isn't currently a way to draft with all the elements though. If that' something you're looking for/interested in, let me know! I can always forward that feedback along to the devs =]
~ banaa

31 Jan

    76561199524155290 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi Draktok!
MageQuit is currently out for Xbox (and Switch!) and there's crossplay between the systems, so you can play couch mode with your friends or online =]
Let me know if you have any other questions!

08 Jan

    76561199524155290 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I think one of the devs responded to you on Discord! He should be able to help you out =]

07 Jan

    76561199524155290 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Cephalus: Is this the kind of game where 1 guy just need to have the game, so all 10 people can play if they all friends? Or do we all need a copy each? :)

Hi Cephalus!
For standard online play, everyone would need their own key, but you can do Steam Remote Play with one key. Everyone will need to connect via controller if you play that way, and I'd recommend Couch mode for that. There might be a 4 player limit because of how steam remote play works (I've had people report maxing out at 4 controllers). Biggest downside would be the latency that comes with piping the entire display over the network, vs having it handled natively by the game if everyone has their own copy, but it's a great way to test... Read more

06 Jan

    76561199524155290 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Thanks for the love =] I'll pass it along to the devs!

They've been asked about some way of in-game communication or voice chat before, but it isn't something they're likely to add to the game. They're worried even with something like a quick chat option, it would be abused and cause toxic interactions (e.g. "what a save" in rocket league). Preventing that possibility is more important to them. The dev team is also only made up of two people (brothers Breet and Chad), so moderation would be tough and is a bit easier to do through the Magequit Discord.

I hope that helps and please let me know if you have any other questions!
    76561199524155290 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Warlock was definitely an inspiration for the devs!

MageQuit isn't meant to be a Warlock clone though. It's a reimagining of the core mechanic, but with a drafting system instead of spell store, a spell curving mechanic for mind games, more spells, and more of a party vibe.

I hope that helps, and let me know if you have any questions!

23 Dec

  • Added new stages
    • The Glaive

    • The Village

    • The Plates
  • New element selection UI for online party only and couch games
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    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

02 Aug

    76561199524155290 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi Dark!
I'm so glad to hear how much you're enjoying MageQuit :D. I'll pass it along to the devs, Breet and Chad =]

They did try out Ranked for a few months, but it didn't work out for a few reasons (split the player base kinda weird, got a bit too sweaty, etc). I don't think that would take something visible off the table though!

Right now, Breet and Chad are taking suggestions from the community about what to add/address in the update that will come out later this year. If you're interested, you can post in the #ideas channel in the Discord (though of course I'll pass along what you said here either way!).

23 Jul

    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

22 Jul

    76561199524155290 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
That is really weird! I'll send this comment to Breet so he has this info when he continues to look into it! Thanks for following up =]
    76561199524155290 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi Friend!
I'm sorry to hear you're having trouble with MageQuit. I talked to Breet, and he said that right now the game can sometimes run the CPU pretty hard. This is on his radar and is something they're looking to address in the patch later this year. He's pretty sure it's related to the custom physics layer he added for the game's slidy-ness, and has an idea for a fix in mind =]

17 Jul

    76561199524155290 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi Lauvil!
This is something that could be on Breet and Chad's radar if there's enough interest! Right now, they're planning an update to MageQuit toward the end of this year, taking the best ideas from player feedback. They'll be looking to see which ideas are most desired by the community as well. If you are interested, we have a channel for these ideas in our Discord (#ideas). =]
    76561199524155290 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi Alexeyka!
The matchmaker is skill-based and will figure out how good you are over time and pit you against better or worse players accordingly =]
Hope that helps!
  • MageQuit Shuffle is a casual, roughly 4 hour tournament event.
  • Players sign up individually and are assigned a random team each game.
  • All players will play 4 placement matches.
  • The top 24 placing players will move onto the single elim bracket.
Sign up in-game or with command +signup in the MageQuit Discord[]

Attendees so far:

  • Individual score is determined by team wins, damage dealt, healing applied, kills, and deaths.
  • Each of the 6 finalists will receive a game...
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14 Apr

    brettpennings on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
There is crossplay between all 3 platforms! You can party up using the room code system :)

29 Jan

    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.